Kovu's Pride

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12:42pm Oct 17 2011 (last edited on 9:15am Nov 12 2011)

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Posts: 1,117
Yes, this is a Lion King RP :D


It's been one long year since Kovu mated Princess Kiara and became king. Together, they run the kingdom quite well, with occasional help from Simba and Nala.Timon and Pumbaa are still around, and so is ol' Rafiki. Kovu has proved to be a wise and just king, and Kiara was quite impressive too, both easily winning their subjects' admiration. 
Today is a great day for them all. Kiara became mother to four healthy(?) cubs a few days ago, and today, they are going to be presented. There is much discussion as to who will be the next king or queen, but for the time being, everybody is content to just wait and see.

Things are, however, very different on the other side of the world. Zira's sister happened to hear of her dear sibling's tragic death, and, not quite aware of the circumstances, has vowed to avenge her. She, with her own little pride, consisting of her own two cubs, mate and a few followers, have decided to settle in the Outlands, their eyes on the traitor Kovu and his pride.

Will there actually ever be peace again, or will Zira's sister succeed in murdering the royal cubs?

The Pridelands
Spring, early dawn.
An hour or so before the Presentation.
The Outlands
Zira's sister and her pride have reached the Outlands (on, coincidentally, the same day as that of the Presentation).

Rules (yeah, I know :P)

Be lit/semi-lit. No one liners.
No powerplaying/godmoding. These lions are perfectly normal. Well, except they talk and stuff.
Try keeping the gender ratios even.
Romance encouraged. Just keep it clean. 
Violence is alright. Not too much, though.
Krillacreat is my co-owner. Listen to her.
No mary/gary sues.
No weird markings/wings. As I said, these lions are not special.
No instamates or one of your charas mating/falling in love with another one you control.
Use some form of OoC.
Zira's sister is eeevil. No, really.
I can add/change these rules.
Have fuuuun :D

Open Spots

Kovu (Krillaxcreat)
Kiara (me)
Cub 1 - Taip (Krillacreat)
Cub 2 - Tirza (me)
Cub 3 - Altair (Bloodrose)
Cub 4Kali (RikaTheFallen)
Kachina (Bloodrose)
Kuru (Krillacreat)
Cub 1 - Kyrie (me)
Cub 2 [OPEN]
Simba [OPEN]
Nala [OPEN]

Alika (RikaTheFallen)

Topaz (Bloodrose)
Etana (Becky)
Spirit (Spirit)

Bio Skelly

Appearance (pic preferred)
Personality (no rp-it-outs)
History (optional)
Crush (if any)
Mate (if any)
Pridelander or Outlander?
Relations in the pride
Other (anything else?)

~Rawr! Let's start 8D~
I'll be posting my bios later.


4:56pm Oct 17 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((Cub 3 as a male and a member of the pride? 

Bios coming laters.))


8:55pm Oct 17 2011 (last edited on 1:05pm Oct 27 2011)

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Posts: 1,719
 Old enough to breed :D
 Watch the movie to find out :D
Relations in the pack
 Mate of Kiara; Son of Zira; Father of Royal cubs

Name- Taip (pronounced like tape)
Gender- Female
Age- Cub in the beginning :D
Appearance- {coming}
Personality- [I'm no good at describing or making up personalities.]
Relations in the pack- Daughter of Kiara and Kovu

Name: Kuru

Gender: Male

Age: Just like his nephew, old enough to mate

Appearance: {coming}

Personality: {I'll describe after I find a pic}

Mate: Zira's sister

Pridelander or Outlander?: Outlander

Relations in the pride: Whichun? o3o


9:10pm Oct 17 2011

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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Cub four and a...loner lioness that is convinced to join the Outland prides, then convinced to join Kovu's pride? 

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

7:28am Oct 18 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Sure, Rika and Bloodrose ^^ Awesome, Krill. I'll make my bios a little later.

1:21pm Oct 18 2011 (last edited on 12:47pm Oct 19 2011)

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Posts: 1,117




Adventurous, fun, stubborn, etc., etc.

It's no secret ;)



Pridelander or Outlander?

Relations in the pride
Daughter of Simba and Nala, mate to Kovu, mother to the cubs.






(green eyes like her dad's)

Crazy and adventurous, like how her mother was when she was a cub, but perhaps a bit more wilder. She is stubborn and wants her way all the time. She doesn't really care what other people think or say about her, and does not like being the royal delicate princess. She believes strongly in what she believes in and will stand up for what she thinks is right.

She's just born, duh!

None yet

None yet

Pridelander or Outlander?

Relations in the pride
Kovu is her father, Kiara is her mother, Simba and Nala are her grandparents, has three siblings.

Other (anything else?)





(grey eyes)

Kyrie is mostly quiet and reserved, not really daring to speak much around his pridemates. He isn't particularly close to anyone, and is alone most of the time, which is a source of constant pain for him. For the same reason, Kyrie is quite independent, and rather insecure. He doesn't trust anyone much, but will go a long way to protect the one he loves.


Too young.

Too young.

Pridelander or Outlander?

Relations in the pride
Has a sibling and a mother and a father (o____o)


2:09pm Oct 18 2011 (last edited on 10:06pm Oct 27 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Just so you know, a group of lions is called a pride, not a pack. *pokes the "Relations within the pack" part of the bio* That should be Relations in the pride. :P

Called: Altair
Name Origin/Meaning: Arabic name meaning 'the bird' or 'the flyer'
Gender: Male
Age: Cub
((White lion cubs do exist. They are slightly rare, though. So I don't think there will be another in this pride. There could be, but it wouldn't happen in a natural pride. Whit pelts are EXTREMELY rare genes.))
Personality: Altair is often a bit aloof. He enjoys staring up at the sky or into the water. He doesn't talk much and prefers to stay alone, though he doesn't mind being near other lions or even in a conversation. Although, he often disappears when he's needed most. 
History: He was born and he's still alive.
Crush: None yet
Mate: None, too young
Relations in the pride: Son of Kiara and Kovu, has three siblings in the pride.
Other: N/A

Name Origin/Meaning: Not for the stone. Derived from tapas, meaning 'heat;fire'.
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Personality: Due to a complicated past, Topaz left her birth pride at a rather young age. She's very insecure, not sure about herself. She flinches away from most contact from other creatures. She loves hunting, though. She prefers to sleep during the day and hunt at night, although she is trying to change this. She's just a very mixed up lioness. 
History: He mother died when she was born, her father never really cared for her. Nor did any of the lionesses in her birth pride. So, the day she learned to hunt, she left the pride. She is still a loner.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Relations in the pride: None
Other: She's a loner.

Name: Kachina
Name Origin/ Meaning: Native American Hopi name meaning "sacred dancer; spirit." Also the name of my persona and a character in my book. Please don't steal.
Gender: Female
Personality: Kachina is a very confused lioness. She's very impressionable and with a bit of sterness, will do anything that is asked of her, even if she believes it is wrong. She's not comfortable in her own skin, very shy and skittish when it comes to most fights or hunts. 
History: Grew up with Zira and Scar, you know the story for them. Pretty much the same for her except she has no cubs, yada yada. 
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Relations within the pride: Zira is her sister. Kovu is her nephew.
Other: nothing.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

4:37pm Oct 18 2011

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Posts: 11,785
Name: Alika
Gender: Lioness
Age: Young adult.
Appearance (pic preferred)

She's a really pale tan color. The moon makes he look silver.
Personality: She's like...a mom. she's generous and kind and loves cubs with all her heart, even though she has none. Blah blah. :<
History: Was born. Meh.
Crush: Opn if anyone wants to go for her.
Mate: None.
Relations in the pride: Uh. She's just a member.
Other: Not really.

Name: Kali
Gender: Male
Age: Cub! D:<
Appearance (pic preferred)

Without wings of course.
Personality: Mischievious, more of a loner-type, smart, loves to sit and watch the clouds roll by, etc, etc.
History: He's a little young for a history.
Crush: Too young!
Mate: D:<
Relations in the pride: Momma is Kiara, Daddy is Kovu, and he has one brother and two sisters.
Other: Are they in order of birth? If not can he be the first born?


9:52am Oct 19 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Accepted. Lol yeah, Bloodrose, I know. I've been rping wolves a lot lately. Guess I got both of 'em mixed up xD
@Rika- Nope, they're not in order of birth. Sure he can ^
Oops. Seems like I forgot a real important thing in the skelly. Pridelander or Outlander? @Rika - Is Alika a Pridie or an Outie? =3
We still need someone to be Zira's sis. And Cub 2.

5:31pm Oct 19 2011

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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: If you like, I could take on one of them? o3o I don't mind three characters.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

8:13pm Oct 19 2011

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Posts: 11,785
((Pridelander. C:))


12:39pm Oct 20 2011

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Posts: 1,117
@Bloodrose- That'd be great! By the way, cute sig.
@Rika- Okies ^

12:47pm Oct 20 2011

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Posts: 2,422
OOC//: Lol. Thanks. I'll fill out the bio when I get back from town.

"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann

6:25am Oct 23 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Bump

10:30pm Oct 23 2011

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Posts: 1,719
((Would it be ok if I were also Kovu's uncle?))


10:26am Oct 24 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Of course, Krill 8D 
@Bloodrose: Please post your bio soon. Can't wait to start!

12:04pm Oct 27 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Bumpeth

12:12pm Oct 31 2011

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Posts: 1,117
OoC: Bump...

2:36pm Oct 31 2011

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Posts: 2,052
Can I join as a loner, who was rejected from Zira's pride and might join Kovu's pride later on?

here's the bio if I can:

Name: Etana
Gender: Female
Age: Young Adult
Appearance (pic preferred):
(but without the diamond mark on the head)
Personality: Gentle, kind, sensitive, shy.
History: She grew up in Zira's pride, but was rejected because she refused to kill any intrudeing lions. Now, she roams around. Though she is shy and tends to stay far away from other lions, she is actually very lonely and dreams of joining another pride one day.
Crush: None....yet
Mate: None
Pridelander or Outlander? Loner (ex outlander)
Relations in the pride: She used to be a member of the main hunting party because of her speed. She was also once on a 'patrol party' who searched for intruders, but because she refused to kill a defenceless intruder. It was this refusal to kill that lead to her being kicked out of the pride.
Other: Not much really, apart from the fact that she likes to play with younger lions.

Adopt one today!

9:01pm Nov 1 2011

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Posts: 9,781
(can I join)
Age:young adult
Appearance:She is a very beautiful black lioness with silver eyes and a deep scar over her right eye from fights over different things.(sorry my pics won't show most of the time on here)
Personality:She is very loving kind,but also gloomy and mysterious.She will kill friends,family,ect. if needed.
History:Unknown the only thing known is she was cast out of her pride as a young teen for reasons she does not understand.
Crush:none yet/open
Mate:none yet/open
No relations in any pride anymore.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.
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