Bringing back the retired CS'ers READ FIRST POST

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7:43am Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
i hardly have tu O_o
i would probably sell meemai
and all my stuff
and maybe others O_o
i want a omni but it is too expencive and i am not allowed to buy credits


4:10pm Sep 23 2011 (last edited on 7:54pm Sep 23 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 338
I really like Broken's version of SuperBunny's idea.  It keeps the "specialness"/rarity of the pets, but makes them available again in limited quantity to newer users as well.  The site gets supported and those who can't donate cash still have a good opportunity to earn the Tu to purchase the eggs. (There are a number of users who happily sell CS items for Tu in their shops already.  Some of the eggs would certainly end up for sale.)

Win-win.  :)

**Edited for clarity, thanks 14.  XD


6:09pm Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
but ill be the same amount of tu :/
i want a quest maybe for 1 week to get it maybe
with a resserection potion 
5 blessed flowers
1 enchented spring water
5 scria berries

and thats it!


6:29pm Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Sorry dogpaw, we don't want the eggs that easy to get...If it were that easy there would be more of those eggs than there would be drindian eggs lol. It wouldn't make any sense to have them basically free to get for everyone when the rest of us have paid hundreds of millions of TU for the eggs in the past. 

If you aren't able to save up the TU to get one than you shouldn't get one, sorry. Just like if you can't complete kirs quest, you can't get a kir egg..we don't give those away for free either. :P

Broken's idea seems the best option so far. I don't see any downsides to it. Supports the site, keeps the eggs/pets rare, they'd still be purchasable with TU if cash-payers decided to sell them, etc. Even if you can't pay with cash, you CAN still get the eggs since people would most likely be selling them. You'd just have to save up enough.


7:07pm Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Yay for real money and TU. xD
lol, back to square one.

i’m such a gamer uwu

7:41pm Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
"Some of the eggs would certainly make it into merchant shops."
I thought you cannot sell eggs in Merchant Shops any more o_0


7:42pm Sep 23 2011


Posts: 2,154
You can't, but you could still advertise them in the forums. ;]

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

7:52pm Sep 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 338
Thanks 14. ♥ I think everyone else knew what I meant, but I'll edit that to be more clear.  :D


6:52pm Sep 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,651

Here's my opinion.
I like Broken's idea, but it's a little unfair. I think a pretty big portion of this site is COPPA'd.
They can't access the shoutbox, can't chat with their respals, post on blogs, and so on.
I'm one of them. But it would be a bit unfair to have all the users who spend money on credits, or maybe they've never spent money on credits, but since retired cs eggs are in the bag, their willing to pay for them. Especially in younger users, they have no clue what stocks are or what to invest in, the can't ask in the shoutbox what's good, and unless they spend hours in the forums, they are not going to get a satisfactory answer. Especially if their parents didn't want them on this site in the first place, (Hey, my parents didn't really care) they will never invest in stocks, and never going to earn millions of tu to buy the egg or pet. Younger players, (Hey, I'm 12 and I only got started because I sometimes spend 12 hours a day on the forums, got lucky with a couple of hatches and roleplayed a little while and my birthday just passed) will never get the pet they want. What would the difference make if people spent hundreds of dollars on credits and got the eggs, most likely they'll hatch them, and will keep them. So that's maybe 40 or so more cs pets for each species, and the prices won't drop, and it's basically the same. (I've never had over 5million tu, because I sold an albino, and two calicos, and that made me 4.6 million) Younger players will have dyed pets as gifts, and maybe get lucky and get a few mil, but I don't see this in anyway at all fair to younger players. No, I don't want a gimme-gimme idea for younger players, that's not fair, but I'm just saying people like me would never get CS pets they want and so on.

I am online..

7:03pm Sep 26 2011


Posts: 2,154
It isn't about everyone getting what they want, though. If everyone in the game were able to get everything they wanted, this would be a really boring website. 

All the art you see here costs money, the server costs money, the domain name costs money, the programming costs money...I really think that those who spend cash in the CS should be rewarded for their financial support. Like with Calico Beans. That went over very well and I'd love to see more things like that happen.

[I would be one of the users unable to purchase credits for money, btw. I simply can't afford it.] 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

8:47pm Sep 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
Clouding: You do not have to spend hours on the forum to get answers. You just post a question (takes five minutes), and go read the answers the next day. If the answers are not clear, you can post additional questions. You will get all your answers within 3 days or a week.

By the way if you got 4,6 mill for an albino and two calicos, let me tell you, you sold them way underprice. Those 3 pets should have get you around 20 mill at least.

And as Broken says, it is not the aim of the game to get everything you want immediately. I am almost 30, still, I spent like half a year on the site until I could get my first CS egg, sparing up 10 milll with food quest and egg quest only. It was just later on that I started playing stocks.


8:33pm Sep 27 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Like Broken/Yaiz said, it's not about everyone getting one, or everyone who wants one getting one. It's about allowing a few back into the game for the purpose of giving a chance for someone to get one. 

I, for example, can't buy credits. But I do make a lot of tu from stocks - they really are not that hard. I figured them out all on my own, with less than 1mil. If someone is too young to even know what the stocks are, I highly doubt they are worrying about something like not having tu/money to buy a cs egg. 

This method is just as fair to the younger players as it is to the players on the other end of the spectrum. I'll be 18 in a month or so, and my mom won't let me buy credits. I could be 55 and my mom still wouldn't allow me to buy credits.  Age doesn't make all that much difference. It's true that the older (irl) players are more likely to buy the credits, because they have jobs and work, but that doesn't mean they will or can even afford to. 

TBH, if you only got 4.6mil for an albino and two calicos, then something is wrong there. You should have gotten at least 20mil or more for those three. If you had, then you could have began investing in stock (I've got a thread up in general discussions with a complete stocks tutorial and a daily update whenever I can manage it.) Plus, you can get quite a bit of TU daily if you really pull your resources. 

As far as I know COPPA'd players can still use the forums. The only thing I even use the SB for is to chat to people. I almost NEVER do business in it, and I EXTREMELY RARELY ever even use my Rmails. All my business is done via forums..I'm sure younger players can get the same result I do.
Right now res has more ways than EVER before to make TU - it's actually getting ridiculously easy to make a lot of tu here without stocks.

 It took me almost two years to get my first CS egg. Before then I had that same "I'd never get it" mentality..but that is just a copout excuse. I think I'll never, ever, in a million years get one of the albino retired CS pets, but if I tried hard enough, I'm sure I probably could. 

Younger players like you could afford one of the retired Cs'ers. It takes work and time, that's all.


6:15pm Oct 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Bumping this up since it's relevant again..sorta.

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