An idea

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7:09pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
I have started to change the way people sell and buy on res. For awhile, nattie's would sell for a k. For just one pet, you spend 1000 tu. This didn't seem right. So I started to save money, and buy these 1k pets. I would then procede to sell them for a fraction of their costs. 50 tu. And now, people are starting to following my example... Muwhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhawhahaw,,,

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

7:30pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 175 do realized that selling pets for a low price messes with the economy...right?

I love this organic spaceship called Earth

7:34pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24

Exactly. I'm monopolizing the entire economy.

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

8:09pm Sep 11 2010 (last edited on 8:09pm Sep 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

 Many people are actually trying to save the economy from these under-priced pets. :P

Why the cloud, Sunny?

8:11pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24

It kinda bugs me though. I can remember when all nattie's were this cheap

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

9:06pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 853

So it bugs you that Ranchers get more money for their pets, even the natural ones?

I think it is quite silly that you're saving money, buying more expensive pets and selling them for cheap... kinda dumb. So what if naturals are more than 1k? You can make that easy peasy!

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

9:09pm Sep 11 2010 (last edited on 9:11pm Sep 11 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,416
Yes, but we want the prices to be high. Cheap prices can be awesome when you're buying, but icky when you're trying to sell. It's really not hard to make 1k. :P

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9:28pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
I don't mind selling cheap. It's not like I'm wasting actual money. And I can make it up very easily. I'm just being me. And being me envolves me selling pets extremely cheap. I can remember being a noob and not having alot of tu. I wished people would sell cheap. Now I'm selling cheap

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

11:49pm Sep 11 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,416
That means you loose Tu. It's not a very smart way to go, but if you'd like to do it that way, it's your choice. :p

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8:36am Sep 12 2010 (last edited on 10:03am Sep 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 190

1K is seriously not a lot. You can get 5K by going to Trash Ithmus everyday : People are smart enough to google 'dailies', 'hints' and so on for Res.

Also; what would be the point of that? I know you want to be more fair to the 'poor' people; but I don't think that there are that many on Res. Plus; if you did that in every game; you'd be starting at a super high level which would no longer be super high. It's like printing more money.


9:04pm Sep 12 2010 (last edited on 9:26pm Sep 12 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Well. Looks like I'm back on cull duty.

You stock your shop with ridiculously low prices? I'll buy 'em and throw them in the forest.

I may not be the type to think of pixels as more than pixels, but I'd personally be insulted if I was a Creatu going for fifty tu.

It's a ridiculous clutter-cause anyway. People who sell every Creatu they can get for almost nothing are just filling the ACS with pets that almost no one is going to really want. Even if there was, say, a newbie with no pets. They'd probably want to hatch their own rather than buying yours.


9:21pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
But that's just it. they are only pixels. If they became real, then I wouldn't be so cheap. But since they are just pixels(And most don't have good names.) They're just junk pets I use to stock my shop. And I like to have cheap pets, because they are just pixels. And, once again, I can make up the tu in a matter of minutes if I needed to.

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

9:36pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

... I just noticed something in your shop. And just. No. Just no.

It's a little annoying when you take naturals and sell them for a single tu. It is downright frustrating when you undercut on colored Creatu.

Yes. I saw Zeloswilder. Yes. I bought him back.

It's people like you who let pets like ginger Vogar fall to being worth less than five thousand tu like they were back in v2's earlier days, where they should be worth multiple hundred thousands.

People like you who made the Rancher cla-ss absolutely worthless.

They may be just pixels, but I would like my pixels to be worth something, thanks. Res' economy does matter. If it isn't healthy, no one can make money off anything but retired items and stocks.

Sure, you're making the game a little easier for the poor who happen to notice your shop, but you're also creating more poor people.

Seriously. When everyone wins.. no one wins.


9:39pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,864
If I ever see you buy a creatu from my shop, I'm buying it back. For whatever amount. And yes, I now hold a grudge against you and will never help you sell pets etc.


9:43pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
Ok. I'm sorry if I have offended you. I will start to sell my pets at a more expensive price. And yes, some pixels should be worth something. But they are some pixels who people just don't care about. They don't even bother to make an even semi-realistic name. they just mash random letters and numbers. I used to do that not to long ago, but stopped. I now try to make them have decent names.

Reject reality and make the impossible possible

9:47pm Sep 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 24
Well, let rephrase what I just said. I'm sorry that I have offended you. I tried out a thereoy, and at the cost of making people mad at me, I tested it. Now, my experiment is over. I will not do it again, and will resume selling pets at a lil more expensive price.

Reject reality and make the impossible possible
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