{Four Families. Four Kids.} Royal Magic {Four Sacred powers. All in War.}

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7:01pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 18 2012)

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Posts: 827

Long ago in the village of Dueo when it was the year of the Firebird and the lands only spoke of myths and legends, there was a young boy around the age of 16. He was sorcerer, who's apprentice just happened to be clairvoyant. They worked together for the better. And for years they stopped wars from happening or curing the ill, but now something was about to change. 

It was now the year of the Lastbird where disaster was said to come by the clairvoyant who could feel it. She told the sorcerer, who was now middle aged, that disaster was on its way and there was nothing they could do to stop it. She told him of the heat that was soon to come and the water that will cover the planet. That people will be extinct, but the race will come back centuries later when the earth was once again equally balanced. She told him he had a little more than a year. The sorcerer spent many months trying to figure out what he could do with the year he had and tried to figure out what he could do to help the new race of humans that would become an endangered species. It wasn't until the year of the Crybird that the sorcerer thought of a plan. The plan would take both himself and his apprentice's life. Knowing there wouldn't be any magic in this new world that was to come, he was willing to sacrifice the two of them, one with powers and the other with super human senses. He would split a part their magic into 4 pieces and send them off into space and when the time was right the pieces would come down and bring magic to the world once again. The only catch was that these pieces of the two of them were to transform into children right when they hit the surface of Earth. The new race of humans would know nothing of the magic or the superhuman powers, so along with the powers that would be brought to 4 lucky children, there was also a magic touch on every new human that would come. The touch would bring them dreams of how the earth was before, and that would become a legend. And so as the heat engulfed the life on the planet the two magical being were now stars awaiting for their time to come.

In the year of the Newbird, when the civilization was coming back and the number of people on earth matched the number of people there were in the year of th Crybird, the 4 stars fell from the sky. One by one. People thought that the legend was happening over again and the world would disappear, but little did they know that this was the beginning. The stars now on earth, started to transform into children. They were the new magic of the fantastic world and as years passed and the children got adopted parents. The parents were of royalty and each of the beings were adopted by a different royal families. These magical beings knew they had magic, but they also knew that they weren't suppose to tell anyone. The dreams they had of the sorcerer and the clairvoyant taught them how to use their powers and the good of them. Now in the year of the Warbird when the children turn 17 they have to try to hide their power. The power they have will be uncontrolled and it will stand out the most it has ever. Their apperance will change. Their eye color or hair color will either brighten or fade. For 17 years they could control it but suddenly because the 4 families were now at war and the 4 children were no longer at peace with each other, the unbalanced caused unbalance in their powers.


So for all of you wondering the point of this RP. There are 4 kids all the age of 17. Two of the kids have magic abilities and the other two are Clairvoyant. They were all supposed to work together to prevent war and create a balance in the world, but instead they are all enemies. They all have different views of the war and whether they like it or not, somehow they have to come together and stop the war. They will be violence and romance and a whole lot of other problematic things along the way. 


For all of those wondering:


A person who claims to have a supernatural ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact.

Plot and Overview | Rules and Bio Skeleton| Families and Regions


7:08pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 2:59pm Mar 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827

1. There can only be 2 clairvoyants and 2 sourcerers and all need to be in a royal family
2. Only one power/magic kid per region
3. No pp,gm,gary/mary sue's, ect.
4. Each power/magic kid will have the same last name as the Region they live in
5.You are allowed to join as other characters that aren't special.
6. Keep gender ratio even. If you have two character, one has to be a girl and the other a boy.
7. You are only allowed to join as one special kid. Put 'End the war' in your bio so I know you have read the rules.
8. You have to be Semi-literate+ to join.Meaning you have to be able to post two paragraphs (Paragraphs have to be at the least 4 sentences.)
9. Romance/Violence stays at Pg-13 for those younger players.
10. All power/magic kids have to be 17.
11. Clairvoyant kids have stunningly bright or dull eyes.
12. Sorcerer kids have stunningly bright or dull hair.
13. If you have any questions or suggestions please r-mail me.
14. Please use some form of OOC when taking out of character
15. I will add what ever is necessary if I come up with anything.


Bio Skeleton:

Name: (First and Last)
Age: (given)
Gender: (Female or male)
Clairvoyant or Sorcerer or Other: (If you are other, State what region and your rank. Such as; Knight, Servant, Peasant, ect.)
History: (Optional)
View on the war: (Against it or not and any more detail you want)
Personality: (A sentence or two will suffice.)
Appearance: (A Reference or a detailed deion.)
Other: (Please delete everything in the brackets)

Plot and Overview | Rules and Bio Skeleton| Families and Regions


7:09pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 11:55am Mar 25 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
* Xeena Dueo - Sorcerer - UniqueSoul
Lanya Syun - Clairvoyant - LanyaKnoll
* ??? - Clairvoyant - ??? <-- Character Open and in need before we start
* Devon Feyoth - Sorcerer - Vinnii

Character name - Rank - Username
* - girl character
* - boy character


Neara will be Dueo
Veleni will be Syun
Felias will be Auin
Pherean will be Feyoth
And the rest is open land/forests 

Plot and Overview | Rules and Bio Skeleton| Families and Regions


9:06pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 12:30pm Apr 19 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
Name:  Xeena Dueo
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Clairvoyant or Sorcerer or Other: Sorcerer
View on the war: ...War? The war is like a ghost to Xeena. It haunts her in the middle of the night. The cries from all the fallen soldiers rush to her ears and there is nothing to do to stop it. Though, she does want to stop it. When night comes she wants to do what ever it takes, every ounce in her being, to stop this terrifying war. However, in the morning her attitude towards the war is neutral. It may be a haunting experience at night, but in the sunlight nothing could harm her. So for now, war. To Xeena its nothing but a bad bed bug.
Personality: Xeena is carefree girl. She just wants to live life to its fullest and doesn't care about the dangers along the way, as long as there to experience it with her. She doesn't care about anything but the things that evolve around her life. That may sound inconsiderate but the truth is, is that she is too scared to hear about the horrors going on in the world. So as she was growing up she taught herself to mind her business and don't ask about others lives or even be interested in others lives. 
Appearance: [not my art]


10:00pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 8:42am Mar 19 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 222

(End the war. Join?)
Bio Skeleton:

Name: Lanya Syun
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Clairvoyant or Sorcerer or Other: Clairvoyant
View on the war: Wars are necessary and she knows that. Lanya does whatever she can to help the war efforts
Personality: She is very aggressive and can come off as kind of mean at times. She is actually very caring if people get to know her.
Like this except she has bright yellow eyes, and she usually wears a completely black outfit and always carrries some weapon around with her.
Other: None

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

10:24pm Mar 18 2012 (last edited on 10:37pm Mar 18 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
Name: Devon Feyoth
Age: 17
Gender: Male
View on the war: Against the war. So against it, he is willing to lay his life on the line to prevent it, as much as he can anyways.
Personality: Devon is very loyal, and passionate, in whatever he does. He believes everyone should trust one another until that trust has been broken beyond tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_1" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=VVM6MTQyNTI6NjgwOnJlcGFpcjpkOTczZDYxYWY3Y2JiYTQ4OGFjODQ0OThhNzA3MmE0ZDp6LTEwNjMtMTUyMjY6d3d3LnJlc2NyZWF0dS5jb20%3D">repair. He doesn't believe the war should be happening, and wants to stop it at all costs.

[Just a reference for the face and hair. His hair is silver/white and his eyes are actually a hazel-green. He wears semi-tight black pants and a loose white shirt. He also is seen wearing a black cape-like cloak with the hood up.]
Other: 'End of War'

[[Will edit with picture in a moment.]]


8:24am Mar 19 2012 (last edited on 8:29am Mar 19 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Great :D You two are accepted. Though Lanya (Is it okay that I call you that?) can you be a bit more deive of your character. Its just for future reference.
I will have my character's bio more developed after school.
EDIT: We need a male Clairvoyant before we can start]]


8:44am Mar 19 2012

Normal User

Posts: 222

((I changed the bio deion to a picture with a few changes below, is that better? And yeah, Lanya is fine. :) ))

The only reason people get lost in thought is because its unfamiliar territory.

6:30pm Mar 19 2012 (last edited on 8:23pm Mar 19 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 827
[[Yah that's great, thanks! And my bio should be updated and completed within the hour.
EDIT: Don't forget lurkers, We need one more male clairvoyant to start!]]


6:38pm Mar 20 2012 (last edited on 12:00pm Mar 25 2012)

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Posts: 827


8:18am Mar 22 2012

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Posts: 827


10:24am Mar 22 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((I'd rather be a sorceress, but I could be the clairvoyant one... I wish I could end the war.))

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9:05pm Mar 22 2012

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Posts: 827
[[If you could be a Clairvoyant that would be great, thanks.]]


11:02pm Mar 22 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((Alright, being that bios fail, can I just described everything about her in the first post?))

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4:36am Mar 23 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Hey, I'm just posting to say that I will not have internet access again until Monday. You guys can go ahead and everything and I'll catch up when I get back. :3 ]]


8:39am Mar 23 2012 (last edited on 8:41am Mar 23 2012)

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Posts: 827
[[Feyth@ Im not trying to be rude or anything like that but did you read all the rules?
6. Keep gender ratio even... If you join as a girl that would make 3 girls 1 boy so would you mind making your character a boy? And sorry again, but Bios are a necessary thing. Just do the best you can. The bios are there for future reference and if its in your first post then I'm sure most of us will forget or not have the time to read the deion.

Vinnii@ Okay. But we probably wont start till Monday because I am very busy this weekend.

Is it okay with every one that we start Monday? I don't think I have time this weekend to post my into but if I do, I will :D unless someone else wants to start.]]


10:12am Mar 23 2012

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Posts: 6,948
((Oh, nevermind, I really don't like being guys. I must not have read the characters close enough. Good luck. -lurks-))

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10:30pm Mar 23 2012

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Posts: 827
[[Oh okay...Thanks]]


8:31pm Mar 24 2012

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Posts: 827


9:16pm Mar 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,656
((Hello! May I lurk around this roleplay and join it later?/))

Okay..... What ever floats ya goat
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