Music is my Life [Open Small Group]

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7:12pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 5,578

I havn't seen a school for the arts in some time now(I may be wrong) and I wanted to make it is. Tada! Ok so only two other people can join, sorry but I find that if there are too many people the rp tends to die with in a couple days.

Rules Sorry but there's only a couple

1. Only join if your commited to the rp please. So don't just join, post for a day or two and then never post again.

2. Please be at least Semi-lit. More than 1-2 sentences that have fairly good spelling and Grammer(I'm not the best that's why I say 'fairly').

3. Make a guy and a girl. Pretty self explanitory...

4. The teens will all have classes together weather they are into painting and the like or being a in a band. They all have classes about both music and art.



Art?:[Music or Art. Can be interested in both but only good at one. e.g.They can be great at singing but loves to look at art.]


7:19pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 5,578

Name:Paige Esenger
Other: Doesn't ware make up and is usually waring a jacket of some sort.


Name:Corbin Matley


9:03pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 2,842
OoC; Can I join please? I'm joining Res again only to rp, so I need some good threads.


9:07pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 5,578

((Sure. Just fill in the bio after you read the rules(If you havn't already))))


9:47pm Jan 6 2012 (last edited on 9:40pm Jan 8 2012)

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Posts: 2,842
Name: Wynter Calloway
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Art: Art- painting and photography, as well as charcoal/pencil sketches
Looks: 5'9" pale, with light freckles on nose and cheekbones. Hair is long- down to her waist- white blonde, and wavy/curly. She is slim, but soft with slight curves. she has dark eyelashes and large eyes. Her eyes are such a dark brown they're almost black.
Other:Wynter is a calm and collected person, and relieves her stress in her art. She is a god sport surrounding practical jokes, so long as they don't hurt anyone. She is deaf, as a result of many ear infections as a child. Despite that, she can read lips pretty well and can speak English fluently. Doesn't take crap from anybody.

Name: Alec Winslow
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Art: Music. - Piano, saxophone, vocals, guitar and bass
Looks: Coming :)
Other: Born into a musical family, mother a music teacher, father a professor of musical theory


9:48pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 2,842


9:52pm Jan 6 2012

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Posts: 5,578

((Accepted. Now we just have to wait for one more person.))


2:49pm Jan 7 2012 (last edited on 2:55pm Jan 7 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 130
((OO!!! I wanna join! I was actually thinking of making a rp like this, but I found one!!! Happy Belated Birthday, btw. You have been an awesome friend since I've been on Res. Thanks, Dart. You rock. But, I'll make my bios now. Oh, and check out my new rp called Starclan's Decision.))

  Name: Lexiahna Nixon (Lexi or sometimes Lex)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Art: Music (rock)
Looks: Lexi is a tan girl with clear hazel eyes and black long straight hair. She is usually wearing black, red, gray, and white. Sometimes silver. She is rocker chic and doesn't consider herself beautiful or pretty, but she is quite something to look at. Usually is wearing dark gray skinny jeans with a ripped fishnet black shirt with a red tink-top under. Wears the knee high black converse.
Other: Has a band similar to Linkin Park (just because I love that band) Likes Chaz
Name: Chaz Benner (that's his pic, right there ^)
Gender: Male
Art: Music (rock)
Looks: Chaz is a fairly tall skinny teen. Her has sun kissed skin and spiky blonde hair.
Other: Is in Lexa's band and has a big crush on her

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

2:53pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 5,578

((I'm sorry I forgot to put this in the rules(my bad) but it gets kind of boring when your characters like each other and it kind of defeats the point of the rp (it's a romance. I think I forgot to put that in the first post too darn it) but yeah the point is could you make them not like each other. Wow...that took a long time. Other than that your accepted though))


6:44pm Jan 7 2012

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Posts: 2,842
OoC; does this mean we can start soon?


6:01pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 5,578

((I guess lets start and when Ivy changes the bios she can jump in. I'l edit my post in a little))


6:25pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 5,578

Standing at her open locker Paige looked at her new school books. This school was different than the others in the orientation, distribution of scheduals, and the ciriculum for sure. The students were suposed to go to their lockers and get aqauinted with their school books before heading to the multi-purpose room for the orientation and distribution of scheduals. Paige flipped through the pages in her chior book finding nothing apealing to her in any way. She ignored the rest of her books knowing that since they were for vocal exercieses and 'How to Draw' books that she would have no use for them. She looked across the hall to see a sign up sheet. She walked up closer to see what it read and smiled as it talked about after school bands. It wasn't so much a sign up she realized as it was a flyer so she ripped it from the wall and folded it up into her pocket for making her way back to her locker, putting her books in her bag. She pulled out her head phones and put them over her ears as she turned on her iPod and started listening to music. She hummed a long lightly looking up at one of the various clocks every now and then.


Corbin was standing at his locker a note book in hand as he sketched in it lightly with his pencile. He glanced up at the clock seeing as he had plenty of time to finish this drawing and start at least another one. He buzzed his lips deciding weather or not to put more detail into the simple horse he had drawn. It was still in the begining stages lokking more like a robat thatn a horse but he found it interesting to have unfinished pieces on his bed room wall making it look like a cluttered studio. He went a head and added detail as he wasted time drawing.


10:09pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 2,842
Wynter opened her locker door and glanced through the books they all were given. She grabbed her books, all of them, the ones on Musical Theory as well as te drawing ones and stuffed them in her pack. Obviously, she wouldn't really need the music books, but theory was another story - so was art. She loved art, all forms, photography, sketching, nd painting were her favourites, but she loved feeling music.Grabbing a sketchpad and pencils, she slammed locker shut and headed towards homeroom, or the "multi-purpose room" as they called it here. This school was different, and so much better already, than her old school. Smiling as she approached the classroom, she set her bag down beside a desk and sat down.


Alec ran through the halls, trying to get to his locker before the bell rang for class. He had his iPod in his ears, with Your Stories, My Alibis by Matchbook Romance playing loudly. Grabbing all his books and electronics, he shoved them in his backpack with all his papers, pens, notebooks, and markers. Swinging his backpack up onto his back he quickly started his walk to the multi-purpose room. Grabbing his iPod he switched over a Maria Mena song, and over to an original of his. Humming along he headed down the corridors quickly gaining speed.


10:41pm Jan 8 2012

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Posts: 5,578

The song on Paige's iPod switched as she finally started heading to the multi-purpose room and she started to quietly sing the words to herself, "She me how to lie your getting better all the time and turning all against the one is an art thats hard to teach." Paige had memerized the lyrics to practically every song in her iPod so it was easy to find her class and sing at the same time, "Anither clever word sets off an unsespecting herd and you jump back into line as the mob jumps to their feet." Paige made it to the class room and took one of the many empty seats in the back putting her back pack down next to her but keeping her headphones on waiting for the bell to ring.

As he suspected Corbin could indeed fit in quite a bit of detail and start another drawing before he thought it might be a good time to leave to his class room. He walked through the halls as he put his skatch pad in his bag and made it into the room in time to sit down and still have some relax time before the bell would ring. He contemplaited bringing out his note book again but figured he could tough out the few minutes.


3:47pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 11,785
((-stalk- >u>;))


7:06pm Jan 9 2012

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Posts: 130
((Aw, Dart do I have to?? I mean I will if I have to, but idk. I wouldn't just have it all fall into place. Lexi doesn't like him until like idk. But she has a crush on someone else, but I'm not sure who yet. If I put she likes Chaz, I didn't mean to put that.))

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

7:09pm Jan 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Sorry but yes Ivy. If you did have your characters like each other then you would just be off to the side pretty much not involved with the role play...))


9:41pm Jan 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 130
((Dang it. OK, well then I will have it your way. And you guys interested in doing another small group with each other and me?? It would be like Maximum Ride {if you don't know what that is, it's winged peoples} But do u wanna? Or another warrior rp?? I kinda gave up on A New Dawn....))

Lexi walked into the big double doors of (idk what the school is called) the Fine Arts Academy (if that name works). She was confident as she strode through the halls, looking for her locker. A few of the guys stared at her and whistled, while the girls dropped their jaws. For Lexi, was not wearing pants. 

Lexi jolted up right from her bed. That was a horrible dream. She was sure to check in the mirror three times now if she was wearing pants before she left. Her alarm hadn't gone off yet, but she couldn't sleep any longer. The tan girl sat up, stretched and got out of bed.

She changed from her pink Snoopy pajamas into a black skirt with suspenders. Then she put a red tube top on and put a black leather jacket over it. Not too dressy, I hope. Then she pulled on her black lace tights and her black high heels. Then she smacked her head. Shower, duh! She got the hot water running and pulled off her clothes quickly, and got put of the shower almost as quickly as she had gotten in.

Lexi pulled her clothes back on and dried her hair. The long black straight hair went down to her waist almost. She made it perfect, then shook her head wildly to make it edgy. She didn't want to be too girly. Then she looked in the mirror and picked up her back pack, grabbed the neon blue iPod and song book she had and walked out her door, calling to her mom on the way out.
Chaz looked at the mirror as he walked out of his house. He wasn't the least bit concerned about his appearance, baggy shorts with a t-shirt. And his black converse. Simple enough, eh? His bleached blonde hair was spiked. And his dark brown eyes shone with anticipation.

When he walked into the school. people were talking. Everywhere. Even though the school had a fairly small amount of students, it seemed like 100 of them were in the halls. Chaz got to his locker and when he was just putting the last books in, he heard silence. He looked at his shorts, nope still up. Then he looked towards the doors.

There walked Lexi Nixon. She was one of the most talented singers for her age. She walked confidently down the hall, her long black hair swaying. Her black skirt was held up by her suspenders, and her leather jacket hung off her slim figure. She was tall, too. Taller than he expected her to be.

She walked over to him. She just stood there. He looked at her over his shoulder and she looked annoyed. What could he have possibly done already?

Lexi just looked at the slim tall boy standing in front of her locker. He was oblivious to that. She sighed and started to tap her foot. He looked over at her and looked her up and down, the went back to putting his things in his locker. Which was right next to hers. It must have been his before, since it was decorated to his liking. 

She growled and tapped his shoulder, a little hardly. He turned around, annoyance sparkling in his dark brown eyes. "Can I help you?" 

She looked at him. " You are standing in front of my locker. Can you please move?"

"Can't you wait until I'm done? I only have.."

She pushed him into his locker and held him there. She got up in his face and stared into his eyes. "I asked you nicely to please move. I do't care if you have only a few more things. I only need to put my back pack in, so it shouldn't be any trouble. So please stay out of my way." Lexi let go of his shoulders and started opening her locker.

Chaz hated being pushed around and told what to do. So he spun her around and pushed her against her locker. "No, it is a problem. School doesn't start for an hour, so I should be able to finish. OK? Let me finish what I need to do. Got it, Chick?"

Lexi just stared into his dark brown eyes again. So intense, so powerful. Then she growled and spit in his face. She wasn't going to let his handsome looks over power her. She pushed him to the middle of the hallway and slapped him across the face. He looked shocked, but recovered quickly. Then he slapped her, and punched her in the stomach.

The fight went on for about ten more minutes. Then Lexi slumped down against her locker. Chaz was laying down on his back in front of his locker. He sighed and sat up. He has a scratch across his nose and Lexi had a scratch under her eye. She smiled at him and held out her hand. He looked at it, looked at her flashing a charming grin, then spit in his hand and shook hers.

She groaned. "EWWW!!!" Then she smiled and got up. He did to, and they just stood laughing.


"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

9:41pm Jan 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 130
((srry for mega fail long post))

"When all you gotta keep is strong, move along move along like I know you do! And even when your hope is gone, move along move along just to make it through! And right back what is wrong, we move along." ~All American Rejects "Move Along" lyrics

3:37pm Jan 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 5,578
((I'm interested but I might not have enough time. I have a lot of tests this year a long with loads of projects and homework.))

Paige let a slight groan as the bell rang and a tall thin man walked into the room as if on cue. He scanned the empty seats and glared at Paige who hadn't taken her head phones off. Paige rolled her eyes and slipped off to around her neck but kept the music on. The teached turned away from her and sat down in the computer chair behind the pale wood desk and waited impatiently for the two late students.
 Paige looked at the two empty seats in the front of the room. They were the only two that were left in the tiny class. Either the kids weren't here today, the first day of school, or they just don't something like this that seriously. Paige wasn't the kind of person that really liked school but this school wasn't like a normal school. These kids had been hand picked for this Acedemy and those two people were acting as if it was something they didn't care about.

Corbin payed no attention to the empty seats or the bell or the teacher as her twiddled his thumbs and looked out the side of the room through the large windows. The teacher hadn't started talking yet obviously waiting for something but it didn't seem to have much to with Corbin so he let it be. The windows looked out at the student parking lot. It was full but that didn't mean much concidering the small student population at the school.

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