♥ LoveClan & SunClan ♥

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4:51pm Jul 14 2010 (last edited on 4:56pm Jul 14 2010)

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Posts: 2,220

((Definetly :D Actually, all the way to the next gathering. Gotta make sure it looks like many days p*censored*ed with Scar and the apprentices too. So today in the morning before the gathering Darkenedstar can make Iciclpaw a warrior, and Sunsetkit, Neonkit, Tsunamikit, and Earthkit into apprentices. Earthkit into medicine cat apprentice. Also, Nutstrike should move to the queen's den while pregnant and have kits later.))

Lovestar woke up by a little orange leaf touching her nose. She got up, remembering there was a gathering tonight. Her gaze had turned dull from the day she spoke with StarClan. Her paws slightly dragged on the sandy floor of the camp, her head not as high and proud as always. Sunpelt always purred next to her and tried everything, but nothig worked. Her kits Lavapaw and Volcanopaw someties came, but they had too much work to do as apprentices.

Iciclepaw woke up first inside the apprentice's den, wondering why hr mentor and leader had been talking so much. Surely she pas,sed and would be a warrior? Or no? her doubts crowded her as she padded out of her den.

Earthkit was padding towards Cinnamonstone's den,  staring at her. "Need something, little one?" Cinnamonstone mewed as she looking at his pelt and paws. "No... I'm fine." Earthkit meowed, then stared at Cinnamonstone. She looked at him and droppped her paws to the ground, and tilted her head to the side. "You look concered... Or something. Are you sure there's nothing you need or want?" She mewed, wondering why Earthkit was looking so thoughtful. "I... I don't know. I saw a redish orange she-cat with a white crooked line on her back on a dream... Was that...? StarClan? Who is she? She reminded me of Lovestar. I think she wants me to be your apprentice." Earthkit mewed.

((I want Iciclepaw's warrior name to be Iciclefang. Oh and it's leaf fall now.))

 Cinnamonstone thought she could be lying, but then, the look in her eyes was serious. "Rippedstar. Yes, that was StarClan. What did she say?" She mewed, and Earthkit nodded, "I thought so. She told me about past medicine cats, what they do and how. She told me stories. She explained to me how StarClan chose a new medicine cat apprentice. She said she wanted me to be your apprentice." Cinnamonstone smiled, Earthkit was a kind and definetly a good cat, great for a medicine cat apprentice. She would need help on leafbare, and she felt ready to have an apprentice. It was a good time. Thank you, StarClan.

Earthkit looked down and smiled, then padded off to where Honeytongue was. She was sharing tongues with Earthkit's littermates, knowing they would be apprentices soon. Earthkit told Honeytongue about this medicine cat dream, and how Cinnamonstone had agreed. 

Cinnamonstone stared over at Honeytongue and her kits as she padded to Darkenedstar's den, wanting to tell her that Earthkit would be a medicine cat apprentice, not a warrior.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

9:06pm Jul 14 2010

Normal User

Posts: 236

This will be my cat her name is mistblossom:

ta:image/jpg;base64,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*censored*CykwBoB3ADyEaJJJIP/Z" alt="" width="116" height="87" />

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11:17pm Jul 14 2010

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Posts: 2,220
((Whatthe...? o.O))

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:20pm Jul 15 2010

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Posts: 2,220

By Me
I'm Feline♥

4:15pm Jul 16 2010

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Posts: 1,895

Darkenedstar had just woken up and was stretching the sleep from her body as she thought about the gathering that would be happening tonight.  It would be the night that the profecy was revieled.  She frowned at the thought, hoping her clan wouldn't be angry for her keeping it was secret for so long.  She quickly shifted her face to a happier one, not wanting the other cats to know something was bothering her.  Besides, she had another reason to be happy as well.  Today, she planned on announcing the new apprentices and warriors.  With a slightly spring in her step, DArkenedstar padded out of her den, pushing away thoughts of the profecy and thinking about the cats who would become apprentices today.  She looked up and spotted THunderwings, padding over to talk with her about Icicplepaw, who she planned on making a warrior today.  She felt very proud of the young cat, who she felt definatly deserved to be a warrior.  She didn't notice that Cinnamonstone was searching for her.

Nutstrike was making her way towards the Queen's den.  She had been growing steadily larger in the stomach lately, and she knew that meant kits. She and Fallenrain had mended their relationship a while back and were now mates.  She peered into the Queen's den, careful not to get her pelt stuck on any of the thorns of the bush that protected the den.  She wasn't exactly happy with giving up her warrior's life now, but Fallenrain had convinced her last night to move into here.  She quietly purred a greeting to Honeytongue as she entered.  She didn't explain why she was here, since she felt her large stomach made it pretty obvious.

((Yay for the awkwardness of Nutstrike, the only green cat in Sunclan. :3))

Starwalker padded out of her den and into a sunny spot of the camp.  She plopped onto the ground, purring contentedly as the morning sun warmed her silver fur.  Her mind was resting on just how well things were going for Loveclan.  Warmheart was in the Queen's den and would be having kits soon.  Her herbs were well stocked and sorted.  There were no illnesses or injuries to any of the cats in camp.  The only thing that could have made the day better in her eyes would be having an apprentice to teach and insure that her clan would have a nice medicine cat in the future.  Mabye one of Warmheart's kits would be her apprentice.  Yes, that sounded nice...  Starwalker's mind continued to drift as she enjoyed the day.

Crownedlion had woken up early and was now already nice and clean.  She headed towards LAvapaw to see if she wanted to train some or go hunting.  She noticed that Lovestasr was looking pretty bad today, but didn't sayu anything about it.  After all, if her kits couldn't cheer her up, what could she do.  Mabye Sunpelt would be able to cheer her up some...

((When should Warmheart have her kits?  I plan on giving her four boys and one girl kit.  I think it's a lot of kit, but one of my cats I used to have once had seven or eight kits.  ...Is it wierd to think in Warriors terms when you think about cats?))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

8:56pm Jul 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220

((Yeah, that Is weird... Cats have kittens from 2 to 8. On Warrior terms, 1 to 3 or 4... lol. Let's go with the 2 to 8. Oh and have Warmheart's kits whenevr you want, even now, whenever you don't have anything else to write about. I changed my mind about Iciclefang, I like Iciclestorm more. Much more fierce >:3))

Honeytongue purred as she saw Nutstrike enter, while she groomed her kits. "Fallenrain's?" She guessed. Talking about fathers, Bonetwist came in to the nursery to greet his kits. "Ready for being apprentices?" he purred. Earthkit smiled at the warmth of her dream, remembering how sweet and calm it was. 

"Darkenedstar!" Cinnamonstone called as she ran towards her, "Hey... I was looking for you. StarClan has decided to make Earthkit my apprentice. I agree, she has the gentless and smartness to be one. I hope you agree too to give her as my apprentice." She smiled, and turned her gaze to the young beautiful cat that in seconds would be an apprentice.

Fallenrain padded out of the warrior's den and looked over at the nursery, he could hear the two queen's voices talking to eachother. He was feeling suddenly very protective for Nutstrike and their kits. And confused, he wasn't sure what to do, wether be with her or not. But his clan needed him. He would definetly visit them a lot when they were born though.

 Thunderwings and Orangemelt stood beside Iciclepaw meowing about being a warrior while Orangemelt groomed her a bit, even if Iciclepaw shyed away because of embarrasment.

((I just realized that when Starsong would be leader he would be Starstar. Lol. Nutstrike should name one of her kits after Darkenedstar by the way... It wont be so bad for when Darkenedstar dies, you can also use her a lot on StarClan.))

Lavapaw smiled, she enjoyed being an apprentice, but really couldn't help but be excited for being a warrior one day! Her thoughts quickly faded as Crownedlion came and she was distracted. "Can we go battle training after the clan gathering?" She mewed, thinking that could be a nice thing to do... Or maybe hunting too. Cats would eat before going to the Dark Forest gathering...


By Me
I'm Feline♥

9:31pm Jul 16 2010

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Posts: 1,895

((Oh joy.  Fierceness. O3o  What was Darkenedstar's name before she became a leader?  I dun went and forgot. X3  For Starsong's name, you once said on the old rp that the name would be flipped so he would be Songstar. :3))

 Nutstrike nodded, showing that the other Queen's guess was correct.  She was happy to know thatHoneytongue's kits were becomingapprentices, but she wondered if it would feel lonely without Fallenrain sleeping next to her at night.  She hoped not. It might be bad for her kits if she suddenly became insomniatic.

Darkenedstar turned to look at Cinnamonstone, listening to what she had to say beforemeowing " That would be wonderful, Cinnamonstone!  Just come up next to me when I'm done naming the warriors and apprentices and tell the clan. "  Darkenedstar was pleased to know that her clan would soon have another medicine cat in it.  After all, if something happened to Cinnamonstone, then they would have to rely on Starwalker again.  She wasn't very sure if Loveclan would be happy with Sunclan borrowing their medicine cat again.

Darkenedstar looked around and noticed that most cats seemed to be awake by now.  " I think I'll go ahead and start the meeting now, " Darkenedstar meowed, padding to the log that she sat on during meetings. " All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather in front of the log((which I forgot the name of)) for a clan meeting. "

Nutstrike heard the call for a clan meeting and got onto her paws, wanting to see Honeytongues kits become apprentices.  She padded out of the Queen's den, sitting in the half circle area and looking at her leader happily.

All of Panda's other Sunclan cats also went and sat in front of Darkenedstar.

((Is it okay if I just make one big post with all the apprenticing things and warrior things at once?))


Shiningpaw woke in the forest she had come to see as he home.  She stretched in her little nest type of spot.  She slept underneath the root of an ancient tree that kept her very well sheltered during storms and when the wind was blowing to hard.  It also was quite warm thanks to multiple layers of moss stuck in every little crack between the roots.  She padded out and looked around.  It was another nice, sunny day.  She had a feeling that today would be a good day for hutning.  Shiningpaw looked around to see if Pantherpaw or Scar were awake yet.  She couldn't see them , and decided that she would wait for them to get up while she cleared the red and yellow leaves from the entrance of her den.

((I think that she had made herself quite comfortable, don't you?  I have the strangest feeling that I'm forgeting something though...  I think that ignoring that feeling will make it go away. :3))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

9:40pm Jul 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

((Found the old rp. Darkenedstar used to be Darkenedsoul.  Hurray for me.  BTW, the old rp is getting sort of lost in the old rp and I fear that it might get deleted accidentally.  Do you mind if I bump it up to make sure it stays with us?

Link to the old rp so I don't have to dig it out again. :3

http://rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-whats-happening-to-the-fresh-kill-loveclan-i-havent-eaten-in-sunsets-/~page/160/  ))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

11:29pm Jul 16 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220

(( But I like Starstar >:( I change my mind a lot... It's normal xD although Starstar sounds kinda girly... but whatever. Cats dun care.

Yeah, it's ok if you post a huge post of warriors and apprentices xP

The old rp!!! :D It's all old and ancient :C I miss the long list of pages and random lurkers haha xD Well we get lurkers here too... o.O *stares at candrasa*

I'll put the link on the first page, even better. And i'll help you bump it too :D ...If I don't forget... I wonder how much time it took you to find it... And what page o.o

btw i'm part of the Jutsumono party now :P I saw you're on it too. I miss my last party. They kicked me out. For being a member. And cuz they closed it cuz few people even went there.))


By Me
I'm Feline♥

11:52pm Jul 16 2010

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Posts: 2,220

Pantherpaw and Scar were practicing battle moves. They'd been doing these for a long time with Shiningpaw too, and Scar was pretty good at convincing. They thought this was normal, just practicing as apprentices, just as Scar had told them. According to him they would go back to the clans as the strongest warriors... But why? Pantherpaw kept wondering. He stopped in the middle of a battle move. Scar hissed, "Don't get distracted! Focus!" He kept saying, trying not to loose his temper. "Scar, why are we doing this?! Why didn't you just led the way for us to go back and be normal warriors?" He asked, and got off him. "Why not be the strongest warrior?" Scar asked. Good question, Pantherpaw thought. "Maybe even one day us three will be the strongest cats, even be able to kill the whole clans! Completely, all of that be ours... Don't you like that?" Scar mewed, a little hint in there. Pantherpaw smiled, "Interesting... Just me, you, and Shiningpaw." And he looked at her, knowing she might be thinking the same thing.

All SunClan cats gathered around, staring at their leader with excited whispers. Orangemelt and Iciclepaw padded forward, with Thinderwing behind. Orangemelt licked Iciclepaw's ear and she padded behind the crowd of cats. It was Thunderwing and Iciclepaw there. Behind, Tsunamikit, Earthkit, Sunsetkit, and Neonkit gathered around with Honeytongue and Bonetwist, chests puffed up with pride.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

12:13am Jul 17 2010

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Posts: 1,895

((Hehe..My party doesn't even do anything.  It just has a cool name. X3  It only took me about five minutes to find it.  I looked at the date of this rp's first page and went back to that date in the 'forum files'.  It was on page 45 or something of that sort...I think.  I don't actually remember.  Mabye one day I'll copy the posts, or summarize it, and post it in the writing forums as the history of Loveclan and Sunclan.   I can't believe I still remember what happened on that old Sunclan rp though.  It's deleted now, but I still remember the plot and everything. O_o))

DArkenedstar looked around, seeing that all of the cats had gathered.  " Today, I will be naming  four new warrior apprentices.  By naming apprentices, we show that our clan remains healthy and strong.  Sunsetkit, from now on, you will be known as Sunsetpaw.  Stripedface, you are ready for an apprentice.  I know that you will do your best to train Sunsetpaw. Neonkit, from now on, you will be known as NEonpaw.  Moonfall, you are ready for an apprentice.  I know that you will do your best to train Neonpaw.  Tsunamikit, from now on, you will be known as Tsunamipaw.  Lightcloud, you are ready for an apprentice.  I know that you will do your best to train Tsunamipaw. "

((Hehe...I found a way to shorten the ceremonies and be lazy and stuff. X3))

 Darkenedstar waited a few moments as the cats cheered for the new apprentices.  When they were quiet, Darkenedstar moved on to the Warrior ceremony." And now, I will announce a new warrior.  Iciclepaw, you have worked hard to understand the warrior code, and become strong for your clan.  In return, I commend you as a warrior.  From now on, you will be known as Iciclestorm.  Starclan honors your hard work and we welcome you as a full warrior of Sunclan. " DArkenedstar smiled happily at the cats in front of her, before turning her gaze to Cinnamonston.  She quietly waited for the medicine cat to come and name her new apprentice, Earthkit.

((Hehe...didn't think I'd be able to squeeze it into such a small space...I think of this as a victory for us all! :3))

Shiningpaw had be sitting to the side, watching as the two cats practiced.  She frowned slightly when she saw Pantherpaw hesitate at one point, and wondered what had caused him to do so.  She listened to their conversation, getting somewhat worried as Scar went off on one of his power rants and ended up talking about killing the clans.  It wasn't that she had a problem with killing, she killed mice and birds all the time to eat, but just going in and killing all the clan cats for no reason?  She didn't see much of a point in that.  Not to mention the fact that she didn't want to end up hurting her mother in battle. " Isn't it already just the three of us? " Shiningpaw asked.  It was a pretty good question, since they already had a nice stretch of forest to themselves.  Why would they need to make more?

((Yay for farmers sowing the seeds of doubt! :D  I hope I didn't forget anything. X3))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

11:59am Jul 17 2010

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Posts: 2,220

((SunClan and LoveClan could be a whole book, lol. I cant believe you remember the plot and stuff... All I remember is kind of Sunset and Sunpelt being leaders and then WhirlClan drove them ouut of their territory. I remember my bad writing too xP))

Neonpaw, Tsunamipaw, and Sunsetpaw all separated to each other's mentor. Neonpaw touched noses with Moonfall, Tsunamipaw with Lightcloud, and Sunsetpaw with Stripedface. Sunset smiled.

Iciclestorm purred loudly as he was named a warrior. When the cheering slowed down, he padded back into the crowd. Cinnamonstone padded in front with Earthkit. "Earthkit has chosen the path of being my apprentice, and StarClan has aprroved. Earthkit, from now on, you will be known as Earthpaw. I believe you will be a great medicine cat in the future." She meowed, and touched noses with Earthpaw. Earthpaw smiled and looked at her clan while they cheered for her name.
"Earthpaw, Earthpaw, Earthpaw!"


Pantherpaw wondered, "Yeah, she has a point." And Scar rolled his eyes, "Yes, this place is ll good and stuff, but ain't it even better when you can own another huge piece of territory and rule a bunch of cats? Have our own clan, with SunClan and LoveClan united! I'm sure StarClan would love that, I mean, why not when it's completely possible?" He meowed, and looked into Shiningpaw's eyes. This surely was a good idea, wasn't it? Pantherpaw nodded his head in agreement.

By Me
I'm Feline♥

8:37pm Jul 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

Darkenedstar lightly leaped off the log and began to think about who would be going to the gathering tonight.  She would probably take Iciclestorm and Stripedface...  Darkenedstar now sat in front of her den, continuing to think about who to bring and who to leave behind in camp.

Nutstrike cheered with the rest of the cats and as the meeting ended, she found a nice sunny spot to lay down in and began to groom herself.  She could have returned to the Queen's den, but she didn't really feel like it at the moment.  She wanted to enjoy the day first.

 Shiningpaw considered this new idea, and smiled a little bit. " So we won't have to kill all the other cats? " She asked.  That idea sounded much better.  Big teritories were wonderful and all, but she didn't think it was worth it to go through with murder like that.  She didn't really hate the idea of acting like a clan leader either.  Her smile grew as she began to think that this newer idea suited her much more. " I think I'm going to go hunt. " Shiningpaw said, as her stomach reminded her she hadn't eaten yet today.  She quietly trotted into the forest in search of a mouse or a small bird to eat.

((I remember there was some sort of profecy and some cats had to leave the rest of the clan to control their powers or something and that Darkenedstar was a rogue at that time named Centry or something like that.   And they left and found Nutstrike, Starsong, and some other, boring cat who was the one who taught them to control their powers.  They went back to the rest of the clan, trained them, and Whirlclan attacked.  They left and went to where they are now.  The end.  And that is what the elders tell the kits these days, with a few more details of course. :3))

Zhee Banner photo Zheebanner_zpsdf3c459f.png

10:56pm Jul 17 2010 (last edited on 11:00pm Jul 17 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,220

((Cool, hahaha :D I remember Sunset almost died once by trying to kill Lizardstar.))

Pantherpaw nodded, "Same. I'll bring you something, Scar." And he padded off into the woods. Scar smiled, they were trained well.  As Pantherpaw padded next to a thorn bush, he could sense tiny pawsteps undergrowth. He whirled around to spot a little hole. He clawed at the dirt and sprint it behind him, to see two mice running around for freedom. He catched each one mercilessly and killed them, blood spilled everywhere, just as carless as Scar. He padded back to where Scar was laying down and offered him one of the mice. Scar hooked his claws into it and chewed his mouthfull.

Sunset padded next to Nutstrike while purring. "Very nice and sunny day, huh?" She smiled as she layed down beside her, "It's wonderful. Although leafbare will come next..." She looked down at her paws, remembering how awful leafbare was here. Much worse than SunClan's old home, where it never snowed all year. "Has Starwalker told  you how many kits you're having yet?" She changed the topic.

Moonfall padded over to his apprentice, Neonpaw. "For today, just rest. It's the gathering today, so warriors don't have time. Tell your littermates, and i'm sure the other apprentices have made space for you guys." Moonfall meowed, and Neonpaw nodded. She did  as she was told to do so. 

Iciclestorm padded to the warriors den, looking for a good spot to make his nest. He was alone inside. That was good, as he padded outside and took back in a squirrel to eat. 

((Oops... I just remembered Iciclestorm is a male, not female...))

Earthpaw purred as she entered the medicine den with Cinnamonstone. She explained  about how things in there were done. Where they slept, where the herbs went, the different storages and names. Earthpaw started to memorize quickly.



By Me
I'm Feline♥

11:49pm Jul 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220

((Thought we could use this pic as one of some Queen's kit :3


Thought it was really nice :P))

By Me
I'm Feline♥

12:52am Jul 19 2010

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Posts: 1,895

((Yay for gender confusion. O3o))

Shiningpaw trotted along, enjoying the day, stopping suddenly as she heard movement from some sort of animal.  She sniffed the air, finding that she had heard a baby bird falling out of it's next.  She rushed towards the noises, grinning happily.  She always loved getting an easy meal.  It wasn't long before she came upon the chick, which was easily as big as a large mouse.  She wondered what kind it was as she bit down on it, killing it quickly.  She couldn't help but wonder about her mental stability as the creature's last tweets of pain excited her.  She headed back towards her den, baby bird clamped firmly in her jaws.

((Eh...I think you have the wrong medicine cat in you second paragraph...))

 Nutstrike shook her head. " Not yet.  I haven't actually asked.  Do you think I should? " She asked as she began to groom herself.  She noticed that in the current lighting, her normally dim green fur was practically neon.  She smiled at this, wondering if any of her kits would inherit her glowing green fur.

((I think she will only have two kits because Sunclan already has to many cats in it.  Oh, and will Shiningpaw still end up with powers, or will Scar's evilness make her not have any powers?  She did originate from the clan of powered cats after all. And that kitty picture can be for one of Warmheart's kits.))

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11:47pm Jul 20 2010

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Posts: 2,220

((True, true. Two kits is okay. And yeah, Shiningpaw should have powers. She will be back in her clan after all. And whoops o.O I ment Cinnamonstone.))

Sunset nodded, "Of course. Every queen should tell their medicine cat as soon as possible, even before tell your mate. But i'm guessing Fallenrain already knows, that seems kind of obvious." She meowed, and her gaze turned to the medicine cat which was pa*ssing right by. 

Cinnamonstone saw Earthkit stumble beside her. "Now, there's a new queen in SunClan. She hasn't told me yet, but I know. The first cats to notice in the clan is the queen of course, sometimes the mate, and usually always the medicine cat. Now, can you see who's is our next queen?" She meowed. Earthkit looked around... Orangemelt? no... she already had a mate. Honeytongue? no, not again... Oh, Nutstrike's belly looks quite round. Who was her mate? Oh yeah, Fallenrain... I  think it's possible. She told Cinnamonstone her thoughts, until Sunset interupted. Earthkit sighed, what did that elder want now?

Sunset smiled as Cinnamonstone approached them, and she leaved to leave the medicine cat and Nutstrike alone. ((I'll rp the rest of Pantherpaw tomorrow.))


By Me
I'm Feline♥

2:15pm Jul 21 2010

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Posts: 2,220

Pantherpaw and Scar finished their meal. As they started sharing tongues, Pantherpaw stopped and looked back at Shiningpaw where she was eating. These days he had started to feel different for her, not just like a random she cat who he stumbled into. Three months they had been alone with Scar now, and they ccould be more than just friends. In clann life, they would be somewat close to being warriors. He thought of Volcanopaw and Lavapaw, were they warriors now? Probably not... Pantherpaw looked away quickly as he noticed he was staring at Shiningpaw.

Scar got to his paws, "We can start heading to the clans now. We can train some more while we rest at places. It will be like three days to get there. So whose ready?" He smiled, a hint of evil he tried to hide. Pantherpaw looked at Shiningpaw, "You can count on me." Then looked back at Scar as he said this.

 It was getting late as Lovestar padded out of her den. She started gathering around the cats to come to the gathering. The moon was already showing in the sky. "Nightshadow, Starwalker, Sunpelt, Blossompetal, Crownedlion, Volcanopaw, Lavapaw, Panth- I mean, Warmheart, gather  behind me please. It's time to start gtting a move on."

 As Lovestar padded through the forest with the clan behind, she felt pawsteps beside her. She recognized Rippedstar's scent. "Mother?" She whispered, but saw nothing. "Good luck, Lovestar. Tell the clans everything you saw. Prepare yourselves for battle, it's three days close. Protect those you love, Lovestar." Rippedstar whispered, and licked her daughter's ear. Then her scent faded away.


By Me
I'm Feline♥

12:05pm Jul 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,220
Bump? :(

By Me
I'm Feline♥

3:42pm Jul 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,895

((Sorry for disapeering so much.  It's just every time I  think about coming to post on the forums, I end up going ' Naw...I can post later. '  I'm a little bit lazy/ O3o))

Nustrike looked over at Cinnamonstone and Earthpaw.  She got onto her paws and padded over, deicding that she should do what Sunset had told her to.  After all, Cinnamonstone had probably already found out.  It wasn't exactly a big secret.  " Hello Cinnamonstone. " Nutstrike greeted warmly.  She looked at Earthpaw, thinking that it was great that the clan had another medicine cat in the making.

Shiningpaw looked up from her finished meal, just noticing that Pantherpaw had been watching her.  She didn't really mind, in fact, it made her feel a little happy. " I'm ready. " Shiningpaw said a little reluctantly.  She still didn't really want to leave their little bit of territory, since it felt like a home to her, but if Scar thought this was a good idea then she would go along with it.

((I think that Scar should give them new names, so they won't feel as attatched to their old clans while they fight.  I don't know why, but I think it would be cool to have a scene where one cat is all " Why are you attacking us Shiningpaw?! " And Shiningpaw is all, " I'm not Shiningpaw anymore.  I am *insert cool rogue name here*! "  And mabye the day of the attack could be a solar eclipse for dramatic effect. :3))

Darkenedstar began to round up the cats who would be going to the gathering with her.  She would take Blizzardshadows, Stripedface, Cinnamonstone, Twilightshine, Lightcloud, Fallenrain, Thunderwings, Iciclestorm, Ashpaw, and Splashpaw.  She was worried about how this gathering would go,and tried to hide it, though the cats who looked close enough could still see she was nervous.

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