Vampires | Humans | Werewolves

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3:40am Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 1,576

[Hey, isn't Alice's picture Rima Toya from VK? xD]

Sven's pupils dilated as a vampire pinned him to the ground.

"What on earth?" He thought.

The female had a pair of silvery blue, perhaps violet, eyes - leeched colorless by the moonlight, and hair that seemed to be a creamy color , maybe it was ginger. But he barely noticed any of that - not with two fanglike tooth structures poking slightly out of her mouth as she grinned.

Do vampires exist? He thought. Weren't they a mythical creature?

Struggling slightly to get out of the creature's reach, he made sure to put at least two armlength's distance away from himself and the female to get at least a two second headstart on escaping.

"So," He asked, trying to hide the note of worry in his voice, "How are you this fine evening?"


3:41am Nov 29 2011 (last edited on 3:42am Nov 29 2011)

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Uhh... Pyrr, can you make the presence of vampires not so obvious? I wanted to make the vampires a hidden and unknown thing amongst the humans, mainly getting their blood through blood banks, etc. Annnd only the leader and second-in-command are capable of transforming humans into vampires. 
And no, I did not, Diamond. I did not accept Nova. ]]


4:40am Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 1,576

[[ *drops head* Apologies. It was I who requested for Sven to be attacked ; guess I didn't read the species list well enough. ]]


6:21pm Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 255

I wont post till you comfirm that Tera is a member of the pack and put her on the list. I don't know wether you forgot or something, but I don't want to do something and be rejected.


6:34pm Nov 29 2011 (last edited on 6:35pm Nov 29 2011)

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Posts: 301
(Sorry. D8 I know though that only Leaders and Second in Commands can turn people into Vampires, so I wasn't really going to change him. x] And, so do I just pretend it never happened or keep going on and not do it again? xD Twint- Yes she is. I love Vampire Knight. :o Dante is also Senri Shiki's picture. x]])


6:35pm Nov 29 2011 (last edited on 6:35pm Nov 29 2011)

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Posts: 6,409
Sol stepped out of the alleyway, frowning. "Alice." She had been following the girl ever since she headed for the city. Her necklace hung around her neck again, given that she had found it.

Alice had just given away that vampires existed, and Solstice was not happy.

"Get away from him."


Hunter's deep blue eyes peered out from under his shaggy black hair. He was wearing the usual; black muscle shirt, black leather jacket, and dark jeans. On the back of his motorcycle, he could be considered model material, but he didn't see it.

Riding through roads deep in the forests was his hobby, given that there was no speed limit. He was going at a remarkable 90 miles per hour.


Alex turned at the sound of Levi's voice. "Hey, man." He wiped his face off with his shirt, and then it happened.

A creamy white colored wolf jumped from the brush. It was Zera. She had transformed. In the middle of the day. Upon seeing Alex, she pounced on him as if he were a food item, her white teeth bared, barking viciously all the while.

Alex managed to block Zera's face away from his, her teeth snapping only a couple inches from his nose. He was scared, he had to admit, and if he was strong enough, he would have calmed Zera down, but Zera was a juvenile, and more powerful than Alex.

"Help!" He yelped, his eyes wide. Zera's drool was splattered all over his face. He had to scream the last part so that it would be heard over Zera's barks; "She's gonna kill me!"

Love is all we need~


6:41pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
(Wolfie- Alice and Sven can't really continue until TLD tells us what we can do. Look up above your post. x] Sorries. D8)


6:42pm Nov 29 2011 (last edited on 6:25pm Nov 30 2011)

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Posts: 3,950

Akida was sitting down and looking up at the sky when she heard Alex.  Jumping up, she knew something was wrong.  She felt it in her bones a millisecond before she heard him.  Running over, she heard the snarls of a wolf.  Zera.  Akida sprang as if she were about to slide on a baseball mound and barrelled headfirst into Zera, trying to clamp her muzzle shut.  She had almost forgotten how juveniles were, seeing as they had theirs killed off during the wars.  But they were far from a bundle of fun.


Siphus woke up from his nap.  He felt that if he had no choice than to be a rampaging blood-sucker or sleep and not be a rampaging blood-sucker, he was going to take the more normal route.  But this time, he could really fall asleep.  More like he kept thinking so much he couldn'tVampire.  Vampire.  Vampire.  The word pounded against his skull, questions coming along with it.  What's it mean to be a vampire?  Why do you even suck blood anyways?  Why not... I dunno... Solely eat french fries?  I could live with french fries.  Siph looked up and looked around the coven.  "Geez..." he muttered.  "It's nighttime already...?"  Then a throbbing pain came to his head, almost as if it was ebbing away at his bone, his tissues, his brain, his skin.  Slowly killing him.  The most painful way to die.

Sucking in a quick breath through his teeth, it really, seriously, actually did hurt.  Like, not a hurt from a boo-boo from getting a scrape in the park, the a hurt from getting every bone in your body broken.  And then it spread.  And spread and spread and spread and spread.  And spread.  Siphus hid under his covers, doubled over in pain.  Far away, he could smell something good.  The smell of blood.  And it smelled really good.  Like really, really, really, really good.  Siph couldn't help but feel a strong urge to chase it down and get the blood.  The blood, the blood, the food.


Shay sat and stared through her window at home, clicking her fingers on the windowsill.  Bored.  Boring.  Boredome.  Boringkingdom.  Boringest.  Reallyboring.  Unboring, she thought, trying to make something out of her day.  She had caught glimpses of the news and had seen the disappearances.  And the vibe in the town felt... off.  But  she couldn't tell what was off.  Shay then sprang up and got a light jacket and called out, "I'm going for a walk!" as she went out the door and down the steps of her apartment building and then outside.  Her parents said something back about being safe and not to talk to strangers.

Puh-lease.  Stranger danger?  Learned it in... Oh, I don't know.... KINDERGARTEN?  And EVERY YEAR AFTER THAT?

Shay continued onwards before she saw Sanae.  Sanae went to her school, but she was way older.  While Shay was 14, and a ninth grader, Sanae was obviously way ahead.  "Hi there," she said, trailing a bit behind her.  They had spoken a few times, but not much.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:17pm Nov 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[ Sure, go along with the biting, just keep in mind the the leader and second-in-command are capable of transforming humans into vampires, not the members ^^
Uh, Ice, it's night ._.
Okay, let's get this clear:
It's 9:30 at night. The humans made a huge clearing in the middle of the forest to make their city, which is completed. The west side is the vampires, and the east side is the werewolves, though they can cross the borders by taking a detour instead of going through the human city. ]]


10:33pm Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 301
Alice ignored Solstice, getting to her feet gracefully, almost catlike. "Oh, I'm feeling lovely. The night is young, and the moon is full. Isn't it gorgeous?" She said, raising an eyebrow, a taunting smile spreading across her face. 

Alice knew she wouldn't be able to turn this guy, but she didn't mind. It would annoy her to have another sniffling fledgling in the coven, always moaning and complaining about their human history. She, on the other hand, had no problem recovering. The past was the past. If this was a dream, she didn't mind staying asleep for a while. Her new abilities were exhilarating, and she loved the rush of the wind through her hair every time she ran. She loved the fact she could out run a cheetah, out climb a monkey... and hunt as sly as a fox. 

Not as if it didn't have its ups and downs. She couldn't go out in the sun without an umbrella, and weird, unsatisfying hunger gripped at her until she got some real human blood inside her. Plus, the stereotypes. She hated the stereotypes. 


10:47pm Nov 29 2011

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Posts: 5,998
"Aww, Alex is getting beaten by a girl?" Levi laughed, though he lept down from his spot on the tree to wrestle with Zera. "Stupid... Juveniles." He muttered, wrapping his arms around her waist and hoisting her away in an attempt to free Alex. "Why do they have to be so dang strong?" Levi complained, then his ears picked up the sound of footsteps quickly approaching.
[[ sorry I'm terrible at anything fighting related ono ]]


Sanae whipped her head around when she heard a voice, though she immediately recognized Shay. "Oh hello, Shay!" Sanae greeted the younger girl cheerfully. She did remember seeing her a few times down the hallway in school, and the girl struck Sanae as the more gentle and nicer types when compared to the stuck-up popular girls. "It's quite a nice night, isn't it?" She asked Shay, a gentle breeze slowly blowing over both of them. "It's what you Americans call... Beautiful, yes?" Sanae grinned, proud of her 'excellence' in the English language.


5:30pm Nov 30 2011

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Posts: 6,409
Zera, after being tackled by Akida, quickly recovered, and then ran back around her, switching back into her human form as she launched herself at Alex again, clawing at his face with her nails.

Alex blocked her, but he didn't have the heart to hurt her in an attempt to calm her down.

Zera's eyes widened when she felt someone pick her up around her waist. After a few moments of struggling, she went limp. She fainted from exhaustion.

Alex got up, righted himself, and checked out the damage on his arms. There were scratches all over his forearms, but they didn't hurt. Alex had worse done to him. He shook himself off, and turned to Akida and Levi.

"Thanks, you guys. I probably would have gotten my face chewed off if it wasn't for y'all."

Love is all we need~


6:52pm Nov 30 2011

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Posts: 3,950

"Sure would," Akida said lightheartedly, chuckling.  "You should have the guts to fight her back.  Otherwise, she will chew your face off next time."  The Alpha smiled, but needed her Beta to be strong.  She understood that Zera was only a juvenile and a member of their pack, but she needs to be quarantined.  It's either hurt her a little or you get hurt a lot.  "Levi, you want to go take Zera to her room?" (They have rooms, right? owo  Like, can I have a short deion of the Vampires' and Werewolves' living quarters? D: )


Shay smiled and nodded.  "Yeah, it really is pretty nice.  I like taking a walk at nighttime, because you can see things that you don't always see in the daytime.  And then there's not as much of the huge bustle of cars after rush hour."  The way the moon illuminated the town, the way when you walked in a darkened spot, you could only see one source of light and you could venture as far away and then come back to your light.  It was an adventure every time.  "How do you say 'beautiful' in Japanese, Sanae?" Shay inquired.  She liked to learn about things she didn't know about.

(I fixed my mistake D:  Sorry.)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

10:46am Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Hrm... I actually didn't give their living conditions much thought, since I don't want to .___. The vampires could live in cave-like dens, while werewolves live in self-made huts. I don't want anything too fancy like a giga-castle, since the humans would be exploring. ]]

Keishi couldn't help but cringe a little at Ari's cries which quickly dissolved into whimpers. He could only help the fledgling by wiping the sweat off her forehead with a damp towel, and the girl's whimpers gradually faded as she slipped back to unconsciousness. He sighed, unhappy to force a human to turn into a vampire, but his coven needed to expand if they ever had hopes of defeating the wretched werewolves. Keishi had heard that they too were growing in numbers, but they also had troubles handling the juveniles. Keishi wanted to check up on the other fledgling, Siphus, though he hesitated to leave Ari's side. What if she woke up again? When he looked at her sleeping form, Keishi told himself that she wouldn't move an inch, and he had to at least take a quick look at the other fledgling, in case he got himself into trouble. Keishi moved as fast as he could, given the unnatural speed vampires had, quickly making his way to Siphus' dwelling, though he made a stop at his own home to pick up a packet of blood. Keishi poked his head into Siphus' place, slowly walking in. 
"I see you're awake." He stated simply, tossing the blood pack to Siphus. Keishi kept a safe distance from the fledgling, it had been some time since he had handled them. "In case you're hungry, which you definitely are." Keishi said, watching Siphus with guarded eyes.


"Hm, that's a nice way to thank the lycan that saved Alex's face." Levi said with a mischievous smirk. He did have a reputation for daring to reply to the leaders with cheek, but that was just Levi being Levi. Nevertheless, he slung the sleeping Zera over his shoulder, nodding a good-bye to Akida and Alex. [[ so I'll post further details once we settle the werewolf dwellings. Is everyone okay with it being huts, or does anyone have a better idea? o-o ]]


"In Japanese?" Sanae echoed Shay, still staring up at the night sky. "We say 'utsukushii', and it directly means beautiful. How I miss the Japanese language! I only speak it at home now, to my mother and father." Sanae said in a wistful voice. Of course, there was video-chatting with her friends, but Sanae rarely logged onto her MSN, only going on on rare occasions when she deeply missed her hometown friends. "Have you ever done the 'checking out' of the forest, Shay?" Sanae asked, noticing a few trees poking out from behind residential areas. The forest was also intriguing to Sanae, and she longed to venture inside.


1:10pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 3,950
Akida didn't mind Levi's comment. She had gotten used to it by now, though it did irritate her in the back of her mind. [Fails.]
Siph looked up and couldn't help but cringe underneath the covers.  He took the blood packet eagerly and slid it underneath as well.  He didn't want to drink it but... It smelled so good.  And it was his only food source.  Ever.  Or at least now it was.  Anyways, it seemed sort of weird to do this sucking blood-thingy, especially in front of another person he barely knew.  That was a vampire.
Vampire.... What a... strange creature.
But then again, he was a strange creature now.  Giving up in a matter of seconds, Siphus sunk his new fangs into the blood packet, piercing the plastic and sucking it all up in a flash.  Then the pain hit him again and he cringed more.  Everything hurt.  "Y-yeah.  I'm a-awake," he was barely able to say.
Shay smiled.  Utsukushii.  Utsukushii.  Utsukushii, she repeated in her mind.  She silently felt sadness for Sanae, who probably missed Japan, too.  "The forest?  I've been in it a little bit.  I like forests.  Where I used to live, my old apartment, had a small forest behind it and I ventured around.  But this one.. I've been in it a few yards, but not too far.  Why do you ask?  Have you been in?" Shay said.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:45pm Dec 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 301
(nudges Twint.)


9:46pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Where's everyone? - - ]]


9:50pm Dec 1 2011

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Posts: 301
(I'm going to change Dante's name. It bothers me. x])


3:07am Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 1,576

[ Apologies for the absence, have been ill. ]

Sven jerked his head up. Another of those weird creatures? He stood up straight, and for the first time in a long time, looked the creature straight in it's soulless eyes.

"'What are you?" He asked.

He knew better than to just challenge anyone - anyone at all - that crossed his path. However, this creature seemed to have something in common with the female - he shot her a side glance - he had met earlier. "What exactly are you?" He repeated, as the flight of a raven beat it's wings in time with his heart.


3:15am Dec 2 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ N'aw, get better Twintherp :c ]]

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