To be alive is to be dead (Time roleplay)

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11:33am Dec 16 2012

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Posts: 76
"How can a wagon move with out horses?" Reeve asking scoffing. "It's impossible."

Kathline finally seemed to wake up more in the bright place. She gazed around with eyes full of wonder. As the feathers began to fall more, the little girl that was following the Black started to chase them. With a giggle Kat let go of Reeve's hand and started to follow the feathers also. 

11:38am Dec 16 2012

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Posts: 4,211

(And here we are controlling them with alien technology.)

Ez shrugged, letting go of the feather. "Apparently not, because it happened. Maybe if we're lucky I can take all of you there." She held out her arms and spun around, making the feathers swirl around the gate. She hadn't done that for a while.

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6:21pm Dec 16 2012

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Posts: 2,763
Rika squeled in wonderment as more feathers came down. "This is so spectacular!" she exclaimed. "And I wanna go there!" she said practically begging Ez to take her


7:25pm Dec 16 2012

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Ez shook her head. "It's not our choice to make. The angels must choose where we go."

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8:32pm Dec 16 2012

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Posts: 76
"Where do you think they'll take us?" Reeve asked. He glanced over at Kathline who was also hanging on to the Black's every word. "Will it be dangerous?"

He did not want to take Kat anywhere that she could get hurt. He would not be able to bare to see her in pain.

9:55pm Dec 16 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( lol wonderment XP Ok I accidently made up a word there lol ))

Rika smiled. "Danger is my middle name! If there is we can go on an adventure! Or.. Or maybe see a pirate ship battling against an other or.." Rika's mouth went on and on about all the danger they would face if they went. She always wanted an adventure for her life. And here she was living it. ( ok im seriously braindead we should probably just move on to where they go to the different world XP ))


5:45pm Dec 17 2012

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Posts: 4,211

(Nope.)(I don't really know if pirates exist yet...)

Ez shook her head. "I don't know. But if there is, all we can hope for is the little ones are tucked away from it. There is no telling where we could possibly end up."

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10:51pm Dec 18 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( bump! LBP its your turn))


11:04pm Dec 18 2012

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Posts: 76
Reeve carefully took Kat's hand and pulled her in closer at the Black's words. It wasn't going to happen. He would not let harm come to Kathline no matter what the cost was to himself.

"When will we get there?" he asked uneasily.

11:15pm Dec 18 2012

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Posts: 2,763
Rika stopped talking and saw a butterfly up ahead. She began to walk off but took another look at her group before she left. "Theyll be fine I will be back in a bit.." she said to herself. She chased the butterfly all around and almost caught it. "Get back her!" she yelled and jumped up and down trying to grab it by its wings


3:08pm Dec 19 2012

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Posts: 4,211


Ez looked up at where the feathers ceased to fall. "Right about now." The gate creaked open, showing a dirt path to an elaborately decorated bridge. The bridge was long, it seemed to cover miles. Below it was a black river that flowed west, not making a single noise. The only sound was the beating of wings and a faint whisper every now and then.

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5:25pm Dec 19 2012

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Posts: 2,763
(( I HAD TO MINNIE DX! I just had to.. -dramtic voice- XP ))

Rika turned around and the butterfly fluttered its wings above her head. "Hey stop right there!" she shouted but then the butterfly flew into her mouth. Rika spat it out amd the butterfly flew away. "Yuck! Taste like nectar!" she shouted and ran up behind thegroup. "Im back!- Er I mean um.. Lets go!" she exclaimed and ran to the front of the group.


5:58pm Dec 19 2012

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Posts: 4,211

(Not really. Nothing but the bump is unneccessary. LBP..?)

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7:21pm Dec 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 76
((Sorry guys had to do a lot at work to get ready for the holidays ^^;;))

"Come on Reeve!" Kat said, wriggling out of his arms and running after the other little girl. The pure amount of energy that girl had was wearing off on her and she was excited to see what was at the end of the bridge.

Reeve began walking after the two little ones. There didn't seem a need to rush after her as long as she was within a reasonable distance. This place looked safe enough, the Black certianly seemed to trust it at least.

"Have you been anywhere else through this bridge?" he asked the Black.

7:28pm Dec 19 2012 (last edited on 7:30pm Dec 19 2012)

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Posts: 2,763
Rika smiled at the other girl. "This is going to be so great! If only Julie were here.." she said the last part a bit more quietly. She was already missing her and it hadent even been a day yet. Something about her made Rika love Julie even more. Why dont people like her? I wonder why they hate her. She never did nything to hurt them. And why did she teach me how to smile? Why does she call me 'Con'? Is it short for something?  All these questions bubbled up in Rikas head. She didnt understand Julies life at all. But maybe when they got back she could ask her.


8:09pm Dec 19 2012

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Posts: 4,211

Ez shrugged. "I remember traveling through one time as a small girl, when I was thirteen. It had been my first trip over the bridge. I hadn't joined the church or anything yet, I was just young and confused. I became the Black on that journey, my hair turned white, my soul forever unpure. The first time someone goes over the bridge, they must kill someone they love to pass through the other side. That person must be older than you are, but still very close to you. I had to kill my father on my first journey, and I'm glad I never have to do it again. To anyone."

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12:56pm Dec 20 2012

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Posts: 76
Reeve stopped dead in his tracks, his ears ringing. The Black had not just said that. It wasn't happening. He didn't believe it.

"Miss Black..." he said slowly, not looking her in the eye. His eyes followed Kathline as she ran farther across the bridge. "This is Kat's and my first time crossing the bridge... What does that means for us?"

The young man would rather die than let harm come to his sister, but if he was dead he couldn't protect her any longer. He first couldn't stand the thought of her having to kill him to escape, but he also couldn't stand the thought of her facing unknown dangers without him by her side. What had he gotten them in to?

1:09pm Dec 20 2012

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Posts: 2,763
Rika heard what Ez said and listened carefully. Kill the person you love? Why would anyone want to do that!? she thought franticly. She suddenly didnt want adventure she wanted to go back with Julie and learn to do more stuff. Hopefully I wont kill Julie I love her but is there anyone else I love? Yes! I remember my pet mouse before I met any of them! Maybe just maybe it could work.. Rika prayed in her mind. "How long is the trip?" she asked Ez. "I w-want to go h-home already.." she said sadly


3:41pm Dec 20 2012

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Posts: 4,211

Ez shook her head. "You can't kill anyone at least two decades older than yourself. You two are alright." Ez kneeled down to Rika. "Don't worry sweetie, it won't be too long. I promise, it'll be over before you know it. Oh, and... You're not allowed to kill pets." She heard the gates creaking closed behind them. "Well, guess we won't be going back for a while."

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5:41pm Dec 20 2012

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Posts: 2,763
Rika looked down at her torn dress. She then heard the gates opening and gasped. "Wow.." she said as she stared up at the opening gates. She then ran up to the front of the group and got closer to the gates almost touching them

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