Infectious [Wolf RP]

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9:28pm Jan 3 2013

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Rain flickered her ears back and the wolf fell to the ground. The wolf then kicked her off. She let out a small yelp as she hit the ground. That didn't stop her though. She watched as Jath began attacking her again, she listened to his orders, but wouldn't obey. She let out a low growl and pounced back onto the wolf, biting it's neck behind it's head, where she knew it was most likely to die if she bit hard enough. She let out a low growl once again and jerked the wolf to the other side, she started twisting and turning, trying her best at least injure it worse so it'd run off and not bother them.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

10:04pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 10:55pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 384
True once again got to her feet, and began once again running towards the infected wolf. "I will kee fighting until my body gives out on me." True said aloud to help her keep her goals in mind as well as letting the others know her reason for the recklessness. Seeing that the she wolf was occupied by Shadow and Jath, True once again limped up from behind and shot around to the wolf's front. She then snarled and flattened her ears before suddenly lunging for her throat. True clamped down, managing the task of not being flung from the wolf with moderate difficulty as she aided Rain.

10:26pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(I'm sorry,but I think I'll have to quit.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:55pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 384
((Aww. Why so?

10:57pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 10:58pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 9,781

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:07pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 11:07pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 934

Jath got off the wolfs back, seeing as other wolves began to pile up on her. "I said Leave!" Jath yelled. "We can't kill her, she is Wescot's sister!" Jath watched in horror as again, family was attacked, even though it wasn't his family, he still didn't want Wescot to go through what he did. He knocked the wolves off the she-wolf and pinned her head down in the ground by grabbing the fur by her head and holding her head there. "Nouwh Wun!" He mumbled as best he good as he tried to keep the other wolf restrained.
{{LOL Postfail/}}


11:21pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 934
{{Shadow/Spirit, you can always catch up, Florence/Wescot/Shasta does it all the time, you just have to be creative. You could recap from clear a long time ago, like when we went to the river, you decided to go hunting far away and you didn't hear any of the noise, but then you got back and heard Jath yelling and/or wolves howling in pain or something and come rushing over. Just a thought.}}


11:33pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 9,781
(Oh yeah. Thanks for reminding me. I didn't get much sleep lately. I'll do that. It may suck though.)

    Shadow was walking back from hunting down rabbits and had the leg bone of one in her jaws. She suddenly heard yelling and rushed towards te sound,dropping the bone in the process. Soon as she stopped she was inches from the scene of a fight.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

11:50pm Jan 3 2013 (last edited on 11:52pm Jan 3 2013)

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Posts: 384

(I forgot she wasWescot's sister. xDDDD  Wait... nvm, True didn't hear Wescot say the sister thing... I think... Gah, Typing in a min. :P)

11:54pm Jan 3 2013

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Posts: 934
{{@Spirit/Shadow- Ah! There you go, perfect! Now you are caught up, and glad to help!}}


12:12am Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 12:41am Jan 4 2013)

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Posts: 384

"That's wescot's sister?!?!" ((I'm just going to say True didn't know at this point. I'm begnning to confuse myself xD)) True said as she began to realize why Jath and Wscot had not been as aggressive as Shadow and myself.  True backed away from the wolf, and sat about ten feet away letting Jath do as he wished. She perked her ears, hearing Jath mumble something. After a few seconds of deciphering, the light bulb turned on in her head. She then limped back up he hill towards the camp. "Jath, hurry!" True said as she stopped at the top of the hill, about ten yards away, unable to leave Jath, as well as the others completely out of sight with a vicious out of control wolf.  

Fixed :3


((I know it sucks pretty badly... My brain is out of order at the moment. Just got through doing a book report xD))

12:53am Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 934
{{YEESH! Book report. D: I always hated those.}}
Jath used his paw to pin down the wolf down and he turned his head to True. "True, just go! Make sure the others get to safety, I'll try and hold her off as long as I can while you guys get away!" For a moment he just stared at True.


1:02am Jan 4 2013 (last edited on 1:03am Jan 4 2013)

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Posts: 384

True managed a small smile, and a few more feet up the hill before calling to the others, "Come on, we have got to get moving!" True yelled, trusting that the others would follow. She then walked over the slope and headed back towards the camp, limping slightly from her badly bitten leg. She let out a howl as she did so, even though she knew that Jath couldn't reply since he had quite a full plate at the moment.

10:18am Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 1,274
{{I might not be roleplaying much today, have to finish homework. D: Only three more days off, including today...until I go back to school. ;n;}}

Shasta let herself be pinned down, feeling weak and tired. Her tail dropped on the ground and she made no attempt to escape. She simply made warning growls, but nothing else. Kill, kill, kill. Her mind raced. She was to tired to get up.

Wescot got up weakly and limped to the shore. He walked slowly into the water, unsure if he would be able to stand.
He watched as the water around him turned red, and he tried not to look at it. When he got to the other side he collapsed.


12:53pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 384

((Same here with the homework thing. I can't make a post right now, but I will try to get back on later. Lol, I'm supposed to be out the door already. Eye appointment, glaucoma possibility >.<

12:56pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 1,274
{{D'aww. Hope it's not. D: Good luck.}}


10:57pm Jan 4 2013

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Posts: 934
{{Hope it's not anything serious!! D:}}
Jath could feel the female wolf tire, and not resisting anymore. He looked back to make sure True was at a safe distance away, and he let up his paw and backed up a few feet. He still kept in an attack position, just watching for any movement that would be related to an attack. "I'm not going to kill you, wolf. I know you're infected and can't help it. I'm going to try and heal you wounds, as so you won't die in the morning," Jath said. He reached for a plant that grew by the water edge. He picked it, in hope that this was the right healing herb to at least help all the bite marks in this wolf's neck. "Stay still."


12:00am Jan 5 2013 (last edited on 12:07am Jan 5 2013)

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Posts: 384

((It is still unknown. Yay! more tests in four months! /sarcasm. (glacoma)

Once she came to the other side of the hill, True stopped. She then turned around, waiting for the others to follow. "Hmm... that's strange. Where is Wescot?" She asked herself, after waiting a few minutes for him to scale the hill's slope. "Can't blame him for not wanting to leave his sister wounded... but still, he should have come already." True let out a anxious sigh, and sat for what seemed like an eternity. "Wonder what's taking so long..." she said to herself, mainly just wanting an excuse to return to the others and make sure nothing had gone sour. True then began making her way slowly back up the hill until she came to it's peak. (Top of a hill... peak? Idk. xD)) She lowered herself to the ground, unsure of what situation she might walk into. To her relief, she found the infected wolf, Wescot's sister, pinned to the ground and wounds being cared for by Jath. "So that's what is taking him so long." True said, smiling at the fact that he was actually healing the one that had harmed him, even though the healing he was having to do was caused by her. "Jath, check, Infected sister, check. Now where is Wescot at?" True asked herself, knowing that he would probably be by Jath's side helping his sister out if he had the choice. She turned her head to the right and scanned the shoreline. Strangely enough, her eyes fell upon a downed wolf. "Not again..." She said as she slowly slinked over to his limp body, and began dragging him away from the waters edge. "So much heavier out of water." She said to herself as she drug him up to the top of the hill with great difficulty.

10:37am Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 934
Jath began to work diligently, picking specific herbs. He couldn't smell the herbs to tell the diffrence, so he relied on his memory, which he seemed to do with no difficulty. He had learned all the herbs and plants from his father's physician, Alohre. Jath remembered Alohre always lecturing him on which herbs would be good for healing, ones for cooking, and, knowing Alohre, there was bound to be a plant that got him a little topsy-turvy, but he didn't tell Jath about it, thank the Gods of the Seven Volcanoes. (...I have no idea.) He continued plucking plants, shucking them, picking their flowers, and occasionally, dunking them in the water. He placed the different plants in different places, depending on the type of wound. Then he saw true dragging a wolf up the hill. "Hey, I was healing that!" Jath said. He wasn't really, he just wanted an excuse to talk to true. "Which wolf is that...?" Jath asked true, unsure of who it was, it was so covered in mud and blood and stuff.


10:58am Jan 5 2013

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Posts: 4,873
Rain shuttered as she watched Jath try to help the infected wolf. She knew she wouldn't even try to help.. She flickered her ears back and turned around. She then began to trot away, ignoring everything around her. She was angered a bit about attacking an unknown wolf, she was infected, what would have happened if her or the others didn't... She let out a snort as she trotted back to her ledge and lied down on it. Her ears flattened and she lied her head on her paws as she looked up at the stars.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
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