Three Years of Winter | Wolf rp

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6:44pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 496

((Lol, well yeah....))

Ephliam sits on his rump as he watches Zack return--no, parade--back infront of him, carrying one of the largest bee hives that Ephliam has ever seen, just to place it before him. "Thank you Zack." Ephliam says. He lowers his maw and tentatively sniffs the bee hive. There is no ominous drone of buzzing as one might of guessed, but sheer silence. Ephliam sticks his big, fat, round nose in the carcass of a hive, and licks up some of the golden drops of the amber liquid. "Mmmmm. That's very good honey Zack. Be sure to share with the other members of the Pack." Ephliam says to Zack, wagging his tail--which is very rare indeed--and smiling as hi licks the last of the sticky juice frmo his maw.

(Happy Ephliam again <3)

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.

6:52pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((YAY! Happy alpha means happy pack XD))

Zack nodded as he walks around the hive in his jaws again briging it around to the others asking f they want some. He was happy to share after all thats why he went and got the honey in the first place. He didn't like all the grummpy pack members so he dicided to fix that how he knew best. Honey never ussually failed, well unless someone doesn't like honey but...not the point. Honey didn't fail all that often. He just hoped that there would be more honey during this long winter because Zack had a feeling they would need quite a bit of it.



7:47pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 1,016
Tadrino lifted his head a little bit. "Well, bad things happening usually means grumpy wolves. Then they turn on me, the omega, of course." He growled pitifuly. Khalik was a little annoying, but it was rare to talk to another wolf without getting a bloody nose or something.

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7:53pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,578
Zack pranced over to Tardino and Khalik, "You guys want some honey?" He asked setting down the hive at their paws. Tardino was the one who seemed to need the cheering up but it would be rude to decline Khalik her right to some honey. He got destracted as he watched a tuft of fur roll a long on the ground with the slight breeze picking up bits of snow on it's tips. He chased after it with his paw pressing it into the snow where the tuft was only a moment before. He followed it not to far away untill he succeded in squishing the tuft into the ground. He made his way back to Tardino and Khalik.


9:18pm Jun 27 2011

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Posts: 5,998
[[ Like Wolf's RP, I think I will quit. This is just going to become a 1x1 between Darth and Nom :/ ]]


6:27am Jun 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 496
((@Tld, how? He went to get some honey, there's not much we can RP with that. Seriously :/ ))

Signature created by Sheta. All credits go to Sheta.
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