PRIVATE!!! (me and Tld only no lurkers please)

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6:32am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

vampire x werewolf




~~my bio~~

crush: open for now

ta:image/jpg;base64,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alt="" width="158" height="158" />
other: has the power to make fire
history: N/A
personality: dont know

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

6:33am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998


Her hair is a rich golden-blond and her eyes are green 

Name: Hikari Kikuya

Age: 17 

Gender: Female

Species: Werewolf

Personality: Hikari is stubborn and hardworking, and sometimes does not like acknowledging the fact that she's been defeated. Hikari sometimes overdoes things, an can't exactly apologize properly. Because of this, and her many attempts to prove to people that she's strong, Hikari is labelled as a very 'easily distracted trouble-maker'. Despite her competitiveness, Hikari is very sweet. She's borderline innocent, in fact :c This causes her to be extremely gullible, and naive. In short, she's a hardy tomboy-ish girl who can be sweet.

History: N/A

Favorite/Theme Song: Snails by the Format

Crush: Later will be Faolan, of course xD

Other: None.



6:34am Nov 18 2010 (last edited on 6:35am Nov 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Uhmm, how about setting be like, New York with you know, werewolves and vampires. It'll be winter-ish, around Christmas. December 3rd ish.]]


6:37am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023
((ok! i start?))

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

6:38am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Sure : D ]]


6:41am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023


Faolan was walking down New York City with his hands in his pocket and a cigeratte in his mouth, even though he was 16 he had never had anyone boss him around or teach him not to smoke, like parents. But, the truth is...werewolves killed his parents he has some friends that are werewolves but they dont try to hurt him so he likes some werewolves.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

6:46am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Hikari strolled through New York, her hood thrown up on her head. "It's snowing!" She told herself pleasantly, stopping by to stare into a Godiva shop. "Look at all that chocolate." She murmured. She resisted turning into a wolf and charging into the store. Sighing, Hikari turned around and walked right into a boy smoking a cigarette. "Owch." She mumbled. "Sorry... Smoking is bad." She murmured under her breath.


6:50am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

As Faolan bumped into Hikari he threw his hands out of his pockets to keephis balance and not fall. "Im sorry i should of watched where i was going." he said acting like he never heard her last comment. Faolan knew she was a werewolf once he bumped into her but didnt want to say it "im sorry again." he said and walked away with his hands back in his pockets.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

6:52am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[Hmmm... how to get them to interact? :/ ]]

Hikari shrugged indifferently. But something made her turn back. "Smoking's bad for you!" She repeated louder, stepping in forward in the boy's direction a few steps.



6:57am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

Faolan kept walking what is she my mother he thought to himself and kept walking. He didnt like this girl but he took the cigeratte out of his mouth and threw it on to the ground. He didnt take a second look back but he knew she was probably mad that he didnt even bother to turn around thats how most girls are. he thought to himself again

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

6:59am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Hikari walked over to the boy and bent down on the snow-laden ground, examining to cigarette he threw down to see whether or not it was real. "... Good job?" She asked. She didn't expect him to listen to her. A snowflake fell on her forehead and Hikari swiped at it, grinning at herself.


7:08am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023
Faolan walked into a alley and leaned against a building and took out another cigeratte. He put the cigeratte in his mouth and lit it with his finger tip. "dang werewolves." he mutterd to himself as he looked at his cigeratte box and found it empty "she made me waist that cigeratte i would still have one more left." he said and burned the box with his hand.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

7:14am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[What should I make Hikari do? D: ]]


7:15am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023
((hm... lets see... well she is werewolf make her follow Faolan's scent))

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

7:19am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998

[[Hrmm... sure :d ]]

Hikari lifted up her head from the disgusting cigarette. "Hm... he's gone." She murmured, shrugging and standing up again. She walked over to his spot, where she smelled something funny. "What's that weird smell? It's not chocolate." Hikari sniffed again. She closed her eyes and followed the strange scent, leading her unknowingly into an alley, where she saw the boy. "You again?" She asked. 


7:22am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

Faolan looked at her "i knew you werewolves could follow a scent half a mile away y'all have a very gifted scence of smell." he said chuckling and threw the cigeratte to the ground after he was done with it.


I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

7:27am Nov 18 2010

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Posts: 5,998
Hikari stepped back and shook her head. Her own mother told her to never mention her special... ability. "No... no, I'm not. I'm just a human. What are you talking about?" She mumbled, kicking a bit of snow over the cigarette to hide it from her eyes.


7:28am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Be right back, Uryu. Need to take a shower x.x ]]


7:31am Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023
((i g2g x.x sorry))

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end

3:58pm Nov 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,023

Faolan just smiled "no need to hide it... im a vampire." he said looking at her hoping she didnt run away he was a nice one he didnt drink human blood only on rare accasion but mostly he just drank animal like deer.

I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
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