.: Sunrise Over Esgard :.

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3:27pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 4:52pm Jan 16 2012)

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Posts: 3,371



The Furail forest pack is home to a large pack of wolves; the Furail Pack. Pups are told several sories and legends, one of them being of 'Esgard,' which is the perfect territory, and a wolf's paradise. There is plenty of prey and no danger, but it is said to be thousands of miles away. No one ever really bothered to actually look for it. It would have been too much work, for something that possibly doesn't even exist.

However, a few of the wolves are beginning to suggest going to Esgard so that the pack can live there.



No god modding. All wolves get hurt or die eventually. They can't take down a full-grown deer alone or fight off fifteen other wolves.Even gender ratio.  No unnaturally colored wolves/unnattural markings.One important rank allowed per person. If the wolves do decide to go to Esgard, it's going to take them a seriously long time to get there, if they even do. The alpha seriously does not want to risk trying to move the pack to Esgard- if you join as the alpha, please keep this in mind.Semi-literate. No gary/mary sues. I have the right not to accept your characters.No powerplay.No insta-mates. Say something about snowmen in your bio to join. Wolves don't have blue eyes. No arguing OOC. I might pick a co-owner.



Furail Pack

Alpha Male:

ALpha Female:

Beta Male:

Beta Female:

Pack memebers:Two Feathers (Me), Choctaw (Me), Peigan (Me),

Omega:Pass (Me)

Lone Wolves:




Nickname(If any):







What does he/she think of Esgard?:






3:52pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 10:04pm Jan 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

Nickname(If any):None.


Age:Young Adult





What does he/she think of Esgard?: That it isn't real.


.Other:He is a good friend of Choctaw's, but they're just friends, and always will be.


Name:Two Feathers

Nickname(If any):Twoee, which is what most wolves call her instead of her name. Some just call her 'Two,' or 'Feathers' though.

Gender: Female



Personality: Extremely determined to reach any goals she can think of, Two will let nothing stop her once there's something she feels like she needs to do. She believes in Esgard, though she keeps this to herself, and doesn't want anyone to think she's insane. She is very attached to her sister, Choctaw. Two is basically worthless in battle, but she makes up for it in speed. She is stubborn, and will not change her mind, even if she knows the other wolf is right, and she's wrong- especially when it comes to Esgard.


What does he/she think of Esgard?:


Other:She i the siter of Choctaw.



Nickname(If any):Her sister calls her Choc.



Rank: Pack Member




What does he/she think of Esgard?:


Other:She is the sister of Two Feathers.



Nickname(If any):n/a






What does he/she think of Esgard?:




Bios are unfinished.rnrn


3:55pm Jan 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733

((I would join, but I prefer to describe my characters through words, not a photo or picture stolen from google. Do we absolutely have to post a picture? Because this sounds quite interesting and I'd really like to join. I'm not trying to argue or anything, I'm just curious.))


4:15pm Jan 16 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(Sure, you can just describe your characters if you want to.)


4:18pm Jan 16 2012 (last edited on 8:52am Jan 28 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 733

((Alrighty then, I'll post my bios. Wait-I almost forgot, mega robot snowmen!))


Name: Kavai

Nickname: Kai ('cus wolves are lazy and don't want to say his name correctly.)

Gender: Male

Age: Teen

Rank: Pack member

Looks: Kavai is pure black, with light brown/amber eyes. His paws are slightly lighter, more like a very dark grey, than the rest of his body. Kai's tail is a little longer than normal, in fact he's just tall and lanky.

Personality: Kavai isn't too keen on pups. He isn't that taken with them like most wolves are. He's quiet for the most part, and very shy. He's not a fighter, he just wants to live his life to the fullest and live in peace, that's why he wants to believe in Esgard. Kai is a good hunter though, and contributes a lot to the pack. He can be curious and get up to no good, but rarely. He usually brings up good points in an argument, though prefers to stand on the sidelines and contribute, instead of joining in a heated discussion.

Kavai wouldn't mind settlin down with a mate, but he doesn't think he'd make a good father. Several she-wolves have shown interests in him, but eventually lost interest and moved on. Besides, Kai doesn't think much of them, he's just living life at his own pace and figures someday he'll meet his match. He's still quite young anyways.

History: Kavai was born in the pack, along with his sister Enna. He grew up under the guidance of his grandfather, who wholeheartedly believed in Esgard. His mother abandoned them, though continued to live in the pack. A young babysitter watched over him when his grandfather was gone, but the babysitter was murdered by another passing wolf, Kai's grandfather died of old age. Kai's grandfather used to be the alpha.

What does he/she think of Esgard?: Kai believes that it might have existed, but isn't sure anymore.

Crush: Open

Other: N/A


Name: Hawk

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: Young adult

Rank: Beta Female

Looks: Hawk is a brownish black wolf, she has amber eyes that seem to burn a hole through you. Her face is a little lighter in color than the rest of her body. She's larger than most female wolves.

Personality: Don't mess with me. That's exactly what her gaze and stature suggest, and they're absolutely correct. Hawk is the hard-core type. She used to be a loner and know how to fend for herself. She's only in the Beta position because she doesn't pay attention to rules and does thing her own way. She's a good leader though. Nobody usually challenges her, but when they do, the fight that follows involves lots of missing fur. Hawk has been know all these years for her sharp claws.

Hawk does have a soft side, but rarely show it. She doesn't like nonsense, and sees a lot of things as being that way, including stories and other wolves. Esgard is the only thing she's really ever believed in, and the fact the she does surprises even her sometimes. Hawk loves pups, and wouldn't mind some of her own, but she's pickier than most when it comes to choosing a mate. Nobodies sure what exactly interests her, but she seems to lean towards those that are good fighters like herself, yet can show compassion. She's grown close to several wolves like this, but for some reason, there's always something about them that just doesn't work out.

History: Hawk was born in a pack, but was kicked out when she was seven months old. She was too commanding of others, and couldn't be tamed, couldn't settle down. So she set out on her own and left her old life behind. There was a nasty incident with a bear though, and she found herself among the Furail forest pack, and has been living with them ever since. She holds a great deal of power in the pack.

What does he/she think of Esgard?:

Crush: Kiyiya 

Other: N/A


Name: Wyden

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: Adult

Rank: Pack member teetering on the edge of an omega

Looks: Your average gray wolf, white, gray, and brown fur all mixed together. Wyden's coat is rough and patchy, ragged like he's just been in a fight. The word shaggy would describe it perfectly.

Personality: Wyden is a strange character. He hunts for the pack, fights for them, but he doesn't have much of a particular skill. In fact he's just that, average. Wyden likes to be among others, but doesn't enjoy talking with them. He seems much older than he actually is, and refuses to talk about his past. End of story.


History: Nobody's sure where Wyden came from. He just... popped out of the forest and started living with the pack. He can tell a good story, and prefers to work with pups. Other adult, or nearing the adult stage, wolves just annoy him.

What does he/she think of Esgard?: Wyden never grew up hearing about it, so naturally, he doesn't believe it exists.

Crush: Open, NOT looking

Other: N/A


Name: Enna

Nickname: En

Gender: Female

Age: Teen

Rank: Pack member

Looks: Enna is one of those white wolves who's fur is tipped with silver. The fur on top of her muzzle is silver, her sides are more white than the rest of her. She's lanky, like her brother, but smaller so her long limbs are not noticed as much.

Personality: Enna is an enthusiastic little furball. Her quiet voice hides her big spirit. She's loyal, if you make a deal with her, she won't back out. She will uphold her end of the bargain, but if you don't, then that's where En can turn nasty. She's always been small, and has learned to be quick with her feet, meaning she can get away quickly, or dive in just as fast. She has a fair few amount of enemies, and there are others that find her annoying. She's close with her friends and brother, whom she annoys greatly at times.

History: Enna was born in the pack, along with her sister Kavai. She grew up under the guidance of his grandfather, who wholeheartedly believed in Esgard. Her mother abandoned them, though continued to live in the pack. A young babysitter watched over her when her grandfather was gone, but the babysitter was murdered by another passing wolf, En's grandfather died of old age. En's grandfather used to be the alpha.

What does he/she think of Esgard?: Enna secretly believes that Esgard exists, but refuses to disclose her thoughts. Whenever someone mentions it, she ignores them of laughs.

Crush: Open

Other: N/A

*These are not finished.

One or two of these wolves will die later on, but I'm not sure which ones yet. Maybe Wyden and En.


6:52pm Jan 22 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,371


7:45pm Jan 22 2012 (last edited on 6:20pm Jan 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Can I pllleeeeaaasssse not have even genders? :c )

Name: Sola
Nickname: n/a
Gender: Female
Age: Young adult
Rank: Pack member
Personality: Sola is sweet and likes to help others.  She can be a tad bit nosy when it comes to wanting to know things nd she stands up for what she believes in - and she stands up strongly.  She gets upset pretty easily, and that applies especially when things don't go as planned.  Sola is also sort of a hopeless romantic, yet loving to everybody.
History: Normal.
What does he/she think of Esgard?: She completely believes it's real and gets upset when others say it's not.
Crush: Peigan, a little, maybe.
Other: Nope.


Name: Conri [it's Celtic and means 'King of Wolves'.  Quite fitting for his role. <3 ]
Nickname: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult, leaning on adult
Rank: Alpha Male
Personality:  Conri can be very decieving and a master of trickery, however he does not act this way anymore.  He can usually be quite persuasive and somewhat enjoys heated debates in which he usually wins in.  Slightly, ever so slightly, he is cocky, however he won't pass up an opportunity to strut his stuff.  Conri is brave but knows when not to jump in the fire.  He can also plan things very well and thinks ahead before making any decision.
History: Conri used to be a lone wolf, and he was a master of trickery.  He abandoned this life when he joined Furail pack and soon rose to the rank of Alpha - and he doesn't do too bad of a job if he does say so himself.
What does he/she think of Esgard?: Conri thinks Esgard is just a story and that's all it will ever be.  He doesn't want to put his pack in danger from going on a search for something that isn't real.
Crush: None/Open
Other: Nope.


Name: Kiyiya [means 'howling wolf']
Nickname(s): Kiy, Reu [However Reu is more of a personal nickname; nobody calls him that except for, a long time ago, his mother]
Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Rank: Lone wolf
Personality:  Kiyiya isn't one to talk much; he prefers to sit back and observe in most situations before he's ready to get paws-on.  His quietness isn't due to shyness, it's just his observant nature.  Due to this, he can figure out an enemy's common strikes, weakneasses, and strengths.  Kiy can also be a bit of a hothead when provoked and is quick to learn most things.  He doesn't know how to do romance and is usually oblivious to when it's happening between him and another.
History: His mother was caught in a human's trap far away from Furail Pack and his brothers and sisters had already gone to live their own lives by that time.  He had stumbled across his mother and seen her in the trap, being taken away by the human.  He was almost shot, too, but escaped before that could happen.  Kiyiya travels around a lot by himself and has just entered the outskirts of Furail Pack's territory.
What does he/she think of Esgard?: Kiy doesn't know about Esgard, hence he doesn't have an opinion.
Crush: None/Open
Other: I <3 snowmen.  I draw them with three rocks for buttons on the mid-section and for the face I have a carrot nose and two large rocks for eyes and lots of little rocks make up a smile.  I use two branches with three points on the end for arms.  To top it off, I stick on a black top hat.  Snowmen rock.

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

2:44pm Jan 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733
My bios are finished.^^


9:35pm Jan 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(Guiven-allof your wolves are accepted except Enna, because she has no personality.

Ice- I love Conri so much. :D)


9:46pm Jan 23 2012 (last edited on 9:54pm Jan 23 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,371

Nickname(If any):some wolves call her 'Savage' behind her back, but her nickname is Sav or Savvy.


Age:Young Adult

Rank:Pack Member


Personality: Savane is agressive and hot-headed. She is skilled in battle, and refuses to go down without a fight. Determined to earn a higher rank, and not afraid to challenge betas and alphas, Savane seems like she would betray the pack at any moment. However, those who know her well know that she is loyal, despite her attitude. This doesn't mean, however, that she's nice. She isn't skilled in hunting, and she simply says it's for the weaker of wolves.

History:This is kept to herself. What most wolves know is that she joined the pack as a loner.

What does he/she think of Esgard?: "Esgard" is just another stupid story that old wolves who have nothing better to do tell to pups.

Crush:Conri. :D

Other:I'm not going to make another male- I made Savane to even out the gender ratio.


4:07pm Jan 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,371


4:26pm Jan 24 2012 (last edited on 4:40pm Jan 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 733
((Whoops, I forgot to fill that in. I filled in her bio for another RP and I forgot it was still blank on here. Ice, if it's okay with you, can Hawk have a crush on one of your males?))


5:28pm Jan 24 2012 (last edited on 6:21pm Jan 24 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(It's alright with me :DD )
EDIT: (I finished bio's <33 )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

7:50pm Jan 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Can we starteth soon? :o

Also, bump.)

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

8:53am Jan 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733
((Finished my bios. I'm in favor of starting soon as well.))


11:50am Jan 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,950


- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

3:51pm Jan 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,371
(Who wants to start? I would, but I don't have time to post that long of a post right now since I'm grounded and sneaking onto the computer.)


3:52pm Jan 31 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733
((I can start if Ice doesn't want to. I'm not sure I'll have the time right now, but maybe like a half hour.))


3:31pm Feb 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,950

(Ah, I'd start, but I'm really not feeling up to it.  All yours, Guiven. ^-^'' )

- ☀ -
hiiii. you can call me ice.
bands took over my life and
i laugh too hard at bad jokes.
meh. x
- ☀ -

4:27pm Feb 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 733
Enna lapped at the cool water, making sure to take her time. She was hunting, but she had scared away both of the rabbits she'd found. She was only having a bit of fun, but the little fuzzball had spooked, and darted off. But really, she had only scuffed some dirt at it. It wasn't like she was trying to make it run off. The smaller of the two rabbits had wandered off, foraging for food among the lush undergrowth, but she (at least Enna assumed it was female, it was smaller anyway) had bolted after the other rabbit when it had taken fright and fled. Enna had seen her prey disappear, the bouncing white tails the last she had seen of the rabbits.

Another wolf was supposedly going to meet up with Enna, and from there they'd see if they couldn't find the trail of an elk herd. She doubted that they'd pick up the trail, it had been cold for weeks. Slowly, even the smaller prey seemed to disappear into the forest. Besides, Enna rolled her eyes to herself, staring at her reflection, the other wolf needed to show up before anything could be done.

Enna stood and shook herself, causing small bits of leaves to fly off. Annoyed, she looked around for any sign that the other wolf, whoever had been chosen to follow her, was anywhere near the river. No sign. Enna took a step forward, and cursed as she stumbled over a fallen branch. How had she not seen it? Pretending that she hadn't tripped, Enna stuck her muzzle in the air and gave a few sharp search barks. Whoever is supposed to be out here better get their butt over this way, she though angrily, her leg stinging where the branches had scratched her.


Wyden lounged under tree, grooming his shaggy fur with quick, repeating strokes of his tongue. The shade the tree provided was welcome, he didn't feel much like doing anything else right now, and he didn't want to be out in the sun. Wyden sighed as Hawk trotted over - he knew it had been too good to last.

"What are you doing," she growled, disapproval evident in her voice. The Beta could be so touchy sometimes.

"What does it look like?" Wyden replied, glancing up innocently from his half-groomed pelt. He knew she would find his tone disrespectful, but he didn't care. He was still a pack member, no matter how strange he seemed. He could be nasty if he wanted too, but then again he was wary around Hawk, because she could be just as vicious. Then again, there were wolves out there that were worse than her.

Hawk glared suspiciously at Wyden for a few more moments before she lifted her head up, and looked down at him with a disapproving sniff. "Alright then, but make sure you get to do something useful today. Or else," she promised with a trace of a growl.

Wyden shrugged. Hawk was always like that, except when she was around loners, she was strange like that. Just your everyday, typical Beta Female. Wyden watched her go, and went back to his grooming. His fur desperately needed attention.


Hawk paced away. Her brown fur rustled in the breeze as she trotted through the clearing. Partly she was looking for Conri, and part of her was hoping that Kiyiya had wandered close to the pack's resting place again. She wasn't sure whether she'd ever see the loner again, but she secretly hoped she did. He had surprised her when she had glimpsed him in the woods, but the sight had brought back her memories of her own time as a loner. Sometimes she wondered what her life would be like if she was still out in the wilderness.

Hawk spotted Conri, and quickened her pace. Sweet scents of flowers filled her nose as she made her way through the arena of other wolves' sleeping hollows. Her own was close to the edge of the clearing, as close to the trees as she could get. Alright, confession time, she missed being on her own, so many wolves in one place overwhelmed her with all the scents. Too many hunting wolves spoiled the trail of game.

Wait - Conri had slipped away again, probably talking to another wolf. Hawk growled in frustration. She was restless, and she wanted to know when the pack would move to another resting arena.

"Conri!" she called, looking for the Alpha.


Kavai, watched the wolves of the pack bustle around. Would someone ask him to do something already, he was bored. Yawning, he stretched, looking around for someone who might give him a task.

((Oh wow, fail on Kavai's intro Dx))

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