This glitter [Hogwarts Rp] makes me look magic!

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1:31pm Apr 9 2011

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Posts: 1,338

((Sorry guys, my Internet crashed and I couldn't get on for a few days! :c I was so upset, I thought about what I was going to say on the train. xD Anyways!

Winteresis: Join ahead. :3 And It's okay if your character looks a little older than normal. (I saw a 13 year old that looked 19 yesterday. o-o It was intense.) 

Thanks Nessa for filling everyone in. (: ))

Aber nodded at what Heath as he said his opinion about the houses. Aber knew about the houses, he read about them all, but he didn't know what he wanted to be in. He never had any siblings that went to Hogwarts before, none-the-less that had magic in them! Aber thought for a moment, then decided, from what he read, that he most definantly didn't want to be in Slytherin. Slytherin was meant for people... well, opposite of what he was. Aber was the kind, unnoticed, smart, keeps-to-himself type of person.

Suddenly, a growling noise caught him awake from his trace. He looked over and saw Heath's cat hovering. "What in the -" Aber cut himself off and looked over at Cricket. He instantly knew what happened since her wand was out. "Is she okay?" He asked Heath, noticing the cat was still growling, with it's ears pinned to the back of it's head. A sigh escaped his throat as another person walked into the compartment, asking to be seated. "It's fine for me," He said with a small grin. "Guys?" He asked the others.


((Posting Tyler in a minute. xD)) 


1:53am Apr 10 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))


5:20pm Apr 10 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Bump~ :3))


2:52am Apr 11 2011

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Posts: 24

((Welcome back Shaste!  Sorry, had a busy weekend myself XD  Glad to note that you have your internet back, and hope to get this started back up! =D

East, sorry to bring this up, but teachers don't ride the train.  They pretty much live at Hogwarts once they're established there (as she would be).  The only teacher ever to have been on the train was Professor Lupin as he was making his first trip to Hogwarts.  So honestly, Brennan shouldn't be there at all.  I think the most likely reason, if not strictly living at Hogwarts (as Trelawney is specifically said to do), professors would arrive early to set up.  Speaking as a teacher myself, you need at least a week prior to your students arriving to set the place up and get things ready.  And that's Non-magical!))


Blinking seemed to have little to no affect on Tuss.  He was, after all, magical.  He understood exactly what was being said, and the sentiments being shared by the heathen witch that had dared turn her pointy wand at him.  Obviously, her ill-thought 'apology' didn't make the cat feel any better.

Heath looked from Cricket, to tossing a quick glance to Aber, to looking back to Cricket.  "He," he said finally.  Both individuals, though Cricket especially, had a.ssumed Tuss was female.  This was hardly the way to get on the feline's good side, though magic certainly didn't help.  "His name is Tuss," he said simply, "and I think he's a bit beyond blinking."  He took a moment to soothe Tuss into laying on his lap again, though Tuss was considerably closer to him and decidedly looking anywhere but at Cricket, which meant instead that he was staring at Aber, as if daring the boy to try anything as horrific as that.  "He'll be okay," Heath said after a moment to Aber, "magic is simply not done on him."  Let alone most cats.

He looked up when another individual entered the car, and nodded his head, "Come on in," he said simply.  This was far more social exposure than he'd had to deal with, and it was starting to wear on him.  Still, it was decent practice.  He a.ssumed that he'd have a considerably larger amount of social interaction at Hogwarts.  "We'll arrive shortly after nightfall," he said absently to Cricket as he pet poor Tuss.  "Most of the professors are nice.  There are always the mean ones.  And the boring ones.  Mostly though, your attitude of them depends on your own preferences and also whatever House you are sorted in."  He knew more than most first years, all thanks to his two older brothers.  Though, what he had been told was probably a bit skewed in favor of Slytherin students, and less for those of the other Houses, so he simply wasn't about to go on about the individual teachers. 


12:14pm Apr 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,338

"I'm sorry, Tuss," Aber said kindly to the male cat he had accidentally mistaken for a girl. The boy always felt bad about things like that, especially around other people. He paused and looked at the cat, who was intent on staring at him. This made Aber uneasy, having an animal he just insulted, basically, stare at him. He shuffled in his seat then looked back out the window. He vaguely listened to what Heath had to say, though he felt he probably should, since this was his first knowledge of Hogwarts; well, other than what he read in books anyways. 

"I read  in Hogwarts, A History that the ceiling in the Grand Room shifts with the weather," Aber said absentmindedly to the compartment. He turned to look at the group, a smile on his face, from excitment. "I think it will be really awesome tonight though! I don't see any clouds in the sky, which is a good sign." The excited kid again looked out the window, looking at the sunset; the array of colors never stopped to amaze him: The purples, oranges, blues, and pinks. What else could be prettier?

((Sorry for that fail, I had to fast post. xc)) 


2:00pm Apr 13 2011

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Posts: 24
((Well, I am trying to wait for Moon to respond before I reply, but I'm a bit worried that the thread may have died?  Which is really sad!  T_T))

7:42pm Apr 13 2011

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Posts: 1,338
((Meh. :c There's never any good Harry Potter Rps around here anymore, It's kind of sad. :c))


4:53pm Apr 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 24
((How about this.  We continue with Whiffer and Tyler, and see if they come back.  If they don't we can just keep going with everything, and hopefully new people will join?))

6:22pm Apr 19 2011

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Posts: 6,296
Cricket nodded and smiled at Aber. "my step-mother told me about the enchanted ceiling. I can't wait to see it! I also really want to see the enchanted paintings. Don't you think it's really cool? You could magic a picture of your family member, and whenthey die, they'll still be alive in the painting. I also want to see the thestrals. But they're invisible, right, to people who haven't seen death. I've seen someone die before. It was a kid in the orphanage I came from. He just... died. His eyes where open, then he smiled, and just died! I have no idea why he died. I wonder.." She looked out the window. "I think we're almost there," she said excitedly.
((I hope that's fine with you guys, just trying to make it go a little faster.))


9:19pm Apr 19 2011

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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Fail on my part. I just finished re-reading the books but I've been distracted lately. Can we skip to the sorting soon,  I just have nothing to write on the train :P

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