Do Wings (1X1) Really Matter?

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11:28am Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191

[it's fine. ^^]

"Huh?" She wondered about his question and she shook her head with a small shrug, putting her arms down from behind her head. "Not really. Can't afford it. Unless I should start stealing." Soul chuckled a bit, her attempt at making a joke.

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11:44am Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 4,355
"Oh, alright. I really must get back to walking my raccoon. See ya!" He picked up the leash and began jogging with the raccoon. On the way home he saw something that made his heart stop. Wolf. A big, hungry wolf was growling at Tycoon. Luckily, he learned about wolf safety. He backed away so slowly, then when the wolf was out of sight, he ran. He ran fast.


11:47am Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191

[ooo~ wolf hahaa. mind if i play the wolf? i might want to make him into a charrie [werewolf].]

The wolf sprinted after the raccoon and the young man. As soon as Soul saw Alex running, she saw the wolf, not far behind. Her eyes widened slightly, surprised that the wolf would even venture into the city. "Alex, keep running!" She suggested as she ran across the street and behind Alex, blocking the wolf as it skidded a stop, snarling and read to lunge at Soul.

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11:54am Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 4,355

((Yeah. You can play the wolf.))

"Soul! What are you doing? That wolf is gunna kill you!" Alex called. Quickly he stuffed Tyccoon into his backpack and pulled out a sleep dart gun. He aimed for the wolf's leg, but it hit the wolf in the neck. After it was asleep,  he picked up the wolf and called animal control. In a few moments a truck arrived to take the wolf away. 

((It wasn't dead, just sleeping))


11:58am Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191

"Are you crazy?!" Soul swiftly turned around as animal control arrived. She began panicking to the wolf, "Wake up! Shift back!" She yelled worriedly as the put him into the truck. "God d-amnit!" She exclaimed, a hand going to her forehead. She turned around to look at Alex. Insteading of getting angry with him, she understood that it was the one thing he thought he should do and he didn't know what the wolf was.


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12:12pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 4,355
"What's wrong? It could have killed you! I love wolves aswell, but it was for the best. Wolves don't belong here. And don't worry. It wasn't dead, just sleeping." Alex explained. "Unless you had a better idea, I'd like to hear it."


12:16pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191
"Ugh... it's really hard to explain." Soul let out a sigh and walked over to him. "It wouldn't have killed me. I know that wolf." She tucked her hands inside her pocket. "I'll have to go get him back from animal control now." She said, though she was mostly talking to herself. "I'm sorry." She rubbed the back of her neck, where a metal collar was attatched to her skin. "Are you alright?"

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12:27pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 4,355
"Why wouldn't I be?" He told her. "Just a bit shook up, thats all. Good luck getting your wolf back!" Alex called as he ran down the street with Tycoon at his feet. When he had jogged for two hours or so, he returned home.


2:10pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191
Soul let out another sigh and began walking in the opposite direction. It wasn't long before she arrived at the animal shelter and suddenly the same giant, black wolf jumped out the door and skidded to a stop as it saw Soul. "You idiot!" She growled as the wolf shifted into a human. He was tall, with the same bright green eyes and black hair that hung down. They both took off running as police cars were heard in the distance.

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2:14pm Jan 22 2011

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Alex peered out the window and saw Soul running for her life. Then he noticed the man behind him. "That's strange. That looks like-" He stopped short. "The wolf!" He ran outside and found Soul. "I want answers. Now." He said.


3:28pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191
"I don't have time!" Soul exclaimed as Alex suddenly ran to her. The man behind her was nodding in agreement vigorously as the police cars skidded to a stop about two blocks down the road.

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4:01pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 4,355
"Tell me later then." He demanded. "But I can understand why you don't have time." Alex stopped and spoke in a whisper. "Run."


4:04pm Jan 22 2011

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Posts: 191
Soul nodded obediently and began sprinting swiftly down the sidewalk, the stranger following behind her. It wasn't long before they were safe, Soul leaning against a building, panting lightly as the young man stood next to her. "You didn't have to come y'know." He grinned. Soul nodded, "Yea, I did."

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6:42pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 191
ello? ^^ sonador?

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6:52pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 4,355


I lost this thread.))

Alex began taking off toward Soul, but he relized how stupid he would be. Instead, he spun around and ran home, but with his luck, he wasn't safe for long. Then, the lady who he stole Tycoon from, came running toward him. "Racky!" The lady said to Tycoon's head which was sticking out of my backpack. "M'am, this is Tycoon," I began. "She's mine." "Well your dead wrong, boy!" She screeched. "Someone nabbed Racky from me, and your it." Then without thinking, Alex took off running, running for his life.


6:54pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 191
"Who was that guy? Your boyfriend?" The young man grinned. "Shut up, Zane. He's just a friend. Besides, he is a nice guy. Don't see why you had to go all wolfy and attack him." Soul rolled her eyes and they began walking down the road. It wasn't long before they spotted Alex and they both stopped, blinking at the scene. "What the heck?" Zane chuckled, walking up.

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7:06pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 4,355

Alex ran inside and slammed the door. Hard. He locked all of doors and Tycoon in her cage in the attic. He locked the door to the attic, aswell. Then he heard banging at the door. "Open up, boy!" The voice from the lady called. Alex ignored it. After a few hours, the lady left. Alex went up to where Soul lived. He had to talk to her.


7:46pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 191
It wasn't long before Soul and Zane had returned home. Their home just a small relaxing spot underneath a tree in the park. Soul yawned a bit, "It's been an exhausting day." She murmured and Zane only laughed, "That kid's probably gonna be wondering what the hell is going on." He mused.

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8:07pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 4,355
Alex checked everywhere she could be. No where. Lastly he checked the park. He looked everywhere and finally found her. "Ok, who the heck are you," he asked Zane. "And why did you turn into a human?" He paused and went into a whisper, "I know that your a wolf."


8:10pm Jan 25 2011

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Posts: 191
Zane stood up, trying to intimidate him with a grin, revealing small canines. "What'd you think?" He crossed his arms, looking directly at Alex. Soul watched as he did, though did nothing, knowing Zane would do nothing as well.

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