Welcome To-{Shape Shifter/Hybrid}-Fyren Academy

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11:34am Dec 19 2010 (last edited on 11:14pm Dec 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

{{Yep, thats right, Blood is back for a while! I might not be on as much as I was back then, but I will try to get online as much as possible.}}


#1-No graphic posts. No sexual content or overly deive fights. Some kissing is allowed.

#2-Genders Even!

#3-No more than two kinds of each shifter. If I were a wolf, only one more person would get to be a wolf.

#4-Romance is a must in all of my roleplays, just no sexual posts.



Character Deion~



Name Meaning/Origin(Opt):



Species(Type Of Shifter):


Looks(Pic or link to pic only)~









Name: Aka Bara


Name Meaning/Origin(Opt):Her names means 'Blood Red Rose' in Japanese.



Species(Type Of Shifter):White Tiger

Persona:Rose is very shy and doesn't talk much. She keeps to herself until she gets to know a person better, then opens up. Once she opens up, she loves to joke around.

Looks(Pic or link to pic only)~






Called: J, Josh



Persona:The opposite of his sister, Rose. He is very outgoing and loves to play around. Also very athletic.



va:void(0);" ti
tle="Click to zoom out.">WolfBoy.jpg standing in water



"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:06pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

((Join as a silver tabby male and a fluffy white doggy shifter?

And a normal Bengal Tiger shifter? ouo;

Two guys and a girl. P:))


1:21pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

((It's been a long time, Blood. Nice to see you're back. :3

Are mythical creatures allowed. owo))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

1:31pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 548
((Join as a male white stage and a female Eland?))

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

4:15pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,719

((May I join as a silver fox shifter?))


5:43pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
( May I join as a wolf shifter, and a ferret shifter? Boy and girl)

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:44pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
{{Yes to all! GraveyardFox, I know. I missed roleplaying with everyone while I was gone, but hopefully I am back for good now...}}

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:44pm Dec 19 2010

Normal User

Posts: 548

Name: Aaron/ Holly

Called: Aaron/ Holly

Gender: Male/ Female

Age: 16/ 15

Species: White Stag/ Eland

Persona: Aaron is calm and never judges people. He enjoyes reading and the company of a close friend. He will openly talk to mostly anyone and he will go with the flow. / Holly is a hyper, happy person. She loves to talk to people and make friends. She rarely gets mad but if she eats sugar she gets crazy. 


Human/hybrid: Holly http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5ZTeWju8wD0/SMOGGY_NsTI/AAAAAAAAAq8/GBva_A2K_00/s400/Blonde+Anime.jpg

Aaron http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/103972/Anime-Guy-Dark-BlueBlack.jpg


White Stag http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0BVnrfLtC1k/S8RD9e_hQkI/AAAAAAAABVs/wUzYdIM1-d0/s1600/The+rare+white+stag,+from+the+red+deer+species.jpg

Eland http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1137/541636250_ff823895b2.jpg

“Even if the morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall my return.” –LOVELESS Act V

6:31pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
((The links aren't working, SnowWolf. Can you just post the pics?))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

7:28pm Dec 27 2010 (last edited on 10:26pm Dec 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,329

<< *Lurks* >>


9:55pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
(Join as another White Tiger shifter and a Blackbird shifter?)

(Banner made by Kina)

10:10pm Dec 27 2010 (last edited on 10:18pm Dec 27 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,422

((Sure Tribeka! I will start the Rp and wait for everyone else to post later. I'm going to make Rose a hybrid and add her brother.))

Rose yawned and blinked open her eyes, trying to rid herself of the heaviness of last night's sleep. It has been a week since she had moved to Fyren Academy. Now, she stood and stretched her arms then headed to the Mess Hall for breakfast. The noise of conversation quickly grew as other students arrived. Rose walked over to the serving line and flicked the tip of her tail shyly, her ears swiveling to catch all the sounds around her.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:21pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

Name: Jason Jonson

Called: Jason

Name Meaning/Origin(Opt):

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Species(Type Of Shifter): White Tiger

Persona: Jason can be anything he wants to. One minute, he'll be a hot head, the next minute,he'll be as caring as he can be.

Looks(Pic or link to pic only)~

Human/Hybrid:View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="191" height="250" />(Not mine. The white tiger in the picture is his hybrid. Can he actually have a White Tiger cub?)


Name: Samilia Rea Jonson

Called: Sami or Rea

Name Meaning/Origin(Opt):

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Species(Type Of Shifter): Blackbird

Persona: Samilia is a tomboy. She loves to skate. She's pretty noisy at times. She likes to be in her own world and likes to rock out to rock music.(80's rock music)

Looks(Pic or link to pic only)~

Human/Hybrid: View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="175" height="250" />(Not mine)

View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="228" />(Not mine. Can she have a blackbird?)

(Banner made by Kina)

11:32pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
((SnowWolf, can you please remove the links, they are stretching the page. Tribeka, sure! All students are allowed pets.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:37pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418

Lick. Lick. Lick. "Ugh."A girl said. She woke up slowly. "Helraiser. Why are you in here and not in Jason's room?"She asked. This girl's name is Samilia Rea Jonson. Known as Sami. "Rea! Where are you?"She asked. "Did Helios scare you off again?"She asked as she heard a faint sqwak. "There you are Rea."Sami said. The blackbird landed on Sami's shoulder. Sami smirked. "Come on Helios, let's wake up Jason."She smiled. She walked to Jason's door. "Jase. Wake up."She said as she walked in.

"Fine."Jason sighed. He got up and Sami turned around. "I'll be in my room."Sami said as she walked out. "Ugh."

(Banner made by Kina)

11:40pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
((Hey, lets just post in OOC until we are the second page because the links in SnowWolf's post are stretching the page way to much. Then we can continue.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:43pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 12,418
(Okay. :D)

(Banner made by Kina)

11:44pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
((So.....how was Christmas for you?))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:44pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,310
{{Join as a female wolf/human hybrid? XD}}


11:46pm Dec 27 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
( Can I post my Bios? And can I change the ferret shifter into a bengal tiger shifter?)

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.
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