Need help with something...

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2:04am Sep 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 383

Ok, so I have black and blue fabric, blue thread, and a dye kit squishy pattern. However, they might be worth more separately than they would be as an azure dye kit squishy, which currently sells for 145,000 at its cheapest. The black fabric is worth 90k, the blue fabric isn't currently for sale at any user shops or on the trades, the blue thread is 1k, and dye kit squishy pattern is 18k.

I would try to sell all of them (I'm not a merchant so I would have to try in trades or auctions) but I'm worried they would be too hard to sell, especially since there is no user-set price for the blue fabric at the moment.

Would it be easier to just turn them into an azure dye kit squishy and then sell that? Or even use the dye kit squishy on another squishy (I have a roditore one) and try to sell that, but I'm not sure if I would make a profit.

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)


8:08pm Sep 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 383
Still need help. Bump.


10:00pm Sep 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 856
If you were a merchant I would definitely sell separately, but since you're not it's really a toss up. I have found it difficult to sell items as a rancher for what they are worth. I usually end up having to make some sort of discount. I myself would probably make the squishy, then use it on another squishy and try to sell that on the Advertisements board. But that's just me. Whatever you choose, good luck selling!

2:49pm Sep 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 383
Thanks, I appreciate it. (: I'll probably hang on to them until I eventually switch into merchant cl*censored* then...

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