PRIVATE! Me, Uryu and Ata only! Bleach~

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6:30pm Sep 26 2010

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Uryu stood in front of Ichigo "i dont like soul reapers either but listen he can help his dad owns a hospital human one but he can still help." Uryu said .

Ichigo slowly took out his cell phone and called squad 4. they scent one kid to the scene "im from squad 4 you *censored*isted my help?" he asked Ichigo looked at the dragon "do you think you can heal the dragon if she will let you." Ichigo said pointing to the girl quincy protecting the dragon

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

7:04pm Sep 26 2010

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Posts: 17,364
"I don't trust him." She hissed. The dizzyness was getting worse, she could barely hold her bow and arrow, but she was used to it. She held on. Kai nuzzled Calyx's leg. Its ok. She told her. Calyx ignored her. Kai sighed, she really hated doing this. She lunged at Calyx's leg and bit down hard on it. Calyx screamed and fell to the ground, unconsous, but unharmed. I had too. Kai told herself.


7:13pm Sep 26 2010

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Posts: 2,580

the guy from squad 4 walks up to the dragon and gives it a type of medicine that helps it heal alittle while he put some cream on the dragon "all right she'll be able to move around by tomarrow." he said

Uryu looked at him "can you do something about her." he points to the unconsous quincy. "just have her sleep in bed for a couple of days she'll be fine." he said and disappeards back to the soul socity.

Ichigo nods to Uryu and goes back to his house returning to his body.

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

7:19pm Sep 26 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( I has nothing to post. xD ))


7:11am Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 2,580
((we need to wait for Ata DX))

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

10:52am Sep 27 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Yeah D: ))


1:09pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 7,620

Ulquiorras tood in the air with his sister Unaki right beside him.His eyes rverted to her"Why did you come along anyway"He said in his usual tone.Unaki gave a little smile and reverted hr eyes to him"Because i can dear brother."She said softly.Ulquiorra rollled his eyes and looked back forward"Whatever"He muttered.Unaki rose a eyebrow slightly"You have a problem with it?"She asked.He didnt respond but simply looked forward.

Grimmjow made a low chuckle looking at the two siblings but said nothing.

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3:52pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 2,580

Aizen looked at the two siblings and Grimmjow "Ulquiorra,Grimmjow i want you two to go to the world of the living, to cause some distuction Unaki go with them." he said in his godly voice.

((XD sorry about the godly voice its just he's god XD))

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

3:57pm Sep 28 2010

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Grimmjow smirked and Ulquiorra and Unaki nodded as they turned.Ulquiorra made a non noticble frown at Aizens words of taking hs sister with him.

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4:03pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 2,580
Aizen smirked and figured out his plan "Grimmjow i want you to make alittle visit to Ichigo Kurosaki's and Unaki and Ulquiorra there are two quincy's where the last hollow attack was." he said "and dont disappoint me." he added as the gate to the the world of the living opened.

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

4:08pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 17,364
Kai raised her head and snarled. She let out a series of hisses and snarls. She curled up protectivly around Calyx, simthing bad was coming. She tried to warn the other Quincy, but she knew he wouldn't understand her. Instead, she whiped her taila round to slap the back of Uryu, worry in her eyes.


4:09pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Grimmjow chuckled evily"Gladly"He grinned.Ulquiorra closed his eyes and opened them as the gate opened.They walked through and were now in the world of the living.Ulquiorra reverted his eyes to grimmjow and signaled him to go.Grimmjow chuckled and disappered.Unaki was ready and looked at her brother who had hate in his eyes"Lets go"He said starnly and they appeared before Uryu

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4:14pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 17,364

Tora looked down from the tree she was sitting in. What the hell were those things? She thought, looking at the Arrancars. They look uman...but at the same time, they look likt hollows......She added.

Kai let out a roar as she jumped up. She lashed her taila round wildly. She stood infront of Uryu and Calyx.


4:17pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 2,580

Uryu quickly looked at the two arrancars "Ulquiorra what ar you doing here?" he asked as he wrose his arm and formed his bow. He pointed it directly at Ulquiorra and Unaki.

Ichigo sat on his bed then felt a strong but familiar spritial pressure "grimmjow." he said to him self then went back to his soul reaper form then looked around outside.

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

4:20pm Sep 28 2010

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Unaki smirked while ulquiorra had an emotionless ex
pression.His green eyes looking at the pest before him.He flickered up his sword but not all the way.You could see a bit of the sword"Pest"Ulquiorra muttered and removed his sword from his hilt,his spiritual pressure sky rocketing.

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4:21pm Sep 28 2010

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Grimmjow felt Ichigo nearby but waited with a slight smirk on his face.

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4:24pm Sep 28 2010

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Calyx idediatly woke up from Unaki's spiritual pressure. "Damnit!" She shouted. Kai, seeing that Calyx was in pain,ran over to her. Spiritual pressure did not affect dragons, sp she had no idea what was going on, and neither did Calyx. It was so strong, what ever it was. SHe held out her arm, her bow forming. Her eyes were closed, and her other hand was gripping her head. She had no idea what she was shoting, she just formed an arrow and shot. She heard an impact, she knew she hit something.


4:26pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 7,620
Ulquiorra swipped the bow away that hit his sword."Foolish girl"He muttered before taking his other hand and shooting out a large green beam of Cero hearing a clash.

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4:31pm Sep 28 2010

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Posts: 2,580
Uryu jumped in front of the cero and shot it with his arrows making it disappear. "dont you dare hurt them." he said and appeared behind Ulquiorra

sorry i've been goin on in off DX uryu is offline no one go far in the rp's im in

4:31pm Sep 28 2010 (last edited on 4:31pm Sep 28 2010)

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