Supernatural Roleplay (Anyone can join! :])

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12:42pm Jan 20 2012

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"I understand." Jasmine whispered, in a high-pitched voice. She turned into a raven and flew upwards, perching on the edge of a roof. She tried to sing a tune but forgot that ravens could not sing, so she came out with a few random screeching sounds instead. She clamped her beak shut after this and attempted to hum. This also ended in miserable failure so Jasmine decided not to say anything at all.

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1:00pm Jan 20 2012

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Caroline found that funny, but did not laugh. She didn't do anything but sit there and think and stare at the wall with a blank ex
pression, and a pale face.

8:08pm Jan 20 2012

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Posts: 516
A dark light came from the other side of the brick wall. It had a Negative, extremely dangerous, and somewhat Evil aura was felt coming from it. The light slowly disappeared and  the sounds of the Ravens flying away and being normal again was heard flying all over the place away from everyone here. 
A groan was heard weakly from the other side. If one would looked they'd see a man covered in Black Feathers, just like the Dragon Demon Bird that landed there. His body was shaking violently. As if he was in great pain for a long time. They'd also see thousands of feather that was from the creature, fluttering about all over the place that WAS from the Beast. And he was in the middle of them. 
The man looked around and seemed lost. He sniffed the air and smelled them. His reaction was rather startled and offensively defensive. Meaning he would attack if they came too close. But would remain calm otherwise.


8:26pm Jan 20 2012

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Caroline decided to shake off what was bugging her, but couldn't get it out of her mind. She decided not to talk about it, or think about it right now. She noticed the light, and got a confused look on her face. She stood up and slowly started walking to the other side of the wall. She saw the man standing there and was shocked. "Who the heck are you?!"

2:43am Jan 21 2012

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Still as a raven, Jasmine looked to see what Caroline had looked at and gave an echoing shriek of surprise. She almost fell from her perch of the edge of the roof, but she quickly regained her posture, sticking her beak in the air and looking somewhat smug. She then flew down and took the form of a Magpie bird. She didn't want to get too close to anyone, just in case anyone got any ideas on killing her. She shifted to Raven again, then hummingbird, then back to Raven again. This often happpened if she was confused or startled.

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11:36am Jan 21 2012

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(Power is back!) Jacklyn put her hand on Caroline. "Stay back, you never know. Probably seen this guy a couple times, he is not good news. If I still had my powers, thank you very much! Then I could get this guy to shove off." She made a growling noise in her throat, a little quieter than she usually did. She strained to take a look closer. "This guy is battered."

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12:45pm Jan 21 2012

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"Ugh... You want your powers back?! Have them!" Caroline said a little spell type thingy and then Jacky had her powers back. She shoved Jacky's hand off of her, then took a few steps towards the strange person.

1:01pm Jan 21 2012

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Jacklyn put her hands up. "Um... Thanks... But you still shouldn't get closer. He has a warning look, and you might not wanna get caught up in a fight with this guy." She turned icy and blue again, and grabbed Caroline with a watery hand. "Please, Chippers."

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1:10pm Jan 21 2012

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"Hey! Hands off! Your cold and wet! And chippers?! What the heck does that mean!!" Caroline stepped back from the weird looking guy and stood behind Jacky now.

1:55pm Jan 21 2012

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Jacklyn sighed and chuckled. "If you only knew. Chippers means мало жиру дівчина." She chuckled again. "You don't know what that means either, do you? Yep. Your lucky to be young and stupid."

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6:47pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 516
The Man tilted his head as a bird of prey would do when looking at something. Yet though he did look familiar to Jacklyn, he wasn't what he thought. His face was human unlike his other kind. He closed his eyes and focused on their energies around him. He felt their natures and read their Souls. He felt at last they weren't much a threat. That he'd just somehow crashed in their turf. He made a "Graagh...." Sound as a heavy exhale and stood completely straight up. This shown he wasn't entirely aggressive. And that he'd allow more quick movements yet none to fast, for he seemed terribly tense. He face Caroline and slightly tilted his head again towards her. Then he said, "You asked who I am? I'm Volarune...." His voice had a heavy raspy caw like sound like a hissing Raven. It was also gruff and sounded deep with a bit of a hoarse tone. He took a step back from them all and fluttered his wings. Then he turned towards Jacklyn, his look in his eyes seemed a bit startled. "You've seen another Volarune Demon before; me?" He then quickly appeared much closer to her. "When?! I've thought the last one before me died 1,000 years ago!" He snarled at her. His snarl also had a raspy cawing hiss to it like a very angry raven had, yet also the snarling hiss of a tiger and growl of a dragon in it. He wasn't posing a threat as he sounded. Just seeking answers as his body language shown. His wings were arched high above him and sign of startled confusion. And a sign to intimidate if one wanted to strike.


7:02pm Jan 21 2012

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Jacklyn backed up a bit. "Hey, calm down bird brain. Yeah I've seen you guys around. 'Bout 2 years ago in June. Very rude, but I guess... Nevermind. But, hello Volarune. I'm Jacky, short one is Caroline, taller one is Jasmine."

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7:29pm Jan 21 2012

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Volarune backed up real fast like and then asked, "Where?" He seemed to be unsure if it was another other than him. If it was the location he was then he'd know for sure that it was he that had been seen 2 years ago in June. If it was indeed him that would mean the last one before him did indeed die 1,000 years ago. He looked around then saw Jasmine changing forms this way ad that. Volarune tilted his head at each shift. He seemed to be curious and shook his head. "Stop! You're confusing me... That isn't wise to do!" He snarled at Jasmine. "Shift into one form and STAY in it!" 


7:52pm Jan 21 2012

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Jacklyn looked over at Jasmine and gave her a dirty look. Obviously, she wanted to find out why the guy was here. "Right in my alley. Right here. Landed just like you did, so shaken he killed my father and brother."

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10:18pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 516
"Hmm?!" he snarled in surprise. Volarune looked down and shook his head. Then closed his eyes. "I don't remember this well at all.... Unfortunately, I go through phases.... I can't control... My inner Demon Blood has a terrible curse.... And I fear I may've done something terrible... I woke from one of these phases, covered in my blood and someone else's..." Then his head jerked up with a blank stare. It was as if he was in shook. He began to shake violently. "Graaaaahghg!" He screamed. His feathers grew more over his face and darkened. "Gah... Stop... Not again!" he yelled in pain. His shadow began to weave and billow on the brick walls behind him. It shown the Dragon Demon Bird's form. His body then was evidently forced into the Dragon Demon Bird yet one last sign of humanity allowed him to yell, "Help me!! Stop!" 
The form was again the monster. The Demon became still. A loud low growl erupted from him. His eyes lost they're silver color and became Soulless White Blank Eyes. A cruel grin that revealed numerous white teeth in his jaws shown on his face. "Descendants, of those that blinded me.... I smell Her! That killed my Body!" He looked up and saw Jacklyn. He snarled with a loud screech. He flew into the air and circled Jacklyn then blasted a powerful flaming fire blast at her. When he knew his attack may miss he flew even higher in the sky. He then began to fly down in a spiraling dive bomb.


10:26pm Jan 21 2012 (last edited on 10:40pm Jan 21 2012)

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Jacklyn threw her arms up. "No!" She washed out the fire with a large spout of water. Then she made a dome out of ice surrounding her, and made an icy spire shoot up and strike the demon. "I know what you are, Volarune! Stop!" She brushed a wisp of platinum blonde hair out of her face, and her eyes glowed blue. Her hands glowed and she turned him back to normal.

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10:55pm Jan 21 2012

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Posts: 516
He crashed down heavily back as his half demon form on the ground. He was gasping for air and shaking. Volarune looked up at Jacklyn. The look in his face was of shock, pain, anguish, and fear. The darkness that forced him to shift was now gone. But was still there inside of him. Awaiting another time he was weak from stress. Volarune then looked away and seemed to pass out. His wings fell to both his sides. The Feathers billowed about and shortened to the normal length again and were now a silvery jet black instead of the darker normal jet black. His face was also now slightly covered with the normal flecks of black feathers below the eyes, around the cheeks, and slightly above the chin. 


11:04pm Jan 21 2012

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Jacklyn dropped to her knees near Volarune. "That hurt... Alot. Now I know who killed my father and brother..." She took a book out of her pocket, and drew a sketch. " The darkness inside you will soon be gone by tomorrow... Are you alright?" She reached towards him but drew her hand back quickly. "Your lucky I didn't go mega anthro on you." She closed her eyes and flipped a wispy coin in the air. As soon as it reached the air it dissolved. " Its getting dark, and uh your technically in my alley, you might wanna find a place to sleep."

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12:43am Jan 22 2012

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After their 'little fight', Caroline stepped out of the building she was hiding in. "Little?!" She ran up to Jacky with an angry look. "I am not that little! I was the tallest out of my brothers and sisters!!!" Caroline smashed her foot against Jacky's. "Hmm!" She stepped away from her and crossed her arms and smiled as she watched Jacky have her foot be in pain.

12:49am Jan 22 2012

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Jacklyn glared at Caroline. "Watch it, Chippers. And you are the smallest here, so yes. Little. You  want me to go anthro?! Trust me. I hate it too. Gives me the want for blood."

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