Meg's Stock Tracking and Help

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6:04pm Apr 12 2013 (last edited on 2:08pm Apr 13 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Pink: Stock that I traded (bought/sold)

Blue: Stocks you should buy

Green: Stocks you should sell

Black: Normal Text
Orange: My list of Stocks NEVER to buy

Meg has decided that she is done answering the same questions about stocks 50 times in the sb, so she is keeping track of her stocking here.
(NOTE: the main purpose of this is to help me keep track of my stocks. I will, however, try to help out others with their stocks in the process. Unless you have a question or I have given you permission to give advice, please just let me do my thang, okay? Okay <3)
Oh yes, and I will list all of my advice in alphabetical order. First, I will recommend never to buy these stocks:

CAN, COO, GLO, MUS (I'm not sure about this one. I've never seen it go high myself, but I would appreciate someone's advice on it), REF, TOK, and XOR.
I'm sure there are other no-nos, so anyone who wants to help can feel free to rmail me.

Today's Advices:

CRA: If you are desperate for tu, you can sell CRA. However, I'm hanging onto it.
FAS: Same thing as CRA

HOL: This is one of the two stocks I would recommend for today, HOL and SQU. HOL will take longer to profit, but will likely go very high. SQU will probably be a faster profit than HOL, but it also about twice as expensive now as HOL. I, personally, did not buy HOL today.
SQU: Yup, Meg bought 50k of SQU today. I'd recommend SQU and HOL, but I did end up going with SQU. Which one you buy depends on what situation your finances are in.
SWE: If you have SWE, sell!!! Don't buy anything, just sell 50k of SWE, kay? Kay c:
TOY: Also good to sell today, even though TOY can go over 400.  TOY has been very high lately, so it's likely to plummet in a few days, which means selling soon is good!


2:04pm Apr 13 2013 (last edited on 1:39pm Apr 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
My guide for today (sorry I missed reset guys :C):

You have successfully purchased 50000 shares of HOL! It cost you 659,463 tu. There she is, my stocks for today <3 Now here's my help with other stocks

HOL: this is the first thing that I would recommend to do for today. All of the stocks above it you should leave be. I bought (as you can see) 50k of HOL today.
POT: Another good buy for today. It's the same thing as HOL- it stays low for a while, and skyrockets. POT is better than HOL in my opinion, but I already have 200k in POT, so I went with HOL. Either stock can make you a great long term profit though ^^

That's the last of my recommendations for today. There is nothing else I would sell, and nothing else I would buy. I'm not a fan of buying stocks (even if they are good) when their shares are above 50 because it makes profit margins go down, but if you really are comfortable with that, BLA, SQU, and STA are the only ones I would go for. STA and SQU are likely to go down a little bit before they skyrocket, so I'm holding off on buying.


9:16am Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Pre-Middle of the Day Help

Okay. Something you should note is that I rarely buy/sell stocks right now. I will still give advice, but unless it is a crazy amazing deal, I wait until the middle of the day reset. Got it? Good c:

CRA: CRA is good to sell right now. For my stocks, I always have a selling point at 350. Your own selling point is something VERY important to establish. You need to know when to sell the stock beforehand, or you'll have trouble selling when the time comes.
HOL: It's good to buy more of HOL right now, though I'd recommend that you wait until middle of the day reset, just in case another deal comes up.
POT: Same thing as with HOL
SQU: If you need SQU and you have lots of tu and you are willing to pay 68 per share, it's for you. However, I would not advise buying it at this price, unless you have no SQU
STA: STA is in the same boat as SQU.

There you have it. I'll be back for middle of the day reset.


12:43pm Apr 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Post-Middle of the Day Help

You have successfully purchased 50000 shares of STA! It cost you 1,619,254 tu.
There you have it, my stocks for the day <3 I would have bought more HOL, but eh, I have to much already.

HOL: HOL is good right now. If you have too much of HOL already though, go for STA
POT: Same deal as with HOL
SQU: Same deal as with POT and HOL
STA: I went for STA today. It's a good stock at a good price, and I still need some of it, so why not?

That's all for today. Nothing in particular that is very good to sell. Good luck on them stockies guys <3


7:26am Apr 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Pre-Middle of the Day Help

I didn't buy/sell anything right now, however, I will still recommend these things:

HOL: HOL is still very good right now. I recommend it to anyone who doesn't have much of it.
STA: STA is also very good right now. It's a quick buy that goes up even faster.

That's it. I'll be back after noon.


5:22pm Apr 15 2013 (last edited on 7:21am Apr 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Post-Middle of the Day Help

Do not sell BOO ;o; BOO can go so much higher, just give it the chance.

HOL: As always, HOL is good. However, HOL has been good for a while and will probably remain good. Snatching something else might be your best option.

POT: POT is good, but I would recommend you not buying it today. However, if you have no POT, spring for it.
STA: STA is the other stock I seriously recommend. On a whim, I bought HOL, but STA is very very good and will profit well.

Hope it all helps ^^ nothing particularly interesting to sell today.


7:25am Apr 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,744
Pre-Middle of the Day Help

You have successfully sold 50000 shares of CRA! You have gained 20,181,379 tu.
Though I don't normally do anything with stocks in the morning, in this case, I chose to sell CRA. It's over 400, so why not?

CRA: Like I said, good to sell. It may go higher, but I'd rather play it safe.
HOL: HOL is still a very good buy, though I'd wait until noon to act upon it, it may become cheaper.
POT: Same deal as with HOL ^^

Those are the last stocks that I'd recommend. STA got out of my comfort zone for buying.

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