( Sexy Vin ) Pirate ( Kelly ) Roleplay ( CH )

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5:37pm Nov 14 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ Before I do my bios.
I don't mean to be all BOW TO ME but.

My male character IS the captain right? o3o
Seeing as.
Captain Hook? ;o; ]]

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

7:50am Nov 15 2012

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Posts: 1,789
Well. I assumed he was. LOL.


8:38am Nov 15 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ Sorry. ; - ; ]]

Name: Harmony Sile

Age: 18

Gender: Female

She's new. ; - ;
Actually all of my characters are extremely new except for Travis  and Nicholas. |D



Two other artists are drawing her as well LOL. I focus more on the pictures then the personality. I've seriously never role played her before but I can make something up for Captain Hook. |D

Other: ;o; nothing. 


Name: James (Isn't that Captain Hook's real name? Captain James Hook. Pssh. :D )

Age: Omg what is the age limit thing for captains. O_O

Gender: Male

Be warned.
These may be too sexily amazing for some eyes. 



(Are you swooning yet? 8I )




So yeah. Colin O'Donoghue. The man makes me weak.

Personality: I know I took forever with these; but it's srsly because I didn't want to take an hour to make a lame personality. I'll seriously get back to this though; I swear. ; _ ;

He's a captain.
With a hook for a hand.

And he's sexy.
This is all. 

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

12:29pm Nov 15 2012 (last edited on 12:47pm Nov 15 2012)

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Posts: 1,789
Uhhhh sexy overload. And just have him whatever age. o_o
Your bio's are FINE. LOL. A lot of people prefer to just RP straight away anyways. The personality and whatnot  can come later. ;D


Feel free to start. ;D!


2:05pm Nov 15 2012 (last edited on 3:50pm Nov 15 2012)

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Posts: 1,789
((OKAY FIEN me first. LOL. If it's... Confusing. Feel free to ask questions. My style might be different to yours. ;D))


Sand. What a funny thing it was.

Ella stared at the subtle change in the colour of the stuff as it disappeared underneath the constantly shifting water of the ocean. She stood, barefooted, watching the waves stroke the shore as the sun began to set on the horizon. The ship had been brought to a halt only an hour or so before on this little tropical island, currently on the trail of an injured phoenix. The Captain had seemed quite intent on tracking the fire bird down, at whatever cost. Apparently their feathers were awfully valuable... And if there was something the people on that ship loved... It was anything of  some value.

Natural. She supposed. Considering they were all pirates.

Sighing quietly through her nose, the red-headed young woman stretched her arms above her head, then turned her gaze further down the shore. The ship was anchored not that far off, the sound of raucous laughter floating towards where she stood, seeming to materialize out of the silence. It sounded like the crew were enjoying themselves. Drinking, probably. Well, that was hardly a surprise. It was a rather common occurance when the ship made port anywhere, especially if they happened to be staying over night, which, in this case, they were. Or at least Ella assumed they were... Tracking something like a phoenix was likely to take time, and the Captain probably wouldn't rush off until he heard something about the bird. It would be a terrible loss of money.

Sighing again, the noise muted as it slipped past her lips, Ella bent to pick up her boots, before she started heading back towards the ship. She had wanted to wait for Nemea, but doing so could have meant she'd have been waiting out here all evening. Nemea was awfully good at her job, probably one of the best trackers aboard the ship, so she tended to spend a decent amount of time scouting once they landed.

Shrugging to herself, Ella turned her eyes back to the seabound vessel, noting it's peculiar dark beauty in the quickly fading light as she walked towards it. The ship itself was incredibly large, and yet pretty speedy for it's size if truth be told. It's dark wood gleamed with a subdued malevolence in the orange rays of the setting sun, black sails down against the masts that stuck out stark against the sky. Huh. Funny how people could be frightened just by looking at it (It's reputation probably the cause of that).

It was amazing in it's own way, really.

 Saying that... Ella had lived on that thing for almost half her life... She was more than just a little used to it; Her personal opinion was most likely biased. To her, it wasn't really scary at all. It was home.

Shifting her boots into her other hand, the young woman stepped onto the plank that led straight up to the ships main deck, her feet making almost no noise as she ascended. She made her way quickly to the top, pausing to giggle at a group of somewhat tipsy pirates who were currently trying, and failing, to drink and dance at the same time. Honestly. If they didn't keep the noise down, Hook was probably going to storm up here and throw someone overboard.

Skipping quickly across the wide, varnished deck, Ella quickly sat herself on the rail on the far side of the ship, facing out towards the ocean. No matter how beautiful the island was, which is was, by anyone's standard, nothing would ever compare to the stunning majesty of the rolling ocean. Especially at times like these, when the lateness of the day set the water almost on fire. It was the one thing that had compelled Ella to join Hook's conquest, all those years ago when the crew had found her and brought her on board.

Yep. A pirate's life was most definately her calling. And she wouldn't change it for the world.

(LOLOL. First posts are always my worst. 8D))


2:35am Nov 16 2012

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Posts: 1,786
[[ o_o

Well then.
Dat post.

I'll get my post up tomorrow when it isn't 12:30 in the morning. |D ]]


2:12pm Nov 17 2012

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2:37pm Nov 18 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ I have something due by midnight tonight that I haven't started so.

Give me til like.
That's when I'm on my thanksgiving break.

Ilu Kelly so much. No hatin' til next Sunday. 8I ]]

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

7:51pm Nov 19 2012 (last edited on 6:45pm Dec 5 2012)

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Posts: 1,786
"YO HO! YO HO! Ah pi'ate like for me!"

"You idiot. It's 'A pirate's life for me'."

"Ah, shuddup." The Indian, as he called himself, said back at the other pirate. He lifted his mug to the man and smiled in a failed attempt to mock him. Granted, the attempt only failed because he successfully spilled half his drink down his front, and the other half on the deck. As he glanced down at the mess, he just shrugged. He would have to clean the deck later anyways, so he might as well wait.

Beaux turned his head slightly at the sound of a giggle. Oh, just one of the ship’s lasses. He was torn on the thought of having girls on the ship. Firstly, the old fashioned part of him said that girls on the ship brought bad luck, the worst kind that brought about the large waves that swallowed ships greater than the one he was on now in one swoosh, and the winds that blew the sails straight off the wood holding them down. Granted, his other side told him... GIRLS!

Beaux raised his glass a moment too late to the girl before her back was turned to him. Well, another day he’d try and seduce her. Or maybe Nemea, or Harmony. Hell, he didn’t know. If he was smart, he would just go for those port girls. They were easy to attract, easy to get, easy to leave. Sticking with a girl on the ship would end in hell. But hey, who ever said that he was the smartest on the ship? Certainly no one who had ever met him and the crew. He was still a deck boy, even though he’d been on the ship for five or six years. Maybe seven? Or the number before four? Eh, he never learned how to count, so it didn't matter.

The boy turned back to his drinking game just as a shadow passed his back. As he turned his head, his smiled immediately disappeared. It appeared that First Mate Gray was out of the Captain’s quarters and here to mingle. HAH. Wasn’t that a laugh. Nickolai had to be the complete opposite of Beaux in their way of... communicating.

“Nickolai.” He said, nodding his head in acknowledgment to the First Mate.

Nick, in return, just looked at him and didn’t say a word. Instead, he turned and walked to the railing and stared at the dark colors inhabiting the sky. The dark purples and reds were mesmerizing, if one was into that. For Nick, it was just another night. He didn't see the beauty, but he did see the waves. He saw the direction the wind was moving. He saw that in the next few days, it would be perfect timing for them to set sail. That is, if they caught the fire bird.

Nickolai sighed, rubbed his temples, and straightened. He approached Ella with an emotionless ex[injection]pression on his face, as per usual. “Ella,” He said, his voice soft like it always was when he spoke. “Any sign of Nemea on her way back yet?

[[ Uhm, sorry that this is... Yeah. |D

FAIL. LOL /shot ]]


4:36am Nov 20 2012 (last edited on 5:43am Nov 20 2012)

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Posts: 1,789
((LOL. That was awesome. And omg, Beaux. xD I am amused~))


8:09am Nov 20 2012

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Posts: 7,283
( So rouch Vin. That post was so rouch. ;o

Uhhh. I have a feeling mine is going to be such a fail LOL. But yeah. Either later this evening or tomorrow. :I )

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

2:11pm Nov 21 2012

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2:06pm Nov 26 2012 (last edited on 2:16pm Nov 26 2012)

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Posts: 7,283
[[ Thanks Kelly for dealing with my questions. ; _ ; 
I found out that in the show, his real name is Killian James Hook. So I'll edit my bio but I doubt anyone is allowed to call him Killian but yeah. -ramble- 
Oh and hey Vin? What did you mean by Nickolai coming out of the Captains Quarters? c: If that was a typo, then ignore my first couple lines but if it wasn't then sorry if I power play your character a bit before he left the room.  I'll erase it if you want; it just helped me move it along lol.. c; ]]

The sound of friendly banter and drunken laughs were muffled as Lukas and I hid in the back of the Captain's room closet. Lukas arm fit protectively around my waist, squeezing tightly with every word spoken beyond the closet door. From what we could hear by the sound of footsteps, the man that was in the room had just went to the door and left.

The door opened. Closed. Just the sound of Lukas warm breath against my ear was the only sign of life in the room. I swallowed, my hands quivering. 
"It's time."

Lukas voice finally broke the nervous silence. His arm loosened around me and he grabbed my hand instead to keep me close. As his other hand went for the doorknob, green eyes stared at me intensely passed his beautiful brown curls. "Whatever happens; if things don't go as planned, you run." 
My same green orbs looked at him in shock, my ex[injection]pression laced in disgust. "I can't just leave you be-" 
"Yes you can. And you will, Harmony."
I clenched my jaw. I wasn't one to follow just any command given but Lukas was different; I couldn't question the man I loved, especially with the way he said my name. I didn't respond and that was answer enough for him to open the closet door. My heart jumped out of my throat, expecting the captain to come in at any time. Lukas jumped out first, before letting go of my hand to start looking through the bookshelf. 

"The button has to be somewhere in here." 
He mumbled, being as careful as possible with the books to see if the button hid behind one of them. We were with another crew before, only there because we had no other place to go.  We had no money and the idea of having just a portion of this crew's Captain's wealth was enough to feed us for our lives. We couldn't miss the opportunity. The rumor was that there was a secret room in his quarters that only he knew of. Lukas thought the only way plausible way was some type of button that would open the door but-

As I started walking to the other side of the room, I tripped, my small body falling hard against the wood. A hot burning liquid dripped over ruby lips but I hardly noticed. I stood up, ignoring the slight ache in my ankle as I looked on the ground to see what had tripped me. A smile came to my features as I looked over at Lukas, who walked to me in worry as the blood dripping down my chin met the floorboards. I only slightly realized the sting on my lip from the cut. 
I said in fascination as I squated down and saw a floorboard just barely lifted compared to the others. We looked at each other with a smile, though worry was still in my love's charming green eyes. We crawled on the floor, looking for some way to lift the floorboard up. This had to be it! Our long journey has finally paid off; we found the secret room with out any problem. 

Finally, I heard a creaking that just barely got to my ears so I doubted it left the room. I turned around to see Lukas pushing at the floorboard, now facing up so it looked like a door. He had found the way to access below. I almost shrieked with excitement; a smile as wide as the ocean outside coming to both of our lips. 

My feet landed on the floor below after Lukas, the ladder old and rusty but served well enough for us to get to the bottom. We turned around to see more then we planned to see of jewels, treasures, and every other form of wealth. "We got it." I said in shock as Lukas fought off his excitement to deal with the task at hand. 

"Harmony, we must hurry. Grab as much as you can. Just one of these jewels could give us a new life. Imagine what more could do." His words barely registered. I bl[injection]inked, shook my head, ran a hand through my short red hair and went to work. It seemed like everything was going as planned.

That was until the eerie, slow footsteps above came to my ears. I had just stuffed a jewel down my shirt as it stopped me cold; Lukas seemed too intent on the jewels that he didn't notice.  The footsteps seemed to be right outside the doorway; no one knew of the thieves. 
"Lukas." I whispered urgently, backing up so that I'd disappear into the shadows. He looked up at me, his beautiful boyish smile soon fading as he saw my reaction. It was then that he heard the footsteps too. He glared, the excitement completely gone from his demeanor. 

"Go." He said, dropping the jewel he had in his hand and pulling me to the ladder. He spoke urgently as he pushed me up. "Climb out that window that we saw before we hid in the closet when the member of the crew had come in. Take the jewels you have. If I get out my tomorrow morning, I will meet you at the place we met this morning, by the pond just a mile from here."

I nodded my head, nervous tears already streaming down my face. No one has ever seen me so vulnerable except for this man; I couldn't lose him now. As I got to the top of the ladder, I climbed over, went to my hands and knees, and looked down the ladder at him. 
"And what do I do if you don't come?" I whispered, already knowing the answer. But no words had to be spoken, for the idea of his death killed me more then any dagger through my heart could.  Instead of answering, he climbed quickly up the ladder until his hand could reach behind my neck, pulling me down for a stolen kiss. "Then all you would have to do is remember how mad I am about you."
 The sound of the doorknob turning had him let go before I knew what was happening. 
He repeated, his green eyes on me. But it was too late. The door opened, showing a man with dark eyes glaring passed me to the opened trap door. He spat to his left before giving me a crooked grin. Even that was dark. 

"My, what have we here?"

I wiped at the blood on my chin, standing up and glaring at him with lips at a firm line. 
"We were just leaving." 
I spat in his direction, refusing to look at Lukas but at the same time dying to get one last look at my love. We were dead; that was the end. But at least we'd die togeth-

"Nickolai! Beaux! Take the man to the beach."
A moment passed as it seemed that he was trying to figure out my love's fate. 
"Behead him. I'll take care of the girl."
He didn't hesitate to kill Lukas, which made me sick. What did he plan to do with me?

My lips quivered as I said with a shaking voice, "You're going to kill me too?" The Captain, though completely out of character, started laughing. He ran his hand down his cheek before saying, "Do you find me an animal? I would never hurt a woman." 

The image of Lukas being taken away filled my mind and another tear dropped. "I'm dead with him; you might as well kill me to-"

"Enough of that garbage. You'll live with out him and you'll be fine."
The Captain glared, taking a swig of his beer that I just realized had been in his other hand. 
"What is your name?"
He said in what now seemed like an irish accent. ( I believe it's Irish in Once Upon A Time and he's so yummy nomnomnomnom. ) I wasn't one to play along but one look at Lukas as he was taken away (? ) told me I should. 

I whispered, and the Captain replied with a smile, 
"Well Harmony. Let me introduce you to Nemea; she'll show you the ropes of your new job."

I paused, gasping at his words. "The ropes? Job?"

"It's either stay on the crew or hell with your mate. And I already told you I wouldn't kill you. I am a man of my word."

Lukas disappeared out of the room with the men, breaking my heart with each inch of distance we had. 

"Welcome to the crew, Harmony." 

His voice was anything but welcoming. 

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

3:55pm Nov 26 2012 (last edited on 2:47pm Dec 10 2012)

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Posts: 1,789
((Okaayyy so. I'll have to improvise with Hook here. xD I think he called for Nickolai and Beaux while inside his cabin. Both of those two are outside on deck LOL. So let's just... Say Hook dragged Harmony and Lukas outside. O_O If that's okay.))


Ella had been lost in thought, her eyes focused firmly on the endless ocean, her ears filled with the merry noises of the male crew members drinking somewhere behind her. She had remained sat on the railing of the huge, dark ship; Moving only when she heard the sound of approaching footsteps.

She glanced over her shoulder in time to catch the Captains right hand man strolling towards her, and she threw him a fleeting sort of smile in greeting. Many people, to her experience, would have trembled at Nickolai's approach. Being as quiet and aloof as he was. It kind of stood to reason that people would be uncomfortable in his presence. Ella, unfortunately, wasn't one to notice a person's solitary aura, Nickolai's included, and as such, felt pretty much comfortable in anyone's presence. Even if it was probably smarter to fear certain people.

The red-head didn't speak until the Nickolai spoke, and she responded to his qestion with a slight shrug, turning her face towards the plank that led from the beach to the deck of the ship. "Not just yet." She said after a moments pause. "The landing group seem to be taking their time today. They might not show up until later this evening." Ella turned her face back to Nickolai, smiling slightly. "Any reason you wanted to know?" She asked, brows raised slightly.

As far as she knew, the ship wasn't supposed to set sail until later tomorrow, so it wasn't likely he was asking because they needed everyone aboard as soon as possible.

It was right about then there was the sound of a commotion, coming from somewhere below deck. A few seconds later, the Captain appeared, bringing two unrecognisable faces with him. Ella's already raised brows raised further, and she twisted her legs back over the railing so that she could plant both feet on the gleaming wood of the deck. Silence had fallen over the previously jovial crew, and many of them were openly glaring at the two that stood with Hook. The Captains voice resonated as he called both Nickolai and Beaux's names, and Ella took that moment to get a closer look at the two intruders.

There wasn't really much about the male, in Ella's opinion, but the girl certainly looked frightened enough. Her wet face betrayed the presence of her tears, and the red-head found herself idly wondering just what those two were doing here. Not to mention how they'd managed to get on the ship in the first place... Someone was probably going to pay the price for that later.

"Uh-oh." The young woman murmered under her breath as Hook declared what he wanted done with the young man. She waited idly for him to declare his decision regarding the girl, and it came as somewhat of a shock that he'd chosen to place her with Nemea. For one thing, Nemea was probably the third pirate on this ship with whom most of the other members had a great deal of respect, (And fear), after only the Captain and his First Mate, and the blonde wasn't all that accomodating with new blood to boot. Oh, dear.


Well. What a waste of time that proved to be. Still. At least now they knew the Pheonix was definately on the island. Which meant it wouldn't be long at all before the group finally found the thing and put it out of it's misery. Unfortunately, it was starting to get late, and Nemea knew better than to keep a group of hungry men away from the ship too long. Not to mention deprive them of the chance to drink themselves stupid. Not that she couldn't handle them if they got a little rowdy, but she much preferred to keep her hands clean.

Exhaling heavily as she trod through the shores wet sand, Nemea allowed herself to stop thinking quite so much about her "plans" for tomorrow. After all, there was no rush to chase the bird. It was, as far as she could tell, injured to the extent it couldn't leave the island, which gave her and her little group of expert hunters plenty of time to track it in their own time. The island itself wasn't particularly big, which only served to increase their chances.

It didn't take long at all to reach the ship, an Nemea knew almost instantly that something was afoot. Drunk pirates were never this quiet.

Frowning slightly, the blonde made her way quickly to the plank that led to the deck, her boots making a quiet click as each one hit the wood. She paused to look at the group of men who had obviously been drinking, then turned her stormy grey gaze to the entrance that led below deck. The Captain stood in front of the door, with a young man and woman who were obviously not a part of this crew. With there being no inhabitants on this particular island, it was obvious those two had somehow made it onto the ship before they set sail on this particular journey.

That, naturally, meant they were not supposed to be there.

Nemea exhaled, eyes narrowed as she heard her name mentioned. If it had been anyone but the Captain deciding this, the blonde would have refused downright. Unfortunately, her respect for the man prevented her from arguing with him about it.

She stepped forward to get a better look at the girl, a couple of the burly men from her tracking group s*censored*ing at the idea of Harmony joining them; Silenced as Nemea glared flatly over her shoulder. For a woman, Nemea was formidable. Even by pirate standards. She was the tallest of the women on board, and her blunt ex,pression, silver blonde hair and stormy eyes even had some of the men feeling uncertain about challenging her.

Turning her attention back to the girl, Nemea chose to delibrately ignore the presence of the male. Hook had already sentenced him to beheading, so there was little use in acknowledging him now. The blonde spared a second to glance at Hook, before allowing a sigh to slip through her nose in resignation.

"Your discovery came a tad late." She said, her voice smooth and musical, despite the bite of cold steel that edged it. "Unfortunately, we are finished for today. You may, however, get yourself up here at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I suggest you don't be late." She paused, then sighed. "You're going to need a cabin."

"She can always stay with me." Ella said, stepping lightly between a couple of pirates. "I don't mind." The red-head shrugged. Truth was, she felt somewhat sorry for the girl. Even if she had been hitching a ride, or thieving, or whatever it was she was doing on the ship; she was about to lose her companion, and this ship wasn't exactly the friendliest to be on when you didn't know it. Not that Ella had ever really been bothered by that herself.

Nemea gave the younger a woman a look, before shrugging, walking over to the group that had previously been drinking, and helping herself to a bottle. She then went and stood by the ships railing, grey eyes focused on the lush greenery of the island beyond the ship.

Ella had made her way quickly to Harmony, before incling her head slightly towards Hook. "Captain." She said in a form of respectful greeting, before turning her moss green gaze to Harmony. "Well then. You'd better come with me." That said, the girl then gently took a hold of Harmony's upper arm, before heading through the door and down towards the cabins.

"So. What's your name?" Ella asked, looking over her shoulder. "And what exactly possessed you to climb aboard this particular ship?"


3:58pm Nov 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 7,283
[[ Yeah we talked about that on AIM sorry for not being clear. ;-;

Yes, pretend that I had said in my post that Hook took them all out of the room so that Nickolai and Beaux didn't see the secret trap door. ]]

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7:21am Nov 27 2012

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Posts: 1,789
((LOLOL. Right. ;D))


8:23am Nov 27 2012

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Posts: 7,283
[[ And while we wait for the next post, why not sit back and enjoy the view of my banner.
Mmmmmm. sexy man. 
Vin take all the time you need; Im in no hurry. ]]

Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!

7:24am Nov 29 2012

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8:34pm Nov 29 2012 (last edited on 7:26am Nov 30 2012)

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Posts: 1,786
[[ Your guys' posts... ohmygod. ;-; ]]

Nickolai nodded at Elle's first comment. No sight of them? Well, that was to be expected, or so he thought. Tracking animals certainly wasn't easy. He had tried it before he joined Hook's crew. He was practically expected to do whatever job he was asked, even if he wasn't qualified. Hence, his tracking days. It had been so long, though, since he last tracked, but he remembered enough to be thankful that another crew mate had the skills to fulfill that position.  He was much more qualified to help the Captain lead the crew, or help manage the ship. 

Nick turned his body just after Elle had, and was tempted to return her smile and reply, but decided against him. Smiling wasn't his thing. Evening? That sounded pretty accurate. And why did he want to know? Well, did he have to have a reason? No. But not answering the girl would have to wait, as Hook had just brought out two stowaways. This piqued Nick's interest. How in the hell had they gotten on the ship? As far as he knew, this particular island wasn't inhabited. That meant they had sneaked in on the last port. Question is: How did they get into the Captain's Quarters without anyone noticing?

Nick walked to Beaux, upon Captain's orders, and plucked the empty mug out of his hand, and put it on the barrel that doubled as his table. He didn't even have to say, or even do anything more. He approached the stowaways, and grasped his shoulder. The man squirmed underneath his touch, and attempted to escape from him. In one quick move, Nickolai grabbed the man's arm and jerked him back, twisted his wrist so he gave in mere seconds later. He took his dagger and cut off a piece of excess rope from a  near pile. He wrapped the rope tightly around the man's wrists, a little too tight, just to make his point. 

Wordlessly, both Nickolai and Beaux grabbed one of each of his arms, and had to drag the man off the ship. It was more difficult than it looked, seeing how they were pretty much caring dead weight (no pun intended). As they got onto shore, Nick could practically feel the excitement off radiating off of Beaux, and the fear radiating off of the man. He glanced over at the crew mate, a curious look on his face. It said it all. 

Beaux glanced over at Nick, noticing his quizzical look on his face. The lad grinned widely at Nick, a toothy grin that showed way too much excitement  for their coming task.

"I've never done this before! The Captain usually never lets me do this kind of thing. I mean, honestly! We're going to kill a guy! I've seen it done before, it was awesome. It was wicked."

Nickolai looked over at his estranged 'friend' with his jaw open. He quickly snapped it shut and looked back forwards. They were a lot further up the beach than they needed to be. He was feeling a bit queasy over what Beaux had said. Sure, he had done this whole process before, but the way the boy described it... He made it seem like a game instead of the death of a thief. Granted, it was not his place to dispute the Captain's orders. But, beheading wasn't something he really wanted to do. 

"Uh, Nickolai. Where are we going?"

Nick said nothing in response as he led Beaux and the prisoner up the large cliff. It wasn't long before he reached the top of the bluff. He kept his hand firmly planted on the man's shoulder as he glanced over the high cliff. Surely a fall would kill a man. Especially a man whose hands were tied behind his back. One wouldn't be able to swim, especially when the huge waves crashed into the rocks like that. He stepped back from the man and Beaux, and nodded at the man. 

"Well, if we aren't going to behead him, can we at least knock him out first?" Beaux said, his voice whiney and almost begging. He got a sigh, temple rub, and a shrug in response. Beaux grumbled and pushed him closer to the edge. Nick... Never letting him have any fun. What a jerk. Promptly, he then threw the man over the cliff. Whether he survived or not would depend solely on his will to survive, and his swimming ability. 

"You should have let me behead him! It would have been such a great story to tell the mates!"

Nickolai stopped and grabbed Beaux's arm. "If you tell then I disobeyed the Captain's orders, I swear upon my mother's grave that it will be the end of you."

Beaux just stared wide eyed at Nick. It was the first time he heard the man's voice not void of emotion. He heard anger, and that made him scared. If there were three people he wouldn't want to be on their bad side, Nickolai was right there at number three. Right behind Hook and Nemea. He just shuddered thinking about that woman. He was a big man, but that lady scared the crap out of him.

"I won't tell... I swear." Beaux said nervously, swallowing a lump that was forming in his throat. He crossed his heart and raised his right hand, just to prove that he wouldn't tell. The only response he received was silence. Oh, what a surprise. Silence, yet again. And it was silence the whole way from the bluff to the ship. They arrived just in time to see that the Captain hadn't killed the woman stowaway... but instead offered her a job upon the ship. 

"Hey, who took my drink?" The first thing out of Beaux's mouth as he entered the ship's deck. The silence of the crew's member's told him it was once person. 

"Hey, Nemea, what the hell? You took my drink!"

Nickolai shook his head at the very comment, and walked towards Hook's quarters. He gently knocked on the door, making his presence known. "Captain? The deed is done."


2:29pm Nov 30 2012 (last edited on 10:56am Dec 7 2012)

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Posts: 1,789

Well. That little bubble of peace didn't last long.

Nemea had been hoping for something a little less noisy. She probably should have known, though. Drunk pirates?... They were never, ever quiet. They had that particular ability to make noise no matter what they were doing. It was probably her own fault anyway, for choosing to stay out here on deck, rather than retreat to her cabin for a quiet night as soon as she'd set foot on the ship.

She watched the group, having gone back to their drinks immediately after Hook had issued his orders. She managed to divert her attention elsewhere long enough to watch as Nickolai and Beaux half dragged, half carried, the male intruder off the ship. It didn't matter whether or not they did their job properly. The poor kid wouldn't survive on that island if he lived through whatever those two pirates were going to do to him. For one thing, there was no drinking water, nor was there anything remotely edible around. He faced a long, suffering death that way. Nemea could almost force herself to feel somewhat sorry for the guy.


Exhaling through her nose, the blonde closed her eyes, then went back to her bottle; Once again focused on the drunken rabble, getting increasingly rowdy as the evening wore on.

It was just as the sun was setting, and the lanterns on ship were lit, that Nickolai and Beaux returned, the latter immediately jumping to the conclusion that his drink had somehow disappeared. The crews reaction to his question had Nemea raising her eyebrows. Oh ho. So now they were blaming her for it. Despite the fact that Beaux had been drinking out of a mug, and she had taken a bottle. Unless of course... Beaux had been planning to drink the bottle... In which case...

Nemea shrugged, pushing herself away from the ships railing, straightening her spine and looking at the white haired pirate with a flat sort of gaze. She took a quick swig from the half empty bottle in her hand, then promptly dropped it over the side of the ship without a seconds hesitation.

She glanced fleetingly over the railing towards the dark, glistening water below. Any other day and situation she might have been a little less abrupt. Unfortunately, she wasn't in that much of a good mood, and getting back to the ship to have the resident flirt throw a tantrum was just serving to irritate her further.

Looking back towards the deckhand, Nemea strode forward, wrapping an arm firmly around Beaux' neck. "I'm terribly sorry." She said, voice resonating with an exaggerated smile as she pulled the young man back to the railing of the ship. "There's still some left, though... Why not go get it?"

Almost as quick as a pirate might draw his sword, Nemea forced her arm forward, effectively pushing Beaux's head forward and over the railing. Using the deckhands own body weight against him, the blonde released her arm from his neck, and forced it under his legs, pushing him up. And straight over the side of the ship.

Yes. It was probably uncalled for. No. She didn't particularly care. It made her feel somewhat better at any rate. And Beaux didn't usually hold grudges. Besides. He was drunk. He might not even remember this tomorrow. And in truth. Beaux knew her well enough to know that it certainly wasn't anything personal.

Looking over the ship with a distracted ex,pression, a voice to Nemea's left made her turn her head.

"Ar. Little harsh, that, wasn' it lass?" A pirate with a bald and tattood head grumbled, looking at the ships railing. He then laughed, a low gutteral sound. "Fiery tonight, eh." He muttered. "Want to blow some of that steam off, missy?" He asked, pulling his sword from it's scabbard with a metallic whistle.

Well that just figured. Drunk pirates. Not only did they make way too much noise. They loved to fight. Or show off, was probably a better way to put it. Nemea could only stare at him for a minute, one side of her lips inching upward in the form of a intrigued smile. "If you wish." She leant over, stole another pirates sword from his scabbard, (Despite his protests), then went and stood in front of the bulky man with the bald head.

What followed was a very fast, very dangerous exchange of blows; Both drunken pirates and sober ones forming a circle around the fighting pair. There was an awful lot of noise involved, mostly made by the watching pirates jeering and yelling, which eventually died when the bald man ended up face down on the deck. He was then dragged away from the range of Nemea's sword, groaning all the while.

"You probably shouldn't drink so much before swinging that sword of yours around." Nemea said, holding her own borrowed blade over one shoulder. "It makes your aim a little awry." She sighed through her nose, then looked around at the other people on board. "Anyone else?" She offered, feeling more than willing to give a few of these drunken louts a little bit of exercise if they felt the need to throw themselves around. A few of them already looked quite up for it. Well that just figured.

((OH LOL. That was fun.))

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