Mutants In Disguise New Generations Begin (Yakir and Me only)

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6:47pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 6:49pm Jan 4 2010)

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Posts: 93

Neriis, or You, his inner mutant had bursted into a slaughter frenzy, looking around in his mutant form he looked straight at the four boys, a hint of sorrow in his non-exsistant hollowed eyes. "You will die!" he screetched, looking at the team of SWAT men that had started to crowd around him. He lashed out with his tail, ripping some mans spine out and he thrashed it around. "Don't ma-a-ake me slaughter ya and use ya blood as PAINT!" he cackled, staring at the team of men.

Kasirn had run over to Hinnati along with the others, Dam'n what was Neriis' problem? He looked over Hinnatis wounds and frowned, "Ya don't look too bad, y'ok?" he asked, looking at Neriis who was surrounded. "Dam'n it! Its all his fnuckin fault!"

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            	       2:27am Jan 5 2010            	                              </p>
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						<b>Normal User</b><br>						<p><img src=></p>
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                        <div class="content"><p>Hinnati jumped up and tryied to stop Kasirn from killing him "YOU DONT KNOW THAT STOP YOUR GONNA KILL HIM" he pleaded as he was held back by Jerico and Denachi</p><p>Denachi hid his face as he and Jerico held down Hinnati. They knew the pain that he felt but it couldn

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2:32am Jan 5 2010 (last edited on 2:34am Jan 5 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 93

Neriis looked at Hinnati with sorrow, having quick flash-backs of the time they actually were together, friends. Why can't this go away. He struggled and soon stiffened up breathless, a loud crack coming from the back of his neck. "You were my best friend Hinnati, and I loved you...alot, but whats done was needed and has been done." he said, soon falling limp and lifeless.

Kasirn had broken Neriis' neck while choking him. Figuring why suffocate, its such a slow agonizing death, he didnt want to torture him. "I'm so sorry...Hinnati..." he whispered, setting Neriis against the ground.

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2:46am Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 93
Kasirn frowned, feeling a pang of guilt. He knew that if he hadn't have gone over and began taking Neriis' life away that Neriis might've been there now. In all, Neriis was loosing his mind to something he couldn't fight, and Kasirn felt it and knew it. "I shouldn't've done anythin'..." he mumbled lowly, staring down at his feet as he shaped back into his human form, glancing from Neriis' limp body to his feet once more.

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            	       2:50am Jan 5 2010            	                              </p>
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						<b>Normal User</b><br>						<p><img src=></p>
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                        <div class="content"><p>Jerico lifted his head "no he wanted help and you gave it to him" he said as he looked back at the lying figure on the ground.</p><p>Denachi walked over to Hinnati and helped him relax he shifted into his mutant form and began to lick at the wounds that had re-opend.</p><p>Hinnati wiped away his tears and looked away from the still figure infront of him. He didn

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2:54am Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 93
Not meaning, if was, or wanting to even dare sound rude he looked up at the others. "'Er...what're we gunna do now?" he said almost at a whisper, making it sound like he had mentally just kicked his own a'ss.

3:27am Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 172
Denachi woke up earlier than expected and heard somthing ratleing in the bushes he quickly chased after it still in his mutant form. He instantly thought of the others and continued to hunt until he gathered enough for the others he quickly grabbed them up and started back to the others.

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