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7:46pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

"Why don't you try putting mud on more then half your eyes and hunting"he said half angry half happy that she was being sympathetic.

 She licked his furry and said "I was so scared".She licked it more for it seemed to make her more calm in special some way.


7:52pm Oct 9 2010

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7:52pm Oct 9 2010

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she put mud on her paw and rubbed it on one eye the she licked his lips "that make you happy"she said trying to sound cute

he looked at her with a grin and licked her cheek he pulled her to the ground and help her tight he smiled as they layed there together


7:57pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

"Yes it does" he said chowing down on the rabbit before she could take the mud of and come to eat aswell.

She fell asleep in his warmth and in his arms.She yawnen and stretched then finally closed her eyes and slept. 


8:02pm Oct 9 2010 (last edited on 8:03pm Oct 9 2010)

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Posts: 2,264

she began eating but still with the mud on her eye she wanted to experiance the life he had after they were done she curled up on the floor and fellasleep

he had fallen asleep as well

night had pas.sed and morning had come



8:07pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,264


8:10pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

Dairean had wockin up early this day and had already caght a rabbit and was eating it beside her. When he finished he yawned and wiped his muzzle with his paws.He did'nt save her any because he wanted her to see what life was like as him.

Keera woke up and streched. She looked at him and cocked her head. "Why do you have to be so cute"she said in a wisper.She leened down and licked his lip then she lated down all the way and snuggled him tight and yet so jently.  


8:18pm Oct 9 2010

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8:26pm Oct 9 2010

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9:04pm Oct 9 2010

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she woke up and grinned mud still on her eyes she caught a glims of a squirel "ah the fast ones...well there is no rabbit around here so"she walk slowly up to the squirel and jumped at it , it ran but she ran so fastly after it she caught it in a mere 2 seconds

Todd opened his eyes to her licking him he licked her back and then walked to the river he jumped in and caught to fish he brought them back "here"he said dropping one in front of her "eat up i have a feeling its goin to be a long day"


9:13pm Oct 9 2010

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Dairean took the squerrel from her and ran away wanting to play catch.He smiked as he saw her stumble from the mud.

 Keera smiled "thank you"she said bowing lightly.She bit into the fish and when she was finished she washed her paws and muzzle before splashing water on Todd with her paws, for fun. 


9:18pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,264

she growled "get back here"she was angry her stomache growled and they were by the edge of a cliff she ran after him but her blind spot made her trip on a stick and fall off the cliff into the water

he smiled and splashed back by jumping in the water "come in ill teach you"


9:30pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

He threw the squirel up in the air and gulped it down before he jumped in after her.He grabbed her by the neck and dragged her to shore. He kissed her and drained the water out of her mouth.

She stepped back her eyes filled with fear. "I-I d-don't want to"she stuttered.Tears flowed out of her eyes and she did'nt bother brushing them away as she had done before.


9:34pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,264

she woke up coffing she saw his face and all she did was push him out of the way stand up brush the mudd off her eye and run off she was to mad at him and her stomache was growling

he swam out of water "you don't have..."a female fox had run in between them and almost knowcked him over he stepped back "whats with her???"


9:51pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

Dairean layed theire looking at her run away, even as a male fox he was sensetive. His tears flowed out and he felt like he was a child again.The memories all came flooding back to him.

"Daddy why can't I see well"he had asked his father, and his father had respoded by waking him and making him fly into a tree. Later on his father had tackin care of Dairean's wounds and had said "son you are special, but it does not matter if are a little blinde or alout blinde because a fox is a fox and a fox will find his true love". His mother had died giving birth to him and he had no siblings or much of a family. His father had died a few years back and he was very lonley. 

You go that ay i'll fallow her Keera said pointing her tail in the derection she wanted him to go. As she started to run of she licked him on the ear and tugged at the furr on his neck playfully, before runnig after the other female fox.



9:56pm Oct 9 2010

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Posts: 2,648

9:59pm Oct 9 2010

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(ill be back in about 10 or 15 maybe 20minutes see ya)


10:01pm Oct 9 2010

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11:43pm Oct 9 2010

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(I waited long...seeya 2marrow))

3:06pm Oct 10 2010

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