The Recarnation of the Lightning Marshal

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1:04am Aug 27 2013 (last edited on 1:05am Aug 27 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827

 I will post Gaia later today, and don't worry about how many paragraphs you have, Angel. As long as you have at least 3 and they contain good information, you should be good!! :)
Oh, and sorry if my intro was a little confusing, I know there was a lot of present and past transitions, and sometimes I like to make my sentences fancy and the wording can be confusing. So, just to clear it up, it is September 15th and Enyo traveled to get to the town where the Lightning Marshal resides throughout the month of August.


5:00pm Aug 28 2013 (last edited on 6:01pm Aug 28 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
How long had it been? Gaia wasn't sure, all she knew was that she had to travel alone and in horrible conditions. In the back of her mind she knew that finding the Lightning Marshal would be a good thing in the long run, but her big and powerful personality stood in the way of that knowledge. When her villagers told her that she would have to embark on a journey, she figured that she would have a few servants to come along and carry her luggage, but apparently that wasn't the case. She was sent off on horse back with sparse luggage. The horse's saddle carried food and water and some in-case-of-an-emergency equipment whilst she was only allowed to bring a backpack to carry four dresses, four pairs of shoes and some accessories.

Gaia had it harder than the other two who also had Eyes of the Oracle, though she didn't know that. While they foresee his position, she doesn't. However, when the images of her beloved Lightning Marshal flash before her mint green eyes, she seizes the moment to take in the surroundings around him and burn it into her memory. There had been many times, when she was younger, that she would foresee those who stood in her way to overpower him. Although, the girls and actions she foresaw wasn't about power, she still saw them as they confessed their love to him or tried to become his friend. Though, as the years passed, Gaia saw less of people trying to interact with him and more about the stirring and restless power that rules him.

It had been weeks, maybe even months since Gaia had the luxury of being worshiped and given whatever she wanted by her villagers. However, the towns she went into and the people she met were more than friendly. By acting out or acting powerful (Gaia didn't really know, all she knew was the charming affect she had on people), those who surrounded her were instantly drawn to her. Although she might not act like a respectable queen, she does, indeed, dresses like one. With her soft brown hair that falls in loose ringlets around her head, her fair skin, her big, sparkling green eyes and gorgeous dresses that give way to bows, ribbons and lace, who wouldn't be drawn to her, especially as she makes her entrance on a magnificent white horse? The towns she passed through always provided her with free lodging and meals. They would offer to take care of her horse and wash her dresses. They would offer her a soft bed and a warm bath, and when she was on her way, they would try their best to send her in the direction of the town she would describe to them.

It had been about two days since she had visited the last town. Gaia had been following an abandoned road that one of the towns folks had insisted be the one that will lead her to the town she was looking for. When she ventured onto the road, it was clearly visible, and her surroundings were a spacious forest, however, as she road further and further along the path, the forestry grew more dense and the road had turned into a narrow path. "Miss, I assure you that the town you are looking for is no longer than a three days ride. Take this road here. It is on the outskirts of our town and will take you all the way to your destination. If my memory serves me correctly, it will take you through a dense forest that surrounds one half of a town and you will end up behind a school... or was it a house?" The man seemed so certain that Gaia couldn't miss the chance he had presented her.

 Once she reached the dense forest, she had instantly wanted to go back. Her dress kept catching on the trees and tall bushes that surrounded the path. Dirt was a frequent occurrence and her tress was a tattered mess. The food and water that she didn't have to touch even once since her journey was now gone and the morning sun didn't share any of it's warmth with her. The fall weather was taking it's toll on the forest, the leaves had stated turned colors and some fell to the forest floor before they could turn completely yellow. Gaia was miserable, despite her beautiful surroundings and though she desperately wanted to throw a tantrum and head back, she felt like something greater was waiting for her at the end of the tree line. Her selfish intent had grown deeper on the journey and her need for power was on the verge of overflowing. Gaia had planned to advance on the Lightning Marshal as soon as she got to the town (after she cleaned herself up, that is) and overpower him and attempt to bring him back to her village. The glory she would feel when she completed the task would be long awaited and the intensity of those who worshiped her would grow. Gaia wondered if her villagers would make the Lightning Marshal King, however, she knew if that were to happen, she would just have to make herself his Queen.


The nimble body of the Huntress jumped from tree to tree as the young Lightning Marshal got ready for his day. Today was different than other days, from the time he woke up to the outfit he wore; they were all different. Enyo was curious as to the reasoning behind his strange actions and hoped that he hasn't realized his potential yet. Back at her village, the Huntress didn't get the opportunity to go to school. She attended school for a couple years and absorbed the basics; reading and writing and counting and mythology. However, she barely started the second grade when the town decided that they would start molding her into the perfect assassin. That was her schooling. Learning the names of various weapons, how to use them, what they are used for, and learning how to fight whilst building up strength and having ideas forced into her head that power is a storm and that she was brought into the world to conquer the storm that was supposed to have died millions of years ago. 

However, the materials he packed into a bag allowed Enyo to realize that he was simply going to school. The Huntress didn't form an opinion or image of the Lightning Marshal going to school, though she did worry that there could be another person out there that had the intent of kill him before she could. She didn't have the power to foresee others who wished to kill him, so she would have to keep a closer eye on him and try her best not to rest even during her visions. It was true that she was tired, but she would force herself to stay awake, for if she didn't, she would lose track of her prey. When the Lightning Marshal left his abode, Enyo followed close behind.

The Huntress jumped down from the tree she resided in and followed him under the protection of various shadows and large objects. She wasn't surprised when the Lightning Marshal turned to scan his tracks, for she was like a ghost; invisible and silent, though sparking an eerie presence. However, the Lightning Marshal seemed to grow more suspicious in the last two weeks. Her eyes that have been burning into his skin must have started to take its toll. It didn't matter, though. The Lightning Marshal could be suspicious and his skin could crawl as much as it wanted to, for her vision showed no recollection in his eyes when she assassinated him. As she pounced onto his body, sword dawn and blade glistening, his navy eyes showed no emotion of recognizing her. For now, however, she followed him the shadows.

It wasn't long before Enyo caught a figure in the corner of her eye that made her hide deeper in the shadows and bolt up into the coverage of a tree. She wasn't sure why the slightest glimpse of a person sent her upwards, but as she took in the figure that sat lounging on a bench, she couldn't help to notice the blade that rested next to him. Her eyes narrowed on the figure. He didn't look threatening, but then again, looks can be deceiving. He had light hair and gentle blue eyes that made her more distrustful and suspicious. Carefully, she followed close behind the Lightning Marshal, though since she was being careful, her movements and actions were slower, causing the distance between the Lightning Marshal and herself to lengthen. She was uneasy with the notion of the Lightning Marshal being too far away, but she knew that the her eyes would see his location as they do at least once a day. She didn't want to be separated from the one she was supposed to assassinate, but it might be a good idea to familiarize herself with the boy who had the weapon. Enyo pondered on her two options with delicacy, but decided against the boy and stuck to the Lightning Marshal, following him to school. If the boy was a threat, surely he would show up again.


9:50pm Aug 28 2013 (last edited on 3:16pm Aug 31 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
Opening his eyes slowly, the boy rubbed his eyes and scanned the area. He was laying sprawled out on a bench in the park of his vision where he must have dozed off. Eiichi yawned and stretched his arms above his head, leaning back against the bench to crack his back. He couldn't remember when he fell asleep, but he decided it was some time ago for his stomach that felt satisfied then, growled angrily. The boy searched in his sack for something to eat, but there wasn't even a morsel left. He sighed, debating whether he should ignore his hunger or find something to eat. His hunger got the better of him and he decided to go scouting for food.

He gathered his belongings, including his sword. He figured he had better take it along in case someone would take it, after all it was his most prized possession. He worried it would cause the people of the city to become anxious, so he hid it as best as he could with his jacket. He didn't want to create a scene. The boy wondered around the city, looking for a way to obtain food, but he didn't bring any cash with him so there was no way to satisfy his hunger unless he would steal something to eat. Being a boy of strict morals, he wouldn't allow himself to commit such a lowly deed, but the emptiness in his stomach tempted him, reminding him of the last time he had eaten.

Eiichi sighed, it didn't look like he would be able to fill his stomach anytime soon without doing something he would regret. He studied the sky, it was still as sunny as before without a hint of a storm, but he could feel the time ticking by and he became nervous about being too late to return, leaving the marshal defenseless. The boy stopped someone that was walking on the sidewalk and asked for the time. It was two o'clock, school would be letting out soon. He decided to return to his post at the park bench and worry about food later. He knew he wouldn't starve to death and he couldn't afford to be late.

The boy made his way back to the park near the school. There he placed his sack and sword in their previous spots and watched the area, looking for any signs of the mysterious killer or the Lightning Marshal. He would continue to wait and watch until either one would arrive, he could feel the time getting nearer. The sky began to darken, sending chills down his spine as he recalled his vision. He knew that soon he would have to fight the shady figure in order to save the Lightning Marshal, and his victory or defeat would decide the young man's fate. That alone made him nervous, he didn't believe he was scared of dying but he couldn't stand the thought of being the reason the marshal died.

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