One Last Chance -Wolf RP-

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10:59pm May 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

Feeling the warm sun on her fur, Accalia awoke from her deep slumber. She had been asleep for quite a while now. Of course, she could still hear what was going on from her post. She had been guarding an area for a couple days now, and her stomach was begging her for food. Getting up, Accalia realized that she had guarded her area for long enough now; she was going to get some food. She went back to where several other pack members were gathered, including the alpha, Ace. She walked to her special food stockpile, and picked up a medium-sized rabbit. After eating, Accalia got up, shook her fur, sending a blue glimmer across it. She yawned slightly, her ice-blue eyes searching for something that she could do.


River, ironically, was sitting by a river. He was staring at his own reflection. He sighed and got up, stretching as he did so. Lately, he had been bothered by something that he couldn't quite describe... He wasn't feeling right.

Love is all we need~


9:05am May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016

Ivy sat looking at the sky, then down to her paws. Then right, then left. Then she took careful strides towards the river on her left. She came to a stop when she noticed a male wolf by the river. She never saw him before, but she wasn't taking any chances. She impatiently waited for the wolf to leave.


When Ace heard Midnight's woice, he slowly lifted his head up to glare at her. He tried tto smile, but only faintly. Then he put his head back down. "I'm fine," He muttered. But he wasn't. How can I do that to Ivy? He thought.

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4:00pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314

Midnight knew, just from his ex
pression, that Ace was far from 'fine'. She lay down next to him. "What's wrong?" she asked gently, giving him an opportunity to tell her. If he didn't, though, she wouldn't pry.


Trance padded towards the camp after Davine and shook his fur out. "Anyone hungry?" he called. "If River's anywhere around, we can go hunting."

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

4:48pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409

River entered, almost as if he had heard Trance. He sighed, and said, "Hey, Trance. We haven't hunted in a while, have we?"


Accalia got up from her comfortable spot in her den, and walked over to Trance. She looked at River and smiled. River was like an older brother to Accalia. However, she didn't talk much even when she was around him. Accalia's blue eyes watched both of them, especially Trance.

Love is all we need~


6:52pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

Davine walked over to Ace and Midnight, and frowned. "Uh, Ace. I'm sorry for doing that. Really. I didn't know she was someone important to you." Davine whispered. She shook her head, and looked at Midnight. She mouthed the words, I'd leave him if I were you. She turned and walked out of the cave. She stealthily padded towards Trance. "Got ya!" She yipped, jumping on Trance's back. "So, what are ya doing, guys.


Puma got up, and walked around the pack territory, purring as he did so. He walked over towards Davine, and smiled. "Why'd you do that?" He closed his eyes, and sat down. He licked his paws, and smiled at River and Trance.

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

9:35pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Zack felt invisible when some one else had given out the idea of a hunt like he hadn't said that the moent before. He didn't let his annoyence or  mild anger show on his face though. He would just follow who ever was going on the hunt and help out. It was no big deal realy but he was still kind of bothered by what had happened. He wasn't a confrontational person though so he wouldn't say anything about it. "I would be up for a hunt!" Zack said excitedly padding into the group.

Renn lapped up some of the cool refreshing water and washed her bloody muzzle. She wached as the blood spread through the water infecting the purity of the liquide and turned it a devilish red. The red soon disovled into the water and vanished completly after a few minutes. She brought her tail next to her to where she could see the tip of. She plunked it into the water and stirred up the current creating a mini whirl pool.


10:08pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314

Midnight looked from Davine to Ace, sighed quietly, and stood. She padded away, watching Davine tackle Trance, and smiled. Whenever things like this happened, normal pack life seemed to make it better.


Trance yelped in surprise and rolled over, snapping playfully at Davine. "We're getting together a hunting patrol," he answered Davine's question as he jumped away. "So, me, River, Zack...Anyone else up for it?"

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

10:13pm May 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Zack looked at the other wolves to see who else would join the hunting party. His tail flicked swiftly stirring up a bit of dust as he got kind of anxious to get started with the hunting but he calmed himself down and waited patienly.



7:58am May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016

Ivy ran up to the river and pounced on a fish. She caught it and gorged it down with a sigh. She looked toward the pack territory and growled. (( FFFFAIL. ))


Ace watched Midnight leave, but Davine's words stuck in his mind. Uh, Ace. I'm sorry for doing that. Really. I didn't know she was someone important to you. Was she important to him? Was he important to her? He had to find out. He slumped quietly out of the den and crept past all of the wolves. He was out of pack territory now. He lifted his nose totry and catch a scent, and he did. He trotted carefully toward the familiar wolf scent.

Create your own banner at!

10:22pm May 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Renn swirled her tail in the ponds water some lily pads moving with the small whirl pool. She looked up her tail still moving. He dark eyes watched the forest around her. She hadn't herd anything or seen anything for that matter. She layed her head on her paws with a slight sigh of bordome. "What to do what to do?" she asked herself out loud. Her tail flicked out of the pond sending sprinkles of water across her nose and the rock she lay on. The tip flicked softly sending more water in every direction.



1:40am May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

Davine joyfully yelped. "Me! Even though I'm busy!"


Puma fell asleep.

((Don't have much time.))

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

5:32pm May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,097

((I hope you don't mind me asking to join when you've already started. I like the idea of a normal-like wolf roleplay. Here're the two bios...))

Wolf name-  Chimerei (kai-mair-eh, Chi for short)
Wolf gender- Male
Wolf age- Adult
Wolf appearence- *BOTTOM*
Wolf History- He was born in the pack, his mother a hunter, his father a guard. He inherited his mother's hunting skills, but lacks his father's toughness. A while back, there were more loners. He lost his father to them. Chimerei was pained at his father's death, for he was just a pup. He grew up learning from his mother, meaning not too much about fighting and more about hunting. He met a beautiful silver-furred she-wolf one day, Imella. He had never noticed her before, but as he trained with her, the sunlight seemed to catch on her fur just right, and he stood there, mesmerized, staring, vulnerable. Chi's friend knocked him over with a blow to the cheek. Still, he stared at Imella, head over heels in love. Unfortunately, a larger wolf slightly older than him also fancied her. In the end, Imella chose Chimerei. He was so happy, and they made their days better. That was before a sick fox ventured into their territory. Chi, Imella, and two other wolves were out hunting when the quivering, shaky fox stepped into view. "Run! It's very sick!" one of the wolves yelped, fleeing with the other wolf. Chi stayed, because Imella did. She attacked the fox. It caught her neck with its foaming maw, and bit down. Imella fell, shuddering. When she got up, her mouth was foaming and she was walking shaky like the fox. The other wolves had returned. "KILL THEM!" one screamed. And with that, Imella's life was torn apart in front of his very eyes. It scarred him deeply. Chi fell into a deep pit of despair for a while, not even his ailing mother could make him feel better. It was worsened when she finally pas.sed away, from old age, more or less. Chi still lives in the pack, though very different from his former self.
Wolf Personality-  On the outside, he's the flirtatious and charming type. He likes to play hard to get, but honestly, no wolf will 'get'. He's a hard worker, and enjoys feigning boredom when hunting. On the inside, he's often miserable, missing his former mate. If you get him mad, he will lose his temper and whip out a retort before stalking away, enraged and saddened.
Wolf rank-  Hunter
Crush/Mate- Flirts with all she-wolves, but isn't looking for a mate.
 Other- Not really.
Wolf name-  Shadowhex (or Shadow for short)
Wolf gender- Female
Wolf age- Young Adult
Wolf appearence- *BOTTOM*
Wolf History- She was born a loner. One day, she witnessed her parents fighting a pack of wolves with other loners. She survived, and even killed two of them. Her father, unfortunately, didn't. Shadow and her mother lived together, sustaining each other. One cold winter night in her teenhood, she fell ill. Shadow tried her best to cure her, she even asked the pack to help (with disastrous results), but nothing worked. Shadowhex swears that the pack knew what to do, so she tried once more, desperation winning her over. "Please, my mother is very sick!" she pleaded. They attacked, driving her away, covered in wounds. She was upset as she watched her mother's life ebb away. "I bet they know who you are." she whispered to her mother, voice thick with sadness. Shadowhex closed her eyes, her mother had died. The she-wolf howled. A reply howl sounded. It was like a warning to stop it. So she did. Shadow refuses to howl now, afraid that the 'cruel and vicious pack wolves' will attack. She lives as a loner now, too.
Wolf Personality-  To loners and non-pack wolves, she is very shy. If they approach her, she will back away. If they seem nice enough, she may talk to them. If not, she will retreat, running into the forest or even trying to jump onto a tree branch. Now, if they smell or look like pack wolf, she will treat them coldly. She will be very, very angry and alert, ready to attack or run away. Most conversations start and end in the words, "YOU AND YOUR PACK KILLED MY PARENTS! GET AWAY YOU SICK CREATURE!". So either way, she's not very social. When you get close enough to her, she'll treat you as a friend, with the main and sometimes only perk being her loyalty and more or less kindness.
Wolf rank-  Loner
Crush/Mate- None... Yet
 Other- Likes fawn (baby deer) meat.

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alt="" width="259" height="194" />
(These images do not belong to me)

Not active on Res anymore. Please contact me on Tumblr or elsewhere if you need me. If we RPd back in \'09 and beyond, I would love to get to talk to you again; I miss you all dearly. <3

6:40pm May 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578


3:50pm May 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,016
(( If you guys still want to roleplay... Well, sorry that I haven't been on much. So sorry. I'm trying to get on as much as possible. And everything is accepted, DJMan. ))

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