Holey- (Privet, me and Jessluv) Is that Manbearpig?!

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2:59am Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 3:00am Aug 27 2010)

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Posts: 4,848
And now a song.
Jess and Ribunny are going down to South Park gonna have ourselves a time
Friendly faces everywhere, humble folks without temptation
Jess and Ribunny are going down to South Park going to see if we can't unwind
Ample parking day or night, people shouting HOWDY NEIGHBOR!
Jess and Ribunny are going down to South Park gonna leave our woes behind
*Whatever the hell Kenny says*
Come on down to South Park and meet from friends of ours
Alright, so My characters:
Ribunny, Stan, Cartman
Jess's characters:
Nia, Kyle, and Kenny
Just so we can remember XD
Yes, you can curse, c8 
I'll start on the next post XD


3:05am Aug 27 2010

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Cartman was walking with his.. 'friends' Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and the newest member of the South Park gang, Nia.  He looked over and saw a bunch of moving vans around a house.  "What the hell?"  He wondered out loud.  "Aw, not ANOTHER new kid."  He growled.

"Aw, come on Cartman, it's not that bad."  Stan said.  "At least now there are more kids then adults."

"This town isn't big enough for too many kids."  Cartman growled.

Ribunny listened to the conversation of the kids outside her house.  She had very sensitive hearing, and could single out one conversation from a bunch of noise, she had trained herself to do that when she was younger.  She slowly opened the door, wondering if they would notice her.


3:31am Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 3:33am Aug 27 2010)

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Posts: 989

Nia looked from Cartman to the door noticing the slight movement. "Huh?" she asked lightly. "Look, theres someone opening the door." commented Nia with a smile.
Kyle looked too. "Its probably the movers or the owners." commented Kyle watching the door impaciently to see if he was right.Nia sighed as she shook her head. Kenny looked at them and mummbled something to them. Nia looked at them confused. "The hell he just say?" she asked confused.

Nia= Red
Kyle= Green
Kenny= Orangey color.


3:36am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 4,848

((Squee color coding 8D IT BURNS MY EYES 8D

Oh, and what about you can make Kenny just talk normally, but just say it's muffled?  Like in the newer South Park series you can understand Kenny but he's still muffled.  o3o  Did I make sense?  XDDD

Kyle is green c8))

Ribunny opened the door more, this time stepping out into the open.  "Hi."  She said shyly, not really sure what else to say.

"I knew there was going to be a knew kid."  Cartman growled. 


3:44am Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 3:52am Aug 27 2010)

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Posts: 989
Nia looked to Cartman and hit him lightly. "Shut up! Not everyone in this town has a kid!" she growled and then looked back at the girl and smiled. "Hello~!! And Welcome to South Park! I'm Nia. Thats Cartman." she said pointing to the fat one. "Thats Kenny, Stan, and Kyle." she said pointing to the one with the hoodie, then the one with the blue and red hat, then the the one with the green hat. Kyle looked at the girl and a blush came across his face. Not one of embaras.sment that he was wrong, but of something else. "Hi..." he said to the girl. Kenny looked to her and waved. "Hello." he said muffling the word.


3:50am Aug 27 2010

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"Hiya!"  Ribunny said happily, "I'm Ribunny."  She glanced at Kyle for a few seconds, and felt something flutter in her stomach, but looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice.


3:55am Aug 27 2010

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Kyle watched her and looked at his friends. He noticed Nia still glaring at Cartman about the stupid comment. Kyle gave a rather large sigh shaking his head at his friends. Kenny just looked at them all and wondered why no one was talking. "Where were we going...?" asked Nia finally not listening to Cartman. Kenny looked at her and shrugged. Kyle looked at her and then at Ribunny.


3:58am Aug 27 2010

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"Um.. Would you like to watch Terrance and Philip in my house with me?  I think they got the cable set up."

"Terrance and Philip!  Hell yeah!"  Cartman said.

((The thing about Ribunny's house is that it looks normal on the outside, but it is HUGE and mansion-like on the inside.  XD))


4:05am Aug 27 2010

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Nia and Kyle somewhat glared at Cartman. "Do you have to be loud?!" growled Nia. Kyle looked at Ribunny and smiled. "Sure! That sounds nice." he said. Kenny nodded happily. "Yeah~!"


4:09am Aug 27 2010

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"Alright, come on in then!"  She said, holding the door open for them.

Cartman went in the house as fast as his fat stubby legs could carry him, but he stopped as soon as he saw the inside of the house.  "Woah.. Sick dude..." He said in awe, looking around at how huge the house was.

Stan followed Cartman in, his eyes widening when he saw the inside of the house.  "Oh my effing God."  He murmured, looking around slowly. 


4:20am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 989

Kenny walked in and he too looked around his eyes had widen from what he just saw. "Its huge!" shouted Kyle as he walked in suprised and in awe. Nia walked in and looked around and smiled. "Its so nice in here! So pretty~!"


4:26am Aug 27 2010 (last edited on 4:26am Aug 27 2010)

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"Yeah..." Ribunny said, smiling slightly.  "I know it's.. kinda big."

"KINDA big?!"  Cartman exclaimed, "This place is as big as..."

"Cartman's Fat as.s!" Stan finished Cartman's sentence.

"Ay!  I'm not fat I'm big boned!"  Cartman growled.

Ribunny giggled a little at Stan and Cartman's bickering, then started to walk down the hallway, "Well, the TV is down this way-"  She cut herself off, her sensitive ears hearing something.  The sound she had grown to fear since she was a toddler.  It was the sound of Nanny's shoes.  "Oh.. Oh no!"  Ribunny exclaimed, "N-Nanny is coming!  You guys gotta hide, quickly!  Go in that empty room over there!"  She said, pointing to a door.

"Why?" Cartman whined.

"Just do it!" She said, starting to panic. 


4:36am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 989

Nia took Cartman and Stan's arms and dragged them into the empty room not letting Cartman ask anymore questions. Kyle followed Nia. He looked to Ribunny and frowned as he had a bad feeling something was going to happen. Kenny too followed. "What if something bad is going to happen...?" asked Kyle to himself.


4:47am Aug 27 2010

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"Don't make any noise."  Ribunny whispered to them.  Her eyes were wide with fear and she was trying her best not to shiver out of fear.

She then closed the door, just as Nanny walked up to her.  Nanny wore all grey and had freighting green eyes and large black boots that made a signature sound that Ribunny had come to fear.  She also had an oak cain with a hard metal bottom.  "What in the bloody hell are you doing?"  She asked, she had a British accent.

Ribunny's eyes widened and she gulped, "Just.. Dusting.." She said.

"You little liar!"  Nanny growled, "Now, go and fetch me a drink."

"Yes Nanny!"  Ribunny said, and ran and got Nanny a drink, and came back.

"Too slow!  Next time do it faster!"  Nanny said and took the drink and drank it. 


4:52am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 989
Kyle watched with somewhat fear in his own eyes. He didn't like the look that Ribunny had. Nia sat down by the wall listening not wanting to see if anything bad were to happen or not.


4:58am Aug 27 2010

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Nanny tasted the drink a little more.  "It's too sour!"  She growled, tightening her grip on her cain.  She then hit Ribunny on the side of the head with it, making her crumple to the ground, holding her head in pain.  "Next time do it better!"  Nanny snarled, then walked away and went out the door.

Ribunny was still sitting on the ground, clutching her head and whimpering with pain. 


5:02am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 989
Kyle ran out to her. "Ribunny. Are you okay?" he asked frowming. Nia walked out too. She too was frowning as she looked at the girl. "I'm sorry. If its too much trouble for us to be here why not come to one of our houses?" asked Nia.


5:05am Aug 27 2010

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Ribunny looked up at Kyle, tears in her eyes, "Y-yeah.." She said.  She then turned the Nia, "And yes.. That's a good idea...."


5:11am Aug 27 2010

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Posts: 989
Kyle frowned and helpped her up and walked her to the door. Nia walked out it with Kenny following. "We'll go to Stan's house!" purred Nia smirking as a light blush crossed her cheeks. Kenny nodded smiling. "Yeah lets go to Stan's!"


5:18am Aug 27 2010

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"Sounds cool." Stan said, smiling at Nia.

Ribunny nodded, "Yeah, sounds good..." She said, leaning on Kyle, since she felt a little dizzy. 

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