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4:55pm Oct 23 2010

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Tony stared at Sakura, not blinking at all. "Stop trying to break your bonds." He then proceeded to shake nervously. Unfortunately, no high comes withouse crash. Tony soon fell asleep, leaving Sakura to her own devices.

Above, Andreas couldn't sleep. Curiosity over Sakura's secret kept eating at him, please the intense throbbing of his back didn't help much either. Sighing, he got up, heading downstairs, into the kitchen. He grabbed a, chugging down some water. He then shuffled to the bathroom, where he opened a cabinet and grabbed soem pain relievers. Little did he know what was about to happen.

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4:59pm Oct 23 2010

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((Woot! i feel like something cool is about to happen! the only problem is that I dont know what... hmmm, I get the feeling that you want sakura's ropes to break XP let me think of epic escape.))


5:26pm Oct 23 2010

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Sakura watched as Tony crashed from his drug high a smile spreading across her face as her fingers finally came loose. My lucky day I guess, you dumb drug snorting pig. She gently pulled off the tape, and un-did the ties around her legs with ease. She whipped out her cell phone sending a quick txt to her partner. SOS She put it away and rushed to the door, looking out into the hallway cautiously. She rushed out and onto the stairs looking behind her to make sure nobody had seen her. "Dang Suckers!" She accidentally said out loud. She covered her mouth and began running, taking the stairs 2 at a time.

((Sorry for the failish get away DX))


5:39pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas heard Sakura yelled, and knew what was happening. He ran out, just to see her climbing the stairs. He ran after her, and just as she reached the top, he tackled her, sending them both rolling back down the stairs. "Ow, damn, I didn't need that." he groaned out, knowing the battle wasn't over. He mentally cursed himself for not watching her hisself. He knew she'd probably start punching him, fighting to get away, but he felt his wound reopen, gushing blood.

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5:55pm Oct 23 2010

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Sakura elbowed Andreas in the gut, listening to the air whoosh out of his lungs. She turned with a smile that faded when she saw the blood beginning to pool on the floor. She took a step backward not really sure what to do. "Damit, why do I have to be so nice?" She cursed her self, kneeling down in the blood. She gently flipped him over on his stomache, to look at the wound. "You dummy, how do you manage to get hurt this badly. She looked around, with a frustrated sigh, ran back into the room where she had been held. She went over to Tony, and began shaking him. "HEY, YOU! I need your help." She sighed getting no response. "Damn." She looked around finding a roll of bandages. "This is your fault you know." She sighed, swiping a wet towel across the opening.


6:02pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas just sighed, and struggled to sit up. When he did, he was lightheaded, and nauseous. "Why are you helping me anyway? Go, run, Get out. That was goal, anyway."  He then felt sick, and turned away from Sakura, vomiting all over the floor. "Dammit! It'll take a while to clean that mess up." He swore, angry at himself. "And yes, it is my fault. Ever since I met her. Stupid me, so young and naive." He tried to stand, only to slip and stumlbe. "God, I hate puncture wounds. They've never been this bad." He finally regained his blanace, blood streaming worse than before. He gripped the side of the railing hard, then look up, locking his eyes into hers. "And yet you are still here. Take the chance you created." His voice was soft and gentle. Though he'd never admit it, he wanted her to get away.

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6:22pm Oct 23 2010

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"Sure I want to get away, but I'm not heartless. Nor am I stupid. I know your connections, I can be easily found again, but I'm not going to  let you sit here and bleed." Sakura sighed glancing at the stairs but shaking her head. I'm not cruel. "Now will you please stop moving, I want to finish this before you crash dummy in there decides that he wants to wake up." She growled, resisting the temptation to whack him in the head. "Oh, we also might have a slight problem, I sent a txt to my partner. They are tracing it as we speak." She said with a sheepish grin as she swiped the wound again, and quickly beginning to wrap the bandages around.


6:28pm Oct 23 2010

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"WHAT?!" Andreas yelled, his face boiling with anger. He felt a sudden rush of energy, and ran through the pain, into the room. "Everyone. UP! NOW!" He commanded. Tony and Bobby roleld off the couch, startled, and then got up, not questioning him. Andreas then jogged up the stairs, leaving a trail of blood, the pain immense. "Wake the hell up, Nervine!" She did, and soon they were going to leave. Nervine cleaned up all the mess, gave everyone jackets, and started messing up the house. Tony and Bobby followed suit. They were runnign out of time. Andreas mentally swore, and Nervine covered his back with gauze to stop the blood flow. Andreas whipped around to Sakura. "Thanks for your concern, but don't follow us, Ms. Cop. Please." As he said this, his voice was hard and angry. The please was soft, but they had not time. Shutting off all the lights, Andreas and his gang fled into the night, leaving Sakura standing there, a roll of bandages in her hand.

((Someone got dissed. ;c))

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6:52pm Oct 23 2010

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"You cant go, your leaving a trail!" Sakura called after them, sighing with exhaustion. She sank to her knees, the blood staining her pants. "Pig." She laughed falling the rest of the way to the floor, the lack of sleep catching up with her. Five minutes later Sakura's partner rushed, finding her in a pool of blood. He rushed down alarmed, hoping that the blood wasnt hers. "Sakura." He breathed a sigh of relief, to find that she had only pas.sed out of exhaustion. "Check the area, it looks like they left in a hurry!" He yelled to the other officer that had come with him. He scooped up Sakura's sleeping form, walking her outside and placing her in the back of the car, a smile spreading across his face.

((Mega fail... ))


7:10pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas was angry. No, scratch that, he was pissed. Majorly pissed. After running for almost an hour, Andreas collapsed, his face white, his bandages all bloody. He leaned against a brick wall, breathing heavily, the sound harsh. He focused his glare on Bobby and Tony. "What," he gasped out, "the hell is your problem?! That what the stupidest thing you have ever done!" The yelling weakened him. "Of course, it's partly my fault, for tructing you imbeciles with such a task." They only stared at their feet, ashamed. Nervine stooped down, touching his shoulder gently. "Hey, it's not anyone's fault." He glared at her. "How can you say that, Nervine?" She didn't reply, just sat beside him. It was freezing out, and he was still shirtless. Soon, his anger faded, to be replaced be pain and tiredness. He soon fell into a deep slumber.

Andreas awoke, it was early morning. The place that they were barely had any light, but that was ok. He looked around, seeing that Tony and Bobby weren't there. Nervine was, and she looked pissed. "What happened? Where's Tony and Bobby?"Nervine sighed, frowning. "They left. The Cowards. You know what'll happen now." Andreas nodded grimly. The onyl way to leave a gang is to be killed. He knew what must be done.

For two or three days, he and Nervine searched for them, finally finding them. When that happened, Andreas killed them quickly and swiftly, then buried the bodies, marking the graves with a rock. "They were good people." He told her. His back was aching, his face plaer than ever. His hands were stained with their blood. Exhaustion and pain caught up with him, then having to kill some of his friends broke him. He sobbed, Nervine saying nothing. Later, when Nervine went to go find another place for them, new gang members, Andreas was walking to find supplies. He didn't know it, but a horrible infection had formed in his back. It was red and green, turning black. Blood dripping, filled with white and pus. Andreas lost consciousness on the sidewalk, slipping into a numb state.

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8:29pm Oct 23 2010

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Sakura grimaced, getting a little tired of all the attention she was recieving after her kidnapping. "I'm alright Ok?" She grumbled rushing into the bathroom to escape the greetings. "This totaly sucks. Its all your fault you know, Andreas. " She laughed at the thought of her kidnapper loose on the streets when she could have dragged him with her. "We'll find you eventually." She whispered to herself, saying good night to the others before heading out.

Sakura was humming, walking down the street and rounding the corner. She spotted a form, laying on the ground, hardly moving. She ran over, gently rotating the man so she could see his face. "You damn idiot, Andreas. What am I to do with you?" She looked around to make sure nobody was around before slipping her arms under his frame and heaving him onto her back. She grunted as his weight fell onto her shoulders, but she managed to drag him to her apartment and laying him gently down on the bed. "Lets see that slash of yours you big goof. I dont know why I'm helping you, your stupidity must be contagious." She complained, accidentally brushing up against his back which was slightly wet. She went over and grabbed a pair of scissors, gliding them through his shirt. She gasped taking in the sight of his discolored back. "What the hell happened!?" She said out loud, placing a hand over her gaping mouth.


8:36pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas groaned, and squinted. Where ever he was, it was bright. "What the hell?" He murmed. He looked up, to see Sakura. "...what the hell." He said again. He had no clue what had happened; all he remembered was walking, then falling. He tried to sit up, and then looked at her. "Explain. What is going on." He planned on leaving as soon as possible; he was pretty sure that she'd take him in, charge him for kidnapping and several other charges. And he knew he couldn't let that happen. Ever. Andreas gently placed his arm behind him, touching his back. His hand pulled away, sticky, green pus and blood on it. "Damn." He grunted, sighing. It appeared that his back was infected. It suddenly donned on him that Nervine had no clue where he was, and he had no clue where she was.

((My post looks like lunch for your post. D:))

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8:45pm Oct 23 2010

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Posts: 4,258

((Lol, i was lucky to get a post that long, ususally i dont))

"Relax will ya. You said that already." Sakura growled as.sesing the situation. "I was on my way home when I found you on the side of the street. What the hell were you thinking leaving a wound like this untreated?" She pinched the bridge of her nose. "This is going to look really bad for me if this doesnt end well, ok? So I need a little cooperation from you, do you understand me?" She grabbed the first aid kit and a towel drenching it in water. "Try not to yell either, I have neighbors." She dug it across his back, pulling up grime and puss, trying not to puke she started applying ointment(Fail on spelling) then the bandages. "I have good news and bad news. Good news, you will be able to leave soon, bad news is that you will still have to get that looked at. And will you relax, I'm not wearing my badge, and here is my phone." She said placing it by his head.


8:54pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas glared at her, then winced as she bandaged him up. "I can never relax, Sakura. You're a cop. You turn people like me in. it's the way of the world." He stood, grimincing, but not saying a word. "I thank you, but I won't go to a doctor or hospital. Better I rot or get killed where I belong, instead of jail where the rest of damn family is." He strode to the door, hand on the doorknob. "And I did cooperate, before you say anything. I let you do whatever, and not yell. Farewell, we'll probably met again, you with a badge and a gun aimed at me, me running from you. This is my lifestyle, nothing I can say, nothing I can do." He opened the door and stepped outside, then turned back to her once last time. "A word of advice: Learn to take the most of situations and chances. Good news is, I can never hurt you, so if we meet again, I probably won't fight." With that, he walked away, turning down the sidewalk.

As he walked, Andreas thought. Sakura was a really good person, to help a gangbanger. Not too good of a cop, though, to not turn him in. Not to say she wouldn't call backup as he left, but she made no move towards doign so inside.

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9:00pm Oct 23 2010

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Sakura sighed, pulling off the dirty sheets and plopping down on the couch with a sigh. "More good news Andreas, I dont think I could hurt you either." She sighed, knowing that yet again she could have been the hero cop, dragging the leader to the station. "Sorry dad, but im not ruthless like you wanted me to be." She sighed plugging in her headphones and turning on 'Tears of an Angel' singing along to the melody she had been humming for so long.

(meep, fun sized post XD)


9:09pm Oct 23 2010

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Posts: 1,682

((Get ready for a slight speedbump. ^^))

Andreas was halfway from Sakura's house, when he went to scratch his neck. He didn't feel the slim, silver chain he usually wore. He freaked, knowing it was there earlier. He checked his pockets, then groaned. There was a possibility that it was in Sakura's house. Cursing himself, he turned around, and found himself yet again at Sakura's door. He knocked three times, then waited, praying nobody would see him. You might think him stupid for going back for a necklace, but it had a place in his heart; from the only person that ever cared. It was one of the things that kept him going, and he swore he would find it, no matter what. He also knew it was a gigantic risk, coming back to a cop's house.

((Mine's fun sized too.))

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9:14pm Oct 23 2010

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"Miss me already?" Sakura said opening the door. "What do you want?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. She couldnt say that she wasnt slightly happy to see him but still, he had a way of getting under her skin. "I figured that with that huge exit, I wouldnt see you until I was hunting you. Whats stopping me from hauling you in now by your own advice, Mr.?" She smirked, holding back a laugh. She knew she couldnt do it, she was too soft, plus her gun was too far away, he could bolt away faster than she could retreive it.


9:20pm Oct 23 2010

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"Believe me, it's killing me to be here. But I lost something important. " Andreas paused. His voice and eyes were blank, refusing to give her any sort of fuel to mock him with. "Please, tell me if there is a silver chain, with a small, tiny gold rabbit on it. I'm afraid the chain broke while I was in here, or on the street. I don't know what I'll do if it's lost." He knew he had said to much, the moment it came out his mouth. Plus, he couldn't say it without his voice being gripped by emotion. The possibility of it beign gone forever neraly killed him inside.

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9:25pm Oct 23 2010

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"Dont worry, I'll find it. Come in and help me look." Sakura sighed turning and leaving the door open. She started over by the bed looking around the floor, then over to the sheets that were bundled up on the floor. "I dont see it... OH WAIT I THINK I KNOW!" She ran out the door and down the street to where she had picked him up, seeing a small glint on the sidewalk. She smiled as she picked up the delicate chain, making sure to keep a hold of the charm. "Well, the chain is broken, I might have one to replace it if you want." She offered, holding it out gently, as if it were going to dissapear if she went to fast.


9:31pm Oct 23 2010

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Andreas eagerly grasped the necklace, his face flooding with relief. Tears started to come to his eyes. "Thank you so much. You have no clue what this necklace means to me." He clutched, thanking God it was safe. He told himself not to cry, but he couldn't help but be emotional. It was his last part of her, the last thing he had of her. It broke his heart, when she died, and it still wasn't healed. Probably never will. He looked at the charm, seeing it was undamaged. The chain was broken, like Sakura said, but he could fix it. He wanted ever last part of it, the original thing, whole. "Thank you kindly, but I can fix this. I couldn't stand the thought of not having the original chain around my neck." That did it, a tear slipped from his eye. "Ah, dammit." He said, sighing.

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