British Prince + Freak Girl = <3 Forever...

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6:46pm Dec 4 2011

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[[HAHA <3 ]]

"His wounds are deep, but he is fine."
The 'royal doctors' told me as I waited to hear about my brother. 
"He's all stitched up and should heal on his own."
I smiled, feeling so relieved. He wasn't dead! My brother wasn't dead...
I couldn't contain my joy as I walked over and hugged the doctor that told me such good news. 
"Thank you so much. I'll tell my father, the king, to give you all raises in your pay. And more living space for your families."
I let go to find an uncomfortable ex
pression on the doctors face, but overall, he was happy at my reward to him.
"I'm sorry, Prince Lancelot. But, I'm not finished."
I stopped my embrace and looked back at the doctor's eyes. What else could be wrong?
"Prince Edward has a bad fever and is seriously ill. We don't have the cure. And, if we don't find one soon..." 
I put my hand up, not wanting to hear the result of his explanation. 
"Then let's get a cure."
A petite old man shook his head, and in a tiny voice said, 
"The cure to heal someone in Prince Edward's position is rare to find. Prince Edward will be dead by next week."
All the royal doctors glared at the man, like they were used to his negativity. I would have scolded the man for talking that way, but I had to leave before I exploded of anger and worry. 
"No cure..."
I mumbled, feeling faint. 
"Thank you. I will be back to visit Prince Edward when he awakens."
And with that, I left the doctors part of the palace and went to get my hunting gear. 
The only way this worry was going to leave was by using my escape. Hunting game. 
I'll just have to make sure that crazy lady doesn't have any more pets/family running about. 


Seeing as yesterdays situation caused a lot of noise, I wasn't surprised that I couldn't find any animals around. That women probably walked around warning all the animals. 
I chuckled to myself at the thought as I kept on walking. Honestly, this was the best part of hunting to me. Not the killing, or throwing the arrow - even though that was a bit of  a thrill. I loved the walk. How normal I felt when I was all alone, just me and the woods. 
Maybe this was why that lady called this truly her home. Because she felt the way I did now. Comfortably alone with just animals.
I cringed at the thought. Maybe I was going insane. Actually taking the crazy woman's side.
Just as I was about to give up on looking for animals, I saw something up ahead. It wasn't game or the women. 
A cabin.
My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I jogged to get their faster. A cabin? In the middle of the woods? 
A fleeting thought crossed my mind that it could be the woman's home. But, that only made me want to explore even more. If I was already understanding her a little better, understanding why she liked being in the woods, I should see how well she lived in it, right? This is my town, and I'll be king soon. I'll rule over every villager, including her, since she is in the palace's back yard. I have to make sure this cabin is suitable for her. 
It was a good enough excuse to look inside. 
Eagerly, I came to a large open window and crawled inside. There was one bedroom, a fire place, and-
A shelf.
What was in that shelf was what amazed me. What were in those vials and glass bottles? 
Carefully, as to not make any noise just in case she was here, I picked one up. I smiled, hoping it was what I thought it was.

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1:59pm Dec 5 2011

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I woke up that morning and decided to take the little fawn to a clearing I'd passed the day before, so she could eat some of the good grass that was there. It was the healthiest place I'd seen in a while, and I thought it might be good for her.
Leading her quietly along, we spent a few hours there before I decided we'd better head back. It was early afternoon, not long after morning, and I still hadn't eaten yet, so as we walked, I thought about what I'd prepare.
My thoughts were disrupted when I reached the clearing, though. Something seemed... wrong. My skin prickled, and I ordered the fawn to wait for me on the outskirts of the clearing while I checked it out.
Padding silently to the doorway, I drew my dagger from it's place at my hip, before swinging the door open as fast as I could and looking to see who was in there. My eyes widened in horror and anger as I saw the prince- by my shelf- holding one of the bottles I had prepared in case of emergency.
''What the hell are you doing here?!'' I demanded, taking a step closer to him and gripping my dagger more tightly. I did tend to get a little territorial and protective when it came to my potions, but I thought my behaviour was understandable, considering the situation.
''Didn't you ever learn not to touch things that aren't yours?'' I asked, shaking my head in disgust. Just what kind of deprived childhood had this guy had?

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

10:44am Dec 10 2011

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[[LOL. ]]

I studied the bottle for quite sometime, my thoughts so away from where I was that I didn't even hear the crazy women come in. This would happen, right when I come to her home, she decides to take a visit here. 
She surprised me so much that I almost dropped the bottle. I stared at her blade, and then back at the crazy girl, wondering why she was becoming so possessive about this little bottle. Unless it was what I thought it was... It was nothing important. 
"What's in this?"
I asked, not reacting to her odd ways because my thoughts were too captured by the fact that Edward could be saved. 
"Is it a healing potion? They say it's impossible!"
I smiled and looking down at it again, eager even though I wasn't sure it was a healing potion. 
"Where did you... find it?"
I looked up at the shelf again, and realized that there were many bottles. 
"Or... Make it, of course."
I mumbled, realizing that if she was as odd as I thought she was, it wouldn't be surprising if she made all of them herself. No wonder she was possessive. I couldn't worry about her belongings right now though, I had Edward to save. 

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10:14am Dec 11 2011

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I shook my head in disgust at the behaviour of the supposed 'prince'. Obviously it was a healing potion. Although, 'healing potions' generally weren't what many of the naive townsfolk thought they were. Different potions were specified for different things, and the one he was holding was designed for hyperpyrexia or hyperthermia, basically returning the body's temperature to a healthy state.
Upon the shelf, though, were potions with enough multiple uses that by combining them, I myself knew how to cure almost any disease, no matter how 'incurable'.
''I made it, dimwit. And that's a thermal potion, it's difficult to make, and I would appreciate it if you would put it down.'' I said, walking forward until I was face to face with him. That is, were I not a tad on the short side I would be, but as it was my eye evel was a good few inches below his.
''Why? Can't your royal 'doctors' and 'alchemists' make potions such as these?'' I asked, aiming to taunt him, but not so sure if I was succeeding or not.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

1:45pm Dec 11 2011

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Her words were like sweet honey to my ears. A thermal potion? This was just what we needed at the palace! 
Elated, I stared down at the women with a bright smile on my face. I couldn't help the fact that I was a man, completely oblivious to her reaction to my refusing to let go of her belongings.
I still never got her name. I mentally noted to get it as soon as I could.
"At the palace, the doctors say it's impossible to find this potion. We could really use this..." 
I sighed, in awe of what was in my hands. 
"Prince Edward... He's very sick. We're guessing it was from the wounds from your arrows." 
Again, I was a man. Completely oblivious at the moment to realize that this was all technically her fault. I was too excited over the potions.
"Ma'am, if we could use this potion. It would be a great help."
Finally, I met her eyes after tearing them off the bottle. And, before I knew it, I was lost.
 (I completely forgot the color of her eyes, so I'll say brown until I can find out. :D) With the sun rays lighting across her face, I could see a hint of yellow in her brown eyes. For a moment, I forgot where I was.
I cleared my throat, turning away and trying to put my head back to the conversation.
"Right. Uh... I'd give you anything for this potion, ma'am. I need my brother to be healthy."

[[Sorry. I'm a romance fanatic and couldn't wait any longer for it ^^! :DDD ]]

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2:07pm Dec 11 2011

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[[Lol, Ty can't remember either. They're brown now, anyway. XD And romance. Rocks.]]

I listened to the prince as he spoke, considering what to do. His brother had killed that fawn's mother, he himself had killed SmallPaws... And yet, I wanted to help him. Perhaps it was the way my 'mother' had told me that all life was equal that made me want to give the prince's brother another chance, or perhaps it was something else.
Either way, I had to do something. And being a medicine woman, there was no way I could charge for helping; it was bad to charge for the use of your talents.
I smiled softly, nodding my head. This prince... he wasn't so oblivious to the feeling of wanting to help others. That was good.
''You may have it. Although, I warn you, it will be difficult to administer. Too little, it won't work. Too much, he'll die. I wish I could help you know how much, but I'd need to see your brother for myself, and...'' I trailed off, thinking.
The chances of them getting the right amount were next to nothing, and it would be easy for me to do it. Who was to say I couldn't just go with him? Sure, it would mean me having to go to the town- a thing I hadn't done since I was very, very young- and it would also mean me going to the palace, to a place I doubted I would be welcome even if I hadn't nearly killed a member of the royal family.
But, I couldn't just let a man die. I just didn't have it in me to do that.
''I'm coming with you. If you argue, your brother will die. It's as simple as that.'' With that, I grabbed my satchel off a hook in the wall, and took the potion from his hand as I walked past him.
Putting it in the bag for safekeeping, I walked to the door and turned to him, before shaking my head.
''Well? Are you coming or aren't you?''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:01am Dec 24 2011

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[[Bahaha. Sorry for this lateness. -_- ]]

I couldn't help but feel a bit of shock by the moment of connection we had. I chose to make that as my excuse for not arguing with her coming with me to the castle, instead of me elated that she was joining me. 
All for my brother, of course. If we didn't do the right amount of potion... I shuddered as I walked toward her. 
"Of course, m'lady."
I said with a small smile before holding out a hand at the door to allow her to go first. 
"So... How did you find - or make - this potion?"

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12:11pm Dec 24 2011

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Ignoring him for a moment, I walked through the doorway and called the small deer over to me. Stroking her ears for a moment, I whispered softly to her and told her to wait here until I got back, before straightening up and glancing back at the 'Prince'.
''I made it using a method my mother taught me as a child, with herbs from both my garden and the forest. All it is really is getting the best properties from every plant, but you and your people usually choose to label what I do as 'witchcraft' when I don't help you. You're fine with my abilities and talents when it suits you, but if things don't go your way, you decide I need to be locked up.''
I shook my head, remembering what had happened to my 'mother'. It was one of the reasons I stopped going into the city.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

12:11pm Dec 27 2011 (last edited on 12:12pm Dec 27 2011)

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[[Bahaha. You know the reason this is late. Procrastination is our forteeeeee. ]]

It was both good and bad to see my fathers kingdom in someone else shoes. Though it hurt that she thought the royals were so judgmental. 
But, in a way, we had to be. To keep my fathers kingdom a safe, friendly, successful environment, judgement had to be called for so that we knew what to keep out, and what to keep in. 
"M'lady, I think you have my fathers kingdom all wrong in your head. We have to be smart with our decisions. Taking care of a full kingdom isn't very easy, and we can't do things to please everyone."
I wasn't the next in line for throne, but I've had enough speeches about this subject. I, too, though it unfair to put people on the death penalty and prison just because they didn't do everything the king ordered. I also thought it unfair to use the gifted, like the woman beside me, and then lock them up when they are not useful. That was why my father, though he has never admitted it to my face, was happy that Prince Edward was next in line for throne. 
"To at least appease your burning hatred for my fathers kingdom, I should tell you I agree with you."
I said quietly, not knowing if it was alright to say such to someone who wasn't even a actual villager in my fathers kingdom.

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9:51am Dec 29 2011

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[[ Up <3]]

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11:47am Dec 29 2011

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[[Couldn't have said it better meself, CHeese. |D]]

I sighed and shook my head. I had absoloutely nothing against the kingdom, it was the people in charge of it that disgusted me. You can't blame an area for who it's ruled over by. That would be like saying that if the king tore down the forest, I'd hate every animal within it.
''Why, my dear prince, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I have no misconceptions with the kingdom itself. I believe the kingdom has potential, it's the people ruling it I detest. Contrary to what you and your father probably believe about 'the divine right of kings', you weren't born to rule. No one chose you people specially to be born to a queen, and there have been plenty of bad rulers. It's just in my opinion that your family are good at producing those bad rulers.''
It surprised me that he disliked his father's kingdom, that he agreed with me. I'd never met a nobleman willing to listen before, let alone a royal.
''At least you're not so conceited as to follow what your family says, though. Because of that, I'm doubting you're next in line for the throne.''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

7:55pm Dec 29 2011

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I, ironically, enjoyed this little conversation about the kingdom with the woman. (FORGOT HER NAME, TY D: She'll be 'the woman' until you help me. ) Anyone else I try to talk to about it, ends up with me being chastised for my opinions. 
The passion I had for my fathers kingdom was a bit strong. Sometimes I found myself resenting Prince Edward for being next in line. But, in the end, I was still humble to just be a Prince.
But I couldn't help but bring those passions out to the king, himself. Which was practically asking him to not give me the opportunity of being king. 
 At her last statement, about me not being next in line, I frowned and avoided her eyes. 
"Your doubts are true. My brother, the man whom is sick, is next in line. That is why we need him healed. If he passed away..."
I tried to keep my tone upbeat, no matter how hard the subject was to talk about. To avoid the subject to go any further, I responded to what she first said. 
"Though I understand that you have nothing against the kingdom, itself, I still think you look at the royals wrongly. Yes, some can take too much pride in their job. But..."
I crossed my arms and shrugged, 
"... not everyone."
I was mostly defending my brother. Prince Edward was one of those people that reminded me of what humble really was. Even if he tended to gloat about his soon-to-be throne, someday. He wasn't the way she was saying royals were.

[[AHH. Somehow, Lance should convince her to stay at the palace for the night. And then it-just-so-happens a ball is tomorrow? :D  I can't even remember what our plans were other then her healing Edward, so we may get writers block afterwards. So... Why not? Hehehehehe. ]]

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8:07pm Dec 30 2011

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10:21am Dec 31 2011

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[[Bumps. ]]

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10:57am Dec 31 2011

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[[That sounds epicness, CHeesey. ;D Lmao. He dun know her name anyway. xD In all fairness to you, it is a rather awkward name. o .o; Chrysantheum :D It's a flower, Chrysanthemum, just missing an 'm'. :3]]

I shrugged my shoulders and kept walking, ignoring him for the most part. For a prince, he sure was irritating.
''Oh, I never claimed it was 'all of them'. I'm just saying that, in my experience, your family are more often than not bad rulers. There do seem to be exceptions to this, however.''
I didn't mention that I thought one of those exceptions was him. Any man that could be concerned about the life of someone who was keeping him from the throne was a good man in my books.
It meant they would make a good ruler; they weren't proud kings, and knew when to be humble.
It almost seemed a pity, really, that he wasn't going to be king. At least, not if I succeeded in my task.
And, let the truth be said, I haven't failed yet.
''So, what are your palace minions going to think of enlisting the help of a 'witch'?'' I asked, turning to him.
''I can't imagine they'd be best pleased.''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:24am Dec 31 2011

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I couldn't help a small chuckle escape my lips at her question. It was the truth really, that they thought people like her deserved to be beheaded, just because they had a gift.
"I don't think they will be pleased either."
I said, a smile in her direction before adding, 
"But, I'll make sure they don't try anything. You'll just come in, heal Prince Edward,"
I mumbled this next part, 
"...Stay until we are sure he is healed..." 
Then I talked normal again, 
"And, go home. They won't even touch you. "

[[Ohhhh. What nick name can we use so that I don't have to write that out all the time in my posts, once he finds out her name?
Or can I just abbreviate and you'll understand what I mean? ]]

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11:36am Dec 31 2011

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[[Lol he'll havta ask her that. ;D She does have a nickname, though. xD]]

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned around, glaring at him. Did he seriously just say 'stay until he's healed'? Didn't he know how long it would take for him to recover fully?
''Did you just... Listen, Prince. If you think I have any intentions of staying anywhere near that palace, you've got another thing coming. I'll heal him, I'll come into the city to check up on him, but I refuse to stay anywhere near that place for any given amount of time.''
I glared at him, not waiting for a response before I turned and started walking again.
''Besides, have you any idea how long it'll take to heal him fully? Two weeks, minimum. Maybe even up to two months. You can't rush recovery.''

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:45am Dec 31 2011

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Her reaction surprised me at first, and I frowned. 
"But, what if it doesn't work? I know where you live, but after today, a lot of things are taking place and I won't have time to walk out here again."
I wasn't going to go into detail about the things that were happening. Just thinking about the ball, arranged marriage, on top of my brothers illness... 
Life was busy.

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11:50am Dec 31 2011

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''You won't need to.'' I replied, not looking back.
''In case you haven't noticed, I've lived on my own for some time. I don't need an escort into the palace, and I can remember to check up on him perfectly well on my own.''
I still didn't look back, not wanting to waste time arguing over something when I had absoloutely no intention of staying. Nothing he could say would change my mind; I had to look after my family here in the forest, and had to make sure the herb gardens were well looked after.
Besides that fact, I really didn't want to go into the palace.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

12:09pm Dec 31 2011

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I sighed, defeatedly. This problem we will solve later. Now, we had to make sure Prince Edward would heal from this potion.
"We will discuss this later."
I said quietly before catching up to her. 

[[Time skip to palace? ]]

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