Just wondering....

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9:30pm Feb 18 2012 (last edited on 9:43pm Feb 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 121
Is buying and selling of pets actually encouraged on this site? Because it's against the rules on pretty much every other pet site I've used, and I've gotten a lot of mail asking me to sell my blonde Iluvu.


10:26pm Feb 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
It sure is. c: The buying and selling of pets is a pretty big part of Res and is very much encouraged. Like, there's an entire class based on selling pets and everything.

If you ever do decide to sell a pet, make sure you know its approximate worth first.tle="" target=""> This blog details pretty well how to figure out what your pet's value is. Just follow the directions toward the bottom and there you go. :3

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