I always thought that..(Stray Dog Rp)..a house dog would be kinda fun..

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12:46am Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 93

A large-built man sauntered over to where Magnum stood, giving out coaxing smacks and whistles. Magnum just grinned goofily at that, and jumped, landing on the mans chest and ripping his jugular out from his throat. He gave a panting laugh and licked up the blood dripping off his jaws, and technically 'spat' the vain out of his mouth. He snarled and turned swiftly to see the male dog clinging to another man; seeing this as a fun opportunity, he tackled the man from the back. Scratching and tearing flesh from the human, he gave what seemed a cackle of doggish laughter.  "You fella's sh'ore do give'a hell of a fight f'er these people."


1:10am Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 93

Seconds later, Magnum had seen a small crowd gather at the front of the alley-way they were fighting with the humans in. He cursed under his breath and saw a small girl carrying a McDonalds bag.It had about six burgers and a few boxes of fries in it, by the scent. Being this sly dog, Magnum padded to the girl and furrowed and gave a teeth-bearing grin. The girl gasped and dropped the bag; almost purposely into the gaping mouth of the white hell-dog. "Ha Ha Haa! Dam'n, humans 're so easy t'scare off!" Magnum howled, turning to the male and female dogs. "Oi, I'm thinkin' we sh'leave. I snagged m'self, 'r ourselves a doggy bag, le's go!" he barked once again, leading the two over a fence in No-problem-o.


1:20am Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 93

((after this we should stop and hopefully the other person -Sorry I was too lazy to go back and look at yer user name *bows* Sorry again XDD))

Placing the food onto the ground, Magnum tore open the bag and dragged out two burgers and a half empty box of fries. "Dam'n, Should'a snatched 'er drinks too..." he mumbled, then looked up at the other dogs. "Righ', Th' names Magnum. You guys' names 're?" he asked, swallowing half of the first burger, being sure to savor it for it could be his last meal for a while.

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            	       1:29am Jan 4 2010            	                              </p>
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                        <div class="content">Ginta nodded his thanks to the male "my name is Ginta" he said as he bent down and started to scarf down his meal. When finished he sighed and layed down to rest for a moment.</div>
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                        <a href="https://www.rescreatu.com/profile.php?username=Yasha">Yasha</a>
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            	       9:08pm Jan 4 2010            	                              </p>
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                        <div class="content">"My name is Annika." she woofed to Magnum bas she padded ,up, "What is your name?"</div>
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