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7:27pm Nov 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((OK but again what does that have to do with Corbin and Haphelia? After Haphelia started crying and Corbin walked out of the cave Sapher said he would explain why she was crying...Saphers story had nothing to do with her.))


7:33pm Nov 14 2011

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Posts: 3,163
" But what does that have to do with Hephilia?" Corbin asked. " She's one of us too." Sapher walked away as Corbin stumbled from shock. " Goodbye," said Sapher. " and good riddance." Sapher said under his breath.


7:37pm Nov 14 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Corbin watched as Sapher walked away and followed shortly but kept a distance between them. Corbin walked over to a less populated area of the clearing and layed down staring off into space as he thought about what Sapher had said.


7:28pm Nov 15 2011

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7:46pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 3,163
Hephelia sat. Would Sapher spill the secret? now Corbin would really hate her. She was set to destroy him. Why wouldn't he?


7:53pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Corbin didn't know what Haphilia was thinking but all he knew was that as long as she was out to kill him then he figured that everything would be fine.

((sorry for the fail post.))


7:58pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 3,163
((*wasn't you mean that right?))


8:00pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 5,578



8:02pm Nov 15 2011

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Posts: 3,163
((as long as she was out to kill him everything would be fine. That makes no sense.))


8:09pm Nov 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,578

((Oh. Yeah I mean wasn't. Sorry I just didn't get the other post.))


3:05pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 3,163
Sapher walked into his house. He had a lot of explaining to do.


6:14pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Um...Paige and Corbin fall asleep?


6:33pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 3,163
((what? They go to bed?))


6:40pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578

((Yeah I don't really have anything else for them to do so they fall asleep while your charra talks to it's parents...or at least that's what I got from your last post.Wait no I have an idea never mind.))

Paige waited her eyes closed untill she no longer heard the light paw steps of the elders making sure everyone was asleep before she opened her eyes. She had been following Corbin and Sapher pretty much all day since she had nothing better to do. She had heard what they were talking about and found non of it interesting but she figured that since Sapher seemed so upset after he told Corbin about his family that she would inspect a bit more closly. She got up silently and quietly padded over to the only house in the clearing. That was where the lead family slept and since she wasn't a part of it she, along with the rest of the pack, had to sleep out in the cold. Paige positioned her self under the house and found a little hold in the floor boards that was hiden by a rug and put her ear close to it to listen to what they were talking about.


7:01pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 3,163
" Sapher Scarr! Where have you been?" Alphus said."Out," answered Sapher. " I believe you have some explaining to do yourself. Mom, listen up." Sapher sighed." Menear, I'm an-" " Who was that?" Carefully, Alphus walked onto the porch. He jumped. The welcome mat squealed. He lifted the mat to reveal-


7:04pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige quickly stepped away from the holw when Alphus jumped on the rug. She saw a small ray of light come from through the hole from inside the house and froze keeping as still as she could. She held her breath.


7:26pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 3,163
No one? That didn't seem right. Alphus took a knife out and crawled into the tunnel. He was going to find where it led.


7:30pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige could hear Alphus caming after her and she crawled out from under the house and was smart enough not to go to her rock which was righ outside the entrance but instead made it over to Corbin and silently slipped onto the rock her was laying on and closed her eyes and slowed her breathing.


7:38pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 3,163
Alphus crawled more. No one. " It isn't safe here. We must move" he declared quietly.


7:40pm Nov 16 2011

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Posts: 5,578

Paige kept her eyes closed and waited, and waited, and waited. She didn't dare move a muscle for fear that alphus would be there to watch her move mack to her rock right outside the tunnel.

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