A Land Lost In Time

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3:03pm Apr 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
Yes Rika, Just edit your deion


3:28pm Apr 11 2012

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Posts: 1,998
So I'm going to start the RP in the next post. Now, we are going to start the morning after they
arrived (they arrived at night xD). We all went to sleep in the same room for
heat and because we didn't want to search for other rooms. 'Kay ^^ Also, I
deleted my male character; I just found out I SUCK at controlling two people xD
This doesn't mean that anyone else has to make another male. The gender ratio
can be off a smidget. xD))


3:29pm Apr 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{Wait? What about the voting thing for me??? >:(}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:37pm Apr 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
we decided that you arent going to be playing SpiritDragon..i am sorry.


3:38pm Apr 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((We are full. It is nothing ageist you. We aren't allowing anyone else in either.))

I woke to a smooth leathery material in my hand. My eyes flashed open only to
see what was on my hand. I examined the soft blue creature. It had a small tail
that appeared to be made for flying. It's whole body was covered in a soft
material that seemed to have bristles. A wonderful sound emanated from it's
yellow mouth. It spread its wings and flew off, out of the window. I watched it
leave through the window. My eyes drifted in wonder as I realized that there
was no light in the room; non at all. I slowly stood up, careful not to wake
the others. I fled from the room, trying to find the small creature that woke
me. I glanced back into the room, and seeing as the others were sound asleep, I
continued on my way. My feet were silent as they hit the marble floor of the
castle. Soon I came to large room. Suddenly I recognized it. Yes. Yes! I had
seen it last night. Suddenly images of what I thought to be the previous night
flashed into my head. I looked at the grand door that I had entered the castle
through, along with my companions. I burst them open and ran outside into the
cold night.

"Night?" I wondered to myself. "It is still night?" I
wondered. I looked down at my bare feet as they sloshed in the mud. My eyes
travailed over to my left, then my right. They froze. I saw an ob
ject that
looked like a weapon. I raced over to it and picked it up in my hands.

 "It feels so...
normal." I said to myself. I felt the long curved wood of the weapon. I
looked down again and say a long tube. I picked it up and slung it over my
shoulder. Something rattled inside of it. I reached back and felt the same soft
material of the bird on the thing in the tube. I yanked it out and examined it.

“Sharp tip, groove on the back, the creature’s clothing…” I
whispered. I held the weapon out in front of me. “I wonder…” I said. I placed the
long shaft that had the creature’s cloths on the end on the side of the weapon.
The shaft settled on a small peg sticking out of the weapon. I automatically
moved the groove on the back into the string that ran from one side of the weapon
to the other. I pulled the string back, then let it go. I watched the shaft fly
and burry it’s self into a tree before I noticed the burning sensation in my
arm. I dropped the weapon and looked at my arm. A few drops of blood fell down
my arm, then hit the mud. I heard a quiet ‘splat’ as the blood splattered the
mud. I cocked my head and watched a few drops of blood flow down my arm. I
winced as I touched the red area. After a moment the blood stopped coming and I
smiled. I ran over to the tree where the shaft had embedded it’s self. I pulled
it out as if I were born to do it. I raced back to the wall of the castle and
looked up at the sky. It was overhead.

“Midnight.” I said to myself. Unaware of how I knew this, I
picked up the weapon and shot the shafts from the long tube on my back.


3:38pm Apr 11 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,873

{Ehh, forget it, like always.}

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:53pm Apr 11 2012 (last edited on 4:16pm Apr 11 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,432

I woke up to a lack of heat and the quiet twang coming from outside. Standing up from my makeshift bed, I made my way to the window. Testing it a few times, I realized that it was unlocked,I shimmied it up and hopped out of it.

 Looking around, I noticed something shimmering up by a little pond. As I walked up to it, I saw a fluffy little creature with pointed ears and a tail. I continued walking towards the pond with the creature following close behind, after getting to the pond i grabbed the glinting objects.

The objects were sharp at one end, and had a handle on the other. One was about 8 inches long while the other was 6, and felt light and easy to carry or hide. Next to these, I found some little wrappers that looked like they would hold the sharp part of these things, so i grabbed them and shoved the smaller one in my shirt and the longer one in my boot.

Hearing the quiet twang again, I decided to follow it. I looked back and still saw the fuzzy creature following me, "well come on then" i said to it. Turning back, I found myself looking at the outline of a person over by a tree. Not knowing who it was, I decided to hide near a bush. I was nervous, my tail unwound itself from my thigh and began to twitch.

Trying to control my tail, I begin to rustle in the bush. I flee as soon as i get my tail under control and head back in through the window. Looking around, i realize Kensy was missing, "typical" i say to myself. sitting on the window sill, I pet my little fluffy companion while I wait for Kensy to return


9:13pm Apr 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(Post later.)

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

10:46am Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((Okay. RikRik, would you mind posting so we could move this along some?))


1:21pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Oh kay. ^^ Just give me a little bit to type it up~))


6:04pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
(I got a post. Sorry if it not so good.)

Lily awoke on a hard floor and sighed as she sat up and rubbed her neck slightly as a black shape much like a slit-eyed wolf looked at her from a distance. She got up and followed the creature out into the open and in the bl
ink of an eye the creature had disappeared with an eerie howl and left behind a shining and very big sword with a wolf head carved from metal on the end of it. She picked it up and noticed there was also a hold to put around her waist for the sword and stuck the sword there swiftly and carefully.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

6:39pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((So are we all getting special weapons? o:))


6:53pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((I suppose so xD I've always had my character have a bow, so liek. You don't have to, if you don't want to, though. Kit would make a weapon and let you have it latter xD))


7:01pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785

Can I just use Mikhail right now, then intro my other dude in my next post? o:))


7:21pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
((My character typically uses small blades anyway, so that is why she found them))


8:30pm Apr 13 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((Sure, RikRik! Yoiu could even drop the other dude, if you want to.))


12:25am Apr 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((RikRik? I'm sorry, but by rules, if you don't post your intro in the next four - seven hours, we will have to skip you. I'm sorry, but this is a rule that not even I can over rule. It wouldn't be fair.))


12:32am Apr 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
((Sorry. Had a freak out this morning that took all day to recover from. D|

-works on it- It might not be very good though. ;<))


12:33am Apr 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,998
((It doesn't have to be perfect, dear. <3))


12:54am Apr 15 2012

Normal User

Posts: 11,785


Mikhail let out a soft groan, shivering slightly as he slowly pushed himself up. His long tail curled itself around his waist as he stood up, aiding himself with his large dragon wings. His heterochromatic gaze surveyed the room, the teen blinking once before he looked around and saw several of their party missing.

He frowned slightly before he moved to head outside, pausing when he heard the soft 'twangs' that seemed to echo through the still night air. He tilted his head slightly, spreading his wings to take flight and fly soundlessly through the cool night air. He sighed as he uncoiled his tail, smiling gently as he banked left just before beginning to climb higher. He felt free....like he could go anywhere he wanted...

Until he remembered that scaled creatures and cold don't mix well. He was getting much too cold flying around like that. He shivered as he lowered himself down to huddle in a tree, wrapping his wings around himself to keep him warm. Mikhail was quickly figuring out that he should have just stayed inside...

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