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2:29pm May 11 2010

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Posts: 842
ooc; bump...

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!

4:14pm May 11 2010

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Name: Bridget (called Bridge by friends) Silas


age: 16ish

gender: female

looks: not very tall, she has emerald green eyes, and light brown hair that goes down past her shoulders, almost to her waist.  She has a side bang that sometimes covers her left eye.  She has a tan skin tone and wears usually tight clothing.  She mostly wears denim skinny jeans and a t-shirt/v-neck.  She is very slender and has nice curves.  Her two good friends know shes pretty but wont admit it.  She wears makeup but is told she dosnt need it.  She wears eyeliner that gives her a strong and mysterious facial ex

personality: she is fierce and strong dispite her small size.  Her best ability would be that she is very fast and agile...she can outrun most people around her.  She thinks before she acts and cant stand failure.  she never looks back at her actions and keeps moving foward...she can have a temper and can be hard and cold at times.

orientation: straight

status: single

history: umm rp it out?

other: good friends with Zhane and Drec


Name: Drec Maloine


age: 17ish

gender: male

looks: a tall person.  He has light blonde hair and has cold grey eyes.  He is muscular and usually wears a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and sneakers.  He has rings lining almost all his fingers, he uses them to inflict damage when fighting.  At first glance he may look handsome and strong, however he can be the meanest, most aggresive being you will meet. 

personality:  very strong, although fast like his friend, he usually falls behind after a while.  He is very protective of his friends/allies.  He can be very mean and aggresive, and it takes a while to gain his trust.  He believes that taking out the enemy would solve most problems, but he is very smart and can be hard to figure out

orientation: straight

status: single

history: parents and family killed by the infected ones....all he has left are his friends.

other: good friends with Bridget and Zhane


Name: Zhane Intoera


Age: 17-18

gender: male

looks: tall like his friend Drec, but he has palish skin and dark black hair....he has dark brown eyes and usually wears a pair of jeans and anything that fits... he is strong like Drec, but is usually the one who is defeated. 

personality: kind of shy, but tough.  He is not the best runner, but makes up for it with his knowledge.  He cared for nothing more then his friends, but now his mind feels crazed and he wants to kill them...he is at a battle with himself and wants nothing more, than his loved friends dead.

orientation: straight

status: single

history: i dont know, rp it out?

other: was good friends with Bridget and Drec


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be back tonight


4:14pm May 11 2010

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((hows that?))

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4:52pm May 11 2010

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okay lets start?

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4:56pm May 11 2010

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((oh also the 'infected' people can have somewhat of there old mind so there like conflicted? as in they hate to kill and it hurts them but they cant stop or something like that.))

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5:33pm May 11 2010

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Posts: 6,590
((rocca, oh thats what i thought u meant to start with o.O *fails at reading xD*))

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be back tonight


5:40pm May 11 2010

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Sunni walked down the street,her bloody sore bare feet smacked against the hot black pavement.She had a large hood covering her solenm broken face all you could she was her beatiful golden eyes/SHe looked around the grey skies that were masked with fog.This once amazing city was bare.The stench of corpses hit her nose and made her eyes water.She felt fear pinch her and she began to walk faster watcheing her feet not wanting to see the remnence of what the poisoned people had done.

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6:13pm May 12 2010

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Bridget ran down the hot pavement, her hair blowing out behind her as she ran...she panted heavily and collapsed after running several miles.  Her emerald green eyes glistened as she breathed deeply, hoping her friends had survived the infection.  Her mind raced as she felt her heart beat calm.  She forced herself up and forced herself to keep going...she couldnt stop....Drec's last command was run, dont stop until you are safe...his voice echoed inside her mind as she shook with exhaustion...the horrible scenes in front of her revealed that the poisoned were here, and still may be.

Drec hoisted himself up on top of a collapsed building, trying to see into the distance...Bride, Zhane, and himself were seperated when Drec's father went insane and tryed to kill them... Drec sighed heavily praying that his friends remained alive.

Zhane breathed heavily but not of fear or exhaustion....the drive to kill was strong as he pulled a switchblade from his belt... blood glistened on the blade from his previous victim...  he blinked and tried to drop the blade, his hand wouldnt release, without a command his body started walking and he questioned himself who are you after? he tried to cry but no tears would come, his body kept moving and anwsered back we are going to find Drec and Bridget it retorted calmly.... NO! he yelled in his mind trying to get away from himself

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why NO

be back tonight


7:36pm May 12 2010 (last edited on 7:40pm May 12 2010)

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Sunni gulped andhalted,battery acid pumped through her veins.She closed her beatiful golden eyes and let out a loud breath, warm mist excaped from her slightlly opened mouth and let her face completly relax,she leaned against the brick wall of the abanded building,she felt like quitting but fire still burned within. she let life rush through her to let happiness and a sense of calm pour into her soul.Sunni slid down to the sidewalk her butt on the hot dirty floor of this urban hell.She looked out to the fog trying to see though deep down she didnt want to see because she knew the shells of the once innocent people would be strewn acroos.She held her hood close to her face and kept still,thinking so deeply but deeply about nothing

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7:38pm May 13 2010

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2:37pm May 14 2010

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2:44pm May 14 2010

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Posts: 842
ooc; whoa, sry, will post soon

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!

2:50pm May 14 2010

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Posts: 842
Rachel stood on the side of a bridge. Her hair whipped around as she clung to one of the supports. Rach was standing on the edge, her toes hanging off the bridge. Letting go of the support, she staired down at the churning waters below. Biting her lip, she debated jumping. Sighing, Rachel turned, hopiong down on to the road. With her feet on solid ground, she headed into the city.

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!

8:57pm May 14 2010

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Posts: 1,361

Sunni gulped,she hat in silence in the foggy city her hear down.

(sorry tis short))

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6:58am May 15 2010

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Posts: 6,590

Bridget stopped running, her heart was racing, her breathing quick.  She was a good 15 miles from the battle scene and decided it was safe enough to rest.  She pulled her cloak around her and wandered through the city's fog.

Drec knew he had to keep moving to get any chance of finding his friends, he jumped down from his perch and walked through the silent wood.

Zhane's drive to kill was strong, it was what kept him going.  He was still at war with himself and the killing part was winning...

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


12:03pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 1,361

((maybe people should you know start seeing each other?))

Sunni's bottom felt numb and she shivered as the fog chilled her deep inside.She looked up her large grey hood fell back revealing her beautiful face and vibrant teal hair.She gulped looking up the the buildings searching for the fufilling sin but nothing shone through the world was dead now.Yet still inside she still felt so alive.Sunni got up and walked down the side walk again.Never looking down.

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12:05pm May 15 2010

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Posts: 842
Rachel spied a person walking down the street. They looked pretty normal to her. "Hey." she called out quietly, jogging up to the figure. "Where is this?"

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!

6:30pm May 15 2010

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11:25pm May 15 2010

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10:20am May 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 842
ooc -pokes Rocca- this it you, you are the person I am talking to.

I have the madness of the sun, but you know that already, don't you? Call me Cas, not Casa or Casanev. Thanks!
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