Hurricane Book 2: Roleplay (Hurricane-based roleplay, click for more info)

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3:01pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
Today, I have decided to give you a Hurricane series roleplay. Although the other books haven't been written yet... (Because I'm still working on the first :/) It's something to roleplay off of! If you'd like a link to the story, you're in luck, it's right here!
No, I'm not advertising, I just want you guys to know what we're roleplaying about right here, because this isn't a published book nor a movie. Alright, I will display the plot below if you are too lazy to read, (Don't worry, I'm lazy too!) So enjoy!

Welcome to Mrs. Caroshke's Home for Strange Creatures. We have taken you from your home to teach you in the ways of magic and combat. You have been frozen in our cryonic blend of carbon dioxide and titanium until you have turned sixteen. This is where you will grow with your roommate of the opposite gender in our dorms. The dorms are beside a school where you will learn the arts of combat and literature. This school is a three day rotation. First is combat, second is literature, and third is a free day. If you misbehave, you will be sent to an artificial island by Head Nagrimm Darch, our founder and host. Your goal here is to expand your endangered race, but if you fail, you will be killed.

Well! I hope you enjoyed that cheery little welcome speech! Now, lemme lay down some rules.
1. Don't wander too off topic.
2. You cannot have the same species as someone else.
3. Everyone has a magical power or element to control... But no one has the same power or element.
4. You can be any species except human and/or animal. You must be a mythical species/creature.


(Not going to add age because all of you should be 16)

Name: Jacklyn Tae (Jacky)
Gender: Female
Power/Element: Jacky can control water from spraying rain from her fingertips or creating a blood red wave to crush her assailants.
Species: Rusalka (Described as a ghost, water nymph, or a mermaid-like demon)

Personality: Jacky is often a bit confusing to understand. She absolutely hates fairies (Who can blame her, after meeting Arabella, Vivienne, and Adelyn?), she will be devious at times, and she could even kill for her friends. She's kind, unless she finds out (and she WILL find out) that someone betrayed her, or anything that would set off anyone in their right mind.
History: Jacky was three years old when her mother died. She was on a boat with one of her boyfriends, along with Jacky, when the man stabbed her and sent both of them into the ocean. Jacky's mother perished, but Jacky discovered her new powers. Not long after, Jacky was taken to an orphanage in the middle of nowhere, and met her friend Marjorie, a stuck-up attention seeker. She was then taken to Mrs. Caroshke's at the age of twelve to be frozen for four years.
Crush: None thus far...
Other: I know, I created her, but I can't think of anything else. XD

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3:38pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
Name: Ash Jones
Gender: Female
Power/Element: Incrediby fast Flight. But she will get tired if she uses this ability too much.
Species: Hybrid: Phoinex/Human
Personality: Ash can be a little hot-headed sometimes and a bit hard to know. She doesnt trust very easily but if you are really close she opens up. Other than that she loves a good prank. She can be merciless when fighting but that sometimes comes without her knowing. She acts fearless and is very daring.
History: Ash come from a broken home. Her mom and dad always argued and they didnt seem to care for her at all. Ash was 12 when she found she could shift into a Phoinex and back. After she told her parents they sold her to science to get money for themselves. Ash managed to escape but was caught again by scientists and was locked up for 4 years.
Crush: Nope. She thinks she doesnt need anyone in her life to make her happy.
Other: Ash likes to think of herself as not having any fears. But she has a secret fear of guys after her father abused her so many times.


3:43pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(XD We meet again! Ashepted, and your appearance doesn't show, but that's okie) (I can just imagine my character Yaminur starting a blood feud with Ash... XD)

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3:44pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol thx! ^^ And I was actually just looking for a pic right now :D ))


3:49pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(XD Oh okay)

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5:02pm Apr 27 2013 (last edited on 5:07pm Apr 27 2013)

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Posts: 1,188
(:D you made it!)

Name: Edward Adams

Gender: Male

Power/element: Ed can make holograms of himself to confuse his rival, and can make up to 9 more of him. finding the real him is difficult.

Species: Optical Wizard, sometimes referred to as an Illusion Master.

Appearance: (will hopefully get a pic tomorrow, so written for now) Edward has dark brown hair that can look black from a distance. His eyes are piercing green. He wears a black, fitting top with bright orange highlights around the sleeves, neck area and bottom rim. He has black leather fitting trousers, with bright orange lines going down the sides and around the ankles. He has a showing scar on his cheek.

Personality: Edward is a happy guy that loves a bit of company. Not like a gang, of course, but a few close friends. He isn't the most popular of people but makes a good friend if you meet him. He is laid back and frowns only rarely. He loves a laugh and getting into mischief. Despite this, he also has an extremely protective side which can come with slight seriousness.

History: Edward grew up in an ordinary family until his mother caught cancer, and died. From then on he was always protective and tried to make himself and others happier. He cried himself to sleep every night for two whole years, until he was eleven. He then got over his sadness and bounced up again, but the thought of his mother never left his mind. He had no real friends and on the first day of his new school, he was chased down and taken to where he is now.

Crush:  None yet.

Other: He has a strong British accent. (like me!)


5:15pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(XD I lurve British people! ASHEPTERD!) (Here's le introducion de Jacqueline XD)
Jacky leaned against the wall in the courtyard. It was a free day, just like any other in the three-day rotation. Of course, while both of her dearest friends were sent to Head's island in Bermuda, she was left bored and lonely. She practiced creating rivers, flowing from her fingertips into the air. She knit them like string into webs of red, remolding them with extreme concentration. Her brows were furrowed, eyes squinting, fingers moving constantly to keep the steady stream flowing. The designs danced over her hands like snowflakes. If she had someone to share them with, she wouldn't be so lonely. But frankly that wasn't the case.

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5:25pm Apr 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,763
(( MEH! Im so excited to RP with you guys again! XD ))

Ash was at the beginning of the finish line on the clouds. She looked to the left towards her competition and smiled slyly. The opponent glared, a pegasus who apparently thought she was faster, and flapped her wings once, ready for the race. Every free day Ash as racing against new competition or simply practicing flying. She looked to her friend and waited for him to shout- "GO!" And they were off. Ash's  hair fluff was almost in her eyes and she felt her wings slicing through the sky like a hot knife through butter. She looked behind her to see the pegasus trying to keep up. Finally Ash made it to the end and laughed aloud, waiting for the pegasus to come. The pegasus came and glared once again at Ash. "Fine, you win. But one day I WILL be faster!" she said and relutantly flew away. Ash laughed and flew gently to the ground again. Her wings were sore and she shiften back into her human form, leaving her wings on her back. She then laid on the grass near a river where she saw a girl playing with water- probably her ability Ash figured.


5:26pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 1,752
name- lucy frachize
power/element- can control fire
appereance- black hair straight and black eyes skinny and normal sized
personality- smart always learning knew moves in case of battle at best sweet at worst furious
history- was abandoned and wandered her life her parents a few years later died
crush-none yet
other- is gentle and kind when she see's someone hurt


5:27pm Apr 27 2013 (last edited on 5:34pm Apr 27 2013)

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Posts: 1,752
lucy watched floating in air with her dragon wings she didn't fly a lot she mostly practiced with fire glancing upwards watched as the pegasaus was beat badly... below she saw jacky... that might be fun so she walked over asking questionably can i join you? she asked


5:28pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
(( You have to wait for Minny to accept you Holiday. Just be patient.))


5:31pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(Accepted) (XD Ashie reminds me of Dashie)

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5:32pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 1,752
(thnx for accepting me i posted look up)


5:35pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 1,752
( i posted ash by accident changed it to jacky)


5:35pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 1,188
(Yay! Go Britan!)

Edward sat on a bench, alone, out in the courtyard. He was thinking and fiddling with a piece of wood. Sometimes he preferred Combat and Literature days rather than free days... Lonely little free days. They just seemed to go on, and on, and on... Continuous boredness. On the other hand and back to reality, the wood in his hands was beginning to fall apart. He knew it wasn't the best idea to fiddle with breaking wood. 

Thus, the obvious happened. Edward got a splinter. "Ouch." he said sharply, and pulled the small piece of wood our of his finger. He then chucked away the wood and saw Jacklyn practicing her powers. Maybe he should be doing that too, instead of beating hisself up. He stood and walked off to an area big enough for him to be able to do his tricks.


5:37pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
(( Lol yea I noticed that after I read my post XP ))


5:41pm Apr 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,752
( thats so funny :D )
she glanced back and saw Edward oh hey what are you doing i'm sure it's much more fun than what i'm doing which is being bored..... Well she could always go study for her English test she had totally forgot to study for i'm usually better than that she murmured to herself


5:42pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
Jacky strained to keep concentration. "Yeah, sure. Whatever..." Her voice faded away, though she didn't look away from her work. It wasn't often that she was quiet as such, but it was definitely evident that she was thinking about the days before her friends had been suspended. She'd go bring them back by herself, but she didn't want to stir up any trouble and get suspended on her own. She pressed herself as hard as she could, working to freeze her project. Normally she would have her old roommate do it, but suspension yet again took it's toll.

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5:44pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 2,763
(( Holidays can you pwetty pwease use qwotation marks and cwapitals! :3  PWEASE!!! Lol sorry its just one of my pet peeves whenever I roleplay XP ))


5:46pm Apr 27 2013

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Posts: 4,211
(XD Well, some people keep quiet and ignore it, going with the flow. With that note, 'some' will refer to the fingers that type it.)

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