Neh. 1x1/Small Group? o.o

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10:32am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Twirltongue...? -bursts out laughing- Nice name, Zozo XD So how's thar romance? OR IS IT FILLED WITH TEH VIOLENSH?1?1?1! -freaks out- Anyhoo, is that your plot? : D ]]


10:36am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364


Some cats don't like Twirltongue, or her 'ideas'. So they planned to over throw her. Then one day they found a normal cat and fell in love with eet. xDD but, now they have to deal with Twirltongue. Dey are sneaking out of camp to see eachother. If either of the Leaders find out, there will be VIOLENCE!! :DDDDD And Romance. :DD))


10:38am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[MRR BUT TLD SOMETIMES DOESN'T LIKE WARRIOR KITTY NAMES -bites back- i.e. Dragonfly. Ew. Imagine, a mother cat cuddling her kit, and suddenly says IMMA NAME IT DRAGONKIT, MMKAY?! Most of the cats would be like WHAT THE HECK IS A DRAGON. And 'tis a good plot! But I still think it should be more than one cat fallin' in love, otherwise we'll get people joining just for the sake of being the special charries.]]


10:48am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( I know right? It gets annoying. D:

And your right. ^^ Is it gonna be Private, or public?))


10:55am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Public. I think just Fulleh, me, and you are going to be quite empty to play to Clans x.x Tld is so strict with warrior cat names XD That's why it takes me a long time to think up one. I have be realistic and consider what the mother would when she first sees her kits. Is Radiantmist a good name? x.x I thought it sounded pretty, since the cat's deion is a pretty tortoiseshell with glowing aqua eyes. I love my other two, Crowdance and Mistfall 8D ]]


10:56am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( I think it sounds pretty. ^^

Is Goldcomet and Silverwhisp good names? ))


10:59am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Goldcomet... meh. Cats don't know what comets are :p Silverwhisp is pretty~~ Ohoho. But sometimes it depends on the kitty's deion i.e. Crowdance is a pure black she-cat with violet eyes and rather long legs. To look like crow legs... 'cos if she dances... she'll look like a crow XD Bahaha, just kiddin'. I also don't like names that go like 'Flamingstorm'. Ew. What's up with the 'ing'? ]]


11:02am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( Silverwhisp is a silver cat with....I'll just get the pic when we start. xDD And damnit! I need a name with 'Gold' in it for Silverwhisp's brother. xDD

Any ideas? ^^))


11:08am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Whispy and rather long silver fur? c: Gold... hrmm... Depends. Eye color, fur color and length, and also personality. Goldclaw (for long claws), Goldmist (hrm... my brain spat it out, a bit feminine), Goldwind, Goldshade, Goldstone (Heehee Coldstone), Goldsoar (I like the suffix '-soar' for some reason o-o) ...Tada! ]]


11:09am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( Hrmm.....Goldshard? ^^ -fail- ))


11:12am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[Goldshard? ...It's an okay-name to me :p The suffix '-shard' doesn't really go with a lot of cat deions. If I can has deion of Goldtobenamed, I can perhaps cough up a good name or two XD ]]


11:15am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364

(( Nehhh I'm not perfect. xDD ......It sounds like a she-cat name though. Well, to me it does. xDD

What about Starfrost? ^^ She's one of my favs~ xDD))


11:18am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[I has cat named Stardust : D Well, let's just say I'm used to seeing Starfrost now because you always use the name in lots of board XD Although the first time I saw it, I was reminded of Starfire in the Teen Titans o,o'' Goldclaw and Goldwind are nice-ish :p 'Specially Goldclaw. Sound so BADBUTT -dun like swearing-]]


11:20am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364


I actually go the name from a Bella Sara card. xDD YUSS I COLLECT DEM. xDD I luff horses. ))


11:22am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 5,998
[[...Numm... Bella Sara Card? o.O No idea whatcha talkin' about, Zozo XD I have only been to America once in mai life... -.- Unless you don't live in America. Because I as-sume that most RPers here do O-o ]]


11:27am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( yeah, I live in America. ^^ Bella Sara cards are horse cards. :) Like Pokemon? But the cards come with a code, and you can log them into the computor and take care of the horse! But I just collect them because I like horses, and they give me ideas for drawing horses. :DD ))


11:29am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 9,641


11:30am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 17,364
(( AHH EETS A DET! xDD Fail spam-ness lolz.))


11:31am Oct 2 2010

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Posts: 9,641
[Name = Frostfire. Now, shush.]


11:32am Oct 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
[[Gah oxymoronic alert! D: -sprays Det with fire hose- Well, TLD USED TO COLLECT POKEMON CARDZ 8D ... Mhmmm!]]

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