This Will Be-{{Fallen/Vampire Roleplay}}-A Real Page Turner

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9:43pm Jan 29 2011

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Kuma pulled the shadow's of the tree's branches over her, manipulating them to her will. They slithered across the ground and fell over her. As they did this, she could hear them whisper to her, telling her the latest news of the park. Fallen and vampires alike roamed throughout. Listening to thier words, she stood and went to seek out the nearest Fallen. Saftey in numbers, after all. She found a male on the foot bridge and made her way over to him.

 Phen stopped on the pathway and Hera growled. There stood one of the Fallen and another was approaching it where it stood on the foot bridge. Hera snarled menacingly and thrashed her tail back and forth. Phe cursed under his breath and spun on his heel, heading towards the Romantic Feilds instead.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:56pm Jan 29 2011

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<< Blood, Is it too late to join? I've lost me crumpet[though I have NO idea what it is] >>


11:21pm Jan 29 2011

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Levi's ears twitched as he felt the vibration of an approaching fallen like himself.  Her footsteps ringing through the earth...the slightest of all ripples.  Unseeable to mortal eyes revealed to him the approaching being.  He didn't stir.  He remained in his seemingly lifeless state.  It were these same vibrations in the pond that detected the prescense of vampires.  He showed no emotion towards the thought.  He recalled a run-in with a few vampires over the past few months... all not to bright.  Thoughts brewed in his mind over matters that he experienced.  Treachery. Suffering. Fear.  Each one consuming his mind as his eyes remained closed.  His poise still statuelike.  His breath beggining to quicken.


Zre sat on the hill.  The hill that was beside the flowers of the lover's prairie.  Her ghostly tune emerging from her throat in a series of wonderful melodies.  Melodies that were charming...but chilling at the same time.  For these tunes were spoken of only in tales of destruction and hell...only during death and heartbreak.  Tunes that would be enough to make a grown man shudder in fear at the sound of her enchanting voice.  But...this was Zre.  She was a curious mind.  A mysteries mind.  The broad oak stood but meters away and cast a slate grey shadow beneath her.  The breeze still blew her soft locks from her face and out behind her.  Her eyes were closed.  The tune still strong.  In her hands she held a pad of parchment as well as a bold ink pen of the darkest black.  Her arm moved gracefully across the sheet as the pen left indents in the wake.  The strokes of the pen revealed a sketch.  A sketch of the park in which she sat.  However...she sketched none of the lively events taking place...none of the children frolicking on the swings.  No couples gripping hands.  No picnic with a family.  Instead she sketched the landscape alone.  Hidden in the ink leaves of the trees; or even the wind or the gras.s... revealed notes indicating death.  Such as a crow or the face of a skull.  The art was so lifelike.  She did this with her eyes closed.  Her thoughts spilled over the page.  Her tune drifting through the wind.

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11:43pm Jan 29 2011

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Kuma stepped up beside the guy, curling her wings against her sides. She placed her hands on the rail of the bridge and brought a warm pulse up from the ground, where heat usually remained. It spread through the rail, only a bit past her own hands, barely touching the Fallen that stood beside her. As she pulled the warmth from the ground, the trees, she sent the resulting cold towards the vampires the had sensed so far.

 Phen slowed his pace in the Romantic Feilds and walked the well tread paths in thought.

((Sorry for the fail.))


"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

11:45pm Jan 29 2011

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((Join away, Leo!))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

12:00am Jan 30 2011

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Levi felt the fallen beside him use her gift.  He spoke in an expressionless tone.  A tone to match his unmoving facial ex
pression.  "There is no need fighting the leeches with your own gifts.  For it may inspire them to return the 'favor' with their own." he breathed, his eyes remaining closed.  His wings still stiff even as they were held against his body.  He senced vampires in the park.  One boy for now...but also a girl.  A girl sitting far up on the hill.  She seemed at ease.  And she seemed...familiar.  He pushed the thoughts from his mind as he tried to predict the abilities of the well as trying to discover that of the ally beside him.  His curiosity once again would lead him into trouble.  But he hid any sence of it very well. 


Zre's venom like eyes re-opened.  She held the parchment in her lap as she bathed in the shadows of the tall oak tree.  The pen held in her other hand as she held it in a relaxed position.  Her tune continued even though her sight was once again exposed to the lively activity of the park.  Her eyes caught sight of a pair of fallens.  Putrid beings.  She debated at once to unleash her own gift...but she clenched her jaw and glanced downward to her art.  The fallens havn't attacked her and who was she to start an un-needed brawl?  Especially if it meant spilling any more blood.  However she still pondered the thought...death of her enemy would bring her such the kill had done so many times before.  Her lips once again twisted into a wicked smile as her eyes reclosed, her hand once again drifting across the parchment...the pen leaving ink where needed.

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12:03am Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 1:27am Jan 30 2011)

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Bio Skeleton~

Name: Ariana Loraine Jume

Called: Ariana

Name Origin/Meaning: The name Ariana is Welsh and The Meaning is 'Silver'. 

Age: Dead-Appears 16

Gender: Female

Species: Fallen

Personality: She is shy and is very Observant. Ariana is also unusually stubborn and loves to laugh. She is a Klutz. though you wouldn’t think so. Curious is another way to put her and also Pure basically meaning she is innocent in all the way you can think of. She is a curious girl and some times you would find her wandering off. She is Smart and is determined to do what others doubt or what’s on her mind. Some might [or use to] say that she dreams to big and hardly lives.

Power: She has bat ears [not literally]


Bio Skeleton~

Name: Samuel Oliver Rakjin

Called: Sam

Name Orgin/Meaning: Sam means Diminutive of Samson: Sun child; bright sun from the Orgin of Hebrew

Age: Ageless-Appears 17

Gender: Male

Species: Vampire

Power: He can get into peoples head if he talks to them long enough

Personality: Sam is a very ambitious; a very bright person. He has hopes and aspirations for the future and isnt afriad to achieve them. He Never quits imagining or trying new things. He can do anything if he puts his mind to it. He likes to get into trubble and likes to have fun, in a twisted determined way.

Apperance: (Not my art)

Crush: Will be Kuma


12:51am Jan 30 2011

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Posts: 2,422

((Leo-I see Kuma and Sam together. Can they be crushies?))


Kuma nodded and released the heat back to the earth. He had a point. Beginning to relax, she stepped away from him and sat at the pond's edge, watching two koi fish that swam there. Casting shadows over herself and the pond, she scanned the park. She sensed that the vampires were in the Romantic Feilds and another Fallen was here somewhere.

Phen located the center of the Romantic Feilds and sat there, petting Hera as she curled up beside him and knawed at the stem of a beautiful black flower.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:02am Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 1:24am Jan 30 2011)

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Ariana was at the skate park leaning on a rail. The cold metal burning her warm some what tan arms. Her exposed belly also rested on the bar. Her belly muscles tightened up as she watched the human boys skate up and down the ramps falling a few times. She envyed them. They could do what ever and didnt have to worry about the fallen or vampires, yet not even knowing they existed. A strong breeze blew her alburn hair over her left shoulder and made her creamy wings rustle in the wind. She took in a deep breath her eyes closing for a split second before they fluttered open. She knew she couldnt relax for too long until she had to be back on her gard. Sighing Ariana removed her Arms from the rail. It was still cold but now her arms where cold so what diffrence did it make. She took three steeps back and then walked over to central park. It wasnt too far of a walk but Ariana had and Ire feeling which made her some what uncomfortable. As she was comming up to a bench in central park she noticed two Fallen up on a bridge. One Male one Female. She smerked as she sat down on the bench. The only thing she like about being a Fallen was of her power. Her smerk dissapeared as she stared at the two. Listening to their conversation all she could catch was "...your own gifts.  For it may inspire them to return the 'favor' with their own." But that was said from the boy. She shook her head not understanding what he was taking about. She shook her head and kept her ears open, but the next thing she knew the girl walked away.

Sam  was in the Romantic Feilds. He knew thought it was strange that no one was there but he did sence that there was two other Vampire there. He sighed not feeling up to life today. He rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was rolling his eyes at. He stood in a patch of Poppy flowers the sent was calming and it made him tired. Many nights of restless sleep made his eye lids heavy. He sat down in the orange flowers. His yellow sun hair looked natural, like it belonged in the patch of flowers feeding it sunlight. He sighed as he started to lie down. The sent of the flowers stronger. It was the last thing he remembered before his mind left his body as he went into a deep sleep, not remembering the last time he slept. 

<< Sure they can! And do vampires sleep? Sorry I just didnt know what to do with Sam >>


1:28am Jan 30 2011

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Posts: 2,422

((Well, after he wakes up, he could go find Kuma and flirt with her? xD))


Kuma turned her gaze to yet another Fallen. She sensed vampires nearby as well. Darkening the shadow's around her, she dipped a finger in the water and let one of the koi fish nibble on it.

 Phen is still with Hera in the center of the feild.


((Sorry for the fails.))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:46am Jan 30 2011 (last edited on 1:49am Jan 30 2011)

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A few minutes later Sam awoke. Even though it was a few minutes it felt like days. He was refreshed and his blood pumped faster as he got up. Jummping up and down a few times he soon walked out of the Poppy flower patch and out of romanic feilds to central Park. He spotted three fallens. "Hm... this should be intresting" He said rolling his toung over his fangs. He chuckled and ran a hand through his blond shaggy hair. He closed his re-opening them as they tured dark brow. Fixing his shirt and putting his hands in his pockets he walked over to the Fallen on the bridge. "Thats not the smartest Idea" He laughed as he approched the Fallen with Black and green wings. he pretended that he didnt know they where there.  Sam hovered over her noticing the darkend shadow.


1:51am Jan 30 2011

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Kuma released the shadow's and they slithered back to their normal homes with hisses of fustration. She stood and unfurled her wings, looking at the vampire. She made herself restrain from using her skills and merely stood there, smirking at the vampire. "Well, hello. What do we have here?" She said.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

1:06pm Jan 30 2011

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Sam watched the shadows slither away like sakes then looked at the Fallen who had just stood up. He shugged laied back and playful. His smile matched his srugg, so he looked full of himself for a moment before turning some what serious. "Just walking" He smiled this time sweet and innocent.

<< Fail sorry >>


3:10pm Jan 30 2011

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Levi glanced to his side; catching sight of the vampire.  His lips twisted into a sneer as his eyes finally opened...revealing irises of the purest slate.  His lips twisted back into an expressionless appearence as his eyes tightened to a dark glare.  He said nothing.  The feathers that lined his wings remained stiff... his eyes focused on the vampire... the dam leech was just looking for trouble... he clenched his palms into fists so that the whites of his knuckles showed.  As he did this the water that ran through the fair lake began to tremble and the seemingly nonexistant current seemed to pick up.  The unexpecting fish beggining to twirl in the wake of the new waves.  He inhaled deeply and unclenched his hand...the current slowing and coming to a halt.

The aroma of yet another vampire drifted into Zre's nostrils.  She turned her head slightly to the left; her green eyes re-opening once more.  She stood from her relaxed position as her gaze traveled back up the hill, towards the vampires she senced in the fields of wildflowers.  She raised one eyebrow; her limbs picking her up from the soft gras.s.  She strolled back up the hill; her eyes narrowed as she depicted the sight of the two forms in the field.  She said nothing.  Her eyes still like venom.  SHe held her parchment and pen in her hands before turning her head back down the the footbridge.  A low growl escaped her throat as she noted the appearence of two fallens and one vampire.  She did not want to interfere...but would deffinatley jump if one decided to attack.

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3:11pm Jan 30 2011

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(I've lost me crumpet. Joinage?)

(Banner made by Kina)

8:35pm Jan 30 2011

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Kuma smirked at the vampire. "You're kind isn't capable of 'just walking' somewhere without blood spilling." As she said this, she pulled some heat from the ground beneath her feet and blew a cold breeze through the park, sending the humans scurrying to thier homes in search of warmth. The shadows nearby hissed and snarled, snakelike, anticpating the upcoming confrontation.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:35pm Jan 30 2011

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((Course Tri))

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

10:48pm Jan 30 2011

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Posts: 12,418

Name: Demi Miki Moon

Called: Demi

Name Origin/Meaning: None

Age: Looks eighteen

Gender: Female

Species: Vampire

Crush: Later Phen?

Personality: Demi is quiet and Mysterious. She usually hides erself from the world except when it comes to love or music. She loves to sing alot. She also hears voices in her head that aren't her's. That's when her power comes in. She might go crazy because of the voices.

Power: She can see almost anyone's past in their eyes, also she can't read minds just random words from people around her float in her mind. It's like she captures every moment.

View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="188" />(Not mine. No eyepatch. She has Japanese blood in her.)

Name[What your character was named at birth]: Jason Ret

Called[Your characters nickname]: Salvatore

Name Origin/Meaning[If your character has name from a different language, tell us what language and what it means]: Salvatore means savior in Italian.

Age[How old is your character]: Died at seventeen.

Gender: Male

Species[Fallen or Vampire]: Fallen

Personality[How they usually act]: He's like his best friend Demi. Except he's more outgoing.

Power[Any special skills?]: Levitate things. I forgot what that's called.

Appearence[Picture Only]:

View Imagetle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="188" />(Not mine. He has black hair.

(Banner made by Kina)

4:04pm Jan 31 2011

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Zre felt the windchill pick up and she growled lowly...but she glanced towards the field of wildflowers once more.  She cocked her head as she took sight of a small animal at the feet of a vampire.  Her lips curled into a smile as she senced the loyalty of the creature towards its vampire master.  The wind blew her dark locks past her shoulder once more as the fabrics of her cloak collected about her bare legs.  Underneath her cloak of dark black was a tight lace dress that ran to the mid of her thigh.  It was black with white detailing.  She resisted the urge to greet the vampire...but she knew that a vampire was below with two fallens.  One of the creatures deffinatley using a power.  She knew it to be a fallen.  With one last glance towards the pair in the field, her smile disappeared and she turned her back to the pair.
She flew from her relaxed position; her cloak flying behind her...eyes growing colder with each step.  She shot across the soft gras.s the dimming sky causing heat to fade.  She showed no weakness.  Her eyes burned with the drive to kill.  She came to an abrupt halt on the opposite side of the footbridge...across from the other vampire, the fallen in between them on the bridge. "If our kind can't just 'stroll' then why do you deserve special treatment. It is like your kind to judge... you overgrown crows." she sneered...her voice a bone shuddering ice.

Levi tensed as he heard the slippery voice of yet another vampire.  "Another leech." he spat; turning to face the newcomer.  He turned and looked at her...her eyes the deepest poison.  Pas.sionless. Merciless.  He still was stiff.  Not in an attacking position, but a threatening one.  One that was prepared to slaughter the bloodsuckers.

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