The DNA (Pokemon)of your ancestors (DNA) has risen (Crossover) {Remake}

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9:15pm Nov 25 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ok. I put him up. I will sprite him soon.))

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2:12pm Nov 27 2010

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Posts: 11,785
Name: Mordekai Raksha
On Site or Off Site: On 
Rank: Recruiter
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Violet with white, not black, irises.
Hair Color: A pretty violet that is pulled back in a loose ponytail that reaches down to his hips.
Pokemon they are mixed with: Espeon
Appearences: Pale skin with a faint pinkish hue makes him a bit different from others of his kind, who are usually marked with norml skin colors. He also has the large ears of an Espeon poking out of his hair, along with the split tail poking out of his rear, both of which are striped with black, another difference of his that seperates him from others like him. He is built tall and lean, and has the grace of a cat, given to him by the DNA of the Psychic Pokemon, Espeon. He has a red gem situated in the center of his forhead that glows with different colors to represent his mood. The clothing he is most often seen in is a black hoodie over a lavender T-shirt, along with any manner of bluejeans, no matter what season it is. And, like most Psychic Pokemon, he has a faint aura, colored a pretty shade of purple, that surrounds him in both his forms.
Appearance 2: A larger-than-normal Espeon with black stripes. c:
Powers: He is a psychic that can see into the furture, but it takes time and energy to do so. He can also see another morph's true ptential, and, if commanded to do so by the leader of the site, can unlock that morph's ptential. This takes a small ritual, and Mordekai is often unconscious for many days afterwards, so it used sparingly.
History: Mordekai was born into a normal household, or so he though. He found that he was always more agile and graceful than the other kids, and swore he could see things before they happened, most oftn in his dreams. When he was twelve, he had a dream that showed him his parents getting into a car to go somewhere, only to swerve to avoid hitting a deer and crash, killing them. He begged his family not to go, but they did anyways, much to his dismay, and he never saw them alive after that night. From then on he has warned others of horrible events that he'd dreamt of, hoping to prevent them, but nobody ever listened to them and they all met a gruesome end. After his DNA awakened the rest of the way, he has devoted himself to the greater good, searching for and helping Pokemorphs.
Other: None, really. ouo
((Others will come at later times. ouo I get distracted too easily to do them all at once, lol. ^^;))


2:43pm Dec 1 2010

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Posts: 3,426

((Why is it that half the roleplays I'm in go inactive as soon as I left. o3o It's not like I'm really that important. >_>

Anyways, I was drawing Kurois all this morning so I thought I'd drop by and show you guys. :D (Plus, I've been in a really good mood, so yeah. ^///^;)


Drag and drop for full size. :3 I put A LOT of detail into this.... still forgot the tail spikes but I was drawing from memory so I'm surprised that's the only thing I missed. xD)) 

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

10:23pm Dec 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Loki!!! That is amazing!!

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4:01pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(So...are we gonna do this or not...? O:)


5:17pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 3,426
((We need more Pokemorphs on Kurois' team. D: We only have him and one of Feyth's charries. :<))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

9:36pm Dec 2 2010

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Posts: 11,785
(Then I'll add my other charries tomorrow before I have to go do our first parade. I'ma freeze my butt off. ;C Hurr. So many sacrifices for band...)


9:53pm Dec 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,426
((Did Feyth really let this die? D: I was kinda hoping to still do this...))

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

12:21am Dec 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,948
((Nobody posted. I call not going first.))

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