Chupacabra (Open small Group) Pack

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6:54pm Dec 29 2011 (last edited on 7:05pm Dec 29 2011)

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Posts: 5,578

I was watching a T.V. show about these people who had 'seen' a Chupacabra under there house or whatever and so it got me thinking why not make an rp out of it? So here you are reading this post probably getting kind of bored and fed up with my rambling so yeah you can skip this tiny paragraph and read the plot ish thing if you want or you can skip to the rules whatever you like.

Plot: So we will be playing as a pack of Chupacabra(the more dog like ones that people have reported seeing more in the U.S.). Chupacabra are a beasts that feed on the blood of smaller animals, mainly goats, which is where they got there name Chupacabra which litterally means 'Goat sucker'. The pack will be much like that of feral or wild dogs and will live in a abandon field on the outskirts of a non-specific town. I only want about 1-2 more people to join so this will be pretty much first come first serve basis unless you are not at least Semi-lit.


1. Only 1-2 more people can join.
2.Must be at least Semi-lit. I don't post more than about one and a half maybe two paragraphs a character and I'm not the best speller in the world but I want people to be at least close to my level or higher.
3.Keep gener ratios even. Make both a male and a female alright people.
4.No gay/bi/lesbian or any other sexual orientation besides hederosexual(straight). I have nothing against them I just can't rp as them and I find that they make it harder for me(not everybody) to be in that rp.
5. ...Oh and no insta mates. It gets annoying when that all people think about in rp's. Ok yeah I'm being a hypocrite but I'm trying not to do that.



Mine will be coming soon.


Gambit; Male; Looking for a mate; Alpha Male

Raven; Female; Looking for a mate; Lead fighter


7:02pm Dec 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

Age:Young Adult
Personality:rp out(aka me being a bit lazy :P)

Age:Young Adult
Rank:Lead fighter
Personality:rp out


12:48pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 5,578



2:22pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 733

Name: Firefly
Age: Almost young adult
Gender: Male
Rank: Amature, he's still kind of a puppy, but he can still hunt, and plays a pretty normal role in the pack.
Mate: N/A
Personality: Playful at times, Firefly tends to get into trouble a lot. He will chase anything that moves, including leaves. However, he can have a rather cool tempermeant when he's acting a bit more mature.
Looks: Gray with darker stripes along his legs.

Name: Zavi
Age: Young adult
Gender: Female
Rank: Second-in comand hunter
Mate: N/A
Personality: Zavi has a bit of a vicious nature, she ejnoys hunting, and taunting huumans. She'll hide in bushes, and make snarling noises to frighten them, but never shows herself. The rest, rp out.
Looks: Brindle coloration, dark brown with lighter brown fleck/stripes
Other: N/A


2:29pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 5,578



2:32pm Dec 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 733

((Yay! Pffft, this sounds interesting. Do you want to wait for someone else, or start now? I'm kind of bored right now, so if you want to start, it's fine with me.))


2:42pm Dec 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((I was planing on waiting for another person but I'm bored too so lets start. If someone wanst to then they can join.))

Gambit yawned as the last bit of light left the sky making way for night time. He got up aching his back in a streach as he padded out of his den. He looked at the pile of dead Goats just waiting to get the blood sucked out of them and licked his lips as he sauntered over to them and pulledone out of the pile. He layed down with it and sunk his large K-9 into it's neck and sucked the blood right out of the dead creatures body. He licked his jaws clean and dragged the useless body out of the clearing and sat down cleaning his paws.

Raven woke up to the sound of soft paw steps coming out Gambits den and she opened her eyes looking out to see him sucking out the blood of one of the goats. She closed her eyes again turning onto her side and letting out a sigh as she then got up shaking out her fur. She yawned a bit sat down a few feet away from hr den still half asleep.


2:54pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 733

Firefly, rolled over onto his back in his sleep, and pawed the air, for he was dreaming about chasing a rabit. It wasn't until he tried to stretch out more in his dream, that he woke himself up by slapping himself in the face. "Ouch..." he muttered to himself. Then he remembered the goat he had killed the other day, and sprang up, eager to hunt again. There was no way he could go back to sleep now.

Firefly bounced over to Raven, and pawed her shoulder. "When are we going to hunt again?" Firefly murmured excitedly.


Zavi slipped carefully through the long grass, relishing the way her body was able to slide through the prickly brambles without a scratch. She could smell the goat flock just ahead. Soon the animals' trumpeting calls reached her ears, and she pricked them, listening for sounds of exhaustion in the goats' voices.

The smell of blood hit her nose.

The goats must've smelled it too, because the ground shook as the whole flock, fled, heading for the edge of the forest. "NO!" Zavi yelled as she leapt forward. But the goats were too far ahead, and she soon fell behind. "Crap," she muttered, before turning in the direction of home.


3:02pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Raven looked over at Firefly the hyper active one of the pack and concidered his question, "Probably soon." she said standing up again and walking over to Gambit, "We are going hunting soon right?" she asked looking at him expectantly.

Gambit nodded, "Yes as soon as Zavi wakes up." He said looking over to Zavi's den but noticed it was empty, "Never mind come on." He said as he led the two out of the clearing and followed Zavi's scent that she left when she left camp. A few minutes later Gambit could see Zavi trotting back towards the camp.

"Ready to hunt?" He asked as she came closer.


3:07pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 733

"Yeah, but we're going to have to walk for a while," Zavi growled, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Do you smell any goats?" She added scathingly. Something scared them off, and it wasn't me."

Zavi swished her tail, flicking her ears in the fading light. If they walked the long distance to find the goats, it would be dark.


Firefly bounced around, "so what are we waiting for, let's go!" he yelped excitedly, not noticing the exasperated looks the rest of the pack often shot at him. "I know I've never hunted at night before, but how hard can it be?" Firefly added, his voice sounded a little deeper and mature as he spoke.


3:19pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Raven waited for Gambits reply and looked back at Firefly then over at Gambit, "Come on he has to learn some time." she said. Gambit rolled his eyes, "Fine I supose he does." He let out a sigh as he started walking after the goats scent. Raven looked back at Firefly and mouthed the word, 'Welcome' before following Zavi and Gambit.


3:27pm Dec 30 2011

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Posts: 733

Zavi slouched in Gambit's shadow, he was a lot bigger than her. "This could go horribly wrong," Zavi muttered to herself, not intending for others to hear. If the goats had reached Death Canyon, the pack was in trouble. There was no way they could get across, but the goats could. If they didn't come back, well then there went the pack's food source. I wonder what scared them? Zavi wondered to herself, remembering the scent of blood.


Firefly was feeling jumpy, he could tell the others weren't exactly comfortable hunting at night. Why? What's going to happen if we hunt at night? he wondered to himself. The long grass cast dark shadows over the pack, making them seem like shadows themselves. Alright, this is creepy, Firefly concluded. He had a strange feeling they were being watched.


4:55pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Gambit contiued to follow the goats scent but soon smelled something along with it. He slowed his paced and then stopped all together as he lifted his head and sniffed the air, "Do you guys smell that?" Gambit asked looking over his shoulder at the others. He smelled somthing quite like blood. It was metalicy in his mouth but it wasn't blood he knew that for sure. He crinkled his noes and growled to himself.

Raven nodded, "Yeah I smell it. Kinda like blood almost..." She trailed off as she took in more of the scent. What the hell is this? She asked herself.


5:42pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 733

"I smelled it before the goats ran off," Zavi snarled angrily. "Whoever, or whatever scraed them will feel my teeth," she added, still snarling. She sprung up, lifting her tail aggresively. Her muscles were taught with anticipation. This wasn't about hunting goats anymore, this was about revenge.


Firefly glanced from chupacabra to chupacabra, uncertainty glinting in his wide eyes. As long as they caught a goat, he didn't really care what the smell was all about. He knew he should care, but Firefly just couldn't bring his puppyish self to do it.


5:48pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Where were you exactly when the goats ran away?" Gambit asked, "If we go there and then go the opposite direction that the goats ran then we might find out where the scorce of the smell is." Gambit explained his plan farther. H ewasn't completly sure that this would work but they had nothing else to work off of yet so this would have to do for now.


5:51pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 733

Zavi flicked her tail to the right. "Maybe about twenty yards over there," she nodded in the direction she had indicated with her tail. "The smell seemed to come from all around though," she added frowning slightly. The breeze felt cool against her skin, as it sliced through her brindled pelt. The sun sank even lower on the horizon. "We'd better get a move on," Zavi noted.


6:04pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 5,578

"Well then that just means that the smell was coming from that area." Gimbit then started to follow Zavis' directions to where she was hunting. The small group made it to where the goats used to be in a matter of minutes and in that short amount of the time the scent of blood definatly had become straonger, "Star looking around for anything unusual." Gambit barked before setting his noes to the dirt and sniffing like his canine cousin.

Raven followed Zavi and Gambit to where the goats had been and followed his orders to sniff the place out. Raven was on edge to say the least. Her ears pricked up and swivling around to catch any noises and her muscles her ready to spring into action when she needed to.


6:12pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 733

"I don't think this is going to work," Zavi muttered, trodding behind Gambit. She pricked her ears, and scented the air. "Hey, what's that?" she murmured curiously to herself. There was a sweet scent mixed in with the metalic one. Zavi trotted forward, until she came to the edge of field where the goat herd usually grazed. Hidden in the grass, was a tuft of fur mixed with feathers, attached to a scale. What the hell? "Hey guys, get over here!"


Firefly heard Zavi's cry, and whipped around, flicking his tail excitedly. Racing over, he skidded to a halt beside her. But emediately , he leapt back, wrinkling his nose. "What is that?" he asked, staring half impressed, half revolted at Zavi.


6:21pm Dec 31 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Gambit trotted over to Zavi and Firefly when he heard Zavi call them over. He tilted his head at the trange ob
ject and catiously stepped closer sniffing it over but quickly stepping back. He circled the fur, feather, and scale eyeing it in case it some how got up and ran away. It was weird and something Gambit never thought he would see. He had no idea what it was not a clue either.

Raven made her way over to them taking the longest since she was the farthest away. She stood farther back wary of the thing Zavi had found, "It's like....I don't know what it's like but its weird." She said. He muscles tightened more even more catious around this strange thing.


5:29pm Jan 1 2012

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Posts: 733

((Maybe it belongs to some dinosaur thing?))

"Wait, you smell that sweet...thing?" Zavi started, looking around. "It reminds me of a baby goat, but lighter, like the animal is smaller. I think whatever this thing is, it might be hunting to feed its young. Though what the creature is, I have no clue," she finished heavily, sighing.


Firefly cocked his head at Raven, she seemed oddly tense. "What's up?" he asked concerned, sounding older by far. "You seem...," Firefly trailed off uncertain as he often was, what to say in a moment like this.

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