At{Literate HP roleplay}the{Small Group}Manor

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8:54pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,864
((Trying to get people to join the open spots lD Cissy, Lucius, and Snape are open. And hehehe. I think I win. ;D GOALS COMPLETED. VOLDYBELLA ROMANCE INITIATED. PREPARE FOR AWKWARD MOMENTS AND LOTS OF ANNOYING CLINGYNESS.))


9:08pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 2,184


9:15pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,864
((...heh. Nawww, not that annoying. Once Bella manages to, you know, fix herself, then we'll see if she remembers anything. You better hope not, though. ;o Also, sasori is making a comic. lD))


9:19pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Hehe, mmk. <3 I hope Bella gives Voldy a hell of a time though. I'm reading over some of these posts and realised I must have felt really beotchy at the time I wrote them because they're really mean. ;c))


9:30pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,864

((I was reading some of OoTP and noticed that you're doing a gorgeous job, actually ;D I need to cry more. Or not, considering...

"Be quiet, Bella. I shall deal with you in a moment.")) 


9:36pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 2,184
((Was that in the book? :D And thank you. <3 Somehow, though, I think it's OOC no matter the situation if Voldemort shoves his tongue down someone's throat. Even if he's strangling her at the same time. ;/ WHY DOES VOLDEMORT HAVE TO BE SO CELIBATE AND LOVELESS?))


9:43pm Aug 19 2011

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Posts: 1,864


and yeah, it was in the book

it also made me suspicious...

this might not be as ooc as we think. ;o Of course thats my fangirl mind at work, but.)) 


2:46am Aug 20 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,864
((Well for now I suppose we can control them. lD But I'm working on it.))


11:40pm Aug 23 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,864


Bellatrix heard the yell from meters away. Her fingers rose to her bruised lips, feeling them carefully but smearing blood over her fingertips. Her mind was clearing up, the buzzing had dissapeared, and the curse she had endured was nearly over. Brown irises were fixed on the spot outside the door, and she remembered exactly why she was feeling like she was... A smooth and deep blush covered her face, seeming to reach her heart as well (which wasn't too far away, as it was in her throat). The watery eyes threatened to spill over, although not from pain or sadness; any wrongdoing Voldemort had seemed to do had dissapeared from her memory. It was all a little fuzzy, but the blood on her lips was real, and the if the infuriated yelling had a cause, it was certainly her... The rose shade to her face became crimson, and a tiny embarassed and self-aware smile broke out on her face. Not to say that she wasn't also filled with nervous joy.

Standing up slowly and surely this time, looking rather beaten up, Bella managed to gain her balance and stay put. A residual pang in her right foot caused her to wince every other step, but it was nothing she couldn't handle now. She hid her face in her hair and tilted her head down, hoping not to show any of the blush that was wearing off but seemed to be reappearing whenever she thought where she was going. Or who was there. Well who was leading the impromptu meeting, anyway. She could care less about her husband.

She entered the room cautiously, composing herself as best she could, and snuck by the side of the wall. Catching Lucius's eye by accident and for less than a second, she decided it was best just to stare at the floor near his feet; looking directly at him might spark another onset of violent blushing. 

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