The birds may sing for you but they are only under my control .(All welcome.)

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3:59am Sep 30 2011 (last edited on 4:04am Sep 30 2011)

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Posts: 36,303
Plot:Still to be decided .
Okay so this is a roleplay that anyone can join although it does come with a few rules.

The rules are:
-If you join and you decide that this roleplay kind of isn't you're thing and you want to drop out can you please post a post saying so.
-Try to not upset other roleplayers
-No indestructible characters who are perfect and cannot be hit because that is unfair.
-No taking control of other peoples characters because that is wrong and should not be done.
-Have fun.


Okay and here's the bio fill it out please and thank you for coming in and possibly joining if you have /or are going to.








((If any ))


((if any ))

((Only if you really wanna fill this in ))
(Don't have to fill this one in if you don't want to)



4:09am Sep 30 2011 (last edited on 3:00am Oct 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 23,239

(Hi 8D Joining now XD)


Gwenivere Ornitha









Wereowl 8D


Hua the baby imperial dragon 



Nyehbleh XD *being lazy*


Nope, not really.

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

4:30pm Sep 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Join with a hooman and a dragon shifter?))


4:45pm Sep 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
(Okay Rika)


5:27pm Sep 30 2011 (last edited on 9:17pm Sep 30 2011)

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Posts: 36,303


Lillian Jones

But she would rather you call her Lilly.












Her mother left when she was eleven and hasn't been seen since.
Brother- Rex Jones
Father- Steven Jones
Mother- Charlotte Jones (Current location unknown)


She ties different coloured ribbons in her hair depending on her mood. Black meaning that she dosen't really want attention and would like to be inconspicuous, Blue meaning that she is in a calm peaceful mood and so on.


8:03pm Sep 30 2011

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Posts: 36,303


8:25pm Sep 30 2011 (last edited on 5:14pm Nov 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,836

No sorry :( I am not in anymore :(


9:19pm Sep 30 2011

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Posts: 36,303


Rex Jones












He can change his form into what he please.

His mother left when he was thirteen and hasn't been since
Sister- Lillain Jones
Father- steven Jones
Mother- Charlotte Jones (current location unknown.)

He plays the guitar.


9:24pm Sep 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
Want to do a high school rp?


9:48pm Sep 30 2011

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Posts: 1,329
name: Dusana
age: 17
gender: Female
species: Human
appearance:[Picture Coming!]
personality: Dusty is a quiet girl with trust issues. She hasn’t been so social in her days but she loves poetry. She is reserved but has a great sense of humor that is, once you get her out of her shell. She is stuborn and like to do things her way, though she usually goes along with situations, since she isnt a fan of talking. Though Dusty doesnt like talking to others, she mumbles to herslef, expecially when she is day dreaming. She can be absent-minded at times but usually she is on the side lines watching and observing problems or people. Even though Dusty seems helpless when she often bits her bottem lip she has never been close to anyone so she comes off cold and lost. Who knows what she would be like once someone get her out of her shell.
History: Her parents were never around. they were usually at big partys getting drunk and coming home late. Dusty had always had to take care of herself and teach herself every thing. Her parents were some what rich and would by her her affection until one day her parents were in a care crash and everything that her parents owned went to her.
Family: None


11:23pm Sep 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785


Niccolai Marks






Niccolai is what many girls like to refer to as a 'pretty boy'. He has naturally tousled-looking silvery-blond hair that falls perfectly around his almost rounded face, giving him an almost adorable look when coupled with his ocean-blue eyes and his pouty-looking lips. His skin is semi-pale because is simply refuses to soak up any sun, and he is also rather slender, built for running and flexibility. Standing at only 5'4", he's also rather short for a guy, and his usual clothing consists of semi-loose T-shirts and jeans that fit him rather nicely, as well as a pair of black tennis shoes.


Human. o3o





None. o:

Meh. :I
Uh. o3o

Mei is a domesticated Fennec fox, and Leu is a domesticated silver fox. The domesticated silver fox barks, wags their tails, and are friendly towards humans.<3


Altair Esmiro






He is roughly 6 ft tall and is 200 lbs of muscle. Only 4% of his body weight is fat. As stated in my previous two sentences, he is very well built and not afraid to show it. He tends to wear short sleeves because he finds them very comfortable, and is currently wearing one that is colored red and decorated with a black dragon roaring. He wears black cargo pants that have two little strips of cloth cross-crossing in the front, attached to either side, though these black pants have a white Eastern Dragon swirling up the leg that Altair added himself. He wears a black choker that has a ruby hanging from it that has been carved into the intricate shape of a dragon and even has diamonds for eyes. 
He has long black hair that he keeps in a ponytail using a white hair-tie, but the strangest thing about him is his eyes. They're both totally different colors. 
The right is the color of honey and flecked with silver, amber, and forest green, while lined with hazel, while the left is a deep, ocean blue and flecked with gold, little bits of red, and, oddly, purple, and to top it off is lined in a striking, beautiful shade of goldenrod. 
His skin is lightly tanned, just enough so that he doesn't look like a vampire. And he has a black  Eastern dragon tattoo curling around his left arm.
A large, long Eastern dragon with the same bi-colored eyes, silver-swirled black scales with golden swirls on his legs that also go up the antlers on his head. The furry mane he has that extends down his back is blacker than his scales with bits of gold and silver within it. Oh yeah, he's still wearing that black choker. o:


Dragon shifter


None. o3o YET.


He carries four different orbs when in dragon form. Orange is fire, purple is 

((Only if you really wanna fill this in ))
(Don't have to fill this one in if you don't want to)

He's bi. xD


Jennifer (Jenny) Haynes







Siren. She can lure people in with her singing. c:


Nope. o:


The ability to draw in anyone who hears her song, like the sirens you hear in sailor tales.

((Only if you really wanna fill this in ))
(Don't have to fill this one in if you don't want to)

If this is too much just tell me. xD


2:03am Oct 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
(Rika it's fine I love your bios but in Altair's bios you didn't quite finish of the powers.)


10:49am Oct 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Orange is fire, purple is aura, red is general emotional atmosphere, and aqua/blue is different forms of water. o3o They glow when that power is used.))


6:40pm Oct 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 36,303
(Okay thank you Rika.)


2:02am Oct 3 2011

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Posts: 36,303


2:20am Oct 3 2011

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Posts: 27


::~Age~:: 16

::~Gender~:: female

::~Looks~::black thick fur, bright blue eyes, sharp black clawz, pointed ears sharp teeth(fangs)

::~Species~:: wearwolf(girl)


::~Powers~:  charm,read your thoughts,smell fear, one scratch will put poisen throuhg your body

::~History?~::  killing vamps or anything that threatens it.

8:18pm Oct 8 2011

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Posts: 36,303


9:49pm Oct 10 2011 (last edited on 11:10pm Oct 10 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 388


Arielle Stone






Her eyes are icy blue and she usually wears more clothing xD


Fallen Angel


A black ferret named Lume NOTE: Black ferrets are really rare and if you search it you'll find a lot of pics of black-footed ferrets, if you wanna see them search black sable ferret (I just couldn't find a good picture)


Well, she can fly, and she's an empath, meaning she can sense emotions and needs of others

She was sent to earth to live among the humans as part of her training but ended up getting stuck here


Nopeh o3o



She has no true name that humans can pronounce or comprehend, but her human name is Estella (Ella or Stella) Alexander


Ageless. Born with time and will never die, unless someone manages to kill her. However, she looks like a girl of around 16-17








An omen of death, she lives outside of reality and only appears in times of chaos. Contrary to popular belief, she does not cause death, she only warns people of it.



I can't get on the rest of the night >.> if you start, go ahead and i'll catch up and bring mine in later.


6:01pm Oct 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 23,239

(When do we start?)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

6:57pm Oct 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,329
[[Sorry, but im dropping.]]

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