Relcore (REHL-core)
Berrok (BEAR-ik)
Chimby (CHIM-bee)
Gondra (GONE-druh)
Jaaku (JAH-koo)
Leverene (leh-vuh-REEN)
Malal (MAY-lul)
Paor (PAY-er) [note: said quickly, almost sounds like one syllable]
Relcore Iubui (REHL-core YOO-byoo-ee)
Vaspi (VAS-pee) [note: VAS rhymes with class)
Viarindi (VIE-uh-rin-dee)
Vogar (VOH-garr)
Zenirix (ZEEN-er-rix)
Scria (SCRAY-uh)
Cetari (si-TAR-ee)
Drindian (DRIN-dee-in)
Easero (EASE-er-oh)
Intes (ints) [why is this one so funny?]
Kayoki (KAY-oh-kee)
Meragon (MARE-uh-gone)
Mirabilis (MEER-uh-BIH-liss)
Scria Iubui (SCRAY-uh YOO-byoo-ee)
Uilus (WILLIS) [whatchu talkin 'bout Willis?]
Valabex (VAL-uh-bex)
Zaphao (zuh-FAY-oh)
Reiflem (REEF-lem)
Ardur (ARE-dur)
Aukira (au-KEER-uh)
Ebilia (eh-BILL-ee-uh)
Feiron (FEAR-in)
Iluvu (ih-LOO-voo)
Kurrabi (kurr-AH-bee)
Meiko (MAY-koh)
Myotis (MY-oh-tiss)
Otachie (OH-tah-kee)
Reiflem Iubui (REEF-lem YOO-byoo-ee)
Roditore (ROD-ih-tore)
Veram (VARE-am) [note: VARE rhymes with there)
Atquati (at-QWA-tee)
Ahea (ah-HEY-uh)
Atquati Iubui (at-QWA-tee YOO-byoo-ee)
Divuin (DIVV-yoo-inn)
Draqua (DRA-qwa) [note: hard A like in cat]
Goiba (GOY-buh)
Guilbyss (GILL-bees) [bees with gills sound terrifying]
Murren (MURR-ren)
Narwi (NAR-wee)
Quelis (KAY-leess)
Sirleon (SIR-lee-on)
Skaldyr (SCALD-urr)
Tesuri (TES-yoo-ree)
Uldavi (ull-DA-vee)
Cyancu (SIGH-an-coo)
Galta (GAL-tuh)
Ivik (EYE-vik)
RSTU001 [if you can't figure out how to say RSTU, shame on you xD]
Uldavi Iubui (ull-DA-vee YOO-byoo-ee)
Aerix (AIR-ix)
Cyid (SIGH-id)
Drachid (DRA-kid) [note: hard A like in cat)
Eleodon (eh-LEE-uh-don)
Ezahni (ezz-AH-knee)
Haberisar (HAB-er-RISE-er) [I'm sorry, what?]
Iubui (YOO-byoo-ee)
Jahra (JAR-ruh)
Kioka (KEE-oh-kuh)
Liyure (lee-YURE)
Mahina (MAH-hee-nuh)
Noctis (KNOCK-tiss)
Omni (OM-knee)
Saruka (sah-ROO-kuh)
Shaefu (SHAY-foo)
Wyrae (WEARY) [Wyrae are very weary]