Sing to the Midnight {Powered Mystery} Sing to the Moon

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7:35pm Jun 12 2010

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Name: Liya Morialis
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Personality: King and caring. She always available to help and will protect a student at all costs. She acts like a mother when someone is feeling home sick.
Subject(s) Taught: Controlling Powers? History 101?

Power: She can shapeshift into an albino snake, but she is able to help students.

Drawback to Power: She is practically blind when she shapeshifts except in the dark.

Crush: Open
History: None
In on student killings?: No.
Other: None
Appearance: She ahs long blond hair that goes at least to her waist. Her eyes are slitted, but they are kind. They are a redish brown color. Her body is super pale with a scaled pattern on it much like the snake she becomes. She wears a white dress and never wears her hair down, it is usually in a bun.

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7:38pm Jun 12 2010 (last edited on 7:38pm Jun 12 2010)

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Posts: 6,948
((See above))


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7:56pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,091

((Accepted, thanks! We can start now I guess.))

Scowling in anger at the note that was now hanging on a board in the lobby of the school, Faythe stared at the blood patterns in the note. She did not now why the school officials were idiots enough to put up this damaging piece of paper for the whole world to see. She forced her self not to rip it down and stick it into a teachers mouth. Looking over at the principle of the school, Mrs. McCubbin, padded down the hallway in her annoying clicking high heels Faythe wondered why the woman did not close down the school for the day to mourn the loss of yet another student. She shivered slightly as she remembered the happy go lucky guy who went missing the night before. Hefting her school bag higher on her shoulder, she read the small note that had been given to her. Meet me in my cl*censored*room before first block. Ratha. What did the philosophy teacher want with her. Shrugging, she went to go see.

Dimitri exited his dorm with a sigh as the hubbub of the morning and the chatter about the newest disappearance met his ears. He really hated mornings, and most of the people in the school. Slinking through the hallways, and trying not to smack the idiots who shoved him around like he was invisible, Dimitri finally made it to the lobby and sat on a bench with a grunt, throwing the book bag on the ground. "Now would be a good time to be able to control fire." He mused.

Looking out the window from her dark room, Ratha hummed a slow song as the air around her changed in quality, taking on a hazy cast. Words flowed into her mind, and she unconsciously wrote them down. Nothing made much sense, and the pictures were disturbing. Always screaming and blood, only to end with someone sleeping peacefully. She hoped her notes got to the four, she was tired of waiting. 


8:02pm Jun 12 2010

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Dusk glanced down at the paper in her hand and reread it, Meet me in my cla.ssroom before first block She shook her head in confusion, it was probably some sort of joke that someone had played on her. She glanced around the school yard at all the people and hrumphed. She lept out of the tree, her cloak billowing out behind her and landed softly on the ground. She grabbed some water out of the air and put it into her hair for later use. She hissed slightly as a Freshmen trampled over her foot. The freshmen backed away and Dusk humphed. "I better go see if it really is from Ratha." She said, rollnig her eyes. she pulled her cloak over her head and ran inside, the note crumpled in her pale fist. She reached the room and waited...

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8:05pm Jun 12 2010

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Ryu sat on a stone bench just outside of the Philosophy Teacher's office, re-reading the note once more just to make sure. Meet me in my office before first block. Ratha. "I don't get it," she murmured as she slipped the wrinkled paper back into her planner and leaned back against the wall, the rough sandstone rubbing in a comforting way behind her shoulderblades. She closed her blue eyes and curled a piece of silver hair around her finger idly.


8:24pm Jun 12 2010

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((Waits for Ratha))

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8:25pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,091

Faythe finally made her way to the cl*censored* room and was surprised to find two other girls there, her green eyes slitting in confusion. She did not know either girl very well, only their names, or so she though. About to say something, the door opened and a old head stuck out, mouth pressed tight in a grimace. "Come in girls, we need to speak." The wispy voice seemed to flow through her, and Faythe shivered. Entering the cl*censored*room, she was not surprised to find skulls of creatures such as birds and small mammals, as well as old books. The teacher seemed like one of those people. Suddenly she was glad she had not taken Philosophy, a few minutes in this room would creep her out, more less a semester.

Sitting down at her desk, the old woman looked from one girl to the others, hoping she had made the right choice. One seemed shy in a way but strong on the inside, the other loyal and courageous, and the third was strong in strength and will, but lacking in social aspects and patience. Finally she sighed tiredly. "I presume you want to know why I called you here?" She started. "It is because my power as a seer has shown me a great many things, most of them awful. I am old and rickety, you are young a strong and the perfect people to help me complete this task." She coughed lightly. "You know the students have been disappearing right? Well they are not alive anymore, their dead." She stated coldly. And those that have committed this crime are ones you would not think of. I have called you here to stop this madness, with my help you can. But it will not be easy. You must work together on this though." She glared at each girl in turn. "These are my first words, ponder over them and when you think you have a answer, because I do not, come back to me and we will see." She took in a breath. "Do not trust those that you seek, but those covered in blood.'" Her eyes opened and she pointed towards the door. "Remember these words and leave."


8:27pm Jun 12 2010

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Ryu shivered and shurnk backwards, eyes wide with fear. "Um...ok?" she managed to squeak. She hurried out the door, glad to be out of the creepy room filled with skulls and other such junk. She rubbed her arms and felt goosebumps there.


8:31pm Jun 12 2010

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Dusk tucked the words away into her brain and raced out, her clock falling into place on her back as she stopped running and started walking towards First Block, or History and sank into a Desk. She glanced up at the teacher and reached for her history text book...

((Can somone be history because Liya is powers?))

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8:33pm Jun 12 2010

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Ryu glanced at the small wristwatch she always wore and sighed as it signaled First Block. She ran into the room, slightly out of breath and panting from the run. She sat in one of the desks to the back of the room and pulled out her history text, watching the teacher carefully.


8:36pm Jun 12 2010

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11:46pm Jun 12 2010

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Posts: 2,091

((I guess I can play someone, but they won't be a main character.))

Faythe gave Ratha a 'your insane' look before walking out of the room and shivered. The whole room seemed to hum with the unknown. Hurrying to first block, she sat down behind Dusk and opened her book, groaning as Mr. Fitz told them to get notes out. The door suddenly opened and Faythe scoffed at her science lab partner Dimitri. Late, of course. She watched as he took Mr. Fitz's lecture and took his seat. "Idiot." She muttered. And ignored the teachers glare. He was clearly having a bad day. "We will be studying the creation of France. Who knows the name of France before it was actually called France?" Mr. Fitz asked the cl*censored* and Faythe lay her head on the desk, wanting to sleep. Instead she pondered about Ratha's words. She leaned forward and tapped Dusk on the shoulder, then Ryu. She was glad suddenly of the seating chart. "Do you guys have any idea what Ratha meant/" She asked. 


11:58pm Jun 12 2010

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Ryu shrugged and blushed before raising her hand to answer the teacher's question. "Gaul, sir," she murmured softly, blushing again. She didn't want to seem like a teacher's pet, but she also wanted to do as well as she could at school.


10:22am Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 6,948
"Its Gaul." Dusk muttered under her breath before Ryu had said it. She shrugged, she hated raising her hand in cl*censored*, drawing attention to her. "I have no clue and I think its a joke, I can't do anything, just control water." She convienenlty forgot to tell them her other other power: to fly. She looked at the others, "Ok, but if it wasn't a joke, what do you think it was?" She asked them. Pushing the cloak over her head as she was told to put it down. Her short black hair, cropped about top-neck length hung out around her head...

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12:57pm Jun 13 2010

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Ryu matched Dusk, taking off the hat she usually wore to reveal her stunning silver hair. She always felt self-conscious about it and whenever the opportunity, she wore her hat to hide it. No point in getting noticed, she always thought to herself.


2:26pm Jun 13 2010

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Dusk was tempted to put her cloack back over her head just to annoy Mr. Fitz, but didn't. She glared at the tips of her markings and then looked at all of them, absentmindedly pulling her cloak off, reavealign her markings that wrapped around her arms in a snakelike manner and trailed to her forehead, ending in a wave-wing like pattern...

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2:37pm Jun 13 2010

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Posts: 3,991
((Stray may I join, I know the rules say don't ask but I just feel rude if I don't))

Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.

9:53am Jun 14 2010

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12:00pm Jun 14 2010

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Posts: 2,091
((Sure, but as my new thread says i'm quitting pretty much all of my RP's. Typo you can run this thread and give Ratha to who you like or keep her. Have fun with this RP!))

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