1x1 [no lurkers] {Penny and Mercy}

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5:37pm Apr 2 2011 (last edited on 5:40pm Apr 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 657

(Tess's prom dress:

Tess's necklace:

Tess's bracelt:

Tess's earings:

Tess's handbags:

Tess's shoes:ta:image/jpg;base64,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alt="" width="236" height="214" />


Lindi's dress: but knee-length

Lindi's Necklace/earrings:

Lindi's bracelet:

Lindi's handbag:

Lindi's shoes:

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

4:47pm Apr 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

(( Okay, I'll add Jazz's clothes and stuff later, along with the rest of Angel's))

Jazz looked at Lindi as they waited for the boys in the front of the mall. " Hmm...They should be arrivin g by now." she said, impatiently.Jazz flicked her dark pink hair hack from her face.She was excited, and knew what type of dress she wanted.

Angel shuffled her feet nervously.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

4:54pm Apr 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Yeah, oh wait! I see them, all four of them are here now!" Lindi waited for htem, she was very happy, and had a smile plastered on her face. She couldn't wait, she was probably going to get a purple dress, that's what she'd always thought.

Tess could see the boys coming, and heard jazz and Lindi talking. She stood next to Angel, who was shifting nervously.

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

4:56pm Apr 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

TAro looked at Tess, and smiled. He met up with her. " Okay, dresses or tuxedos first?" he asked, smiling.

Angel's eyes met with Austin, and, she quickly looked down, pink blush laying across her face.

JAzz smiled when she saw Jake. " Hey, what's up? she asked.

Alex smiled at Lindi. " Hey, babe, what's up?" he asked, smiling.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

8:56pm Apr 3 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Well, considering your tux needs to match my dress, i would say dress shopping comes first." Tess said to Taro, locking arms with him.

"So, got an idea for a dress you want? What store we goin' to?" Austin said.

"Nothin' really. Just goin' dress shoppin' and tux shoppin' with my girl." jake smiled.

"Ohh, nothin' much. I want a purple dress though, that work for you?" Lindi asked, smiling.

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

5:44pm Apr 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Alex smiled. " Yeah! That works." he said, locking arms with her.

Jazz smirked. " Ha, well, let's get a move on, boy." she laughed.

Angel blushed, once more, feeling the teasing eyes of Jazz on her, " Oh, uh, I think its...Faith?" she said, not sure. (( Lol, I totally copied fro Justice. But, I couldn't think.))

Taro smiled. " M'kay, dress shop it is!" he chuckled.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:51pm Apr 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Sounds good." Austin smiled at her, he could tell she was the nervous type, one more that made her better, and prettier, and he admired her. He led her off to the store, Faith.

"Yep." Tess beamed, and headed off to a store.

"Tryin' to!" Jake led her off in an opposite direction from exeryone, he wanted to be alone with her.

"Good." She started off to a store, this would be fun!

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

6:09pm Apr 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:10pm Apr 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Angel blushed, he was forceful. Angel liked that about him.

Taro followed.

Alex smiled.

Jazz chuckled.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

7:29pm Apr 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

9:43pm Apr 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

Austin saw the store she had mentioned and was stunned, who knew someone could make so many different dresses?

[Tess walks]

[Jake smiled]

[Lindi walks]

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

5:44pm Apr 8 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Taro finally got to the store. He smiled. " C'mon, let's go." he said, smiling.

Angel smiled, she walked into the store, and saw the dress she wanted right away.She had already had all of the things to go with it, she bought it. Nice price also, and it was made in Paris; 299.99$ " 'Kay, let's go to the tux shop now." she said, smiling.

Jazz smiled. She had found her dress, and had already paid for it online. SHe took the dress and led Jake to the tux shop.

Alex walked along with Lindi, smiling.

((Ugh, no excitement....))

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

1:20pm Apr 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Alright, well I want something... Blue." Tess was glad that this particular store was color coded, she walked over to teh blue section, making sure Taro was following her the whole time, she immedeietly saw a dress that caught her eye, they only had one left, she checked the size, it was perfect. "I"m going to try this one on, what do you think?"

Austin thought that Angel had made a beautiful choice, once they got to the tux store, he grabbed a black tux, and a vest that would match the color of her dress. He then picked out a tie that was the exact same color as Angel's dress and had little swirlys on it, he took it over to the cashier, and paid.

Jake followed Jazz to the tux store, when they got there he knew exactly what he was looking for, a red tux. He got a black tux instead, because the red looked tacky, but settled on a red vest, and tie.

Lindi arrived at the dress store, she saw purple dresses, and found one sh ereally loved,  it was all fluffy, and would make her look light on her feet, and it was knee length, which was perfect, and strapless. SHe went to go try it on.

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

1:27pm Apr 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Jazz siled at Jake's choices. It looked perfect on him.

Taro nodded. " Its beautiful, Tess." he said, smiling. " It's gonna look prettier on you, though." he said, smirking.

Alex smiled as he awaited Lindi,

Angel smiled. It looked really good.She hooked her arm in his, a very risky move for her." well, what do you wanna do next?" she asked." We have all that we need, atleast I do."

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

2:33pm Apr 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

6:10pm Apr 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Thanks!" Tess said, she went back into the changing room, and put on her regular clothes, she came back out, and paid. "Now to the tux store."

Jake smiled back at her, "Wanna grab an ice cream, now that we're done with shopping?"

Lindi back out of the dressing room, to show Alex, "What do you think?"

"Same here. ANythin' you want to eat?" Austin put his arm around Angel.

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

4:39pm Apr 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

4:45pm Apr 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Alex was stunned at how beautiful Lindi was. He was speechless for about 2 minutes. After he regained himself, he smiled. " Perfect..."

Angel blushed a little when his arm was around her. " Oh, if you do, it doesn't matter to me." she replied.

Jazz smiled. " Sure, ice cream sounds good."

Taro followed beside her.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

5:02pm Apr 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 657

"Really?" Lindi spun around a few times, her dress flowing out.  "I'll get it." Alex was so sweet, she couldn't wait for the dance now! She went back into the changing room and came back out a little later, she was in her regular clothes, after paying for the dress she met up with Alex again. "Tuxes."

"Well.... I want to spend as much time with ym girl as I can.  So, I'll get somethin'." Austin smiled at her.

Tess arrived at the tux store, she was stinned and didn't know there was so many tuxes.  "You go ahead, and get a tux!" She said.

Jake led himslef and Jazz off to the food court, he went to the ice cream place, and ordered for himself.

Click to join a fun website! Another site! They're adoptable sites- Silent Meadows and Sunset Beach. They're both run by Iceheart and me! It's free!

5:16pm Apr 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165

Alex mimicked her. " Tuxes, right." he said. Alex followed her to the tux store, and soon got his. It matched Lindi's very well, so, he bought it. " Whatcha wanna do next?
 he asked.

Angel tried to hide her blush, but, it was un-stoppable.She smiled and followed.

Taro did as told, and bought a tux that matched Tess's dress. " Okay, what do ya wanna do now, I think I saw Austin and Angel at the food cuart, everyone should be almost finished by now." he asid.

Jazz ordered also. " I love their ice cream here. Oh, look, it's Austin and Angel." she said, looking over at her sister.

http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/112/872/original/mlp%20guess.jpg?1302464203 OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.
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