Mevolent...You must die...(Skulduggery Pleasant RP)

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12:07pm Dec 19 2011 (last edited on 12:22pm Dec 24 2011)

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Mevolent has re-emerged with some of his most trusted and deadly allies and plans to spread darkness upon the world. Only those magical beings with the courage and strength to stand up to him stand a chance.

Are you one of them?

Um...standard RP rules apply here (respect other players, no cursing, have fun, etc). You can have two characters per player. You CAN play as someone from the book series, but only ONE of those people. So if you have one character from the book series, then your second character must be one of your own.

Here's a list of who's playing who (from the books):

Skulduggery Pleasant: BeckyL97
Valkyrie Kain:
Tanith Lowe:
Billy-ray Sanguine: rescreatu1998
Dusk (Vampire):
Springheeled Jack:
China Sorrows:
Mr Bliss:
Nefarian Serpine:
((I'll add a few more later. Just ask if there is someone not on this list that you want to RP as.)) :-)

Here's the bio for my character:

Given Name: Elizabeth Winter

Taken Name (current name): Eliza Blackblood Chaos

Age (or the age they appear to be): 14

Relations: Skulduggery Pleasant (Father)

Personality: Incredibly shy and sensitive, but can strike back with catastrophic force when angered or scared.

History: Unknown to Skulduggery, Serpine revived Eliza after she was killed as a sort of insurance against him. She ran away from him as soon as she got the chance, but not before Serpine had performed many magical experiments on her, slowing her ageing even more than for normal mages. This may also explain why ELiza had a grudge against Serpine to this day.
She has not seen her father in many years and misses him very dearly, and hopes that she will see him some day (in the RP, Eliza will meet Skulduggery later on).

Adept/Elemental: Both (her mother was an Adept, but Skulduggery is an Elemental, so she inherited both their magical abilities. However, she uses her Adept powers, mostly shapeshifting, more often).

Other: She plays on rooftops a lot, so perhaps she could get into a fight with Springheeled Jack?

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3:16pm Dec 19 2011

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(Can I join this?)

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

4:32am Dec 20 2011

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((Sure! Just post the bios! :-D))

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6:49pm Dec 20 2011

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Given name: Jessica Hartwell
Taken name: Tui Avis
Age: 15
Relations: No one that I'm going to bring in as far as I'm aware XD
Personality: She's generally not a quiet or shy person and she has quite a long temper, most insults or attempts to anger her will go over her head, not that she doesn't notice them or anything, she just choses not to. (Ugh, I'm really bad at personalities, sorry.)
History: She pretty much lived a normalish life with her parents (who are both elementals), she trained and is now quite skilled at elemental magic.
Adept/Elemental: Elemental
Other: Um, no, not really.

Given name: Chester Shrew
Taken name: Pranx Bane
Age: 18
Relations: No one that I'm going to bring in
Personality: He didn't take the name Pranx Bane for nothing, he usually tries to annoy the heck out of anyone and everyone near him, and it's usually a good idea not to eat or open anything he gives you because it will either have bugs in it, or explode in your face. (Again, fail.)
History: He spent a lot of his life plotting, scheming, a small amount of time training and was pretty much a loaner, for obvious reasons. 
Adept/Elemental: Necromancy is adept magic, right? I've forgotten XD
Other: He has a bad habit of pushing people down stairs, because according to him 'people are like slinkies, boring to look at but fun to push down stairs.'

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

3:29am Dec 21 2011

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Posts: 2,052
((Great characters! And yes, I think Necromancy qualifies as Adept magic.))

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12:30pm Dec 21 2011 (last edited on 12:31pm Dec 21 2011)

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Can I join?

and If you say yes um... can I ither be Billy Ray or Valkyrie?

3:37pm Dec 21 2011

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((Question, do we have to have read the entire book series to join *cough book 3*?))

Given Name: Vynessa Hark-land

Taken Name (current name): Vyn Tuesday

Age (or the age they appear to be): appears to be 22 (born in 1911)

Relations: An old acquaintance of Skullduggery's. 


Vyn is a rebellious, cocky, head-strong tom-boy who is incredibly persistent. She tends to smile even in times of distemper, jokes about her misfortune and wont comfort others as she doesn't know how to compensate. She feels that those who cant hold their own should get stronger,and will stand by her opinion. 

Vyn Tends to form friendship bonds that she will hold dear even if the other person cannot see it. Leaning towards the more mysterious and those who initially reject her she claims. "They are more fun." A lover of action, she craves for adventure and states that nothing will change that opinion.

Fought in the war and was one of the few survivors. She was born in Scotland by the side of loch lomond, and spent several child-hood years there, before moving to Liverpool. Although over the years her accent decreased, she still retains some Scottish customs.

Adept/Elemental: Elemental
The woman specializes in Air, as it is the foundation of her signature magic, lightning and electricity. This "young" woman studied weather patterns at the same time she was studying magic. As a child fascinated with the mechanics and machines that came around, when it came to learning magic she was disappointed that lighting was not among the elements.  

Other: Is a mechanic in her spare time, she also acts as a detective however her approach is a little less inconspicuous. Often roams around in her yellow trench, although also carries a black turtle-neck when she feels her work will be too violent. (she dread getting the coat trashed).

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:00pm Dec 21 2011

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Okay..... What ever floats ya goat

9:56pm Dec 21 2011

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5:38am Dec 23 2011 (last edited on 8:52am Dec 24 2011)

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((Everyone can join, regardless of the number of books they ave read. Yes, rescreatu1998, you can be Billy Ray. Just post your bio and start RPing!

I declare this RP...OPEN! Yay!))

Skulduggery Pleasant was alone. Valkyrie happened to be practising combat skills with Tanith Low at that time, so Skulduggery was driving down the street in his beloved Bentley without any apparent reason. If Valkyrie asked, he would say that he had been taking care of some urgent private business and leave it at that, which would without doubt leave Valkyrie asking more questions.

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9:53am Dec 23 2011

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Sitting on the roof tops The apparent young woman smiled contently. She hadn't been to Ireland in a long while and she had missed the taverns and the excessive drinking, Not to mention the happenings of chaos that frequently went on, unknown by the regular civilian. 
   Pulling down her Aviator goggles she stood proudly on the roof top. It was getting dark, so magic and it's kind would be seen more frequently. Watching as Overall-ed people; one male and the other female, enter the museum she knew it was about time to head off. Being seen wasn't a problem, however getting convicted for magical practice when there were still many regulars around wasn't something she fancied.
   Pulling the strap on her satchel tight She rolled her shoulders back and limbered up before flexing her fingers and leaping from one roof top to another. Slipping into a dark alleyway, Vyn lifted the goggles back on top her head and casually walked from the alleyway. Despite being in the more wary side of town who tried to look as 'normal' as it could, she was still very conspicuous. Wearing and ankle length trench coat that's flare was that of a dress coat, and being bright yellow, didn't exactly say "don't look at me". Open, her bare stomach caught a breeze that sent a shiver down her spine. Reading the pressure in the air waves and reading them like sonar she turned to face an oncoming bently, the inhabitant wearing a wide brimmed hat. Casually saluting to her fellow, she turned and continued to walk down the cardboard plagued street.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

10:36am Dec 23 2011

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Skulduggery Pleasant peered out of the Bentley windows. Strange, he thought. I could have sworn I've seen that person before...Aha! Skulduggery recognized the person after a moment. He wound down one window of the bentley as the car came to a steady halt.

"Well, well, if it isn't Vyn Tuesday." he said. "Remember me?" He didn't step out of his car.

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1:30pm Dec 23 2011

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Vyn paused before taking her next step, the Bently was slowing down, and soon it was stood stationary beside her. "Aye." She raised and eyebrow without turning to face him. "One can't forget a person like you Skulduggery. You haven't exactly got the face a person would forget." 
She finally turned her body and bent down to peer into the car. "A little birdie told me that you have gotten yourself an apprentice of sorts? Unless he is invisible, being the person you are, shouldn't they be under surveillance? At such a young age it is dangerous to be affiliated with one such as yourself, wouldn't you agree?" She questioned, tilting her head whilst looking at the slender figure sat in the driver seat.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

1:46pm Dec 23 2011

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Skulduggery shrugged.

"My apprentice is training at the moment, I'll have you know. With someone very capeable, I might add." he said. "Perhaps you've heard of the one she's training with...her name is Tanith Low? Very efficient  in combat." Skulduggery finally  did step slowly from the Bentley.

"What about yourself?" he asked. "How have you been getting on?"

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2:08pm Dec 23 2011

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Vyn was surprised to hear an old name brought up. "Tanith low huh? Lat time i heard that name was in 88, still around then." She snickered crossing her arms and flicking the hair from her eyes. "I've been getting along quite well. Headed out of the country some years back, return just recently actually. The courts across the globe have all been mentioning your name i can assure you." She laughed. "I'm not one for hiding in the shadows, but you Mr. Pleasant, cause quite a stir."

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:23pm Dec 23 2011

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Sanguine sat in a chair sharpening his razor blade his feet up on the scuffed up table that had seen better days. He had missed his blade, when that girl Valkyrie Cain had taken it from him, a knife felt to heavy in his belt. He was gonna let that girl live so she could suffer even more than any thing that he could ever do.

Rose Maroon,she fliped her red hair from her eyes, watched MR.Pleasant and a woman she was sure was called Vyn. She moved closer to them "Mr. Pleasant" she began slowly "did you say Tanith Low?

9:02am Dec 24 2011 (last edited on 9:55am Dec 24 2011)

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"Yes, I said Tanith Low." Skulduggery said, very matter-of-factly to the second person. "I'm sorry, but what might your name be? I don't recall meeting you before."

Eliza switched her attentions to a window in a nearby house. Peering in, she noticed someone sitting there with their feet up on a table (Billy-Ray Sanguine). They also appeared to be sharpening some sort of blade.
"Stranger and stranger..." Eliza muttered aloud. As the person in the house looked up sharply, Eliza realized that they must have heard her. Gulping a little, Eliza stepped back, and as the person inside the house rose to their feet, she slowly shapeshifted into the form of a Wyvern. Wyverns, contrary to popular belief, are not huge dragon-like creatures. They look a little like Velociraptors that are about 2 metres tall. They also have dragon-like wings in place of arms, tipped with incredibly sharp claws. These factors, combined with their barbed tails and deadly teeth, make Wyverns creatures to be feared.
Out of fear of the person inside the house, Eliza let loose a shockwave of air, one of the only Elemental magic abilities she knew of. It was something she always did when scared. Unfortunately, the air shockwave also happened to break the window she had been looking through, much to the annoyance of the person with the blade inside the house.
"That's just brilliant..." Eliza muttered.

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6:44pm Dec 24 2011

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Rose hesitated she didn't like sharing her name but she did any way "Rose" she said "Rose Maroon" she said her red hair being tousled by the wind. "I assume your skulduggery Pleasant" she said arching an eyebrow.

Sanguine froze in sharpening his razor he was being watched he could feel it he continued to sharpen his razor then he pretend to fall asleep so whoever watching him would be tempted to enter the house.

11:52pm Dec 24 2011

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(Sorry for the late post.)

Tui wandered about aimlessly, at the moment she had nothing to do and loads of time to kill. "Well, this is boring," she sighed, "what to do, what to do..." She decided to shut up before someone accused her of being crazy, I suppose that might not be as boring as what I'm doing now, and besides, I'm probably on the road to insanity by boredom.

Pranx fiddled with the shadows, making them form random shapes. "Triangle, square, circle, oval, pentagon, trapezium..." he muttered. He continued to form shapes until he saw what he guessed was a mortal approaching the tree he was leaning against. Pranx shot them a glare and waited until they were well out of sight before he started forming more random shapes with the shadows, why am I doing this? I should be plotting and scheming... what's wrong with me?

Imma flippin\' fairy pixie! :P

1:12am Dec 25 2011

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"Hmmm..." Eliza mumbled, confused at why the man had suddenly fallen asleep inside the house. Cautiously, Eliza stepped inside, still in the form of a Wyvern, through the newly broken glass of the window. Eliza still did not go near the mysterious man with the blade.
"Nice blade, though..." she muttered to herself. AFter a moment, she shifted to human form.

Skulduggery Pleasant turned a little more to the new arrival quizically.
"And if I am?" he said.

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