Odd-Colored and Made-up Pokemon

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8:51pm Dec 30 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Yes you did c: I hate recoloring :I I'll go pull up my charries.]]


8:54pm Dec 30 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Name; Kai

Gender; Female

Age; Adult

Species; Eerieon. 

Crush; Change?

Looks; Kai is about the size a a normal eevee. But, she has twin tails (Much like an espeon's) and a ghost;y green aura always swirling around them. She has a skull pattern on her face and neon green eyes. A red ruby like stone is placed on her chest. She also has a spine design going down her back to her tail. Her ears are long, much like an bunny umbreon's. She has small skeleton wings on her back, and a the same green aura from her tail is around them, making fog-like fethers. She has one small red ruby on each of her paws, and more ghostly green aura wrapping around them like candy cane swirls.


8:54pm Dec 30 2010

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Posts: 5,998
Name: Byrol
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Original Form: Jolteon
Fused Gene: Zapdos
Personality: Byrol is a cocky and overconfident hybrid. He doesn't trust easily, although he's outgoing and rather energetic and social. He's a bit vain sometimes, mainly because of his new Zapdos powers. Because of this fusion, Byrol can now fly and his electric powers are intensified. Byrol jumps to conclusions easily, and loves to be the leader.
Likes: Storms, flying in the sky, carefree lazy days.
Dislikes: Has an irrational fear of metal, because he was caged in it and it's eletricity's weakness. He dislikes yappy, whiny Pokémon, and those who whinge about 'not getting anything'.
Crush: Open
Other: None
Name: Kabyr
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Original Form: Flareon
Fused Gene: Cubone
Personality: Kabyr's a bit of a loner. He has an unhealthy attachment to his new bone, and is a bit cautious. Being captured really stunned Kabyr, so he's a bit accepting of others now, but Kabyr prefers to keep to himself. He's calm, intelligent and strategic, but also a bit of a pessimist. If one compares Kabyr and Byrol, they're practically complete opposites.
Likes: Bones, digging, berries and sunny days.
Dislikes: Fears water, unless it's a puddle. Kabyr also dislikes being on a high location. And he now dislikes humans.
Crush: Open
Other: None
Name: Aryia [Oh em gee, this name made a comeback]
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Original Form: Vaporeon
Fused Gene: An Ice Pokémon of some sort o-O
Personality: Aryia is extremely outgoing and optimistic. She can be a bit of a pain with her constant attempts to befriend someone, but her 'sad face' is rather hard to resist. She's also got a short-temper, and is extremely fiery, but she doesn't like a physical fight. Aryia can make snappy and quick comebacks, and hates backing down from a challenge. Most of the time, though, she's lazy, and loves to drowse next to a river.
Likes: Sunny days, beaches, social contact [ehe], rivers, brooks, etc.
Dislikes: For some reason, doesn't like fish Pokémon. Also hates storms and rain.
Crush: ...Kohaku?
Other: None 
Name: Leto
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Original Form: Eevee
Fused Gene: ...? She's supposed to be a 'rumored 5th generation' Pokémon.
Personality: Like her appearance suggests, Leto has a fragile personality. She can have her feelings hurt easily, but Leto doesn't like showing it to others. She's easy to please, and very kind and gentle. But she's also terribly naïve and gullible, and can fall for almost any trick of any kind.
Likes: Anything sweet, daydreaming, clouds, the moon.
Dislikes: Loud sounds, most Pokémon bigger than her, meanies :c
Crush: Open
Other: None
[None of these pictures are mine. And is having a legendary alright? I'm just too lazy to find a new picture for Byrol -.-] 


10:15pm Jan 5 2011

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Posts: 11,785


10:58pm Jan 5 2011

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Posts: 6,296
((Join? :D))


11:00pm Jan 5 2011

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Posts: 11,785
(Yuss. Cx)


11:21pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 11:32pm Jan 5 2011)

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Posts: 6,296

Name:Raccoon(Likes to be called Coon)




Mixed breeds: Flareon/Flaafy


Crush:Very much open






Age: Young adult

Gender: Female


Mixed breeds:Eevee and Girafarig

Personality: Very shy, Tibby is upset because her tail scares awayy people, thus making her a loner.

Crush: None

Looks: ^Up^

Other: Her tail in fact, has a name.(It's a person too!) It's called Tooth.


11:55pm Jan 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,948

Party image<-- Click me

7:51am Jan 6 2011

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Posts: 17,364


9:10am Jan 6 2011

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Posts: 6,948
((I am waiting for my sprites to be done. We can start roleplaying now. -I call not starting-))

Party image<-- Click me

12:09pm Jan 6 2011

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Posts: 11,785
(Not it ono)


12:33pm Jan 6 2011 (last edited on 12:40pm Jan 6 2011)

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Posts: 1,805

((-wanders past-))

Ikkaku: Rescue her? How many of you are here? Seven? Maybe eight?
Ichigo: Five people and a cat

7:19pm Jan 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
( Not it OWO )

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

9:18pm Jan 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[What's wrong with you people and starting? xD]]
Leto and Aryia wandered through the forest together, side by side. "Wh-what if something big gets us, Aryia?" Asked Leto in a small and terrified voice. Aryia shrugged. "I'll just freeze it." She said. That was the answer to nearly every question Leto had asked her.
Kabyr dragged his bone along, making a thin line on the forest floor. The trail followed Kabyr wherever he went, but he would never abandon his precious bone. Kabyr finally settled down in a clearing, settng his bone down next to him.
Byrol was perched on a tree in the forest. "Well, nothing too eventful today." He drawled, settling down on the sturdy tree branch and relaxing his muscles. Byrol's ears twitched with every sound, but nothing that indicated a Pokémon around his size.
[[I didn't know the setting, so I just picked forest .n. ]] 


11:10pm Jan 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
(Mm... I'ma use Pyro, Change, and Inferno right now. ouo;)


8:00am Jan 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 17,364

Kai yawned as she padded throughout the forest, completley bored. What now? She thought. Its as if everyone's trying to avoid me! She added, stretching her wings unconfortably. A sigh escaped her lips. She just wasn't the 'other pokemon' tytpe, she guessed. She frowned, her head down as she walked. Thats when she noticed a line on the groung. What the--? She followed it, curious.

Calyx glided through the air happily, howling. "Hello!" She took a fast turn left. "Hello, hello!"

Kohaku watched, sighing. Did Calyx always have to do that? She's like an alarm clock! He shook his head. "Calyx, come on!" he howled.


8:54am Jan 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Leto twitched when she heard a howl pierce the forest. "Wh-what was that?" She asked, edging closer to Aryia. Aryia shrugged, walking on. "Probably just some Houndoom or something." She said nonchalantly, going on with her usual pace. "It was close." Said Leto. "Sure it was." Aryia replied.
[[Kabyr won't do anything until Kai actually shows up xD Zozo, please edit your bios in the Warriors RP.]] 

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