I have a quick question... D:

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8:49am Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 14
Can someone please explain to me why some pets die and go to the 'graveyard'? Is this preventable or are all my pets eventually going to die? Also, what's the difference in keeping pets on my lookup versus in my showroom?

10:52am Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
In your profile, you have to feed them. In your showroom you put them on display, so other users can see them, and you do NOT have to feed them. :)

Why the cloud, Sunny?

2:13pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 14
Thank you. =) So, if I don't feed my lookup pet it dies? Do they age in the showroom?

3:12pm Mar 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,002
No they do not age in the show room

Why the cloud, Sunny?

10:37pm Mar 19 2010 (last edited on 10:37pm Mar 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Currently the only way for pets to die is from starvation- if they've been at the 'Dying' stage for 10 days they will be sent to the graveyard, and 15 days for the name of that pet to disappear and become available to other users. :3

You can always revive your pet, though, using the 'Resurrection Quest' option found in either the graveyard or in the games section.

I'm not sure if sicknesses will be another method of dying or not in the future. ^^; Sicknesses on the site are disabled for now.


It's basically what Nonolick said; the profile/lookup is to keep some pets out in the open to age them, feed them, and train them. You can also give them petpages. They don't necessarily have to be your important pets but that's what most users do. x3

The showroom can be for displaying and categorizing your pets, which is useful especially for collectors, but it can also simply be a storage space for the pets you can't keep on your profile or in your Ranch (if you have one.)

Pets can't die and don't age in the showroom, nor is their hunger affected.


Ps. Here's something useful to know about dying pets;
This wasn't here in V1, but if you revive your pet and simply let it be there, it will die again the next day. ;/ Even if you have food in your food pen. The food pen only does one thing; it maintains the hunger status of your pet as long as there is food inside. It never raises it.

When V2 first came out I wasn't paying attention and let all my pets die, which was about 25 of them, and I revived them but they died again the next day. It was frustrating. :p
So, once you revive them, give them something to eat and always have something in the food pen if you want to be careful. x3


Sorry that was so long. I hope I helped though.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

8:39pm Mar 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 14
Thank you, that does help a lot. ^^ I'm still learning about the features on this site but so far it's one of my favorites.

6:15pm Apr 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 349
Please post questions at support

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