Anyone up to RP with little ole me?

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8:13pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Lol, that would be fun :D I'm pretty lenient on genders, too (I just usually play guys), so I don't want to pressure you into being stuck with two girl characters. I'm willing to take a girl if you want.


8:14pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Oh, no, it's cool! I could take on two girl characters :)


8:20pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
If you're alright with it, then okay. :3


8:22pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Great... now we wait on Ru ^^

Should I make up a quick Bio skeleton for us? 


8:25pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Go ahead. I'm going to be going to bed now, so I'll be back on tomorrow. Night.


8:38pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Ah sleep sounds like bliss right now ^^ Night!


History: (?)

Well there is a rough bio. Feel free to add or subtract anything from here.

Did you guys want to rp on this thread or a brand new one?


2:42pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5,542

okay, regarding the plot, I like it, a lot actually. But there is one tiny issue.... The twins don't typically fight with each other. If they were rule earth, they would rule together if only to have one take care of the human aspects of earth and the other to help with the 'blessed' human side. They only have each other in the demon world adn since they are the last of their family, they try not to fight and when they do it gets nasty. Like... WW3 nasty. They will destroy everything and anything. But other than that, it's a good plot with a good story line. :D

I'm sorry if them not fighting changes the plot, but you could also have them fighting their aunts and uncles. They never liked the twins since they are different looking and they stick together instead of trying to best each other out of power. So that's another possibility, but them being demons and young ones, they could still need the help of the angels/blessed humans.

If that doesn't float your boat, you could always have different demons fighting and in order to restore balance, the angels need a demon's help to at least have a chance at fighting and winning.

There is your option as well. I'll just have to alter their personalities a little bit to fit in the "I wanna be ruler, not my brother" type of deal going on.


4:59pm Mar 15 2013 (last edited on 5:28pm Mar 15 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,557

Ahem. Okay, so instead of the brothers fighting for power, a coup has taken place by the sister of the current king, and her massive family. For years, she has been planing and secretly converting lowly demons to her side. During the coup, the king was murdered, as well as his wife (unless she was already dead for some reason), but the twins managed to escape.
The twins tried to seek refuge from some family friends, but they are afraid of the new queen's power, and reject the brothers.

Those who were loyal to the king and believe that the twins should be the new rulers rebel and wage war against the new monarchy. They seem to be winning the war until one day, the new queen announces that she has found a way to take the power of their archenemies, the angels. She tells the rebels that they should stop fighting her and, instead, join her forces to finally crush the angels for good. Reluctantly, the rebels agree.

As the demons start to join together and regroup, they all focus their attention on seeping the angel's power away. No one really knows where the power is going, and it is just assumed that the magic is going back into the universe to be used at a later date.

That is not the case. As the angels lose their power, humans are starting to gain magic. This is not that unusual because humans are sometimes 'blessed' with abilities by an angel or demon when they are born, but now, people in their late teens to early thirties are finding themselves with unheard of magic that they never knew that they had. Being that they do not know about the issues with the angels and demons, the humans think that they are magicians. Many without powers feel threatened by those who do, and convince others that the magicians are evil.

Because many people are are going out and attacking magician, some Earth-bound demons are taking advantages of the magicians and controlling them to do evil on Earth.

In the land of the angels, chaos is stirring. The angles are feeling drained and they are developing new weaknesses they never knew about. Some of their protecting magic and defenses are faltering, but their attack magic is still going strong. Well, at least for those who stay in the land of the angels. Those who have Earth Duty are losing even more than that. Their powers seems to be seeping, and even a few have trouble flying.

The twins, having taken refuge on Earth, are horrified by what is going on. They go to an old psychic who claims to be working for mother earth. Though the woman is a complete crackpot, her predictions are usually right, she gives wonderful advice, and she bakes insanely delicious pumpkin pie. The psychic tells the twins that unless their aunt is stopped, the balance of the worlds would be destroyed and beings of other dimensions would be able to enter theirs, which would be disastrous. The only way to prevent this would be to appeal to the angels and humans. Because it was obvious that humans would never agree to do anything (being that they are constantly at war over the stupidest of things) and the angels would never trust two demons, the only option was to make peace with a few of each group.

The twins go off (either separately with one trying to track down two humans and the other two angels, or they go together) to find some people willing to help them.  I'm guessing that this is where we'll start the rp, being that this is where all of our characters start to come in. From then, they find each other, and the party of six go out in the world(s) to stop the new queen of hell.

I don't really have anything after that, because obviously there will be a lot of things happening between them finding each other and defeating the queen, but my brain is now numb from the rapid idea making it just did, so now it's you guy's turn to plan :u


5:08pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
So far, i really like this new idea. The twins are still demons, but they do like the Earth for the beauty. And cats. They love cats... But yeah, they like it, so i'd assume that they'd want to protect it. :D I like this.


5:28pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
...and I'm finished :u Got anything to add/delete/change?


6:56pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
I feel like I should be simple with me appraisal like Ru, however, Rabbah, YOU. ARE. A. GENIUS! I love that plot it is great. I don't have anything to add/delete/change because I think you did a marvelous job covering all the problems and balancing the plot between the three creatures.

Now, with that said, if Ru doesn't have anything to add/delete/change, then we could start rping, right? Should we do the rp here or in another thread and just copy and paste the plot?


7:03pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
hehehehehehehe why thank you. Usually I don't contribute to plots (cuzz I'm lazy), bit I'm happy I actually tried this time xD You're thoughts about it means a lot to me.

I think we should do it on another thread so we won't have some random person cutting in and asking for a 1x1 with you. And my amazing plot deserves a good ti
tle :u


7:05pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Haha it does, it does. Do you have a good ti
tle up your sleeve too? Or do we have to brainstorm first?


7:08pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
Yeah, I got nothing. :D


7:13pm Mar 15 2013 (last edited on 5:36pm Mar 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 827
Okay, well here are some ideas... They aren't that great :(

Demons, {Ru} Angels, {Unique} Humans, {Rabbah} WAR {Private}
{Private} Bloodshed {Rabbah} between {Ru} dimensions {Unique}
{Private} Earth as a battle ground {Ru, Rabbah, Unique}
World War III {Private w/Rabbah, Ru, Unique}
{Private} Drained Angels, {Unique} Blessed Humans, {Rabbah} Tedious Demons, {Ru} a Vicious War


7:19pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
lol. I like the first and last one.


7:27pm Mar 15 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
Awesome. Well, lets see... If I think of anymore I will post it here.


5:23pm Mar 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
sorry i havent been on guys... :( i wasn't at home. ANyways, i like the first ti
tle and I lik ewhere the plot went in teh earlier post. :3


5:35pm Mar 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 827
It's fine Ru ^^
And so, if no one has anything more to add or any other suggestions for the ti
tle, then I think Rabbah should have the honor of making the new thread, since it was her plot :)


5:45pm Mar 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,557
No. You do it, Leo. :u I'm on my phone right now, so I can't copy and paste. Also, put the bio skelly on it please :3

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