Highschool Romance

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4:41pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 4:42pm Jan 19 2010)

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Posts: 934

Human Romance. I know I’ve been gone a while, but I’m ready to get back to the RP world. No specific plot, only that they’re in high school and there’s a dance coming up. 



-Please be 14-17, high school age. I don’t like 18 year olds.
-Please keep romance PG13 or under.
-Please be semi- literate. NO S!
-No Vampires, mutations, lycans, etc.
-Keep swearing to a minimal. It’s not appreciated.
-Please don’t ask to join, just post your bio.
-No advertisement/ completely off topic ooc
-I don’t normally ask people to leave, but if I do, please go quietly.
-Please be respectful of other players/characters.
-NO racial/ sexual slurs. It’s strictly FORBIDEN!
-Don’t stretch the page.
-You may use different colors for different characters.
-Rules may be taken/ added.
-Please try to keep the gender ratios even.
-There is no official co- owner. I may choose one later.
-Please have fun.
-Follow the rules or leave.



Name: >text
Age: >txt
Gender: >text
Appearance: >text/pic
Personality: >text
Brief History: >text
SO: >text
Crush: >text
Girl/Boyfriend: >text



Name: Westley Alexander Kaos (“Wes” or “Leo” to good friends.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: Shoulder length, dark blond hair, Leo’s thin framed and one of the taller boys in school. He usually wear baggy dark blue jeans, a white tee- shirt with black design and a black leather jacket that’s really too big for him. His left eye is a dark blue, while that right appears almost emerald green. This is because he’s blind in the right eye. His internal chemicals leaked, giving it an odd color. Because of this, he likes to keep is covered by his hair, which is almost always untamed and unkempt, no matter what Leo does to it.
Personality: Though very energetic to those he knows, he comes off as a bright young man. To strangers, however, Leo is very quiet and reserved. It’s not that he’s afraid of their opinions, it’s that he feels a little self conscious and awkward. He gets along with some people faster than others and cannot stand the stuck- up rich girls he sees to many of. He had a bad reputation for being flirtatious, but in truth, has always failed when it came to the ladies. You could say he’s afraid to love.
Brief History: His two little brothers, little sister, mother and father all died when he was very young. He lived alone on the streets for nearly two years, finding refuge in parks and small forests. He was finally caught at the age of 8 and sent to an orphanage. It was a year before anybody adopted him. He saw his only friends go and became a quiet, unhappy soul. When he was 9, his uncle picked him up and went to live in England. For two years, they traveled the world seeing all his Uncle Fred’s new girlfriends and hotels they played at. He finally ran away at an airport, knowing that his uncle had only wanted to play the sympathy card with him. Once back in America, he returned to orphanage. It was another two years, now age 13, before he was adopted into a wealthy home with several older adopted siblings.
SO: Strait
Crush: None, yet.~
Girl/Boyfriend: None, yet.~
Other: Has a thin, silver rectangular locket that he keeps on his skin and never takes off. He also has a tattoo high between his shoulders of feathers, outlining were wings would be. It looks very sharp, but unfinished. It often shows threw the back of his white tee- shirts.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

5:48pm Jan 19 2010

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Posts: 680

((Hey <33 I won't post until tomorrow because I have to go <3)) 

Name: Orchid Florence

Age: 17

Gender: Female


More pictures


Personality:  She is very outgoing and enjoys outside activities. She not that smart but she easily fits along with all the boys. She get on with everyone well. She acts quiet tomboy-ish and Childish. An undying addiction to flowers and teddies. She has so much she wants to do she hasn't thought about boys yet. She knows she hates boys who show their money and over do it with their looks. She has a very small attention span unless it's important and usually draws in middle of lessons.

Brief History: > Born on the the 7th of July one of the most hottest days and in a small rural town in australia. At a young age she was raised with multiple older brothers on a farm where her love of flowers grew. Her boy-ish attitude comes from her playing with her brothers. At the age of 7 her mother died from a accident. Soon her farther sent Orchid and some of her brothers to America in hopes of them having a better life. Orchid calls her farther every sunday. Her Brothers were old enough to go on their way.

SO: > Straight 

Crush: >Nope

Boyfriend: Nope

Other: She always has a flower on her hair which changes constantly. She is pretty tall for her age and has a thin frame.


7:09pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Jan 20 2010)

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Posts: 2,842

Name: Annika James

Age: 17

Gender: Female
Appearance: down
Personality: happy outlook on life. Loves music. Can be strict andstern, but loves to be happy.

Brief History: Nothing really worth mentioning. Sorry.

SO:  Straight
Crush: Wesley
Girl/Boyfriend: open
has a Saluki dog named Lexie. Is from Croatia, then moved to Germany, then here. BFFs with Ryder

Name: Ryder Mueller
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Appearance: down, has one blue eye one brown

Personality: Happy go lucky attitude or so it seems. He has many demons he doesnt admit to anyone.

Brief History: Abused as a child.
SO: Bisexual
Crush: -open-

Girl/Boyfriend: -open-
BFFs with Annika






7:17pm Jan 19 2010 (last edited on 7:22pm Jan 19 2010)

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Posts: 6,511

Name: Drew Ambrose
Age: Seventeen
Gender: Male
Appearance: I can never choose between these two pictures.
Personality: Drew's kind of scared of people, but he'll snap at anyone who gets him angry, no matter who it is. Well, except his father, since he's especially scared of him. He loves music and drawing, and he's been told that he's pretty good at it. If you get to know him, you'd find that instead of being that guy who tends to shy away from people and gives anyone who he doesn't like an evil look, he's actually pretty nice, and also smart.

Brief History: To him, life could be better. His parents have too-high expectations and believe that he should be perfect, so it's kind of hard.
SO: Bisexual
Crush: None.
Girl/Boyfriend: None.
He has a younger sister that I may bring into the roleplay. o3o She's in highschool, too, so...

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


3:56pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 2,895

Name: Jacob Clark (Jake to friends)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Appearance: dark brown hair with dark brown eyes. He has semi-thick lips and a perfect smile. He usally wears American Eagle clothes because of his in-shape body and semi-big muscles. The thing he hates the most about his appearence is his feet are a little bigger than normal they are not that big but he thinks they are.
Personality: He is outgoing and talks to everyone, most people know who he is and even though he has never been in a fight he is known to know when to take a punch and when to throw one.
Brief History: His mother and sister died and after that his father was never the same, he abuses Jake now but Jake doesn't know why so he tries to stay away from his, once loving, father.
SO: straight
Crush: open
Girl/Boyfriend: open


4:44pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 6,511

( Huh. o3o Since there's more guys than girls, I think I'll be adding Drew's sister. )

Name: Naomi Ambrose
Age: Fifteen.
Gender: Female
Appearance: [LINK]
Personality: Basically the same as Drew's, since she wants to be more like him, except she's not afraid of people, not as quiet and not as smart. She's an average student, and acts more like a brother to Drew than a sister.
Brief History: All she really ever says is that her parents get into fights a lot, and Drew has always been a good brother to her.
SO: Straight, though she tries to take an interest in girls to be more like Drew.
Crush: None.
Girl/Boyfriend: None.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:26pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 6:27pm Jan 20 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 934

((Awesome! People! You’re all welcome! :3))


Westley sighed. It was his second day in the new school, but already he felt like ditching cl*censored*es. Though he still lived in the same house with his foster parents, he had been expelled from his last school. He had been let slide from the last couple fights, but third time was the charm. It’s not like he did it out of cold blood: They asked for it. The first time was just being shoved around for being the new guy in the band. He broke a nose, two arms and fractured a leg of the bullies; he escaped with a few scratches and a broken arm. The second time, someone had picked the school lock in the band room and broken the neck off his cello and were after his guitar next. There were only two of them this time. He had broken one’s arm in three placed and the other escaped with a dislocated jaw and a few days in a hospital bed.

They had deserved it.

So, Westley tracfered schools. This one was further, but in the same neighborhood. He had to drive to school rather than walking. (Sometimes he walked anyway.) He had come yesterday, but talked to none and spent most of the day in of the Band’s practice rooms. Already he had claimed large lockers just for his cl*censored*ical electric guitar and his newly repaired cello. They were under heavy duty locks. Other than that, he sat in the back of his cl*censored*es and went to PE. He didn’t change out and was thinking about dropping. Getting gym clothes was no problem; he was worried about his unfinished tattoos. They were not an advertisement: “Hey! Kick me out ‘cause I’m covered in black ink!”

That wasn’t going to happen. Not this time. This was a new start, he decided as he locked the doors to the crimson GMC. This semester was going to be different. He tried to smile, but it faded as he walked through the doors of the school. Even though it was nearly half an hour before the bells rang, students where crowding the halls. The talked to their friends and a French- horn player was practicing a duet with a flutist. (Wes winced. His sister had tried to play flute before she died. She wasn’t good, but she was determined to be the best she ever could.) Leo shivered as a small group of girls giggled as he p*censored*ed. He shrugged it off: it probably had nothing to do with him.

He walked past the band room and went to his *censored*igned locker, number H198. It was a larger one, the attendants probably thinking that he may be able to store his cello inside. (As if. His cello was full sized, like the professionals used.) HE slid his backpack inside, ignoring the loud ‘thud’ he made as text books hit the metal. He slammed the locker closed and clicked shut another heavy duty lock over the latch.

Nearly half an hour, he thought. Half an hour to try not to beat somebody up.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

6:32pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 5,310


[[ Join... ? ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:40pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 934
((sure, Dragon. Nice to have you!))

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

6:43pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 5,310


[[ Thanks. Bio will be up next. ]]

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


6:53pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 6,511

Drew walked into the school, followed by his younger sister, who was clinging to his bag like his bag was the only thing keep her upright. Drew didn't exactly mind, since he thought it was kind of cute and he liked being an older brother, but when he got weird glances from other students, he ended up pulling away from Naomi.

"Go to cl*censored*, Naomi," he said, looking down.

"Cl*censored* won't start for a while." Even so, Naomi left to get her books out of her locker. Obviously, she had no intention of causing her brother trouble on days like this. There was a dark cloud over Drew's head, and it was raining hard under it. The day before, their parents had gotten quite upset, since Naomi came home with a lip piercing. Drew had been their to protect her, and that only got him in trouble. Though Naomi was grateful he had been there, she felt a little guilty. Like her, Drew was scared --maybe even terrified-- of their parents. Well, mostly their father, but still.

"Bye-bye," Drew said, waving. He went to his own locker, opening it quickly and grabbing his books. Once he had them, he scurried off to cl*censored*. If anyone who liked to pick on him saw him, there was no doubt they'd attempt to fit him in a locker again.

Beautiful Sunset
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.


6:58pm Jan 20 2010 (last edited on 7:18pm Jan 20 2010)

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Posts: 5,310

Name: Denthe Sorrow

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Appearance: Across her entire back is her gang's insignia. The mark is a metallic crimson. On her lower arms and backs of her hands are a multitude of criss-crossing, white scars.


The Tat;


Personality: Denthe is cold-hearted, but it is only a facade that hides her more kind and generous side. She is very merciless to people who gets on her nerves long enough or if a person is threatening her friends or family. Evil in her own unique way, come people call her "The devil in girl's clothes."

Brief History: Denthe has an older brother named Zekkyou and two very loving parents. She was born in Japan and into a rather wealthy family. But she didn't care for any it. When she was around fifteen, she joined the local gang -- the Dragonfyrs. When she was half-way through the ranks, she payed for a tattoo to get inked on her back. It was the gang's insignia. She was arrested when she became leader of the gang. Denthe was orriginally sentance to spend most of her life in prison. First starting out in Juvenile before moving to the real-deal prison. But she escaped when she was sixteen. Then, her family moved away to keep Denthe from getting caught again.

SO: Straight

Crush: None

Girl/Boyfriend: None

Other: Denthe has great skills in the Marcial Arts, and she has inhuman speed and agility. She also as a Juvenile record from Japan.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:27pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 3,557

Name: George
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: >tzoology.jpg anime girl black hair image by duffy719-_-ext
Brief History: None. >_>
SO: Bisexual, but leans more towards girls.
Crush: No one.
Girl/Boyfriend: No one
She has a per German Sheppard


Name: Alexis
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Appearance: CuTe_aNiMe_gUy.jpg eric image by bella_cullen750
Personality: Can I roleplay it out?
Brief History: None. >_>
SO: Gay
Crush: No one
Girl/Boyfriend: No one
She has a real sapphire necklace in the shape of an open padlock. 

Isn't this fun?

9:12pm Jan 20 2010

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Posts: 2,842

 ((Can she be cheer captain?))


Annika sauntered down the halls at school.  Came here last year, and now, I'm the Cheer captain. She swung her locker open and grabbed her textbook for German, "Great" she muttered to herself, "Another day of embaras.sing my teacher" She had lived in Croatia for nine years before moving to Germany for the next seven years, she spoke fluent, Croatian, Estonian and German. "Two lenguage cl*censored*es in a row" she said silently, "What a fun day" She rolled her eyes sarcastically.


Ryder strode down the halls and grabbed his textbooks, his positive outlook oin life not changing for a bit. He grabbed his book for AP english and jogged to cl*censored* thinking, Yup. AP English is definatly my favourite cl*censored*. Looking at his leather bound, worn-in copy of Wuthering Heights, he thought mpore deeply, This is my best cl*censored*.This is what puts me on the honour roll every year.


1:45pm Jan 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

((Hmm.. what instrument should Orchid play? Either Violin or Flute?))


Orchid scanned the teen filled halls of her new school, so many new faces and so many she never saw before. Her bright green bad hung from her shoulders. An orchid hanging from the pockets. She skipped the more empty halls of the school as she approached her locker then she walked happily when there were more people. Her brown orbs searching for her locker number H190. A wide grin spread across her face as she saw her locker number. She jogged to the named locker and used a key to open it. Dust covered the unused locker. The girl pouted as she rubbed a piece of cloth on the surface as the dirt slowly disappeared. The similar grin reappeared, as she quickly pasted the multiple flowers on the inside of her locker. She stuffed the books she had in her bag and placed them inside. She nimbly closed and locked it and jumped back at her locker neighbor. A mildly long blonde haired guy stood next to her. He seemed to not be in the greatest mood in the world.

"Hey! My name is Orchid Florence, I'm new here how about you?" She smiled warmly as she held out her hand. 


3:01pm Jan 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 11,785


May I join? -always has to ask-

I still have no Internet at home, but I will be able to come to my uncle's on his days off. :D))


4:12pm Jan 21 2010

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Posts: 2,842
((Violin Kittz))


4:59pm Jan 22 2010 (last edited on 5:18pm Jan 22 2010)

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Posts: 934

((Kitts, you may play both, if you wish. –Rika, of course you may join! –East, sure! --Devil, just start with them walking into the halls or cl*censored*. Express a little emotion. If your completely out of ideas, reflect your characters on how you felt your first day of school. Exited? Scared?...))


Wes was slightly startled by Orchid’s brightness towards him and he jumped. Someone’s talking to me? Me, the new kid? He quickly pushed the feeling off, told himself to remain calm. He opened his mouth, then quickly shut it again. He was lost for words for a moment. He tilted his head slightly to the left and smiled. He offered a hand and said, “Westley.”

As he opened his eyes, he flicked his head strait again, making sure his hair would cover his green eye that he was so self- conscious about. Almost all his life he had lacked the use of his right eye, and so he barely noticed the curtain of hair he kept covering it. When he looked in the mirror, he often scared himself. Though it looked almost like a normal eye, the pupil had begun to fade into the emerald sea, and he had was of people telling him he was pi-balled. (Which he really hated, since pi-balled is a condition in which one eye is blue and the other is brown, but can still see just fine.)

Wesley forced himself to continue to smile. “Friends call me ‘Leo,’ though. It’s kind a long story. Anyway, yeah, I’m new. Second day here, and so far it’s just like my last school… Only nobody’s broken my cello yet.” He smiled as he began to walk in some random direction, as he hadn’t quite learned the layout of the school yet. With formalities completed, Westley figured that Orchid would have nothing to do him anymore, like so many others had.

Offline; back and looking to get roleplaying again (as well as reviving my poor pets!)

5:13pm Jan 22 2010

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Posts: 3,557
(Oh, I suck at starting. DX  Sudgestion, please? C:)

Isn't this fun?

5:23pm Jan 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

((She will play the violin then <3 Going to sleep now))


"Nice to meet you Westley," Orchid gave him a large grin. See watched the boy check if his hair covered his right eye for some reason, "Woah you have such cool eyes! One's navy and the other one's emerald right? They are so pretty," Orchid stared straight into his eyes. She jumped when she had forgotten the small green case containing her dark rose violin. She noticed Westley walking away another directions. A pout appeared on her face as she placed the violin quickly in her locker shutting it again before following the boy.

"You play the Cello? It's a great instrument to play, I play the violin. I want to listen to you play one day," She started her pleading eyes, "Why would anyone want to break a Cello like that anyway? It's beautiful," A warm genuine smile formed on her face.

"You know you don't have to force yourself to smile," She said quietly, A small frown on her face, "What lessons do you have now?"


((Bye bye <33)) 

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