Music is my Life [Open Small Group]

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2:14pm Jan 16 2012

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Posts: 130
Lexi and Chaz talked for the next 30 minutes. But then they heard a warning bell telling them that class was about to start in five minutes. Lexi got up from sitting down in front of her locker. Chaz did the same thing. Lexi opened her locker and got her music books out, along with her schedule. Chaz put his hand on her locker door and looked at her. "What's your first class?"

Lexi smiled at him as her books fell and she got her purple iPod out from her back pack. "Music Theory. What about you?"

Chaz picked up her books and handed them to her. He grinned. "Same thing. Guess you have the exact same schedule as me. Oh, except for art. I take all music classes. Why do you have art?"

Lexi flipped her hair from her eyes. "Because I like to draw anime, but I'm not that good. It's to help me learn more skills. Now lets go to class, because I don't want to be late!"

The two ran a couple of classes down and walked into the room. Only one other girl was there. Were they in the right spot? Lexi walked up to the girl. She looked kinda annoyed, with the school maybe? Lexi smiled her toothy grin, showing off nice straight white teeth. "Hi, is this the Music Theory class?" Chaz was right behind her, but he wasn't smiling. He was just standing there.

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

2:31pm Jan 16 2012

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Posts: 5,578
Paige looked up as a girl and a guy walked up to her. Paige held back the urge to roll her eyes, "Nope. This the class where we read random books that have nothing to do with music at all." Paige looked back at the teacher as he began to glare at the three of them again. You would think that a room with paper cut out musical notes all around the room and pictures of Boch and Motzart would signal to someone that this was a music room.
I guess these are the other two people I have to deal with the rest of the school year. Paige thought as she began to listen to her music again as it drifted up from her head phones.

Corbin turned around as two other people entered the room and started talking to a girl in the back. The girl from first glance seemed to be one of those people that thinks a bit too highly of herself where as the guy behind her seemed quite oblivious. Corbin shook his head and mental scolded himself. He hated when people judged other people before they get to know them. He had been judged before many times and hated how it felt so he made a mental note to at least try and get to know them before thining anything of them.


2:57pm Jan 17 2012

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6:56pm Jan 19 2012

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12:30pm Jan 20 2012

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Posts: 130
Lexi listened to the girl's response. Sarcastic. She could see the girl try not to roll her eyes. Lexi curled her hands into fists. She hated it when people made sarcastic remarks, although she did it quite often. Lexi leaned into the brown haired girl. She smiled a false smile. "Listen, I was just checking, OK? No need to get snarky, alright? Thanks for the help, though." With that, Lexi flipped her hair out of her eyes as she turned around. 

Chaz had a smirk on his lips and his labret ring hung at an odd angle from his lip. "Have fun talking to your new classmate?" Lexi punched his arm and went to find a seat. Chaz followed her.  When he sat next to her, she looked up at him surprised. "What? I can't sit here? Where you saving it for her?" He inclined his head towards the girl that had upset Lexi.

Lexi rolled her eyes and put her over-ear silver headphones on. She started blasting "Faint" by Linkin Park and Chaz could hear it. He started tapping his foot and singing along to the chorus. Lexi smiled as she sung and rapped. Finally she turned the music on so that it blasted through the whole room, taking her headphones out.

Chaz started patting his hands on his lap to the beat of the drum, while singing the chorus. Lexi stood up and did an air guitar, dancing around and head-banging. She danced all around the room and rapped as loudly as she could, while still making it sound good. 

The teacher looked annoyed, but Chaz and Lexi were oblivious. Chaz stood up and started following Lexi around, dancing. He grabbed her hand and started twirling her around. When the song was over, it came onto the song "What I've Done", also by Linkin Park. 

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

2:39pm Jan 20 2012

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Posts: 2,842
Wynter looked around the classroom as the music played and wondered whythe hell she was in this class. She couldn't hear, it was pointless. She shrugged and glanced at the drumming boy and laighed at how foolish he and his friend were. Quickly she glanced at the clearly unimpressed teacher, she snickered quietly and mimicked the rhythm of the boy, in a slightly less complicated fashion,doing her best to stayon the beat.


5:31pm Jan 20 2012

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"It would have been easy to just the board." Paige said not caring if the girl heard her. The white board had 'Music Theory' scribbled on it. Paige listened a moment to the music that the girl started playing as loud as she could and grimaced slightly. Paige wasn't a big fan of the band except for their first album. After that the band had gotten soft and lost her intrest.

Paige pulled her headphones on over her ears and smiled a bit as it completly blocked out the other music as she played her own songs. She hummed knowing no one else would hear her over the deafening loudness of the girls screeching and her 'music' blaring.

Corbin held his pencil tight in his hand as the girl started to listen to her music quite loudly behind him. It started out muffled as she listened with her headphones but intolerable when she discarded all sanity and unplugged the headphones letting the sounds rush about the room. Forgetting all he had said to himself earlyer about not judging others Corbin got up walking over to the girl and snatching her iPod and turning it off.

"I'm pleased that your OK expressing yourself but is there any way you could possibly do it in a do I put this nicely...annoying way?" He was slightly stunned at his forwardness but felt it needed to be said. He kindly gave the girl back her music player not planing on keeping it anyway and waited for her responce.


6:07pm Jan 21 2012

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9:20pm Jan 24 2012

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Posts: 130
Lexi turned around as the boy snatched her silver iPod from her hands. She just stood there as he called her annoying. Lexi wasn't the type that tolerated insults, and she definitely didn't let them take affect on her. But this one got to her. And she didn't know why.

The boy just stood there, waiting for her response. Lexi opened her mouth and shut it several times. Finally she spoke. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize that it was bothering you guys..." She looked around and saw a new girl standing at the door and the rude girl humming to her own music. Lexi's bottom lip started to quiver. "Really, I'm sorry. I just thought, well.... Let's just say when I blast my music and start singing, I don't feel so... insecure. I feel good about myself. I mean, I try to feel good about myself but..." Lexi quickly shut her mouth, realizing she was practically about to spill her whole life story to a complete stranger.

Lexi just nodded her head and felt a warm, salty tear slid down her cheek. Then she turned around and quickly walked to her seat, sitting down and pulling her hood over her head and writing in her journal.

Chaz looked at the guy that pulled the iPod out of his new friend's hands. "Did you really need to do that? Sorry for bothering you, we were just having fun. And by the way, she wasn't 'screeching.' She's actually a good singer." Chaz nodded his head and went over to Lexi. He didn't know quite what to say to her. If he told her it was alright, she would probably snap on him. So he just decided to sit there and not say any thing.

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

8:09pm Jan 27 2012

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Corbin hadn't intended to come off as rude or inconciderate but the girl truly had gotten on his nerves, "I never said she was screeching." Corbin said before walking back to his desk and sitting down. Though it's a matter of opinion that she's actually good at singing. He thought though he knew better than to say it out loud.

"Well now that all of this has been sorted out we can begin class." The teacher said as he got up from his chair and walked around the class room. He tapped Paige on the shoulder to get her attention and she rolled her eyes as she lowered her volume and took the headphones off her ears and let them hang around her neck again.

The man then walked over to Chaz and Lexi, "Please take a seat young man." He said and waited until he did so to go back around to his desk.

"My name is Mr. Bacon and yes this is Music Theory." He said as he pointed to the board.


6:31pm Jan 29 2012

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6:48pm Jan 30 2012 (last edited on 6:48pm Jan 30 2012)

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Posts: 130
As the teacher announced his name was Mr. Bacon, Chaz couldn't help but smirk. Now he would have a whole bunch of good pig or pork come backs for his new teacher.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div _idv_element_hash="16300304">Chaz looked to his right to see Lexi just sitting with her head in her right hand, turned away from him. He heard her sniffle and he frowned. Then he looked at the boy and growled.'&nbsp;<span _idv_element_hash="16271040">I didn't say she was screeching. Blah blah blah. I'm a Mr. Know It All.'</span></div><div _idv_element_hash="16155936"><i><br></i></div><div>Lexi heard that her teacher was talking but she wasn't listening. All she wanted to do was get away from the people in her present class and just go to choir. Her parents always have told her she was decent, and her past choir teachers always had her do solos. But Lexi really didn't think she was that good. She decided to get serious about singing and took some vocal and piano lessons.</div><div><br></div><div>Her vocal teacher was her middle school choir teacher and was a very nice woman. And Lexi's piano instructor was a nice man that had been teaching piano for 15 years. Lexi smiled as she thought of seeing her vocal teacher, Mrs. Fanning.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div>

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

6:49pm Jan 30 2012

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Posts: 130
<br><div>((sorry for double posts but idk what those weird sign thingies are on my post. I didn't put them there and I can't get them off. Sorry))</div>

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

6:49pm Jan 30 2012

Normal User

Posts: 130
<div _idv_element_hash="16484400">((sorry for double posts but idk what those weird sign thingies are on my post. I didn't put them there and I can't get them off. Sorry))</div>

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

8:53pm Jan 30 2012

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Posts: 5,578
((sorry I can't reply right now. I'll try to tomorrow.))


5:41pm Jan 31 2012

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Posts: 5,578
((The funny part is that I used to have an actual teacher named Mr. Bacon. He was partly deaf in both ears but never wore both of his hearing aids.))

The class went on for about 45 minutes after the teacher had introduced himself. He talked about the ob[injection]jective of the school year and how honored we should be since we were hand picked to be in the school blah blah blah. Paige didn't listen to any of it because all she could think of was how annoying this year would be. She couldn't believe that she was stuck in a class with a socially awkward kid, a guy who seemed to have little to know brain cells in his head, and a melo dramatic girl who thought that just by throwing around sob stories left and right that she would have an easy life. And to think that they would have every class together too. This was going to be a tough year.

Corbin still felt bad about making a girl cry but he didn't see what there was exactly to cry about in the first place. He shook his head and listned to the last of the teacher speech as the bell rang. He picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder and walked out of the room as the rest of the class did so and darted out of the room. His next class was chior which he knew he wouldn't be any good at either. He couldn't and didn't sing and being in this class would just humiliate him more that he would by himself anyway. Corbin sat down to the side of the room setting down his backpack and looking down at his lap since there weren't any desks but instead just chairs.

Paige groaned as she entered the chior room and took a seat in the back making it load enough for the teacher to hear. Paige was in the school for singing yes but chior wasn't her thing in fact she hated it. Her parents, who were very religious people, had forced her to be in the church chior for years until she just refused to go any more.


10:47pm Feb 1 2012

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5:54pm Feb 3 2012

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1:22pm Feb 5 2012

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8:20pm Feb 5 2012

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