Oh yeah,Im lucky!But...for what?((Froggie and Kool only!))

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7:47pm Oct 25 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( Yuss. Frogger you're brilliant^^ Where's my secret boyfriend? ))


8:29pm Oct 25 2010

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Posts: 1,682

(( Thanks. I dunno, you tell me. ;c))


After the weekend pas.sed, Silerous went to work, humming and skipping, her heart light and happy. Everyone noticed her good mood, and her office friends came streaming into her office, until it was crowded, with four women. One sat on the corner of her desk, two others standing, one sitting. They all huddled around her, bombarding her with questions.

"Why are you so happy?" One inquired. "Did something happen?" Another asked. Silerous held her hand up, the one without the ring. "Calm, guys." They hushed, waiting for her to answer. She smiled brightly, and slowly held her other hand up where they could see it. They all squealed like tickled kittens, hugging her. "Oh, congrats Silerous!" Bobby told her, smiling. Samantha shrieked. "So he finally proposed!" The other two ran out of her office, telling everyone the news. Silerous just sat their, smiling.

((Fail post. ;c A little odd/weird/crazy. o_o))

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5:18pm Oct 26 2010

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Posts: 3,318
(( I think it was a good post ;D ))

Jhonathan had visited Katana, who was overly excited about how he proposed to Silerous. He smiled at her enthusiasm, glad that she accepted his choice. "You guys are perfect for each other!" she squealed happily. Jhonathan nodded "I know, it's like a dream." She soon rushed to the phone, calling Mark his sister and almost everyone that he knew. He could here Mark's laughing and he took the phone. "What's so funny?" he asked him. Mark continued to laugh for awhile before he replied. "I had a dream about you proposing to her. Weird right?" Jhonathan laughed with him and called him dumb. "You got excited because of your dream, eh?" Mark paused and then replied: "Nooo! I'm happy for you guys! Hehehe theres always the honeymoon" he put emphasis on the word honeymoon. "Shutup Mark!" he laughed. His whole day had been about telling anyone and everyone he could, about the good news.


2:46pm Oct 31 2010

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Posts: 1,682
(( * there. Ew, ew, grammar errors all in my last post! -squirms- to the wedding day? ))

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4:47pm Oct 31 2010

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Posts: 3,318
[[ xD Wow Frogger <3 Surez^^ ]]


5:01pm Oct 31 2010

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Silerous was shaking in her dress. It was sleeveless, form-fitting down to the waist, where it turned into a flowing, ballroom-style dress. The white silk and chiffon felt amazing agaisnt her skin, but she was nervous. Way too nervous. It was finally here, their wedding day. The day she and Jhonathan would be husband and wife. She was scared that he would have second thoughts, leave her at the isle. She told herself he would never do that; he was too kind. Her hair was swept into a high ponytail, looped around to form a beautiful design. Shiny pearl earring dangled from her ears, matching the single row of pearls she wore around her neck. Her makeup was bare, just some eyeliner, mascara and foundation.

There was a knocking at the door, and D.J. entered, smiling. "Oh, you look amazing, Silerous!" she hugged her, careful not to wrinkle her dress. Silerous smiled, glad that the bridesmaid dresses weren't hideous. They were a slimming black, they fell just above the knee. D.J. squeezed her hand. "Ready?" Silerous swallowed hard and nodded, they headed out of the dressing room.

Silerous stood where everyone couldn't see her, holding her breathe. The music played, not the traditional wedding music, but one of her and Jhonathan's favorite songs. It was her cue. She slowly began walking.

((You get to decide colors, theme, where the wedding is, all off it. xD ))

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7:44pm Nov 2 2010

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Posts: 1,682

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3:30pm Nov 7 2010

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Posts: 3,318

[[ Ohmai xD I will try to add that in there Lolz. Sorry for teh late post O_O ]]

Jhonathan had come to the building where the wedding was being held early so that he could take a look at the place. There was a glowing aquarium at the front where he and Silerous would stand, Jhonathan whistled at the sight of it. The room was carefully decorated with blue ribbons and ballons. The colors blue and silver were everywhere and there were his stickfigure posters on the door, one of him and Silerous. He chuckled a bit at the sight of it. "Wow" he gasped, trying to imagine what it would be like.


Jhonathan was wearing a very expensive suit that he had bought. The crowd slightly stirring, buzzing with excitement. He stood at the front of the room, his hair neatly in place. Jhonathan looked hotter than ever before[xD] He could spot many people he knew in the crowd and his hands tingled with nervousness. "Here's the moment" he thought to himself as he heard the music start up.


5:56pm Nov 8 2010

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Posts: 1,682

((Post will be short, we need to wrap up this rp. xD))

Silerous took a deep breathe as she slowly turned the corner. She glanced up through her veil, looking at all the people smiling at her. She tried to smile back, but only found herself shaking. She closed her eyes for a moment, absorbing the beat of the music, and then looked up completely, a soft smile on her face. She hoped she looked okay in the dress; she'd paid big bucks for such. Neither bride or groom had gotten even a glimpse of each other in the wedding attire before hand, and Silerous was amazed how wonderful Jhonathan looked today. Taking once long, deep breathe, Silerous walked the last few steps until she was beside him. Turning slowly, she now faced him. It was time.

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6:01pm Nov 8 2010 (last edited on 6:01pm Nov 8 2010)

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Posts: 3,318

Jhonathan's heart beat quickened and he thought that he might loose his cool. "Calm down, Jhon" he thought to himself. This moment seemed to real for it to be a dream, it was actually happening. "I wouldn't want it any other way" he thought to himself with a smile and he turned to look at Silerous, her face not yet visible. He barely heard the words of the priest, he waited excitedly so he could say the words I do.

[[ Yuss^^ Homg Frogger I miss yah D'; *huggles* ]]


6:04pm Nov 8 2010

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Posts: 1,682
((-huggles Kool back- Question, can we skip the rest of the ceremony? xD Um. We could do a "blah blah days/weeks/years later"))

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6:08pm Nov 8 2010

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Posts: 3,318
[[ Yuss we can^^ *is a pushover* lolz jk ]]

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