Supernatural Roleplay (Anyone can join! :])

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4:09pm Jan 27 2012

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When the choir ended, she patted Caroline on the back and looked at Volarune with a worried ex
pression. She wanted to know how he felt, but she was to sheepish to ask. Because he was a boy, and she felt uncomfortable. She stood there, feeling her amulet grow warm and her insides grow cold and wet. She had her powers back but for a minute couldn't control them, and became a white eagle. Great. Juuuusssst great. Tyler bent down and held out his arm, Jacklyn hopped onto it. It also felt weird to sit on your brother's arms while he was stroking your neck with a finger. Now its just silly.

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4:12pm Jan 27 2012

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Caroline burst out laughing. She stood there laughing, "Do you want help changing yourself back? Or just let your brother hold you like that??" She was still laughing. She wasn't sure why this was funny, but kinda knew what she was thinking.

4:14pm Jan 27 2012

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Jacklyn glared at her. "Tyler is all I got so shut up, cause I'm kinda hungry... I think I have a shark form or something." She flew down onto Caroline's arm. "You can be a nice pair of legs when I need them, I kinda like it this way. Did you know you have soft skin?"

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4:16pm Jan 27 2012

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"Ugh get off!!!!" She started shaking her arm. "I don't want you on my arm!!!!!!" She shook her arm till the 'bird' flew off. "And yes I do know I have soft skin! I would like to keep it like that! So keep ur claws off!!!!"

4:26pm Jan 27 2012

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Jacklyn cocked her head. "I don't have claws. But I have a razor sharp beak that has a taste for blood!" She playfully lunged at Caroline. "I have a resizing ability, incase you need to fly somewhere." She grew to the size of a large horse, looking like a huge dove. She shrunk back to normal, landed on Tyler's arm, and preened her feathers.

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4:47pm Jan 27 2012

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"Don't make me do some sort of magic on you... Cause I'm.. I'm not afraid to!" Caroline wasn't so sure if she really was, but stood tall, and had a confident look on her face.

4:58pm Jan 27 2012

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Jacklyn cooed. "Your so cute." She glowed, and became a fisher raven. "Hm... I never tried this one before, I don't think its a standard form though, I think its illegal. But if it is, how am I in it?" She glared at herself, cocking her head. She flew over to Tyler's aid, after she landed on Caroline's arm for a little bit. "This is impossible, ravens are illegal."

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6:51pm Jan 27 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarune was trembling badly. Fear of bondage with friends he was uncertain about was scaring him. But he quit trembling and backed away. "If you'd please make up your mind! Whether or not I'm to be trusted, loved, or hated! I told you I killed your family. Yet Raienzio's Evil Twin Brother had me severely wounded. I was scared. It was the fear of getting close after I was healed though that was the trigger...." His eyes shown the memories that they couldn't find. The memory of being a Raven Demon. "And since Ravens are Illegal that makes me Illegal. My Black Feathers that cover my body.... And when I shift into full demon form.... Those are all of the Raven. The entire species of Demon... Volarune Demons are Raven Demons. Or other types of Birds said to bring forth ill omens!" He trembled again. Volarune shook his head and fell a bit to his hands and knees. His Wings began to grow and cover him. 
Raienzio's voice was heard coming from the nearby stream. He was sopping wet and a tad muddy. Yet didn't seem to mind. "Volarune! Calm down! Your stress will force you out of control!" He exclaimed to his friend. Raienzio then dived beneath the waters. The only way he could get get to the surface was if he lept 25 feet from above the water.  This seemed entirely impossible. Raienzio was then seen gaining unbelievable speed underwater. He was swimming at over 75 miles per hour. He continued to gain speed and was doing spirals with his fins, and very gracefully  swimming like a dolphin. Then all of a sudden he made a small wave from his gained speed. As he did this he seemed to prepare for the leap to get to the shore at where everyone was at. He then shot out of the water like a speeding bullet and dived below to gain more speed. Then finally with one last burst shot once more above the water, this time at 40 feet above the water and landed with a flip and a roll onward to shift onto his feet. He stood up from the roll and seemed slightly exhausted. "Oh.... Jacklyn... Don't be mad at me anymore. I didn't do anything. I was trying to help them too. But it would be like I'm to blame for my brother and I were born at the same time! This means we've had a powerful link with each other's conscious." He seemed saddened at this news he told them. "I'm sorry... But I believe.... it was an accident. But an accident that could've been avoided. I should've killed my brother when he turned willingly Evil.... That wouldn't have happened...." He trailed off and then stumbled. "Ungh.... Whaa...." He muttered. Then he collapsed and passed out. 


7:30pm Jan 27 2012

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Jacklyn looked at the two. "Both unconcious, both weirdos. Tyler, get the ryft. You wanted them unconcious, right?" She looked up at him, a white eagle again. She hopped off of Tyler's arm, and he pulled a silk cord out of his pocket that expanded into a large rope. "Tie them up, I'll get the ryft." Jacklyn weaved the rope around them, whispering to them. "Its not my fault, I'm sorry guys." She sent a beam to Caroline that made her freeze in a block of ice. After she finished, Tyler came back with a huge door. It was black with large red ornate designs, glowing every now and then. He set it up in a clear patch of grass, picking up the two weirdos and throwing them inside. Jacklyn flew onto his arm. "Remind me, why are you doing this?" Tyler responded with a horrible glare, accompanied by a grimace. "We. Because remember, they killed mom and dad. I won't stand for their life." He was about to close the door when Jacklyn flew ontop of the door frame, a scowl across her beak. "Well I do. I mean, come on! They didn't mean to! Volarune, he can't control himself! And apparently Raienzio has a twin brother, so we can't throw them in there!" She skwalled. Tyler thought taking smack talk from a bird was amusing, but he had no time to waste before the weirdos woke up. "Really? Why don't you go in and untie them then." Jacklyn, who wasn't very bright, flew right in to notice that Tyler had shut her in. "How could you?! I'm your little sister! Not your enemy! I'll get out one way or another!" The door had led to a huge desert with no food or water, and no life to be seen.

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7:44pm Jan 27 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarune woke up and sensed the events that had happened. He sat up and saw Raienzio next to him. Somehow the food Raienzio had been altered by an additive. He then saw Jacklyn. "Why did Tyler do that?!" he exclaimed to her. "Is this how he wishes REVENGE on us?!" He snarled. Then he jerked up Jacklyn. His eyes were glowing red. Red from a Darkness inside him. His teeth in his mouth when he snarled had grown and sharpened. "You shouldn't have tricked us!" he then dropped her and screeched like a Raven mixed with a Dragon. "GrAaagh!" He grabbed hold of his head and was shaking. He jerked up and was slowly shifting to his full Demon Form. It was uncontrollable. The Jewel of the Golden-Eye Raven began to glow and had Negative Energy at this Betrayal. "You've betrayed me... Now I've no hope at changing.... No hope at all at being something other than my Fate... My Fate of becoming a monster!" He then shifted in the most painful manner into the Demon Form. He attacked Jacklyn and bit at her with his jaws. Raienzio woke up and blocked the bite with his Electrical Barrier. "Volarune! STOP! Getting Revenge against this Betrayal will make you no better than them!" he snarled with a hiss.


8:05pm Jan 27 2012

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Jacklyn closed her eyes to squeeze a tear out of her eye, and sighed. "Tyler would never do this. I don't think he wants revenge, he was alright about 5 minutes ago." Wriggling out of his grip, she stretched her wings. "Don't do that again. I can only imagine what happened to Caroline. Plus he broke the door." She nodded towards a pile of shattered wood. She sat in the sand, and became human again- but not like herself. Her hair was long, black, and curly. She was pale and was dressed in black head to toe. "I look like one of those goth tourists back at home..." She stood up and looked around, arms crossed. "Now what. Atleast there is water out here, so I might be able to morph and do things like that." She became a fennec fox, and began digging in the sand to find just the tiniest puddle of water. "Some thing is better than nothing. We might be here for a while, because it seems we are on... Mars?" She shivered,  her black curls bouncing around.

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12:20am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 516
Volarune snarled and kept trying to attack  Jacklyn. Each time Raienzio blocked. "You were a fool to bring him back to life! Once the Dead become alive again, they almost always become MONSTERS! That's why Volarune is a Demon! He was killed as a Demihuman. The anger of being dead, and the pain of what caused his Death, it forced him to become this!" He warned Jacklyn. Raienzio then began to glow and electric blue. Sparks erupted from the ground around him. Volarius then screeched in sharp pain as the sparks grew into powerful bolts of electric lightening. He was shot back ten feet. Raienzio sighed and said, "I'm sorry Volarune! But you'll be no better to gain revenge. Volarune got up and shook his head. He was barely phased by the shocking attack. He hit Raienzio with his powerful tail and knocked the Male Siren out. Volarune then charged at Jacklyn. Yet then he saw his mother's amulet around her neck with the Jewel of the Golden-Eye Raven. He scrawled and screeched. His wings were being used like arms. He seemed like he was reaching for her; but kept backing off from the reaches against her. He snarled and scrawled with great anger, and then again, pained confusion. Almost as if he couldn't decide whether to kill her or ask questions.  
"Was your intent on hurting me? ALL this time?!" he roared at Jacklyn. He paused and jerked his head, neck, body, tail, and wings in a circle around her. If he wanted to; he could kill he by snapping her into his jaws. "WAS IT?! You knew my pain! My torture a fate worse than DEATH! To suffer as a Demon cursed for all eternity to never die! Or my Father's powers... The Agent of Darkgrim will cause Destruction once more in his rage of losing me! But the worse fact is I'm cursed with his powers of Life AND Death, to balance the two forces as one!" He roared. He seemed to want to kill Jacklyn even more. But something was stopping him. Yet he didn't know why. "ANSWER ME!" He cawed in a Draconian Raven's way.


12:45am Jan 28 2012

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Jacklyn was frozen with fear, and wanted to get away more than she wanted to answer. She became a white eagle and flew up onto a cliff before he could injure her. She called out, "He was never dead! He was protected by dad! When dad died, he was cast into the mirror!" She was out of breath, and tucked her head under her wing. She was even more scared because as a bird she didn't have the Jewel of the Golden Eyed Raven or Volarune's mother's amulet. She was even powerless, as a bird. At this rate, she began to deny Volarius's encouragement. She shut her eyes tight, head tucked under wing awaiting her possibly terrible fate. "Its not my fault..." Her voice was quiet and choked due to tears. She began glowing blue again.

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3:18am Jan 28 2012

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9:20am Jan 28 2012

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Jasmine kept talking to Two-tone. "You seriously have one of those Ghost-rider style chains?" she asked. Two=tone grinned. "Sure do!" she said. "Wanna see it?" Jasmine shook her head...but she thought it sounded pretty cool.

Adopt one today!

11:05am Jan 28 2012

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Posts: 516
Raienzio shook his head. "You've got to answer Volarune's question. It's the only way we'll get out of here! He can open Rifts and Darkened Doorways just like you and your brother. And about Tyler. Being forced into a mirror through magic CAN kill! At least a part of their normal sanity! Yet if you touch him with Volarune's Amulet; that was his Mothers and he entrusted it to you; it will show him the way back into this world fully. Ergo, he'll change back into his old self. And we won't have to worry about a Cursed Demon losing himself even more." He was behind her on the cliff. He walked up to her and sat down beside him. The look in his shark-like eyes seemed pained. "I fear we are losing Volarune more than you are losing yourself. Now don't doubt what he said about Willpower. If you lose that, you'll never get your brother back.... Nor your parents.... Volarune's power might restore their lives. Only if you help him now." He explained. 
Volarune looked up at Jacklyn. Tears of blood was streaking down his White gazing, almost Soulless  Eyes. The soon began to lose their color entirely. "I see... So.... I'm all alone. Then I've no reason to exist...." He looked up at Raienzio and snarled. "Don't you DARE follow me! I'm sick and tired of gaining even the slightest of friendships....! Only to be Betrayed, Beaten, and Tortured by them!" He then spread his wings and with a pained screech flew off to another part of the Red Planet. Raienzio stood up and said, "Volarune... No... Not you giving up entirely too.... Not while you're so young!" He yelled.


11:22am Jan 28 2012

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Caroline focused really hard when she was frozen. She used her heating power, and the block of ice melted. She was free! But wet.... She then used the drying spell on herself. She then looked over at Tyler. "Where is Jacky and the other two dudes?! And why is there a shattered door, and why was I in a frozen block?!?!"

3:12pm Jan 28 2012

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Tyler had been sitting there cleaning up the shattered peices of the rift. "Don't call me Tyler, he is still in the mirror. Name is Unknown.They are only in the rift. Never know where it leads, but it is never escapable and no one knows how to get out. But I worry for those two bird brains and the fish guy. Now, would you like to go inside of a rift, too? Or would you like to be cast into the frozen core of earth forever, until death?" He turned around, his eyes blinking in a dark blue glow. Getting up he put the chunks of wood in his bag, but also grabbing a dagger encrusted with sapphires.

Jacklyn looked up at Raienzio. "I know how to get out, but only one person can leave. The others must stay into the rift until it is repaired. Luckily, I also know the sky routes back home... We need Volarune to go through my rift, while I take the peices back home by air. Does that sound good enough?" She cast her eyes down. If they trusted her, they may end up attacking her again. If she left them, they would atleast know how to open the 2 person rift. So she made up her mind, became human but leaving the white wings, and flew away. She did not know where, she just wanted to get out of everyone's lives.

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4:28pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 4:29pm Jan 28 2012)

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Caroline looked at Unknown? with her dark blue eyes... "I don't want to go into either of them... I would like to just stay alive... And not be lost... In a rift..." Caroline hoped he would let her stay alive, and not in the rift... She bl[injection]inked her little blue eyes with a face that said 'please?' She hoped this would work... for now that is....

4:32pm Jan 28 2012 (last edited on 4:34pm Jan 28 2012)

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Unknown wasn't fooled. He stared at her with cold black eyes, his eyebrows low with a scowl. "I always have this knife... I suggest the rift if you would like to live." He pointed his knife towards the rift. Now it was not only red and black, it had an eerie glow coming from the inside. The door swung open, and someone came out.

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